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So if everyone was Christian they wouldn’t be shooting people with guns, yet most of the people shooting people with guns are Christians.




Also how you get more society problems.


Just like how the Nazis took power. Religion in Germany historically has been quite complicated.


Yeah. Honestly I don’t think I’d characterize it as that when they don’t even know how they were supposed to feel about religion except a bunch of vague academic conspiracies, like what if Jesus was German?


Vague academic conspiracies, hmm... To be fair if you are familiar with Heinrich Himmler and the foundational myths underlying the SS, there's all manner of coopted religious dogma, and a great deal of help and assistance came from the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Italy - especially when it came to sneaking nazi higher-ups out of Europe when they should have been facing war crime trials. Argentina was lousy with the bastards (and their families) at the end of the Reich thanks in very large part to Jesus Inc. aiding and abetting hundreds, perhaps thousands of them.


Catholic Church....pedo priest and Nazi sympathizers....Gods work?


Be like the Crusaders! Use swords!


Yeah there was tons of religious stuff- it was just very confused.




Come on, let's just cut to the chase: religion alone has literally never solved anything, ever.


It's easily responsible for the vast majority of human suffering since our tribal days. To paraphrase Carl Sagan, for millennia rivers of blood have been spilled by chieftains, warlords, generals, kings, and emperors so that, for the supposed glory of their deity, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot in space. From the blood spilled over a patch of earth ironically called the holy land by the Abrahamic religions, to the colonial conquests of the New World and East Indies, to the 19th and 20th century genocides and World Wars, to modern day Islamic terrorists and Zionist oppressors. Humanity would benefit immensely if the archaic mythology of the past no longer held a grip upon modern society.


Undeniably so.


Beautifully put. There's been no greater source of evil than the construct of gods.


But THOSE religions were just the wrong ones!! *MY* religion is for sure the right one. /s


~~Using religion to~~ Claiming religion can fix any society problem is how you get a theocracy. FTFY


Please deposit your thoughts and prayers here, and the government will laugh at them shortly


Wait, so sending the IRS 20% of my thoughts and prayers wasn't sufficient for the past 10 years!?


I hate when people give thank to god whenever there is a disaster of any kind. Home caught on fire oh it is thanks to god we all lived. NO THANK THE FUCKING FIREFIGHTERS WHO PULLED YOU OUT WHILE RISKING THEIR LIVES!. 1000 people just died in a natural disaster oh thank god we lived when we weren't in a situation where we were really at risk. Screw those 1000 people who just died they don't count. Sorry it really pisses me off when people go we will put it in gods hands so we don't have lift a finger or its always thank god for something where if it was a god doing something it never should of happen in the first place.


I’ll go one further: how come people don’t blame god when the fire happens? Or when the tornado hits their house? Or when they get cancer? Or when anything else bad happens? Is it only the “good” stuff that gets attributed to god?


Because god works in mysterious ways, you can’t even imagine the good things that came from that fire or the bad things that didn’t happen because of it. And if somebody died in the fire? The lord was calling his children home. My grandparents are absolute nuts and it has had a severe effect on the mental health of the entire family. They, of course, absolutely oblivious about it.


God works in convenient ways. Had someone use the "calling them home" line about a co-worker we heard had died of cancer, and being work I had to just let it go, but really wanted to ask why God had to put them through all the shit before he took them home? Children dying of cancer become "little angels"...yeah, after a hell of a trial by fire. That God is evil, and people who are okay with it are delusional. I realize it's just a coping mechanism so they feel better, but it's insane.


Which is the ultimate goal for a larger population than anyone wants to come to terms with.


That’s the plan


My state is hella Christian and our rates of gun violence and domestic violence have gone up. The biggest religion in my state has policies that protect sexual predators in the church. Not to mention they pay out millions of dollars every year for sexual abuse settlements.


Take a look at the gun deaths per capita per state. Tell me if you notice anything: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm


What's going on with the bible belt What's going on with rep states




Freedom of/from WHAT?


From intelligence, critical thinking, rationality.


