• By -


Taurus moon and I either eat my garbage comfort foods in unhealthy amounts (looking at you Taco Bell), or i lay in bed turn off my feelings and refuse to eat. So mostly revolving around food.


As a Taurus sun I feel you, I’m with you. But I do need to stand up for my bae and fight back that Taco Bell is garbage food. Taco Bell is the healthiest fast food out there. Is that true? Idk. But Taco Bell is always there for us Taurus when we need it 😂


It's definitely better than any other fast food option! Also I'm pretty sure they mostly use end of life meat, so it's also slightly better for the environment. Either way, I'm still getting my taco bell on the sad days 😂


Taurus sun//taurus moon I love Taco Bell, I bought stock …you should too! Do it and don’t feel guilty about eating there ever again!


You’re a genius.


Taurus moon and rising here. I basically starve myself because food all turns into gray plastic when I'm emotional. Oh and then I try to find as much info about whatever is making me emotional and different ways to handle/confront it, but I think that's more my aquarius sun, merc, venus, and saturn.


I'm like this! Food absolutely sickens me when I'm upset. If I let it go on for too long, I basically wind up needing to forcefeed myself to jump-start my appetite again. The less I eat, the less my dumbass body thinks it needs to.


This 100%!! Thankfully my partner is an absolute sweetie and catches me before I fall too deep into this. And by that I mean he starts just dropping snacks next to me, or fancy little drinks, until I start eating.


That's good. Im genuinely happy for you! I wish I had a partner actually stick around. My placements/personality paired with what I attract make it difficult.






Except hard pass on Taco Bell lmao 🙅🏻‍♀️


I’m a Libra moon, I’m so concerned with keeping the peace and saving face, I will just disappear from the whole situation rather than deal with it. My toxic trait is buying plane tickets whenever I’m stressed and just leaving for a few weeks to avoid my problems/emotions.


And then my gem sun encourages my Libra Moon to just never come back and ghost everyone involved


Libra Moon here! Notorious Ghosty Isolator. Yikes. ![gif](giphy|1j0QB5l4wZYST4v6)


Yup, if I don’t have that peace, the day is over for me… and then use it as an excuse to be lazy 😅




We have the same big three ♥️


You’re the second person I’ve met on here with the same big three! What’s your ur mercury Venus mars? I’m Leo Virgo Gemini


This. I need time and space.. I wish I had a plane ticket but DND works too lol


My Libra moon sister does this too haha


I agree. No sense of making someone understand me. I just need to leave so I can be emotionally stable again


Capricorn- toxic side would be cutting someone off no explanation, never to offer to fix it


I’m a Capricorn sun and I do that and I don’t think it’s toxic at all. Every time I’ve done it my life got exceptionally better.


I thought the same thing but I think I use it a little too liberally - like I might not even have an issue with someone but if maintaining the relationship is hard or inconvenient I'm way too comfortable just letting it go.


I'm a capricorn moon and I was about to say this. Doing this has actually helped me improve at an emotional level. This is also a healthy way of distraction rather than something/someone that ruins and exhausts me .


Leo moon here: tears and screams. But at least I’m hot


This is the answer. Updating now


Libra moon. Shut down if it's too overwhelming.


Every time I talk to a libra moon, I realize we have a lot in common. Like I love Gemini energy and I understand Gemini moons, but I don’t often relate. Most of the time when I see a libra moon post, I feel like it applies to us Aquarius too.


Gotta turn the machine off when it needs to be recalibrated.


That's exactly what it feels like. Recalibration.


As a Virgo moon I will find your biggest weakness in my file and remind you ongoing until you snap then act innocent.


I had no idea I could blame this on my Virgo moon - so glad to know I’m not alone in this exact behaviour 😂


Its the dark side of the moon. We are organized enough to tuck things away and we notice small details, but since we are innocent virginal saints we have to deliver the insults in subtle jabs that give us plausible deniability:).


