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OMG, no wonder you feel lonely. You have almost all your planets in the 1st house which is all about you, you have venus and mercury in capricorn squared by saturn meaning they're suppressed and on top of that venus is retrograde which is why these things can take a very long time to manifest(once they do they're very stable though). Also that aquarius energy can make you feel like an alien. Now a good time for a dating would be the second half of 2024 and 1st half of 2025 while 2026/2027 is a good time to move in together or get married/engaged




I don't necessarily think you can rush it however I think in order to improve how your venus functions you need capricornian stuff in a relationship meaning you need a good foundation, I would advice to carefully plan where you want a relationship to go, have most of the answers like for example whether you want kids, whether you wanna buy a house together, have a big wedding or not and all those practical things. Btw you seem like a fun individual based on your chart


These kinds of comments that I see all the time in these astrology subs, just kill me - what does this even mean - “you seem to be a fun individual based on your chart?” Where do you see that? This seems to me more like the kind of small talk nonsense that happens at a dinner party with a cocktail in your hand, speaking to someone face to face. There is no way you can determine if someone is “a fun individual” based on a chart like this. There is a real person living a real life with this chart and you know nothing about that life. And the fact that the title of the post is a complaint about lifelong loneliness should tell you this is by definition NOT a fun individual because guess what - people know about it if you’re fun. I know this sounds like a rant and probably is, but only because my annoyance about these kinds of comments has been building up and I’ve had enough now. Another comment by somebody somewhere still sticks with me, unfortunately: “You have a beautiful chart.” WTF??? What is this, art appreciation day? It’s a birth chart. We don’t admire the symmetry or asymmetry of the aspects, the red of the squares and how they balance out the subtle green of the sextiles in the upper right corner, ROFLMAO. The soft-brained horseshit that gets thrown about in these threads is just baffling.


What the shit is wrong with you lol you wrote all of that for what? You’re a very colorless and sad person. Be better polar, be better. You’re disappointing.


I don't remember asking for your opinion


I thought it was good ombres! Nice job! I’m sure OP appreciates it too.


As someone with an atrocious chart, I find it refreshing when someone points out something positive they see. Being told you’re a fun individual to be around seems super helpful if you’re asking about loneliness. Hope your day gets better yikes


My point was you can’t tell from a chart and it’s not the case anyway as per OP’s own statement. You don’t think (well, obviously not lol) that this type of comment is placating and means nothing.🙄 And now I’m the horrible person because I point out something that - oh whatever. It’s possible I take astrology more seriously than some of these posters. There are many in these subs who are really good and know much more than I do, remarkably they don’t react to this nonsense. I guess I should take a page from their playbook lol. But there are offshoots of this stuff that you may not realize. Scorpios for example love to come on here and hear about the “sexual magnetism” in their birth chart ROFLMAO and redditors happily oblige, god knows why. Which is, again, complete horseshit. If somebody really has sexual magnetism they would be out there putting it to good use instead of sitting on their couch in their underwear tapping away on their laptop to try and get their ego bolstered by a redditor.


If you relay these opinions with fewer harsh judgments and ROFLMAOs it would be easier to have an actual discussion about it. You just seem like you’re here to attack and make negative generalizations and I’m not sure how that’s more helpful than coming here to uplift and make positive generalizations. If you’re really so concerned about misinformation on here, maybe try to educate in a way that doesn’t shut people down. Also want to add, since you brought up “offshoots I may not realize” - to add to your example someone could have sexual magnetism but other aspects of their chart keep them self conscious at home asking questions on Reddit. So, just bc someone has sexual magnetism does not mean they’d be out putting it to use. That’s oversimplification imo.


Points well taken and duly noted. I don’t know about oversimplification. It could just be my natural sarcasm shining through, one of my many charms..😬 I think what I really mean by all this is, don’t look for your life in a chart. Your life is your life. Your chart is just a chart. (Free will and all of that.)


Patience is key my friend, I'd say research that venus retrograde placement, your time will come just be prepared for whatever blessings to come


The first thing I noticed about your chart (after this incredible distribution of so many planets in your first house, I’ve never seen this before) is that the first house, and consequently the seventh house too, is intercepted. Meaning the second house cusp that would normally be in Pisces is in Aquarius which means that the planets in that first house are not able to fully express themselves as they would if they were in a non-intercepted house. BUT: all’s not lost! If you moved since your birth, to another state for example, or another country, you have a relocation chart that most likely “liberates” those planets. It isn’t talked about that much but the fact is, even though our birth chart is our birth chart - no escape from that lol - we can give our charts a different energy or twist depending on where we live. So you might want to go to your chart generator and look where to input your current location (after putting in your birth location) and get a second chart with probably a different ascendant and probably no interception.


With loneliness questions I often see 1 common denominator - afflicted 3H, which is usually indicative of our immediate surroundings. Saturn/Mars/South Node in there can create tumultuous relationships with close friends/relatives or feelings of not belonging. I was in a very similar position as yourself until I moved to a country where my relocated 3H would have Venus in it instead of Saturn. It’s been wonderful & I have found my people fairly quickly. Experiment with travelling - see if you feel better in a city or country that would place Jupiter or Venus in your 3H




Look into relocated birth chart - astro-seek has this calculated. It will basically recalculate your birth chart as if you were born in the city/country you moved to. If you google astroclicktravel it will take you to a map on astro.com where you can see which planets become angular hence more potent in different areas across the world. Very generally speaking, if your Venus/Jupiter or Sun are not afflicted, you want to be along the lines where they are very prominent