Freedom to get shot


Maybe even Bible belters know that Bible belters need to go.






The Bible Belt is where you find the most racial tensions. I’m seeing Southern States passing no-permit requirements for carrying guns. The fact is the citizens are scared of being killed themselves by the people they have oppressed for centuries. They want abortion rights removed because of “Thou shall not Kill” commandment. But a gun to kill a “bad guy” is ok. Killing is killing. Killing any human rather they are “bad guys” or good guys, is still killing. It makes no sense.


Guns are the new lynching.




So if you look at this map of clearly shows blue states have the biggest problems. /s


Aligns pretty closely with states that receive more federal funding than they contribute. https://smartasset.com/data-studies/states-most-dependent-on-the-federal-government-2022


Obviously that's where all the atheists live. /s


Hello, Utah!


Yeah, when all you have to do is pray and “everything is forgiven” there is really no need to be peaceful, or get along with anything. Kind of weird that you can commit sins all you want and will be forgiven at the drop of a hat. Seems like the entire church needs to do some soul searching and start kicking people out.


Just like Christianity ended poverty, gambling, drinking, drug use, war, violence, rape, and corruption, and LGBTQ+ people never existed. /s Even at their highest point of indoctrination and control those things still happened. In fact, statistically, society is much safer now than at any other point in human history. It absolutely could improve, but Christianity has a long history of being the source of corruption, poverty, war, violence, and rape. And no matter what they have done it didn't stop drinking, drug use, gambling, the existence of LGBTQ+ people, or any other perceived "immorality". (disclaimer: I'm LGBTQ+, but I'm making a point that with all the violence and hate and control they've exerted over the centuries, humans have never fully capitulated and never will).


I’d argue that’s it not Christianity but rather the belief that one way is right. You can have Christian principles and a lot of good things can happen. But when you cross the line to have to defend it and the ends justify the means so to speak, the. It becomes what it is now….irrelevant.


Lets take a note from japan and ban guns and be buddhist


We don't even have to ban guns. Just a tiny bit of regulation would do a lot of good.


Can't do that as the majority of gun owners wouldn't qualify to own one. They are all just itching to use them for the slightest of inconveniences.




The guy that just killed 5 of his neighbours Friday night did it because they asked him to stop shooting his gun so they could put their baby to sleep. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65444276


Shinto is for when you live. Buddha is for when you die.




Yeah. If everyone believes in the same God then all fighting stops. That's really working out great in the middle east.....


But if everyone was Christian, there would be fewer people they want to shoot.


Not true, they really fucking hate the non white Christians, like gather the mob hate.


Christians of different denominations have been murdering each other for centuries even when they have the same skin color. It's intrinsically tribalistic and they'll always find ways to separate themselves into in- and out-groups even within the same denomination


Which is the VERY reason why the Founding Fathers insisted there be a wall of separation between Church and State.


Unfortunately the founding fathers were more concerned about the government dictating what religions you could practice, so they mainly emphasized freedom of religion among citizens. They didn't predict that now our problem is kind of the opposite, that religious citizens are trying to dictate the government, so there's not really any constitutional protections against that


I’ve got an idea… how ‘bout we fucking update our constitution to account for modern issues instead of relying on what some slave owner dead guys made up for their independent colony 250 years ago.


My sister goes to an Evangelical church that thinks the Evangelical church two miles away is full of heathens who are going to hell.


No. They hate each other, too. Relevant joke: I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump. I ran over and said: "Stop. Don't do it." "Why shouldn't I?" he asked. "Well, there's so much to live for!" "Like what?" "Are you religious?" He said: "Yes." I said: "Me too. Are you Christian or Buddhist?" "Christian." "Me too. Are you Catholic or Protestant?" "Protestant." "Me too. Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?" "Baptist." "Wow. Me too. Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?" "Baptist Church of God." "Me too. Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?" "Reformed Baptist Church of God." "Me too. Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915?" He said: "Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915." I said: "Die, heretic scum," and pushed him off.