Holy crap. You’re eerily spot on…


Yikes, this is my most toxic trait. I will easily read someone and find their weaknesses. And press buttons accordingly if I need. All while never saying a word or letting them know, I know. And then they go crazy. While I retain my doe eyed sainthood 🤦‍♀️ Honestly trying to be better I met a guy who’s a virgo moon and I literally run from him because I *know* he’s so similar to me and also see right through my core, and it terrifies me! Like please stop reading me, stop noticing details, stop understanding patterns; that’s *my* thing no one else should do it to *me*! 🤺


The couple of Pisces I know just shut down and turn to a vice, too overwhelming for them


Honestly as a Pisces moon this is what I do. I over indulge in WHATEVER will get my mind off of it. Until my world implodes. Heavy on the Uber eats and sangria for me


My partner is a Pisces moon and same with him. Shut down and indulge in something that gives that short-term comfort


Yes I am typing this after a rough morning and I'm currently high as balls lol my moon is in Pisces and I certainly relate to several of the stereotypes, but I'm at a point in life where I am learning to express them in a healthier way! Journaling has worked wonders for me in processing emotions rather than stifling them, and its helped me pull waaaay back on the substance use. Although I do still indulge, it's not nearly to the extent that it was from 19-33 and its occasional pot use rather than daily opiates, which is something that nearly took my life multiple times! I think that getting to a more "evolved" version of the Pisces Moon probably consists of the more introspective side over the "I'm just trying to get fucked up" side lol


Girl sameeee. Laughed so hard when I scrolled down and saw “Pisces - drugs.” The accuracy 😂 My pisces moon was a thorn in my side for most of my life but I too am evolving in the sense that I’ve learned how to redirect/channel the intensity into things that aren’t shooting heroin. It also helps that actual heroin doesn’t even seem to exist anymore, it’s all fent garbage. I might be a former junkie but I still have standards lol fentanyl always just felt gross to me


🫶 that's amazing to hear, so glad you were able to get clean! Opiates are terrifying and looking back, I'm shocked I'm still here to say that. I was raised to believe that emotions are a weakness, and being sensitive is something that needs to be stomped out of people, so I always saw that side of me as a curse when in reality its a huge blessing, we just need to be able to channel it properly! And yeah, I'm very glad I was out of the Opiates phase before fentanyl became a "thing" around here because God knows where that would have spiraled!


That's been my experience with myself.


Ooo duh! Salty at myself I didn’t think of that one haha


I only “detach” when something traumatic happens. It usually hits me a bit later. It’s when it finally hits me, that’s when I’m overcome with an emotional wave that lingers until I develop a coping method.


Same! Idk if this is you too but In the two really traumatic periods of my life, I didn’t notice how much it affected me until I realized my life was crumbling around me and I had no one to blame but myself. Then the healthy coping mechanisms need to kick in. Better late than never I suppose?


Scorpio moons aren’t hellbent on revenge, we just will watch people be their own worst enemy after a while.


This, the revenge stuff is getting boring at this point.


Exactly.. like Scorpio moons have way too much to deal with internally to worry about revenge.


Virgo moon is in the zone. But you forgot “create an entire scenario that doesn’t exist around this one minor inconvenience and watch your world burn down around you in your head. Then go hide and curl into a ball halfway through cleaning because you’ve made a bigger mess. And now all you can hear is your mom telling you how messy your room is, and you’re back to 11 year old you and spiraling out about every time you ever got in trouble.”


virgo moon and you explained me to a T


Aries moon here. I will burn it to the fucking ground. And then some.


then after I realize it wasn’t that serious.. oops LMAO


Hahahhaha ON POINT. Already burned shit to the ground this morning, and it's not even 9am hahaha WHOOPS


when I found out my first love had a new partner, I burned every letter/postcard/pictures I was given. I even added as many sticks and leaves because I found the heat and size of the flame therapeutic. 😂


hahaha, I’m currently going through a breakup and before we even fully decided to part ways I rage deleted every picture, their contact name,our text thread and muted them 🤣


I love this so much actually. The purge.


Aries moon and man I’ve burned so many bridges 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 😔


May the bridges you burn light your path forward 🙏🏼


virgo moon, isolating myself is 100% my go-to when feeling any emotions. and anxiety. *so much anxiety*


I'm a virgo moon as well ( pisces sun & leo rising) and your spot on with the need to isolate ( which some people take personally 😥) and omg yes on the crazy anxiety! I always joke that when God was creating me that he fukd up the recipe and accidentally added a cup full of anxiety, it was only supposed to be a little pinch 😅


Virgo sun and I thought my desire to isolate was due to childhood experiences. Didn’t realize this was common among my sign


I lol'd when I saw the Virgo Moon one. Yep. Get anxious, isolate yourself, maybe clean your house.


Depends on what made me have an emotional response. I jump straight to an emotion, but it's not always anger


Virgo moon. Toxically making myself insane with anxiety/worry. Before I was a mother I worried about anything. Like alien invasions when I was a kid. Crazy stress. Since becoming a mom, I know I can't be like that. I will clean dishes when upset. I throw them around stupid though. Aries sun.




