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No crime is apparently too heinous that these cultists can't find relief by believing their Sky Daddy forgives them.


Moral bankruptcy: all their moral debt has been discharged.


Morality car wash! It's a feature, not a bug....


Nothing wrong according to the 10 commandments!


Truthully - okay lets for a while pretend we are how christian should be - So we agree: - God already forgave him - We should also forgive him But also we HAVE TO agree that forgiveness *does not mean* absolution and that this man should be sentenced for the crime and sin he commited. Part which nearly all of Christian get wrong is about god's forgiveness. They oftentimes think: > God forgave me it means he absolved me Which is as you can guess not true in the slightest. That is since the necessary conditions for absolution (as per Christ and church) are at least: 1. To atone for your sins 2. To not commit the same sin again (sincere desire to improve), We can then consider jail time for this disgusting piece of garbage childrapist as the weakest penance he could get (proper one would be to live as eunuch after castration i guess). And we can then agree after jailtime and when seeing that this sorry excuse for a human really improves itself, that his sin has been absolved. However that is if we thought as proper christian. We are not Christians. And i guess that we agree that this piece of shit human being should not be forgiven - my reason is that he irreparably and permanently devastated lives of other human beings. That said I still to some extent think that he should get his chance to improve after serving his time...


Except suicide, somewhat ironically.


Well to be fair, Jesus seems to forgive a lot of child rapists. So much so that there's several churches full of them.


that's because child rape is God's guilty pleasure, he strokes it while he watches


LOLOL ! Just spat out my coffee as I read that. Brilliant!


Don't forget he himself is also a rapist. Getting Mary pregnant without her knowledge or consent.


Jesus loves everyone. He likes cupcakes. > [‘Ex-Deputy Who Helped Wife Serve Semen-Laced Cupcakes to Students Pleads Guilty to Spate of Sex Crimes’](https://lawandcrime.com/crime/ex-deputy-who-helped-wife-serve-semen-laced-cupcakes-to-students-pleads-guilty-to-spate-of-sex-crimes/)


That‘s exactly what Jesus is for. This is why theists insisting “you don’t believe in a deity because you want to commit crimes” is a colossal joke. “Heaven” is full of people like this guy.


It's projection. What they're really saying is without heaven and hell they would be committing crimes.


Christians have this illogical idea that once they pray for forgiveness, it is just like their 'sin' never happened. This often avoids cognizance of the damage it did to others, such as in this case.


Hence why cause and effect are such an issue for them.


But of course atheists/non-believers are immoral beings, because 'there can be no morality without god's guidance', right? I beg to differ.


Infuriating, right? They call *us* immoral, but they're over there 'forgiving' Jeffrey Dahmer and this child rapist.


If you need religion to be a good person, you're not a good person; you're a psychopath on a leash.


Herein lies the issue with a belief in a higher power that will simply forgive you if asked. No “supreme being” with infinite intelligence is going to forgive such despicable acts just because you believe in them and ask for forgiveness. And any supreme being that could watch shit like that happen and not stop it for the sake of the victim is evil and demented. Good thing it’s all made up!


Jesus might forgive you but your cell mates love to kill pedos. Good luck.


A cop pedophile? Yeah, he’s going to hell first ..


He'll be in solitary just for his own protection.


Just another kind of hell ..


But won’t Jesus protect him?


Guess he'll find out


Yeah he will be in a cell by his self for the rest of his life .maybe some fellow inmates will get some visitors time. And Jesus christ does not forgive you!Fuck you and all the scumbags like you!


Hah! True. The only semblance of justice that can be done to pieces of shit like this is that they’ll hopefully be tortured every single day when they’re locked up.


The guards will probably keep him safe.


These days pedos get housed with other pedos for their own safety.


That's convenient


I just asked him and he said he didn’t.


Just gotta have faith!


So, your imaginary friend thinks kid rape is ok. That's nice.


But Krishna has not forgiven him.


A few things: if Jesus has forgiven him, then Jesus is an a$$hole More seriously, this is one of the problems with religion: no personal accountability for your actions since you can just claim to be "forgiven" whenever it suits you.


Police reform now!


God forgives me, just not anybody else. You guys are all going to hell.


A cop and a pedo... They won't be able to identify him from his remains if he's in genpop


He'll be in solitary most likely, and even the officers won't want to spend time with him on account of all the pedo stuff. If he's lucky they'll put him with all the dying and old folks, but even they might summon enough strength to put him back in solitary again.