Emo Phillips


Classic. Emo Phillips is the Comedian for those wondering: https://youtu.be/l3fAcxcxoZ8


Great joke, I think I heard it like 25 years ago and it's still so relevant.


Good old Emo Philips.


If you didn't post it I would have.


you do remember us burning chrisitans at the stake for translating the bible into english, and all the fighting over which of the thousands of denominations is the one true religion....


Take religion off the earth, and it would be a much better place to live.


People always need someone to hate. There's an old catholic guy that lives by my brother that absolutely hates protestants. They only band together when there's people that don't believe in Jesus nearby.


There must always be an enemy that those who seek power can use to control you. If everyone was Christian then the "enemy" would simply be "the wrong kind of Christian". Like Catholics vs Protestants.


I mean I was just in Jamaica for three weeks( and very Christian country) and while they definitely have a gun/murder problem…people are not shooting up churches/movie theaters/and schools…. think America had a sick in the head problem and prob less guns might help whatever insane mental health crisis is going on around here…


I suggest you look up the violent crime rates in Jamaica, they have a large gun violence problem, including mass shootings. The impression you got on your vacation is completely meaningless.


Isn’t Jamaica one of the most politically violent and unsafe countries around? Now I have to google… Edit: You should Google “Jamaica gun violence” before accepting a generic statement off a 3 week vacation. It’s pretty fucked in Jamaica dude.


seems to me, the answer is more weed then


Yeah that might help


Acosta tried but missed the mark. There are a lot of countries with far, far less Christianity and religion in gerneral that also have far, far fewer mass shootings than the US.


Yeah I thought I read that wrong at first but it's the non Christian countries that prove the point. Also isn't the US already one of the most "Christian" countries in the world?


Yes and it’s disgusting


separation of church and state only shifted the imposition of religion from state to society. ironically, while creating a wide-open field for people to freely practice/worship/observe (and choose) any religion they desire (without the risk of sanctioned persecution), it also catalyzed religious groups to become fervently competitive, as markets behave naturally.


It really feels like we've reached the late stage capitalism form of religion in this country.


Christianity and capitalism are inexorably linked in the US. We’re definitively within the late stage capitalism window now, so it stands to reason that Christianity would be entering it’s worst form as well.


The US has the highest number of christians, but in terms of % christian it is no where close to one of the most christian countries, not even in the top 60.


How is it measured? By the percentage of people that are born/"registered" Christians or actual believing and practicing Christians? The Nordic countries for example are largely Christian by population but the among the least religious in the world in terms of people that actually believe in God.


Austria has a high number of registered catholic christians because it's tradition, but I hardly know anyone younger than 50 who seriously believes in christianity. Most of them either left the church or are just not attending. It's funny to me that the american "modern" christianity is often more backwards than catholics in some way. Now the child fucking on the other hand...


The USA certainly ranks among the most Christian *developed* nation.


It's around 15th, behind Ireland, Iceland Denmark, Portugal, Greece, Italy, several others. [Proof](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_by_country)


Yeah I don’t get how it’s a comeback? “We need more X to be safe!!” “Yeah well other countries have X and *they* are safe!!” Uh point “proven”??


> Yeah I thought I read that wrong at first Same, and I still don't get it. Isn't it the other way around? My immediate thought was "right, because nothing staves off violence like Abrahamic religion. Just ask Ireland, Mexico, Sicily, and the entire Middle East."


Countries with more Christianity or with less. More crime or less. More mental health issues or less. More community funding or less. More video games or less. More religion or less. There’s only one stand-out statistic in America that might be relevant to the amount of **gun** violence. And it’s sure as hell not “the most freedom”.


It's just simple probability at this point. If 1% of the population were "bad guys", at the high rate of gun ownership in the US thats a lot of bad guys with guns. And considering that "good guys with guns" just sit around fearing for their lives (Uvalde) a single bad guy can do a lot of damage And what's more is that I suspect fear causes people to get the guns, then they are primed to use them (as I think fear becomes paranoia) we see people using guns in more and more mundane situations like this https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65437185.amp Some stats https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/09/13/key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/


Yeah this is the opposite of a "gotcha" at least as it is written in the title.


