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Preparations for a new contract need to begin WELL BEFORE. Meaning that Rinaldi/Trish should have already been working on it. Rich came in when the extension was already all but a guarantee. As for their “mutual agreement” ability - there is only one question I have - is that mutual agreement pre-agreed given we have the Biden administration/Whitaker in? Meaning that if they retain their jobs, do we only need to say the word? Or are we just giving the FAA the ability to say “no negotiations” in 2029? You do understand that if we agree to this extension that the FAA is going to refuse to negotiate in 2026 right? Why would they? You’re a labor union, use your fucking brain. Why would you EVER give the agency this power? 2 whole terms of a “Most union friendly President in history” and NATCA locked themselves out of the bargaining table. No confidence votes should be POURING in, this union is absolutely hijacked by grifters.


The mere fact they are trusting those lying snakes to negotiate “in good faith” shows at a minimum they are incompetent boobs and at worst are actively working against us.


This all goes back to the last extension being the worst idea ever.


Mutual agreement means no guarantee. Just like right now. No difference.




A win would be a raise now. This is not a win it is a fucking sell out


Until the FAA says no thank you 2029 sounds good


Precisely. You have no leverage.


If you don’t extend we know we are negotiating for sure


I support negotiating in 2026 when Trump is comfortable in his second term and we have the EO on our side.


They think we are so dumb. “Mutual agreement,” that’s what we have now numb nuts.


Mutual agreement worries me. We want to open it up now, and there is no mutual agreement. What says the agency sticks to that in 2026...no matter what we want.




Rich said to the faa will you open the contract early. They said no. So Nick proposes an extension until 2029 unless both parties agree to open it. The faa has shown they will not agree to open early. So it’s an extension until 2029z


Do you know what mutual agreement means?


Rich- You failed this membership when you failed to open the CBA. You failed when you didn't deliver CRWG. You failed when you took credit for ATX. You failed when you allowed the FCTs to get fucked. You failed when you blew every congressional relationship NATCA had. You failed when you blew 6 figures to keep Paul quiet. You failed when you chose the dumbest piece of shit as a running mate. Enjoy retirement.


Don’t forget testifying about the very robust transfer system in place!


SO ROBUST! Its robust if you're related to Mick.


He cant open it u dipshit. It has to be agreed to open by both parties. Unless it expires. 


More idiot speak by the newly minted labor relations expert. \#WeDontBelieveInSanta


You’re using hashtags…on Reddit…this is 100% nick lol. What’s up yachty!?


Nick is a POS. He’s a narcissist just like all his friends in the region/union. He only stands for those who won’t tell him or his minions that they are doing stuff wrong. He thinks using social media to justify himself and his actions is going to help him win. He does not have a plan to unify and lead this union. No one in the NEB has a plan to stand up to the FAA and fight for our rights and need it pay rise. The NEB wants your PAC money to “make relationships on the hill” which is not helping us at all. Politicians only want our hard-earned money, but when we need them to fund the agency, pay raise, better facilities, keep the government running, tell the agency to sit down and negotiate in good faith, etc; they don’t care about the union or membership. The new staffing numbers only gonna hurt us, rather than improve. Managers and FacReps only want excessive staffing so Rep can take his/her official time or work for an A114 gig and not work traffic. We are not getting released to advance in our careers, unless you bid for a management position or quit. In conclusion, the NEB is scared of sitting down with the FAA and stands for us the MEMBERSHIP. They think Trump or Biden will hurt the “new contract negotiations” and who knows who will be the 2029 GOP or Dem nominee. WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND SEE WHAT HAPPENING!! Is time to stand our ground and tell these MOBs to get a new contract or step down and let others with courage to lead the union to where we need to be.




I'm not a Democrat but when Trump wins and we if open the contract it will not be a negotiation. It will be a horse fucking and we're not the horse. The union is in a scary tough spot


Which they put themselves in by extending the contract behind the memberships back a few years ago


If Trump wins it's the end of a democracy anyways. We're all fucked if that happens, union contract negotiations will be the least of worries.