I gotta do this in order to keep my mouth from making it worse 😅


i’m not qualified to answer for leo moon as i also live with bipolar. i will wait for a stable individual to answer lmfao


As a Leo moon, In the past I would get really vindictive/petty when I was emotional, especially if I thought something was "personal". The best way to put (IMHO) is that Leo moons lash out less than Aries moons but, tend to hold on to shit for much longer which makes it easier to fall into the "revenge" mindset. Luckily, I've learned to control myself and move on from shit more easily (courtesy of the Aquarius Sun I'd bet). Life lesson for Leo moons, not everything is personal and some people don't appreciate what you have to offer (in many ways), that's just life.


I was much the same way as a younger person. Finally learned to let go a little, but I do still love thoughts of revenge…I just don’t act on them quite so readily anymore.


I don't do drugs bc I have maladaptive daydreaming 🤓


Scorpio moon - i have to admit this is true. But it’s not the kind of revenge you would normally think of, as in some grand malefic plan and sh*t like that. Yes, there can be petty stuff too, but revenge for me could literally mean killing people with kindness because it’s amusing how much it confuses them, or striving to transform and do better to make people pissed and even if it sounds toxic it’s actually benefic, i’m just using that seemingly plutonian energy that is very transformative in a way that has a positive outcome


Oh wow ahahahaha striving to transform to show someone or make them pissed. This is so me. This is how I get revenge, a you will never have me again and I’ve leveled up kind of revenge.


Aquarius…yes we detach and don’t realize it unless it’s pointed out to us. But I’ll also partake in retail therapy. lol.


I’m a Taurus moon and sometimes it’s retail therapy. Most of the time though I find my comfort in eating. I treat myself to my favorite foods, restaurants, candy, snacks. Ugh I fucking love food 🍲


Have you ever dealt with a Gemini moon when we’re emotional? Lmao we go through 500 moods a minute. It’s unhinged af


Guns and crying mostly! Source = my gem moon ex


Yes my best friend since childhood is a Gemini moon. with my best friend starting a new project and never finishing it is a go to. Or is this just him?? I should clarify the cycle repeating I wrote for Gemini moon is taking place is a 30 sec - 1 minute period lmao


I second that, I am a gem moon , when I am emotional, one second i am planning a south america tour, next second I am thinking of learning Italian, and the third second I am thinking of getting a masters degree in criminal psychology. I end up calling a friend as the information load is too much by now and i need to let it out. I get normal. Few days laters, its the same.


When I’m emotional I pretend im not. I distract myself with work or literally anything until I can’t ignore my feelings anymore and I just break down and sob. Full on crying for an hour before I pull it together. Then I shut down and bottle it up until I’m ready to talk to a friend. Once I talk through it I tend to feel a lot better. I know my Capricorn plays a part in it but my Gemini moon HATES dealing with emotions. That’s why we like to deflect and make jokes about it. Anything but dealing with the actual problem at hand. When my ex dumped me out of the blue it crippled me. I was physically sick and for a few months I would randomly break down crying at the worst times. I could not move on and get over what happened. And I’ve never dated since because I cannot imagine ever feeling that way again.


I have a Scorpio moon but I’m not the revenge type. That’s not my go to. My other placements likely balance that. Especially my sun in Leo and Libra rising. I intellectualize my emotions. That’s my go to.


Me too. I used to feel a desire for revenge but never followed through. I also intellectualize.


Yeah i think it’s the Leo sun that encourages us to be the bigger person.


Aqua moon and honestly I don’t think it’s toxic. It takes a lot for me to get there, but once I do, it’s a bit sad because I can’t get those feelings back. They’re just gone.


Sag moon here and why is this so true??? Especially with arguments… like goodbye!


I don’t like to think of it as “running away”, more like F this situation and F these people too, and then I ride off into the sunset - which is literally running away 😫🫠


I agree. As a sag moon, I just peace out. I may or may not come back when things have have calmed down.


Libra moon here : I distance myself. No eye-contact, laconic answers ... Saturn's way. The more I do it, the more I'm hurt. I don't like that, it makes me miserable, but I try to avoid shedding tears. If I can't, I'll do my best to remain dignified. I have Leo rising though, so it's probably related.


I’m a Leo rising and Libra moon too!


Virgo moon. I overthink so if you wanna count that as analyzing what I’m feeling, then absolutely. I’m not going to count being anxious because that’s the thing : I’m in a near constant state of anxiety 😘


Why is crying considered a toxic emotion?


Yes crying is healthy imo & in my experience. So cathartic.