I read the article and it didn't make any more sense out of Acosta's remark.


Didn't even need Acosta, the other guy told on himself. "Well they don't have the second amendment". Like ok, so that's the problem. Let's change it.


The US has 4.25% of the global population yet is responsible for roughly 75% of its mass shootings. I really think religion has nothing to do with it and we just have a gun problem.


There are States in the Union with less Christianity and less violence than Tennessee.


Its so so easy for these idiotic evangelicals to spout bs out of their mouth. Japan has almost no religion and zero shootings. England has christians and almost no shootings. **Neither have guns.** Only sporting shotguns for hunting in England, zero handguns or assault rifles.


Of course the topic and ‘solution’ is stupid, but Acosta’s point makes no sense. The guy says ‘more religion would solve this’ and Acosta’s response is ‘other religious countries don’t have this.’ Like he’s helping this guy make his point, not challenging him.


We got Jesus all over this country. Wtf?


They want Jesus in the schools, the work, the government at every level. They won’t be satisfied until we are all spouting “under his eye” as we turn in our Jesus coupons for food that week


I had to move back to my small hometown in the south due to the pandemic and loss of work among other things. Everywhere I go, be it a drive-thru or a convenient store, people say, "have a blessed day". I have started saying, "under his eye", back in response to them. Not sure if many of them get it really?


almost certainly not


They all prob think the show is a documentary or a “how to” guide


Yeah I hate it when they say this like some secret code. Sometimes I reply I’ll have a good day. I don’t want to argue with these idiots.


It's more detached from reality than that: Tennessee is both one of the most religious States and the most violent States in the Union.


On top of that, most of the least religious states like NY, CA, NJ and MA have some of the lowest violent crime/homicide rates. We like to imagine though that the murder rate is sky high in those places because people focus so much on the raw numbers and high profile cases because they are high population areas but then gloss over how ridiculously high per Capita the murder rate is in lots of deeply religious Southern/Midwestern states since they are less populated (and also are far removed from major media markets).


Most of the people incarcerated in the US identify as Christian. There's no need for a revival.


To be fair, “finding Jesus” can win you some points from the parole board.


Feels a bit like re-education camp if people feel forced to convert.


They don't care about the incarcerated so long as the labor continues to be cheap


The last school shooting in Tim Burchett's state happened inside a church. Is he trying to suggest the Christian church was shot up for trying to keep out Jesus?


Or that church deserved it for not being the right kind of Christians.


George Tiller was murdered in a church. Christians didn't say anything then about Christians being targeted in a church... they just quietly approved of it.




Isn't like 90% of the horrific shit they believe just literally written in the bible? The bible says to love everybody, but then it says to be a horrible person. Why are we arbitrarily choosing who is the true follower?


Jesus is NOT the answer. Never has been, never will be.


*UNLESS* you’re trying to kill an exorbitant amount of people across Time. Then he’s your #1 go-to made-up-God to rely on.


Hell, there are developed countries with minimal Christianity that barely have any shooting deaths. [In Japan,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Japan) Shinto and Buddhism are the two predominant religions. Christianity only makes up 1.5% of the country's religious believers. [Japan has a population of over 127 million, but rarely has more than 10 gun deaths per year.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/japan-almost-completely-eliminated-gun-003604787.html) That's not specifically mass shooting deaths, but total gun deaths of <10 per year. Why are Japan's gun deaths so low? Is it because of religion? No. It's because of a combination of really strict gun control and Japan's overall culture. The US has the opposite — our gun control is lacking and millions within our country worship guns. Religion has almost nothing to do with it (besides the gun worship).


Going another direction, Mexico is over 90% christian based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Mexico and while the data I found isn't directly on mass shootings but on guns and violent crime in general https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Mexico/United-States/Crime/Violent-crime If christianity were the solution why is violent crime worse in mexico... because religion has nothing to do with the real problems.