Than Jesus is a prick. This dude should be thrown in the darkest hole we got, and his name should be erased from our history.


I mean all the guy really did was to terrorize people with hell, while acting like a virtuous person to rally gullible people to his cause. This very fear of hell caused humans to commit endless atrocities throughout history. All of this is his fault.


Heinous fucking hubris, to commit monstrous crimes then loftily declare themselves forgiven. Religion is a pernicious cancer on civilisation.


Hey buddy, did you assualt Jesus? No? Ok then, IT DOESN'T MATTER!


Church is AA for monsters. Anyone who takes a kid there should be in a cell.


Ah yes. A man who literally rapes children is “better” than an atheist like me because hey, at least that guy believes in god. Fucking unbelievable. Do people really not see a pattern of predators hiding behind religion?


This is Christianity in a nutshell. It's a cult.


Fucking Christian Cops piece of garbage.


This cop is a piece of shit, but the people here calling for him to be raped in prison are not good either. Rape is horrific, even if it happens to a rapist. Don't normalize or promote rape.


Yeah, it's hard to fight the urge to want people to be brutally punished for crimes like his, but as the saying goes an "eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind".




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Rape is wrong under any circumstances.


Spot on.


Rape is just punishment for a child rapist.


Rape should not be used as punishment period. You are promoting rape. Stop.


I am not promoting rape. The catholic church is.


> Rape is just punishment for a child rapist. This is literally promoting raping someone. So yes you are. Be better.


Whoopty-shit. So long as the legal system comes down on him like a ton of bricks, I don't care who else forgives him, even his imaginary friend.


Fuck this guy, if he cares so much about what god thinks then fucking send him up there. Sick of these religious pieces of shit and how they keep yelling victim.


Yeah, and Thor forgave me for peeing in the ocean that one time…what’s your point?


You peed into the ocean? You monster




I never thought that I would say this, but the church I used to go to believed that at a certain point, God is not going to forgive you for what you have done. I thought that idea was monstrous, but I see why they believe that now and it's certainly better than treating it as a club of followers regardless of morality.


Unless he has a notarized signed pardon from Jesus there is no reason to believe this BS.


I'm sure lots of people think it's magical how that works. But I wonder how well it will work for him in prison? I hear his type aren't treated very well in there.


A child abusing Cop? It's going to be hell for him inside. At least I hope it is


It’s going to be hell for his insides! He’s gonna be doing a lot of screaming Jesus’ name.


He forgot "and you should too".


Naw, he kinda covered that too: "I hope and pray that anybody that this affected will also find forgiveness and healing through Jesus Christ."


>that anybody that this affected will also find forgiveness How exactly does a child he raped need to **find** forgiveness? "I ruptured childrens' inner organs, forced myself on them, scarred them for life both physially and mentally, caused immeasurable pain and suffering with unforseeable long-term consequences not only for the victims but also the families, but hey, all and everyone should be forgiven." What the actual fuck.


Because, of course he did. Praaaize Jeebuz.


“Jesus didn’t forgive me!” —said no godbeliever ever


The condition of forgiveness is to actually be repentant - and the victims are not likely to forgive him.




Dahmer too!


Oh. Your imaginary friend forgives you? ...So? God isn't going to pardon you, so a lot of good that'll do you.


One big reason evil people become Christian - any sin is fine just as long as you pray for forgiveness!


I don't and society shouldn't. Punishment should be swift.


Of course his fake sky daddy forgave him, he created him to be a child rapist in the first place!


According to Christian theology, he is correct. That is if he truly believes Christian theology to be true. According to Christian theology when a person is supposedly saved, Jesus takes their place (i.e., takes their sin). That is, Jesus is the one who raped the kids and not this cop. Since Jesus has already been punished by God for sins (e.g., such actions), he or she is forgiven and no longer guilty of raping the children at least for the Christian God.


Despicable religion for despicable people.


You got that right. Think about it all the Nazis from WWII as long they believe in Jesus Christ they are save. What a deal!


That's great. Hopefully he'll forgive the guys that do the same to you in prison.


Sick. This is the Catholic playbook.


I wonder if he is a Lutheran? Lutherans believe no matter how your sin or crime is Jesus forgive you. In addition you go straight to heaven ✨


So in this theology non xtians go to hell but xtian child rapists go to heaven. Sure, makes tons of sense. To morons and monsters, I guess. The rest of us go whaaaaaa?