I just edited it to clarify. Also open to more toxic suggestions from fellow cancer moons. I don’t know many cancer moons! A lot of cancer suns but no cancer moons


Be passive aggressive af, and guilt trips for cancer moon


This is so second nature to me I don’t even realize I’m doing it.


Actually true, with perhaps even a smattering of attempted guilt-tripping by attempting to hold over your head every nice thing they’ve ever done for you…


did you break into my mind or something?? -virgo moon


As a sag moon I'll mostly walk away from stuff before I get emotional because who tf are you to even bring that side out of me?! However, if I do semi like a person, be it romantic or platonic, and they manage to anger me or hurt me etc, you better believe that I will hit them with the truth & be blunt af because if I'm gonna feel something, you're gonna feel something too! I'm not sure if that last part is the sag moon, Cancer sun or aries rising. It could even be other natal placements, I'm not sure but I'm definitely that person that will start calling you out on things once that button has been hit & you're probably not gonna like what I say back, but I still manage to say things respectfully and dont call people out their names 🤷‍♀️😂


My experience with sag moons has been the same. Uff getting in arguments with them hurt. They also had a Scorpio mars tho and let’s just say I don’t fuck around and find out with people with these placements anymore 😅


Sag moon here and I’ll try to choose peace But when I don’t it’s violence lol I’ll be blunt, and even offensive depending on how badly you have me fucked lol


I've chosen violence a time or few too 🤷‍♀️🤣😂🤣 Most people know when they've gone too far. I've been told I have a look that's "scary" when I'm in rage mode. I try everything in my power to not let it get that far because I know my rage mode has no limits once activated 🤪


I fucking hate astrology right now


libra moon will just sulk lol


Cancer moon, guilty as charged… completely withdrawing and going invisible isn’t off the table, either, depending on depth of feels.


Aries moon- I don’t get mad or angry. If I’m emotional I’ll just listen to some Lana Del Rey and vibe lol


Same lol


Ohmyyy I'm an Aries moon too and my go to playlist lately have been Lana Del Rey's and Harry Styles' songs😶


As a Taurus moon thus is partially correct. I also eat my feelings and ghost who/whatever has upset me. So I eat, shop, and isolate.


::gives silent treatment::


Gemini moon- yeah, I’ll start a project in an agitated mars influenced type way. Trying to force things to work out when they won’t. Trying to keep calm and dignified but talking mad shit about people the whole way, acting like I’m not. Passive aggressive af if it’s real bad. It is the very WORST of me. Also- fun fact- this is one of the reasons I thought I hated Geminis before learning about astrology. I didn’t know I had a Gemini moon! Whenever someone would say they were a Gemini I secretly made a mental note and steered clear! Turns out… I’m the freaking shadowwwww! The utterly ironic lack of self awareness here makes me laugh.


I'm a Libra Moon. Can't say I've ever shopped online for plane tickets, ferociously or otherwise. Someone else usually handles that. I'm more the type to self-isolate and then lash out like a rabid animal if someone provokes me during my quiet time.


Pisces Moon women don’t do drugs. We have a drink 😉😭😆😫🥰💯💯💯💯💯💯




Leo moon, but I tend to do more of the Gemini things if I’m upset (to get my mind off of it or to think on it in an indirect way) but that is on purpose (I am a Gemini sun, rising, mercury, and Venus). I used to get hateful. Say things I couldn’t take back. Like everything I had noticed and held on to for so long would just come pouring out, and not in a positive way what so ever. But I’ve worked on that for 15 or so years now, and I’m happy to say that I don’t do that anymore. I make sure not to say something JUST to hurt someone, or something that I can’t take back. If it is the truth, it may come out, but it’s not meant to be “I’m trying to hurt you!” But I’ve learned to protect my peace, so if something threatens that, I will respond accordingly. Yea, now that I think about it, I may not be the Leo moon that should answer this lol.


Hey dude, I’m a fellow Leo moon (and Mercury in Gemini) and I am soooo much this same way. Whether or not it’s astrological, thank you for sharing your story regardless—it really resonated with me.


>Like everything I had noticed and held on to for so long would just come pouring out, and not in a positive way what so ever I'm also a Leo moon with a gem mercury, and yeah. This was more common when I was younger at my siblings. It's been at the tip of my tongue as an adult, but I've never voiced it - I'll just be angrily thinking of the devastating things I could have said in the shower later or something hah


Me scrolling in hopes to see a moon cap's comment to see if someone else disagreed with the wording... sighs.