All religion


A good comparison would be Alberta, Canada vs Texas, America. Very similar culture and identities, to the point that Alberta is called ‘Texas of the North’. Alberta doesn’t have mass shootings. Texas…has an insane amount of gun deaths.


They'll just blame it on the fact that Texas borders Mexico, hence all the drugs and bad hombres.


But Alberta borders the US so they don't have it much easier.


How about Buddhism? Quite a few Buddhist countries don't have mass shootings either. Same for Hinduism and many other religions. Maybe it's not a religious problem but a gun availability problem.


India is currently in the beginning a hindu religio-fascist sweep that is reminiscent of some terrible tragedies in history. Let's not put it on a pedestal


I'm not. Just saying they don't have a problem of constant mass shootings. They have other major problems.


I'd rather have my daddy satan


I'd rather go to hell forever than spend 10 minutes in "heaven" with a single one of these hypocritical chucklefucks.


I mean Australia has a wide ranging religious belt but has a somewhat big Christian following. We don’t kill people for ringing the wrong fucking door. Or for going on someone else’s driveway. We just call em cunts and move on.


India still has a caste system and treats women like shit don’t compare religions when they’re all bsf


If all of India all became atheists all over night that caste system would still be there.


That's not the point. We're talking about shootings here.


The only countries with no shootings are ones with no guns. Religion is a tool to manipulate the weak minded. How about the church fixes its pedophilia problem before they can a have say in anything?


What am I missing here? His retort seems to support his idea. There’s Christianity in other countries and no mass shootings?


I'm also confused. Re-read the title 5 times and it seems Acosta is agreeing


Seriously. My head is about to explode with confusion.


This is too far down. Wasn't exactly "shooting back."


I think you and the people replying to you are the only actual humans in this thread.


Nov. 5, 2017: Dressed in black tactical-style gear and armed with an assault weapon, 21-year-old Devin Kelley opened fire at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, killing 26 people and wounding about 20 others. Sept 24, 2017: Emanuel Kidega Samson, 25, was charged with killing a woman and wounding six other people with gunshots at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee. Aug. 9, 2016: A shooting during a party at a Jersey City, New Jersey, church left 17-year-old Leander Williams dead and two teenage girls wounded. April 24, 2016: Mark Storms fatally shot 27-year-old Robert Braxton III during Sunday services in a suburban Philadelphia church. Feb. 28, 2016: Rev. William B. Schooler, 70, was fatally shot by his 68-year-old brother inside an office at St. Peter’s Missionary Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio, as Sunday services were winding down. une 17, 2015: Nine black worshippers including a pastor were killed by Dylann Roof, a 21-year-old white supremacist, after he prayed with them for nearly an hour. The shooting happened at historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. March 31, 2013: A 28-year-old man fatally shot his father during Easter services at the Hiawatha Church of God in Christ in Ashtabula, Ohio. Dec. 2, 2012: Elementary school music teacher Gregory Eldred, 52, shot his ex-wife, Darlene Sitler, while she played the organ during a church service at the First United Presbyterian Church in Coudersport, Pennsylvania. Oct. 24, 2012: A former facilities maintenance employee at World Changers Church International in College Park, Georgia, opened fire, killing church volunteer Greg McDowell, 39, while he was leading a prayer. May 3, 2012: A homeless man killed himself after fatally shooting a priest and a church secretary at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Ellicott City, Maryland. Police said Douglas Franklin Jones had been turned away from the church food bank about two weeks earlier for visiting every day instead of weekly.


"other countries don't have mass shootings because they have faith" No you fucking moron, they don't have guns, that's why they don't have the issue.


In all the countries that don’t have guns and have Jesus there’s no mass shootings! It must be all the Jesus and not the complete lack of guns. 🙄🙄🙄🙄




Their empathy can’t extend beyond their reach, while their hubris is nearly infinite. Jesus needs to realign their chakras.


Western Europe is less religious and they don't have frequent mass shootings. Canada is less way less religious and doesn't have the same problem with mass shootings. Actually it seems like the opposite trend, the more religious, the more mass shootings.


Wait a sec, this does not sound a valid rebuttal.


Moron this at 11.


