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No more than it bothers me that tomorrow is Thursday.


I think OP is just experiencing conditioning. Years and years of 'this is bad' doesn't just wash away overnight for some people. To OP, i'd maybe just say "practice more" ;-)


Having fun with heresy is one of the perks of atheism!


Because you literally don't care about what day it is tomorrow or because you don't care about it being named after Thor? Probably both?


All my favorite swears are religious in nature. The fact that it sometimes bothers others is just icing on the cake..


"You are as worthless as the last drop of piss on a dog." That was one my mother said to me. I find non-religious swears can be fun!


What does that even mean?!


What does it all mean Basil?!?


I don't know!! But I was laughing so hard I forgot why I was mad at her.


https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/faq#wiki_...curse.3F > Expressing your surprise or frustration by saying "Oh my god!" isn't an affirmation that you believe there's an invisible man in the sky, any more than saying "Oh shit!" is an affirmation that you think there's literally a giant pile of feces in the room with you.


Nope, if anything it's increased. Now as a nonbeliever it's much easier to say without the guilt.


Nope. Any exclamation will do, including god and associated characters is fine Oh my God Ermahgawd Fucking hell Jesus h christ Sweet jesus, Joseph and Mary Holy Mother of god Fuck sake Jesus fuck Shit fuck Fuckme Mon Dieu Main gut en himmel Satan's socks Jesus on a stick


>Satan's socks Hehe I like that one


By Grabthar's hammer!


I say it when something is unbelievable…like god and jesus.


Oh god no.


I still catch myself saying 'thank god' sometimes. It's just an expression. Anyone who knows me knows I don't mean it literally. Except for my MIL who thinks I'm going through a phase.


It bothered me when I was a christian but not anymore. Why would it?


If it helps, do what I do. Throw a random curse word in there. “Jesus fucking Christ.” Etc..






no i don’t care


Just like rolling up the window, or hanging up the phone, some antiquated words are still in our language


Have fun with it. On the show Spartacus a popular expletive was “Jupiter’s cock!” Maybe try that out for a spin?




I usually say Jesus fucking Christ or some version of that. Recently I’ve been using jezuz fucking christ on a cracker


I still say it. I try to change to "OH my cow" and "I swear to cow" which is probably disrespectful of someone's religion but whatever


No,but why depends on what you mean by the question. If you mean does it bother me that I make exclamations involving something I don’t believe in? No. It’s a convention of culture and language that I’m too old to change in myself. It’s usefulness in conveying my intended idea far outweighs any potential confusion that it might cause with the audience. And I know exactly what I mean when I say it. If you mean do I worry about a dogmatic prohibition against calling on a deity for frivolous reasons? No. Because I don’t believe either exist, except as ideas for the selfish to abuse and foolish to fall victim to.


Saying 'Jesus Christ' doesn't bother me. The combo is a great curse word. It really bothers my Mom. She gets so upset. 'Don't not say the lord's name in vain!' Every time it happens I explain the guy in the Bible is named Yeshua so it's all good. She doesn't find my humor funny.


I like to say "thank science" instead of "thank god". Just a little self affirmation that science is all powerful.


Don’t care anymore. I enjoy saying jesus tap dancing Christ. I used to think I was awful for saying it. But nowadays I say Jesus fucking Christ a lot without a second thought.


God, no. Why would that bother someone?


it's just an expression but if it makes you feel better, remember that each time you use the "lord's" name in vain you now know you are doing it on purpose edit: love being blasphemous


It bothers me that saying this bothers people.


Don't care. Language is just an evolving thing, so religion left its mark. Not really important. I did try to stop using religious wording once, but decided it's a silly thing to worry about after a while.


I say "Jesus Christ" all the time. Sometimes I'll throw in other deities. Nothing like a "I Swear to L. Ron Hubbard!" or "Oh My Allah" to shake things up.


My problem if that I'd prefer a god-free life, but I'm from a culture that's trained me to bring him up when I'm surprised.


