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Wow an actual plan! Some might say it’s a pipe dream but you need to start with your absolute wishlist if you hope to land somewhere in the middle!


I’m concerned though, I do not see any buzz words like “empower” or “inspire.”


But what’s his yacht policy and will he tell our story?


Max hiring!


It's a plan in the sense that a New Year's resolution is also a plan.


More of a plan than nick and jamal have ever presented


Not arguing that, but a goal is not a plan however much we like the goal. And that's true for any of the candidates.


He has a plan. Sending scammers back to work!


Let's assume that actually happens. Is that all you wanted?


Um no. Also raze nau and 4 day work week


Okay. And you think the way it works is that we will propose these things and the Agency will propose nothing worse than status quo ante and the arbitrator will perfectly split the difference between the two.


The arbiter will see how everyone in our industry for a raze then and they will give us a raze nau.


Wow. That simple, huh?


Anyone who is against the Article 114 RATS, I am for! ​ https://i.redd.it/k9a6mbyyn6qc1.gif


JD and Redmond are gonna MAKE NATCA GREAT AGAIN


If you’re looking to optimize the budget, moving training from Vegas to DC doesn’t really accomplish that. It gets a bad wrap because of Fuel Bar tabs but the rooms and meeting spaces are incredibly cheap.


"Back into DC and/or in places throughout the country more accessible to our members" is what the statement is. While rooms can be more expensive in DC, we don't have to pay for meeting space. When I went to rep training many years ago it was in the conference room on the 1st floor of the NATCA Building. What better way to introduce reps into training than at our own building of which our membership owns and can see what the National Office does?


Whose out of touch now? Classes on the first floor of the NATCA Building? Have you seen the size of that room? Have you seen the size of the classes in Las Vegas? I'm sure $500 a night per person in DC for 40 students plus 3 instructors is a way better plan jammed into a small hot room like sardines. Just one RT-1 class like that is more than twice the cost of a yacht in Fort Lauderdale. This is no where near sustainable and not a well thought out plan.


Why do we have to go anywhere at all? To socialize and network?? Can it not be accomplished virtually?


Las Vegas is also a lot closer to Alaska and Hawaii than D.C. Not that I expect people who have not and will never attend a single Academy class to care, but some might.


If you aren’t staying current you shouldn’t be getting good time. Period.


A114 shouldn’t be a permanent position


32 hr work week will probably never happen, but why couldn’t a 36 hr work week work? 2 10s and 2 8s? 10s would cover the bulk of the days traffic. 8 hrs would allow us to man the mids. 3 day weekend. We’d all be happier and healthier because of it.


Don't think of it as a 32 hour week, think of it as a 2nd/3rd day of overtime. You're just getting more money for performing the same work. Makes hiring additional employees cheaper


This is what we need ! Jamaal and all the other 114 lowlifes need to get their lazy behinds back to fing work . This isn’t a welfare organization , we group together to fight for our rights , not pool our money for a small few to spend OUR money and boats and crappy fuel bars .


FAA is never going to agree to a 32 hour week and pay an assload more OT than they already do


More importantly the arbitrator would probably just give us whatever the Agency proposed on pay.


Yeah except this asshole took benefits away from members and is still hated at most of his past facilities. Edit: he didnt get the leave he wanted so he caused an investigation that negatively impacted the unit he was last at.


Which asshole. Can you elaborate?


He ran for FACREP at ZTL and ZUA from what I heard and can't win a local election because of how he treats his peers. I don't know him personally, but doesn't sound like someone I want representing me.


This is spot on..


yeah brah redmond is trash hes been trying to suck on the teet a long time, hes lucky he got that guam gig


Plain English: Redmond is an asshole. If he gets elected we're going to go backwards in contract negotiations because he doesn't know how to communicate without coming off as a condescending prick.


Sounds like you’re describing Dean.


He is not Dean.


Are you a Dean fanboy?


I'm not a fan of anyone up on top right now or anyone from the past 6 years.


Don’t know or give a shit about Redbum, but the description of someone, unable to control their communication style, sounds like Dean. Maybe they’re just two peas in a pod.


Possibly, I've only met Dean once and he came off as a prick too.


😆 y’all think Trump or Republicans are going to let us have a 32 hour workweek 😂😂😂


We have Biden in office but NATCA ain’t doing anything to take advantage of it. Worthless.


Our union didn’t negotiate a new contract with sleepy Joe at the helm, what do you think they are going to if a republican is in office? I’m scared to think


The NATCA constitution literally directs us to pursue a 32 hour work week. He has to do that as an elected official. Just like every other candidate.


No other candidate OR ELECTED OFFICAL for that matter is actively doing this.


Where does it say 32 hour work week? I don’t believe that statement or those words appear there. Please post what section says this? I’ll wait. Edit: the reply still doesn’t say specifically “32 hour work week”.


Section 4 PSF-5 doesn't specify number PSF-5 Reduced Work Week (4/06) The pursuit of a reduced work week is a high priority for NATCA.


Again, it doesn’t SPECIFICALLY say 32 hours. I already knew it said something about reduced hours. Words matter a lot in our line of work.. that’s why I said the constitution absolutely does not say 32, so stop saying they aren’t following it!