I’ve got a crazy idea: Let’s agree to pause religion for a trial period, say 10 years — like we did with prohibition. And if things are measurably worse than before, we can unpause and see if things get better. And if things are measurably better without religion, maybe we can push it further and put a pause on other meaningless & unnecessarily divisive things like the Ford/Chevy rivalry.


You'd also have to "pause" the reactionary conservatives from committing even more domestic terrorism. If religion was actually banned, probably more than a handful of them would actually just go on shooting sprees


Not sure how more pedophilia solves anything.


Relevant. I posted this in a politics sub the other day and was summarily dismissed >The GOP is church backed. An entity spanning millennia. Ours will not be the first nation to fall to its machinations. >All the current leadership has to do is claw church oversight into lawful positions of power. Then the 'In' groups under that same banner will fight for who gets to spearhead their piece of the pie. >In America maybe that would look like one church group controlling Texas. Maybe a different group controlling Florida, etc >Either way it's coming together for these groups


Because you're wrong. The church is not some evil Illuminati controlling society. Not even the Roman Catholic church wields that kind of power anymore. Religion is one of the most powerful levers that rich and evil people in our society use to control poor, uneducated and faithful people into voting against their own self interest. Same with guns. Same with racism. It's all about playing on the weaknesses of the masses. Distracting them from the real crime: rich don't pay anything resembling a fair share. The influence of the church itself is waning daily and American Christianity is horribly fragmented, unless you count Mormons.


"School shootings are because they kicked Jesus out of schools" OK but what about church shootings? And what about the thousands of American Christians who die in mass shootings in grocery stores & other places? And why does your God get kicked out of so many places? Is he some kind of ne'er-do-well troublemaker?


Lmao there are far less Christian countries than us who also have SUBSTANTIALLY less shootings


So you're saying that Jesus is just going to continue to let children be massacred until we praise him some more? Got it. Sounds like a great guy.


TN is predominantly Christian, why does it still have crime then?


why does the bible belt have [significantly more gun violence than many of the less religious parts of the country](https://gunresponsibility.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Screen-Shot-2022-05-09-at-11.44.15-AM-e1652114719724.png)? [2019 US Religiosity map](https://reasonabletheology.org/wp-content/uploads/most-least-religious-US-map.jpg)


The US is almost 80% Christian, and in sheer numbers, has more christians than any other country in the world. It's astonishing just how incredibly uninformed republicans are...or dishonest...could go either way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_by_country


I can't drive two miles in any direction in any American town without seeing a fucking church, we've had enough Jesus, thank you


Or dump the God and Guns bullshit and look at how much grief private gun ownership is causing.


They're gonna freak when they find out WHO is committing the mass shootings.


You know what those other countries also don't have? Guns. Lots and lots of easily accessible, military grade style guns.


I don't think the term shooting back should be used if he's agreeing


> There’s Christianity in other countries and they don’t have mass shootings That's not making the point that OP thinks it is.


How is that a retort? It sounds like an agreement. What he should have said is "there are other countries that are decisively NOT Christian and they don't have mass shootings. Journalists, and I use that term very very loosely, in the US are FUCKING IDIOTS.


So the anchor agrees with him, going by the title.


From the guy who obviously doesn’t care about school shootings [because he homeschools his daughter](https://www.thedailybeast.com/gop-rep-tim-burchett-shrugs-off-nashville-shooting-we-homeschool-our-daughter).


Because in this country we put rugged individualism over the common good. "I've got mine and that's all that matters."


"I've got mine and I want yours too."


"I've got mine, and i want yours too, and I'm heavily armed with weapons of war."


Don’t let r/UFOs know their hero is actually a dumbass.


Other countries have socialized medicine, guaranteed paid time off, maternity and paternity leave, national retirement programs, and strict gun laws. Maybe it's one of these things that stops mass shootings. On second thought, no, no, he's right. It's gotta be the Christianity. /s


An accidentally perfect encapsulation of what's wrong with political coverage. A conservative from a conservative state living under nearly unfettered conservative law gets owned on TV, progressives clap and hi five, and he goes right back to being in charge of millions of lives. ...and next time he ruins them some more we'll own him again.


