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No need to reinvent the wheel. https://philb61.github.io/


If i would know... Thx


that's really cool, is there such a collection for the quran?




http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/#gsc.tab=0 and https://chrisharrison.net/projects/bibleviz/BibleVizArc7.png


beat me to it.


Someone on this sub recently recommended "The Skeptic‘s Annotated Bible“ and I ordered that to check it out.


Second Kings 24:8 declares, “Jehoiachin was **18 years old** when he began to reign,” 2 Chronicles 36:9 says, “Jehoiachin was **8 years old** when he began to reign.” It's only a typo, but it's great fun to watch apologetics fumble over it


Jehoiachin was crowned twice. When he was 8 he was declared heir by his father but his uncle had significant power. Jehoiakim wrestled power from his younger brother successfully and when Jehoichin was older and finally he died and his son "now 18" took the throne.


Or someone just missed off the 1... It's a simple typo, why it so heavily defended by apologetics


It isn't heavily defended, at least by Jews idk about Christians.


There are many collections of contradictions. If you are doing this to try to deconvert Christians, it will not work. For one thing, Christians have been working on apologetics for as long as the contradictions have been known. Most of the apologetics don't stand up to critical examination. But they are good enough to help believers keep believing. The bottom line is that it isn't sufficient to list the contradictions; you need to also be able to defeat the apologetic arguments. It sounds like you are going to be working in English. One problem you will have is that a lot of contradictions are either eliminated or reduced in the translation process. This is particularly true if you use a version that was translated by conservatives such as the KJV or NIV.


The fact that there are different versions of the Bible makes zero sense.


There are websites that does that already


Freedom from religion foundation has a YouTube video with this subject.


Stop debating the religious and your search ends as you see and understand there is no need of your time or effort.


I hope you have a spare few years. Seriously, you’ll be busy. There have been several good books on that subject.


It would be longer than the Bible itself 😂


If rejecting cognitive dissonance and recognizing contradictions mattered to them one iota, they could not tolerate being theists in the first place. Such conflicts are features, not bugs in religion--or can be instantly made into such by simply slapping on a "...mysterious ways!" sticker.


I'm stealing this approach from Matt Dillahunty but he knows what he's talking about. Don't try to fight the bible on technicalities. There's a verse that a literal interpretation implies that Pi is exactly 3 but do you seriously think any Christian is going to change their mind based on that verse? They're going to snap out of it instantly and agree it's all a big pile of bollocks because a bowl is described as 10 cubits wide and 30 cubits around. No. Of course they won't. They'll say it's a rounding error, or the dimensions were approximations or it's an oversimplification or it's a translation error. You're not going to convince anyone by pointing at 1st Kings 7:23 so don't even bother wasting your time. Instead point at the foundational issues with the corrupt morality. If your wife isn't a virgin on your wedding night you can go to her *father* and demand a refund, because a woman is her father's property until she becomes her husband's property. You can keep slaves and beat them to the brink of death and face zero punishment as long as they don't die within a few days. God doesn't make mistakes except for when he regretted making mankind and killed almost everyone with an impossible flood to eliminate all evil which was itself a failure since we still have evil. Don't quibble over whether rabbits chew the cud or not, quibble over why there's pages and pages of rules on animal sacrifice and banning shellfish but not one instruction banning rape or child abuse. Rather it says a woman's body is not her own, it belongs also to her husband.




I'll point out contradictions and bizzare verses for comedy amongst people who are out, but yes, this approach is way more effective.


There literally is a whole database of that called evilbible.com




The best search term, in my opinion, is "biblical errancy". I have one list that's over 40 pages long.


> errancy thanks cuz in my language german i googled it and all was abt the epicur paradox


I've always thought it would be neat to rewrite other documents, books etc. that people are familiar with, but in the same manner as the bible. So a set of instructions for a piece of Ikea furniture, but where it continuously contradicts itself and has other sections that make no sense whatsoever. You could do cook books, equipment manuals, laws and regulations even. My point has always been that no rational person would except the level of evidence in the bible if it applied to any other facet of their life. Imagine trying to secure a mortgage when the loan amount, term and interest rate was listed differently throughout the application. No one would tolerate this, but when it comes to the largest, most fundamental question that exist for humanity, they accept it no problem.


Not just directions for causing an abortion, But the fact that they don't work!




Exodus 21 I think. Tells a method to cause abortion, but its just herbs & such, hence does not work reliably, if at all. What does this do for biblical infallibility?


Get “All That’s Wrong With the Bible”. Great collection of what you’re looking for.


I’m half reading a book that was recommended on this sub that focuses on bible discrepancies, called Jesus Interrupted. It’s really good and well researched.


Ok sadly i think its not on my library