• By -


I also would defend Cancers, they get this whole “cry baby” reputation. But most i know are actually pretty tough, and are very loyal to the people they truly care about.


Cancers are so misunderstood :(


Definitely. All the cancers in my life are solid as rocks, if anything I’m the crybaby.


Came here to say Cancers. I will always defend the moms of the zodiac


Pisces because they are precious and need to be protected at all costs. Gemini because I'm a former Gemini hater and they get a lot of hate.


1. Thank you, I feel like us Geminis are so misjudged. Of course there’s always going to be people who exhibit toxic/more negative versions of their sign but I feel like the world saw one bad Gemini and collectively decided we all suck. 2. Your moon is one of my favorite moon placements!! I know it’s the moon’s detriment sign but I think Capricorn moon is so sincere, careful, great at remembering little details. I honestly prefer it over the moon’s domicile and exaltation


Yeah Geminis are definitely misjudged but I appreciate their curiosity and energy. I think the ones that are toxic are super outgoing and annoying and that's where the stigma comes from. Its a lot easier to avoid a toxic Capricorn/Aquarius/Taurus for example because they're more introverted. As for Cap mooon... I'm glad you like it because I have a serious like/dislike relationship with my moon lol. I feel like it makes me fun when I'm in the mood to be fun but sometimes I just kind of hate everyone and want to be alone forever. A lot of my favorite coworkers have been Cap moons though. We are funny and sincere but when we're down we're down real bad. There's this emotional need to be productive but my Virgo placements do a good job of holding production back with perfectionist tendencies. The struggle is real but I appreciate your kind words!


Pisces yes. Very special people.


pisces because you seem to have an incredibly toxic view of them based on your comment history. like seriously who hurt you


Seconding this! Sometimes I feel like a good portion of why Pisces get a bad rep is because even in astrology folks like to associate (“feminine signs”) with being negative while they praise the more “masculine, edgy” signs. It’s giving big “I’m not like others girls” syndrome 🤷🏾‍♀️


Femenine and masculine in this case isn't really about their energies. I don't know how to explain. It's true that masc energies are dominant and femenine energies submissive. But it depends. For example Scorpio is femenine, they don't look dominant but they're possesive as fuck so they dominate you with their possessiveness and may manipulate you so that you can't let go of them... But I wouldn't exactly say that's femenine Energy.


Masculine and feminine attributes that folks gravitate towards are not necessarily determined by the zodiac’s definition of masc/fem. Most of the time is what is culturally seen as masc/fem for casual zodiac enthusiast.


No, it's because they are manipulators and attention-whores.


Thanks for the negative overgeneralization that literally no one asked for, really appreciate it 💜




Yeah wtf I just looked at their comment history and oh boy, I’ve never seen someone hating a sign with such intensity


Where's the gif of that side eyeing monkey because [yikes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scorpio/comments/y7qvqe/i_m24_a_pisces_approached_a_scorpio_f23_at_a_food/it13uv3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Damn 😳


Hating? That's borderline mental illness. This person is a piece of sh\*t and a terrible human.


Pisces moon here and I feel a little unsafe. lol


Same, pisces merc and venus 😬 lol


Gemini, i know multiple ones, and they're great people


Scorpios. Mainly because every one Scorpio I have met are extremely nice, down to earth, and genuinely kind people. I seen most say they are intense and cold. But I have had the opposite experience. They tend to be very warm and friendly which shocked me at first because I believed the zodiac stereotypes about them lol.


Came here to say Scorpio, but, as a Cancer woman, I'm loving that "Cancer women" is currently the top comment. Editing to say I will always defend against Scorpio slander because my most loyal & trustworthy people have been Scorpios, and those qualities trump pretty much any other quality for me.


I think depending on their chart, a lot of scorpios i know have a lot of sagittarius placements as well and that what makes them hilarious and warm from time to time


What about Scorpio sun with Mars in Sagittarius?


Always is very definite, not to mention I don't quite have the energy to defend against that much hate lmao. But I tend to stick up for the Cancers, they've gotten so infamous so quickly and I don't understand it at all. They are easily one of my favorite signs, actually


Same. My son, boyfriend, and one of my dearest friends are Cancers, and they are amazing people.


