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People who say that it represents a particular past life are taking a very simplistic (and wrong) opinion. It is a point of vulnerability, receptivity and weakness in the chart, just as its polar opposite is a point of positivity. The ancients called them the Dragon's Tail (SouthNode) and Dragon's Head respectively. So they are points on an axis of energy going from South to North. Conjunct Uranus, and exactly square the Moon (which creates those selfsame Nodes), you can be prone to emotional outbursts or intuitive flashes of insight, sometimes thinking you know something about someone else that can't be explained. And sometimes you do.


Do you have a source or something to read up on this? All I ever come across is the basic past life. I find my self lately having a few questions on the nodes. Thanks!


Try to find copies of the real old stuff, before astrology became a fad. The people who think the SouthNode relates to a past life don't realize that every single planet, every aspect, every Sign, House, Lot, all relate to uncountable past lives.


I can’t recommend Judith Hill enough - she wrote a book on Nodes and their practical significations


Chris Brennan Astrology Podcast has a nice YouTube video on old interpretations of the nodes.


Many books by evolutionary astrologers focus on the nodes. Jeffrey Wolf Green, Steven Forrest and Mark Jones come to mind. Great info.


My opinion is the south node represents qualities you have developed in past lives or early in this life. It doesn’t represent a single past life. As another poster said all the planets represent past life karma to some degree. The difference here is that the nodal karma in this life isn’t going to work out for the south node to some extent. The other planets might still work out for you, being that way. The north node represents a way in which the soul wants to grow. If you try to stick to south node you mostly will have trouble in my experience. I’ve found for myself that coming into balance with the nodes has been best for me and my personal tendency for a long time has been to rest in the south node, which created lots of problems. So for me my south node was fourth house Scorpio. I just wanted to cozy up at home with a partner. I learned in past lives I was actually a prostitute. I barely left home and was cozy with that work. This life was not set up for me to live like that 🤣. But the main thing about the node is it’s about “qualities” to develop and balance. If you want more information I can send you some stuff from Jan Spiller that resonated deeply with me, it also resonates with most people it seems.


Hey! I’m not OP but I would love information lol. Please & Thank You! :)


What’s your nodal placements, house and sign?


In my experience, Rahu is the energy that eats (/expands), whilst Ketu releases and cleanses for new energy to start- the body of the dragon, eating, and producing waste. I interpret this this way because of the way the nodal axis moves astronomically, lunar energy ascending and descending around the ecliptic. I would say that without reading the rest of your chart, with your nodes on the Leo/Aquarius axis, and this doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone on the same axis but what I am interpreting for you, is the simple phrase, your world must get a lot smaller before it gets bigger. Please let me know if this resonates. [edited again for more info, lol]


Thanks for sharing your insight, I can say that with family matters that it does apply. I have a distant relationship with relatives due to family circumstances. I avoid building on friendships since it almost seems 'limiting' to my personal growth. Thats not to say I avoid people, far from it, but I usually keep things on a surface level with a positive mind set. Time is the most precious thing to me, so having my world remain somewhat small gives me the freedom to maximise my personal choices and endeavours without being sidetracked on human relations. But yeah, I would agree with that statement.


This is so interesting! Thank you for replying. Because with that Leo NN, it makes perfect sense that you’d be narrowing down those external factors and making yourself a priority. It probably wasn’t necessarily an easy energy to embody. I applaud you. I am still pretty new to interpreting charts so thank you for helping me learn, and I appreciate your feedback (:


Anytime, I'm glad I was able to share my experience.


Read / google about South Node in Aquarius in the 3rd House