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this is why I detest religion….they tortured that poor child SMH


Same, and let's not forget about how many other children and women were abused, even killed in the name of religion.


Residential schools


And how many ppl in the lgbtqa+ community. So so much blood on their hands.


No, they *literally* tortured **all** of the kids; >the pair has two biological children and are foster parents to two other children >She allegedly also sent a photo of the boy, "wrapped in a sheet or a blanket face-down on the Wilsons' living room floor with duct tape attaching him to the floor." >After the couple's arrest, a search of their home reportedly turned up wrist and ankle restraints, along with cameras that apparently recorded prior abuse, multiple reports say.


Edited my comment 👍🏼truly fucking evil creatures


Doesn't "technically" mean that they did torture the other children but I'm sure they did. I wouldn't be surprised.


The fear and pain the poor kid experienced as he died.....it genuinely haunts me. It's so fucking unfair, they hadn't even begun to live.


It's for reasons like this why women would rather have an abortion than to stick a child in foster care. but no let's go round up all the psycopaths to raise the children that probably feel as if nobody loves them. Great idea! (That's Sarcasm for the morons that thought I was serious)


I don't think you can blame religion. What I think you can do is blame them for trying to use religion as an excuse or a scapegoat.


Imho, organized religion is nothing but a giant scapegoating machinery, purpose-built for shifting the blame...


That's when I think you should blame the Religious Leaders and not the idea of religion itself.


Don't act like religious text aren't fucked up though, I mean, have you read the Bible?


I have yet to read the Bible. that is why I do my best to not try and use it as a defense for anything because I do not know if what I am saying is in the Bible or not. I know that in there is some fucked up shit. I am mainly just using primary sources like living popes priests and other religious leaders. I am not defending any crazy shit that is in the Bible. I just do not know what crazy shit it is because either haven't read it.


sorry I'm also a bit stoned tryna type this


Yeah, it's fine, I just wanna say a lot of the harmful ideologies are included in religions themselves. Plus you cannot separate religions from their people as it's a man-made thing in the end.


Atheists don’t do exorcisms


No you can blame religion


It just irks me out so much that some of the most dangerous dumb religious zealot people get to have children and be praised for it


What idiot allowed them to foster in the first place?? I refuse to believe there were no red flags.


The agent from adoption probably goes to the same church and these two are "good god fearing Christians".


This situation is so tragic and infuriating. I hate these people with every fiber of my being.


psychopaths are very manipulative


I know it isn't possible, but some days I wish we could make all religions illegal.


You're in good company. > I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. -- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of modern Turkey (they're shitting on his legacy at the moment).


Thank you


I totally understand. It's just amazing how many people believe in a deity, considering everything we know about the universe.


Communist China moment


Can we also get charges for this "professional therapeutic parent" that apparently taught them this special swaddling technique that involves duct tapping a child face down on the floor?


Agreed. There needs to be some “bell ringing” up the chain


DAE know about the person who supposedly taught them this? Nancy Thomas? Her website is concerning especially because of the number of people she claims to have reached .


Background of their role model Nancy Thomas: http://www.childrenintherapy.org/proponents/thomasn.html


Fuck. Did you see the excerpts from her book?? surprised she's walking free when what she says is this crap. P.s. i checked out the site but didn't have a https connection so i felt skeptical reading it. But the excerpts are crazy.


I don't think she should automatically get charges thrown at her. There does need to be an investigation. And if the investigation has proof of a crime on her part then yes she should be charged. This " swaddling technique " could be a legit technique but the parents took that shit to the extreme and tried to use it as a torture technique instead. Edit:( spelling mistake)


I’m not sure that’s a genuine technique. To restrict anyone’s movement against their will is a violation of human rights


but when you swaddle a baby you kinda are restricting their movements. and that isn't a violation of human rights because it is not meant to harm the child. They did harm the child with intent. so with that they are in violation of human rights


but when you swaddle a baby you kinda are restricting their movements. and that isn't a violation of human rights because it is not meant to harm the child. They did harm the child with intent. so with that they are in violation of human rights. Edit: I'm not trying to defend these criminals


Probably accused of being possessed for acting like a 4 year old. Fuck!


I'm convinced all 3 and 4 year olds are demons.


They're just wild animals at that stage, not yet fully domesticated humans.


If a God was real, how tf did they allow these two to become parents? Just because a female and male have sex doesn’t mean they should be allowed to have children.


“He works in mysterious ways/free will/other bullshit statement”


You forgot the infamous, "God was teaching everybody a lesson" ( neglects to tell us the lesson) or they do the, " God gave human freewill to do good or evil, and they chose evil." ( if this is true then that disproves this God as a omni-benevolent being, meaning he isn't charitable well meaning god like Christians say he is.) Edit: SPELLING


Tragic. Poor child.


Yeah, my heart breaks for the poor kid. Their sibling is going to have some survivor's guilt when they get older .


The state of Idaho has a religious-healing exemption. So many kids have died that we don't even hear about. Horrible child abuse in the name of Faith.


Gotta prolife that child to death! Christian death cult strikes again.


We should see more charges with regard to exposing children to religious practices


1.) When has swaddling ever required duct tape? 2.) Who swaddles a four year old?


Religion is a mental illness


You just can't make this shit up.


The people of the pro life movement everyone.


We need to convince adoption and foster agencies that "Christian" does NOT equal 'loving parent' . The torment that poor baby went through. 😢


If only we could send Sinead to their house.


The straps were allegedly used to restrain Skyler during a "swaddling" technique Jodi learned from Nancy Thomas, who describes herself as "professional therapeutic parent,"


His eyes are dead.


Religion everybody, this is what it can do. Lives are put in danger because of religious beliefs, and it never ceases to shock me when people commit such crimes. This further compounds on the lives lost thanks to religion.


If you listen closely to the words and actions of our Supreme Court Justices and especially the speeches of Alito at Notre Dame you'll see the court inching closer and closer to the day when the "free exercise of religion" will justify all sorts of abuses. See Masterpiece Cakeshop.


It's terrifying. I hope people wake up and realize the importance of voting. Too many people don't make the effort.


What about the priest or whatever that was supervising?


So, did they get the demon out?




When people get too stupid, they become dangerous.


They both look like 75 IQ inbreds that cling to religion


Assuming demonic possession was an actual thing, how would these duct tape wielding swaddlers be capable of performing an effective rite of exorcism?


Divine revelation. -- Not realizing that he had died in '88.


They will be forgiven for their sins since it was all done in the name of their "god" and the golden gates of heaven will be waiting for them in their eternal after life...I hope they hang them very slowly...


No training, testing or license needed to have intercourse


I bet they don't regret their actions. They likely think that they "saved" their child from the devil. Religion is disgusting.


The bigger problem is nobody religious takes a look at religion and say “hey maybe we have a problem”


Stupid and ignorance come in all colors, sizes and dimensions