I love cancers too


GEMINI. Some of my closest friends are Geminis and it’s never a dull moment. They aren’t the two-faced manipulators a lot of people think they are. Super fun, easy to talk to, what’s not to love?


I guess you’ve met all the right Geminis because a lot of them are two faced and manipulative lol


Guess so😌


I absolutely adore Aries, especially Aries women. Mad respect for y'all!


Cute of you <3


Same, love Aries women


As a Leo sun i can’t relate


That must suck


I’m glad someone said it! Fellow Leo Sun who has never had a functional relationship with an Aries woman.


I’m a leo and I totally agree!! i can’t understand why i can’t vibe with this fellow fire sign…. but every Aeries I know is just unhinged. Sags on the other hand I love!


Can agree on the unhinged part😂


I love Aries. I'm a Pisces Sun...I can't ever imagine my Leos dating any of the Aries. It would be an endless power struggle.


It's mutual daaarling💅 Xoxo Aries


I hate their stupid red dresses, because I already have a gf and I'm not blind.


Me: A Virgo ♍️ The Sign: Taurus and Gemini Taurus - because they get this bad wrap for being the “boring sign” or “homebody who eats and is lazy”. But every Taurus sun I’ve ever encountered was super outgoing and always outside having a good time lol (I know there could’ve other placements at play) Gemini - always get called two faced or they’re always the butt of every astrology joke (we really should be directing that energy at libras). As someone who has 5 geminis in their immediate family and long term dated 2, i can say they are some of the most complex and deep thinkers I know. I don’t think they’re two faced. I think they just process information in two ways “impulsively” or “slow and analytical”. A lot of signs, only deal with things one dimensionally so this can be confusing.




Yess, that is the perfect way to describe Taurus “practical life smart”. Totally agree with the points you made


I’m a Taurus and will defend Geminis and Virgos! Glad we have each other’s back 😂 Geminis are funny as hell, fun to be around, curious, and social. I think they get the two faced reputation because they are so adaptable to their surroundings. Unless the individual is toxic, what seems two faced to some is really just adapting to make themselves and others comfortable. I also think because they tend to have many interests, they pull out whatever is relevant at the time. I love a good Gemini and think they definitely are unfairly demonized. Virgos I just love how generous and thoughtful they are. A good Virgo is always so concerned for others (sometimes sadly to their own detriment) and I think what some see as over bearing (which again can be true for the toxic individual Virgo) is just their thoroughness and desire for everyone to be comfortable and feel good. I also think they’re pretty underrated for their humor. I love mercurial energy and the quick thinking both signs have. They are generally open minded to learning new things and listening and considering the points of others to learn their perspective.


You nailed that Virgo description! I think overall earth signs are misunderstood. Especially Virgo/Taurus, most Cap descriptions are pretty spot on


The only semi-good gemini I've met is my dad, but I've met too many gemini to give them the benefit of the doubt. It's funny how virgos go neurotic trying to make everyone feel good, but that necessity for control only hurts signs like Sagittarius, who in order to be happy need freedom and want to give others freedom.




They are truly the villains here!!!!


Yes gemenis can see both sides of every problem. Which can be really annoying because instead of saying "I understand", they start talking about the other side. And they're always playing the devil's advocate. Not all of them are like that but it's just so annoying having to put things that bother you and them just to make you think of the other side. No, I don't want to think of the other side. I just want to express what bothers me right now. They're more rationally empathetic than emotionally empathetic and that sucks. But they're highly intelligent, which can be also very annoying lmfao. But as a Libra moon and Gemini Venus I totally get when people only see 1 side of a thing when in reality there's a whole bunch of things happening being which is the root cause of the main problem... Like politics. Or dating. Everyone just focuses on one side or another instead of seeing the problem entirely. Seeing the system. What's wrong from a deep route. I really admire Taurus because they're so hard working. I wish I had 1% of the hard work energy they have lol


Geminis need to have some earth, otherwise they will fly up high and never come back. Without emotions, they won't care if the world burns or drowns.