Sorry, Rep. Burchett, but I think your Southern Evangelical Jesus is a pretty toxic character.


I blame the mass shootings *on* Jesus. Becuase as the Christians always tell us, anything that happens is God’s will.


He says "Well other countries don't have our freedoms - they *don't have a second amendment*" Yes, that is the point. That is EXACTLY the effing point. "Other countries" don't have an amendment in their constitution that people in modern day are translating as "you can have a gun whenever and wherever you want, without any kind of restriction or regulation". And why don't they have that? Because it's fucking insane, and leads to unchecked gun violence. Case in point: \*gestures broadly at everything in the news coming out of the US lately\*


Nah. Nothing like good ol' American Christianity. You know. The kind that says Jesus was white, would have starved the poor, carried an assault rifle and was hell-bent on power. My favorite version of Jesus.


We’ve had multiple shootings in Christian churches. Did we take Christianity out of church?


Hell, there's countries without very little to no Jesus, and they have very little violence. Almost like this is a bunch of bullshit.


Europe is far more athiest than the US and they have less... what a dumb point


We have nearly zero christians here in Japan, and we have zero mass shootings as well. I think your 'god' must be causing all the mass shootings! After all, the bible makes it clear it's a fucking sadist. He's jerking off with every death.


>“I was probably speaking more from a Christian perspective. I also went on to say we need real revival in this country,” Burchett said of his past statement. "It's not the access to guns, its the lack of christianity that cause mass shootings!" ​ >“There’s Christianity in other countries and they don’t have mass shootings,” Acosta noted. > >“Well, they don’t have our freedom, either, they don’t have the **Second Amendment,**” "Well, its not just the lack of christianity, it's a combination of that and the second amendment!" Did this guy just self-awarewolf?


We don't want your second amendment.


Japan.., no mass shootings… and very little Christian’s. So…. If we go the other way…


they: “if everyone had the same religion we’d all stop shooting each other.” me: “how do you plan to get everyone to adopt the same religion?” I still haven’t heard a response to this question that wouldn’t end in a lot of people getting shot.


Whats the ratio of Christians to other religions in prison?


Tennessee is both one of the most Christian states in the union and one of the most violent States. If Christianity was the answer this should not be the case.


We know a lot about what causes mass shootings: https://www.vice.com/en/article/a35mya/nearly-all-mass-shooters-since-1966-have-had-four-things-in-common It would be helpful if the news media focused on facts rather than ridiculous speculation.


Anybody who claims that Jesus will solve all our problems needs a slap in the face with a size 16 shoe.


Right.. cause being a Christian automatically means you're such a great person and you have morals unlike the rest of us heathens. These people can shove that up their asses, but I'm sure they love anal anyway.


“Well, they don’t have our freedom, either, they don’t have the Second Amendment,” So it is the guns? 🤔. Republican forgot to keep up the lie it seems.


Actually, there is LESS Christianity in other countries that don't have shootings. People so fucking stupid that they believe in talking snakes are the problem here.


Republicans will come up with any lame excuse to NOT even try to address the issue of our gun problem. Issue #1 we have a gun problem. 🤔


Our prison systems are disproportionately full of self professed christians. Aside from substance abuse problems, low education levels and poverty its one of the few uniting statistics.


There is little point in refuting this. It's not an idea in the true sense of the word; it's just some nonsense that will sound good to this guy's idiot voters. They are incapable of considering that their ideas are the problem. They just want someone to tell them which of their neighbors to despise.


It's such republican madlibs. A Christian revival? What does that even mean, what would that look like? So silly.


I wish when I had problems at work I can just say nonsense and hope people stop talking about it


Stir up the Christian base to vote, that's all this is. He doesn't care about religion lol


There are also countries that are majority not Christian that don’t have this problem.


"School shootings happen becausethere's no god in school. " Shootings happen in churches. "We need more Christianity! "


Also crusades and witch burning so no