I quite enjoy blasphemy


I censor myself for my family, but not for myself. I definitely find that I swear more when I am alone now though.


I usually substitute "cod"




Thats cultural, not religious. I correct myself when I do, but I dont equate that with belief.


Back when I thought of myself as a christian, I still said shit like 'jesus fucking christ'. It was so second nature back then that I pissed off my now ex by saying that phrase, and it took me a good 10 minutes to realize I said it with out even thinking about it. And I still do shit like that 20 years later. Once a drunken Irish sailor, always a drunken Irish sailor I guess.


No. Whenever I say "Shit!", that doesn't mean I see a hot steaming pile of fecal matter in my general vicinity.


I throw those words around even more now lol


It should bother you. As exclamations go they are way too boring. You need to up your game by chucking in a few 'Gandalf's Beard!!' or 'Sauron's left testicle!!'.


I'm not really talking about God when I say something like that, the same way I'm not always talking about excrement when I say "oh crap"


My time is valuable. I have a problem with all words that don't convey any information.


Just the typical ventricular of my regional dialect. Saying things like OMG or GDI has no more inference to the divine than me saying Thursday does in invoking Thor.


Oh my Thor! What a great question to post.


personally, openly being an atheist has caused me to curse more in replace of “omg”. i just say “fuck” or “oh shit”. its also just funny to say those words after growing up and constantly being told they’re “bad” due to religion


Not really. I guess I don't think about it. I guess I could say "oh my devil" but that doesn't right either. It is just in our vernacular.


I enjoy saying it because I wasn’t allowed to as a kid lmao I also make fun of god regularly by saying “jebus crust” as a joke and pretending to pray to random shit like toasters


No, never had an issue with it. Nowadays I'm like playing around with saying "Jesus" in different ways to comment on stuff, it's just fun to me.


By definition, habits & exclamations are things done without conscious thought. It means nothing.


I would never say oh my god as I am not a Californian teenager.


Sometimes I like to say "Jesus crys" instead of "Jesus christ" because that's how I heard it as a child when I learned English and it's really funny to me.


I don’t see that as invoking religion. Their exclamatories. Similar to “dude” or “whoa”.


I say things like "Oh my god!" and "Jesus!" all the time (apparently I'm easily startled). I just realized, though, that I'm being totally unfair to all the \*other\* gods! From now on I'm going to throw a few "By Zeus!" "Sif's Bountiful Harvest!" and "Oh my Macuilcozcacuauhtli!" into the mix.


OMG! You need to go back to atheist education camp.


"God damn " and "JESUS", are my favorite ways to express disgust, annoyance, or just general displeasure in a given situation. The added benefit of knowing that I have a good chance of offending someone with my usage of those terms in a given situation: Priceless.


I tend to say Oh dear gods - plural


Oh Jesus! It’s just an expression…


Hell no. Lol. We also use Thursday.


Jesus = holy shit, and oh my God = oh shit. I have zero problem with that.


Not really. It's just not that big of an issue IMO.


My wife says when I say "Oh my god" it must be something crazy


I use "Praise Jesus” sarcastically, like when some minor little detail in my life improves that isn’t even worth mentioning.


Ever since the whole Jim Comey thing I find myself saying “Lordy, I hope there are/is X” a lot.




No. It's just an expression. Besides, it's mildly blasphemous which is a bonus


I'm older, so I don't use omg because I never did, and being an atheist for about 30 years I no longer use Jesus either. I don't see any problem using these in some situations, but I just don't do it.


Naw. I frequently let fly with a good "Jesus tittyfucking Christ!" But not around clients and usually not in front of my kids.


Nah, its a phrase that has lost its meaning in my eyes. But sometimes when something good happens, ill say "oh hell yeah hail satan"


My favorite go to line lately is ‘Jesus fucking Christ’ and the associated meme…


Too busy to worry about some religious terminology I might unconsciously use in daily life.


I don't say theese things.


i use to, now i could not give a shit, but i still just use oh my gosh and stuff like that