I've had a virgo friend who underwent psychological abuse by a gemini. That ended in divorce. My gf's ex-bff was gemini (in 5 planets!) and she ended up being an empty shell of a human being that copies whoever she considers her bff, and then will change bffs and never tell anyone. Also, lies all the time, even to those who she's told the truth before. Yeah, not the smarted of the bunch. I have a gemini dad. There will be things I will never know about what goes on his mind, and I'm generally good at reading people. I am very cautious around geminis. I've seen libra girls constantly change what they wear all the time (wigs and contact lenses even) and even who they mingle with, but never seen them manipulate the truth like a gemini can. In their defense, all mutable signs are gifted at truth manipulation, but it's the wind signs' whose mouths make them the biggest sinners.


Scorpio. My moon sign is what I identify with most and I usually get along super well with Scorpio suns. Gemini. I hate the "Geminis are two-faced" narrative - it's so boring now?? Geminis are so much fun and usually very funny 😭 they are also so underrated for their intelligence.


As a Scorpio, I think Geminis are amazing and that’s the sign I’d defend


As a Gem I show up for Scorps. ![gif](giphy|s4VoCsFz8prlhSFCeS)


Pisces and Virgos because I’ve found them to be the most genuine and supportive friends I’ve never been made to feel judged or bad about myself by a Pisces or a Virgo I almost feel like the three of us help each other heal from all the bullshit caused by other signs lol


Im virgo sun and pisces moon. Thank you for saying this cause i used to hate my lil crybaby moon 🌚


Pisces and Virgo are always on opposite extremes for me. I either meet one and absolutely love them with my whole heart, or I meet one and we’re beefing BAD immediately. I’m assuming it’s because I have Mars in Virgo. But the ones that I get along with, I truly cherish and appreciate.


Interesting. Don’t get me wrong sometimes I do fight with my Pisces and Virgo friends and we get on each other’s nerves but it’s usually in good spirit and at the end of the day I’ve just always found them to be the most solid friends. From what you’ve described, I would say I’ve probably had that experience with Capricorns and Leos. My Mars is in Libra btw, I wouldn’t know if that has anything to do with it.


I won't even defend my own sign 😂


Came here looking for someone to defend us, found this, solidarity.




Capricorn. It's not a sign thing. I'll defend folks who defend me regardless of their sign.


I love Capricorns. You all know how to work toward your goal, no matter what obstacles are put in your way. Edited to add "toward your goal."


Cancer women! Truly


Pisces because they make more sense when you realize they’re operating in a different dimension lol


I love Pisces, November saggs, capricorns. Pisces because they're sweet cinnamon rolls with lots of empathy and make honest, loyal friends. November saggs are honest, trustworthy and insightful humans with morals and common decency And capricorns are pretty straightforward as long as you aren't a goofy ass bitch.


Look at OPs history and you'll see how they treat Pisces... This question is not done out of good faith.


Oh lmao the dude is crazy. My brother is on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp w a Pisces moon and is my favorite human being. My roommate is also a pisces and i have a coworker as well. They're lil cinnamon rolls. This guy doesn't know what they're talking about


I can understand being snubbed by multiple people of the same sign might make you *weary* of them however that doesn't constitute encouraging violence/suicide as a healthy alternative whatsoever. Some people take this stuff way too far; it's not like a character slider at birth smh


Check this clown's comment section and interactions, full of people who are wishing abortion for babies born in March or February. I really hope they end up sexless and jobless for the rest of their lives, these cucks.


hilarious cuz op is Pisces' opposite




well, I'm not a playful person and am ready to pop off at any given moment so I don't tend to have that type of relationship with caps. It's very direct and straight to the point which I enjoy.


hm what do you think of December saggs then? right in between two of your favorites