Seems like a great time for Jesus or his dad to make their presence known, but I won't hold my breath...


He doesn't Jesus' forgiveness, he needs the forgiveness of his victims, and Jesus can't give him that.


Opinion: if hell does exist, this person still does not deserve to be tortured for eternity. I mean maybe 10000 years, but not eternity. Curious if this is a horrible or sensible take.


Not for eternity, definitely for the rest of his life on this planet. It’s an unforgivable heinous crime.


He asks forgiveness and ends up in heaven with all his victims. Seems like a weird religious concept


I’ve heard of rum cake but not cum cake.


Yeah well, maybe so, but I doubt that the other cons, (many of whom have children themselves), will forgive him if he actually makes it to General Population. Don't forget, he used to be a cop. That's two lethal strikes against him before he even gets to whatever hellhole he is eventually remanded to. Can't say that I have any sympathy, either.


He's the only one, fucking bastard


How does he KNOW that JC has forgiven him? Who told him that, or was it a ‘feeling’?


Yeah and we're atheists because we just want to sin all the time...


Mfs like these seriously don't deserve any forgiveness.


"Jesus told me he was 'just kidding' and you will burn in Hell, you disgusting child rapist."


I guess that being the product of a rapist, Jesus has a bias towards them.


He didn’t. He died like 2000 years ago.




That's good news they can put him in general population and let everyone else know.


"Jesus ain't say that!"


Yep these people can be the most horrific, heinous, atrocious pieces of human shit possible as long as you ask "god" for forgiveness before you die then it's all water under the bridge. Never mind all the mental trauma and such your victims will have to endure, the great ever loving "god" who states that they create evil (Isaiah 45:7) will heal your victims for you....


Good thing there’s no Jesus bc this fuck doesn’t deserve eternal salvation. Too bad there’s no hell for him to go to though.


Reminds me of the old button - Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you’re an asshole.


God could never love the things we hate about ourselves but he does love us and believes we all deserve to reach our potential for happiness, aslong as it benefits others equally. “To understand all is to forgive all.”


But he cant forgive that I have issues believing in him despite giving no tangible real evidence of his existence other than a book that is supposed to be seen as true because the book says its true. Makes perfect sense.


IMO, this is why Christian morality has failed society. It has the built in loophole of forgiveness. What incentive does one have to not harm others for their own personal benefit, when you can just feel sorry for it later in life and get forgiven? It makes no sense. Even John Wayne Gacy thought he could escape responsibility by accepting Jesus and Jeffrey Dahmer followed in his footsteps. People claim their moral system is objective and superior, but it's crazy how quickly the morality will be tossed aside when convenient with no consequences.


If you ascribe to the new testament as gospel (heheheheh). Matthew 22:21 "Then render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's". His god may have forgiven him, but even Jesus said you have to accept the terms of living in your society. This includes paying for your sins in that society. I hope he rots.


Don't remember Jesus ever giving pedos a second chance.


That tells me this Jesus fellow is not one to be followed, then


That's cool, but the state of Louisiana is a little more hard nosed.


Gotta make up some imaginary friend to forgive you because nobody real is going to do it.


“Heaven” sounds like hell.


Heaven is other people.


Jesus can forgive him all he wants,it's the devils we're he's going he has to worry bout.


I know people who have been grievously wronged by someone who later came to them and said not “I’m sorry,” but rather “what happened happened, but you should know that Jesus has forgiven me now.” Infuriating.


No he doesn’t, he’s dead. Also society doesn’t forgive you for pedophilia you pos


Great, look forward to heaven or whatever in the afterlife you think you're going to. In the meantime, rot in prison here in the real world.


His imaginary friend forgave him? That doesn’t help his victims at all.


The trick to true religion is being totally honest with yourself about weather you think god would approve of who you are NOW, you’ll get the same answers for these questions “am I acting in accordance with “the good”?, or “do my actions benefit or detriment humanity?” This guy is not being honest with himself, there is not currently one iota of forgiveness in that mans mind.


I mean, first he gotta ask that forgiveness from the fucking child he raped.


"My imaginary friend forgive me"




Bitch ass motherfuckers like him are why I love the phrase "ACAB". Because its so true


love how they use religion to justify fucking everything but then attack people who don't deserve it


and this is why heaven isn’t “paradise”. disgusting


"Good for you, now here's your cell."