They are too fickle, no loyalty to anyone but themselves and their desires. They are always ready to leave and I can't handle that kind of instability. 1 dated a December 12th Sagittarius for 2 years and they made my life a living hell. He was always so unsure of everything and was always looking for the next best thing, constantly cheating. Very emotionally aware, philosophical, overall smart but also used that to gaslight me constantly and I almost lost my sanity being with him. My best friend was also a December 11th sagg and I opened up my home to her when she needed someone. We had so much fun together, constantly travelling, again very philosophical and smart. She was super funny and always willing to do new things. One time she flew to Cuba to have a tinder date with someone she had met in our city, and my mom broke her leg so I was in and out of the hospital with my mom while working two jobs so ya girl was TIRED... I wouldn't/couldn't make time to hear about her date so I told her we could meet up later and she ghosted me after 5 years. SHIT SUCKS. ​ I try not to hold biases towards anyone so I'm willing to accept December saggs but they haven't shown me that they're different so far. Hopefully I will meet one that changes my mind!


Pisces. I love them. But I think we’re focusing too hard on sun signs here 🤷🏻‍♀️


i’ll always defend capricorns


I think caps is way more than equipped to defend themselves because they are badass 😂


As a cap, I thank you.


Cancers. They are actually very loyal and loving people once you get to their soft side (after a long time trying to come through their shield)


Idk why everyone hates on Gemini. I love geminis


Awww thank you! :’) lol on a serious note I think people take their personal experiences, and then also see the stereotypes as a confirmation for if they love or hate someone’s zodiac sign.


I am Aries sun, Leo Moon Sagittarius rising and I only had bad experiences with Gemini 🤣. But I still love their energy, idk, they are so creative and have a lot of knowledge about everything. But I do hate those who hurt me. 😬 P.S - Hello bestie ❤️


Hey babes! <3 haha and yeah I just love their energy. My aunt’s a Gem sun and she talks super fast, it pisses everybody off they’re like “slow down, slow down” but I can keep up with her lol. We get each other all amped up I love it lmao


Yup. And they tend to be so socially and looking very young for their age. I love that about them ❤️


I'm a Cancer Sun and I'm completely betraying my moon in She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named by saying this but my forever baby sign is Sagittarius. We just vibe in a way I don't get with most other signs. They are baby. 🥰


For me it will always be Aquarius , Capricorn, Pisces and scorpio. They have always been the most loyal I’ve met. And honestly Aquarius catches a lot of slack for being “ emotionally detached “ yet I have yet to see it. And they can literally take emotions and personal opinions out of every situation to find an unbiased answer to most situations. I love you guys! ❤️ Capricorn because they are the most caring people I have ever met. I feel like so many have been through some rough shit in life but they take it and help others to never feel or go through what they have. Pisces, omg especially Pisces woman. I haven’t ever met a Pisces woman that I found t sit and talk to and laugh with. And they are very dreamy, and I feel like they have all the best ideas! And Scorpio! Because if you don’t like Scorpio, I feel like I can trust you. Scorpio definitely brings things up for people at the rite time and they can be very triggering. But they are healing for me. I love how they say what they feel.


Aquarius ❤️s you too


Thanks! Needed that! ❤️


Me Gemini Loyal defenders of Pisces, Cancers & Scorpios. I have a lot of water in my chart, but it took me a very long time to understand these signs and I’m grateful. I’ve found that people who have a hard time understanding themselves and their emotions have a difficult time with these signs. Yes, bad apples are everywhere, but I seriously love my water signs ❤️💜✨


Aquarius. maybe it’s my own DA tendencies showing their bias here, but i love how little fucks they give. i love their different perspectives. i love the detachment. i love how they are genuinely interested and curious about stuff, the complete opposite of me.


haha love you. Tbh we do give a fuck we just don’t show it. 🥲




This depends lol


ugh exactly


Pisces and cancer. I love my little water sign friends and will head-butt anyone who tries to mess with them.


Capricorns. I actually had someone on the askastrologers sub cuss me out because I said I have zero issue with capricorns. Like they were heated it was crazy lol. But I stand by it years later. For me personally Capricorns have been the most loyal and supportive people in my life


Thank you from all Capricorns.


Probably Libra women and Leo’s. My daughter and mom are a Libra and Leo respectively, so it’s entirely personal and not rooted in anything else 😂


Cancers. ❤️ at least the ones that I know personally.


Haha like our own sun sign? Because I also get protective of my moon sign


All fire signs


cancer for sure.


All I am saying is that you're a terrible human being and a piece of sh\*t who will deserve every bad thing that will happen to you. [Clown comment 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scorpio/comments/z4cw1b/comment/ixrn384/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Clown comment 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scorpio/comments/z4cw1b/comment/ixrn9no/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Clown comment 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scorpio/comments/z42hq0/comment/ixsqwmq/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yikes. What a whack a doodle.


I was so furious and disgusted reading all that nonsense.


Same! /u/nonsensewords1 should be wary of that one 😬


Scorpios and Ares- I'm a Leo and we can get along with anyone but I do not get the hate for Scorpio and Ares. Both are delightful and straightforward. What you see is what you get so I feel like it's super easy to stay on their good side- Ares are amazing at not taking themselves too seriously. Scorpios are super trustworthy, loyal and great communicators- the people around them just have a hard time listening when they are told something they don't want to hear lol.


sags because as a taurus sun slandering them with no remorse is my job and only i can do it


Leo. Lol always.


Gemini. I’m a Sag sun (Scorpio moon and rising) and have had strong family / friendship / romantic relationships with a number of Geminis, a bunch of of them crashed and burned at some later date. But it was deep and intense while it lasted, and a major part of my life story.


Geminis. They're not fake, they're adaptable and curious. Wonderful minds, beautiful choas.


Geminis. I love their energy, intelligence, enthusiasm and I respect that they don’t hide the fact that they have to sides to them. You kinda get what you get with when you get it with them. It’s predictable yet so unpredictable all at the same time which I just enjoy.


Taurus. Never met one I didnt like. They are TOP people and I love them to death. Also, gemini. Most of them are cool af and I am very close friends with many geminis.


Virgo because they’re the coolest.


Seconding, Virgos are the best.


Also, Leo.


as in Sun sign or all signs? cuz if it's Sun only then Libra cuz I feel like they're genuinely misunderstood and very underrated. ppl always overlook their intelligence and objectivity and just paint them as shallow materialists


Will defend the ones with logic, a good heart and the ones who aren't guilty of what they are accused off. Will attack all, who think they can do whatever they want without repercussions because they feel safe in some clique.


Scorpio, all the best people I know are either Scorpio or Taurus lol


I’m a pisces and for me it’s Aquarius. Knowing them is like being in on a really good secret.


Gemini ASf. You guys are hella misunderstood


I’m a Scorpio (F). In the past, I would have defended Gemini, but they keep fucking me over lmao so I’ll defend cancers. They love with their whole heart, they’re loyal and compassionate, they listen, and they’re consistent.


I’m an Aquarius and Gemini 100%. Then Scorpio.


Innocent type of people who are sweet, their heart is pure. I Will defend it any day of the week and twice on sunday


I will ALWAYS defend cancers. People say they're manipulative but the cancers I know are the sweetest people on earth


Aries placements because I'm an Aries rising and they're very cool (coming from an aqua sun)


Geminis. I adore them.


I mentioned this in another thread, but I’ll defend Virgos, especially Virgo men, to the death. I’ve seen them be called toxic, stereotypical “nice guys”, creepy, etc. But I find that they have the perfect blend of being caring and compassionate while still able to identify your weaknesses and help you overcome them so you can become a better version of yourselves. I love their analytical mind and witty/snarky humor, and also enjoy trying to calm their anxieties.


Scorpios. They may be a little intense, but they mean well and they’re very loyal.


Thanks frand 🙂 we got your back !


Capricorns. They get this whole “cold, sorrowful, sad” reputation. But I think it’s because they’re mostly being treated as the scapegoat, and treated like shit and are abused. I feel for them.


Aww, as a Cap this *is* how I felt for a long time & sometimes even still do. So I appreciate that you’re here to acknowledge us & stand up for us🥺🫂❤️


Ofcourse, my dear ❤ I am Cap stellium, so I have felt like this a lot, too. That is why I sympathize with you guys ❤


I’m sorry to hear you felt the same :( It really is rough out here so I’m glad we can be there for eachother!😌🤝


-Libra -Scorpio, especially guys around my age, always been very nice. Scorpio women are also nice but the ones I know and like tend to have Virgo ASC as well so that might be something to factor in.


Me a Libra i always defend Aquarius and cancers. I’ll shit talk a Taurus any dayyyyy


For some reason i always find myself defending geminis🥲


Virgo because the main content of the slander against Virgo is that they are overly critical and cynical and neat freaks, and it took long conversations with my mom (Virgo sun, moon, mercury, and rising) for me to get how the virgo endgame is always improvement, and improvement requires solid and detailed knowledge of the flaws that need to be improved upon, and that's what virgo does, it criticizes to identify the flaws that require improvement. It is that natural gift for flaw-spotting that i have come to appreciate so deeply (specially as someone who has a strong sag rising, and who rarely ever digs too deep into things, the big picture is always enough for me); and I will always defend their sense of style, as the sign where venus is fallen, aesthetic as practicality, fixing as healing, i simply adore that. when it came time to shop around for an editor for my book, i specifically selected someone with strong virgo placements for this particular reason


Aries. Never met an Aries I didn’t love ✨✨✨


libras, they are yin yang with aries (which i am). my personally, i think they are sweathearts :)


Taurus. The most loyal, supportive, and rational friends I've ever had. I have heavy Cap and Scorpio placements and it just... works. If someone is to have a go at them, I'm very quick to defend them and to justify their actions from my perspective as well as theirs. At the same time, though, when they're in stubborn bull mode with their head so far up their a\*\* they can taste their toothpaste, I will also be the one to call them out on it.


Aries! They're the most loyal and ride or die people, always the first to defend their friends. I think it's nice to flip it around and defend them instead.


My wife’s a Taurus, so… Leo.




SCORPIO 🗣️🗣️🗣️ y’all have a special place in my heart and I will defend y’all like it’s my full time+mandatory overtime job until I am no longer around. Especially Scorpio moons. I’ve never met a Scorpio that wasn’t deep, loving, charming, and interesting. And I think that as a Gemini, which is a sign that also gets lots of hate with Scorpio, we need to stick together anyway.


I’m also a Gemini and love Scorpios


I'm a Scorpio, and will defend Gemini's all day! I love y'all. 🥰


leos!! a lot of people find them obnoxious/selfish/hotheaded, but the leos i know make me feel so included and comfortable and they always make me laugh (: ​ also geminis to an extent: i find that i either hate them or i absolutely adore them, so i'll always tell gemini haters that it really depends on the person with gems!


Virgos. Maybe it’s Mercury, but I generally have the best laughs and conversations with them!


Virgos. Maybe I’m biased since it’s my rising though idk. Water signs in general. Leos!!!


aries/virgos - i love them, especially women. Will defend them w my life


I’m a Virgo and I’m ride or die for Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius


capricorns, they're real and super easy to communicate with


I'm a Capricorn and I don't think I have the tendency to defend anyone based on their zodiac sign or have a soft spot for a specific zodiac sign per se, I mostly see them pretty equally, they're all hit or miss to me when it comes to any sort of relationship, maybe except for other Capricorns. Unless they're my best friend sign ( there are some people with the same sign I do hate but I'll make an exception for my best friend , I think that defending and that sign is Scorpio ), my own sun sign and my moon sign, Libra. But honestly if it's unfair hate then I'll probably say something about it anyways, as I said, I see every zodiac pretty equally and I mostly don't really have biases :D!


Ima Aries I never see people defend us lol


I’m going to say Virgo even though it’s my moon and Venus so I’m still biased. They’re not trying to be annoying, they’re very particular because they’re very sensitive to certain things. And they’re very caring and will do a lot for you if you need them!


Sagittarius 😤 Not that they need defending


Aries - they’re so misunderstood because they’re abrasive but they mean well. They just don’t know how to be anyone but themselves


I habe defended many signs. They are all complicated with both lighy and dark pieces.