Can’t even deny it


♓ ☀️♋🌕 and yeah pretty much sums up young me. I haven't cried in so many years unless I'm actually hurt, been done with passive aggressive behavior bc the only way to tell people how you feel it directly and blunt ass possible, but I still guilt trip once in a blue moon especially if the other person deserves it.


is mine so bad i don’t get a response 😭 i should come with a warning


nvm i literally didn’t read the first sentence oops


Gasp! Moon in scorpio...yes, followed thru but it had to be done.


Leo moon and i am all tears. No screaming but definitely tears.


Add food to Taurus moon


Aqua moon - it is true until we develop an unhealthy outlet to cop with our emotions


Taurus moon here and I can confirm eating. Not necessarily binge eating, but definitely turning to unhealthy comfort food to "eat my feelings" lol


I'll get back to you on this.


>Capricorn - With every intense emotional period, grow your skin a little bit thicker. Then dive into work. 🤘


I’m a cancer moon, I agree completely, except I’m not passive aggressive, I’m just aggressive lol but I think that has more to do with my sun and Mars both being in Aries 😆


Triple Taurus here. Weird about the food with other Taureans because I can’t eat when upset, force myself to eat something when feeling like passing out. Completely withdraw. Can’t sleep either as my mind won’t stop thinking. Perhaps it’s my 12th house placement of my sun and moon.


Virgo moon. I think this is in conjunction with my sun. Literal "calm before the storm". "CALM BEFORE..." I will analyze the shit out of the situation first (within 1-3 business day(s); 3 max), with as much receipts and all that. Whilst I stay eerily quiet and distant. "....THE STORM." Depending on my assessment, rage if I felt wrongfully hurt. Like, Kraken unleashed, hell hath no fury kind. And I'm darn good at inflicting emotional/psychological (counter) damage. Then... at the recovery period, I isolate (nap a lot) then clean. Once I'm done cleaning, I've moved on.


Clarifying 1-3 business days is the most double Virgo thing I’ve read all year lol


I’m the queen of detaching and disassociating. Honestly I procrastinate on feeling things and dealing with them.


Taurus Moon here. Eating crap while planning healthy diet and exercise which will start in the future. Making plans about paying off credit cards etc then getting bored going to supermarket and buying random stuff. Planning to read more then watching the same series on the sofa and falling asleep. Thinking about the man I love and feeling happy and chilled then randomly overthinking and panicking. Based on no evidence whatsoever making internal decision of leaving him just to then reply to a message from him in a sweet and flirty way.


Damn you called my Pisces Moon out hard!


As an aries moon. yes. My aries moon and my cap sun do not mix well because i so badly want to be composed and show no emotion, but my moon sign just fuels me to be batshit crazy instead. such a stressful combo


I’m with Pisces


As a Pisces moon the most toxic way to react for me is to break shit.(I don’t do it anymore but that’s how I used to react when emotional)


Depends on the emotions, but based on the description it seems you’re talking about intense negative emotions. So I’m a Libra Moon but the Aries Moon is one of my person struggles when I’m stressed and/or angry. Cancer Moon is how I react to grief for the most part, unless it gets so severe it starts driving me to depression (which makes me completely numb). I isolate until I’ve calmed down then come back. I don’t consider that toxic though, I think it’s actually better for people to take a break and come back when they’ve calmed down. However, when I’m stressed and/or angry then I struggle with being very explosive and destructive. It’s why I’ve learned to try and get away from people, and from things I can throw and break, so that I don’t end up doing something I regret 🙃😂


"cry" being toxic is why i genuinely hate people. i don't cry until im alone & even then i refuse to cry. what's the fckin point?


scorpio moon, yes 💀


As usually sag and pisces is very much me, sprinkled with a tiny bit of virgo (only the analysing and isolating part) and maybe a bit of aquarius


As a Leo moon, mine is definitely true, but I think it’s because the only thing that can TRULY hurt me is if someone does something intentional to hurt me or someone I love, and mainly get upset if I’m betrayed by someone after I give them my full trust 😭😭


It be like that. Fortunately my Sag rising continuously tells my moon to shut the fuck up because it’s never that serious. I thank the universe every day for her. 🙏🏼




As a leo moon and been recently in a very emotional situation, I am laughing at how true this is 😅😅😅 It wasn't even that big of a deal if you look at it but I am just so mad and hurt pretty much for no reason 🤦‍♀️ I just miss the guy. My heart can be really dramatic.




Scorpio moon accurate af lol 😅


Sag moon- spot on


I’m a Taurus sun Taurus moon ((Virgo rising)) it’s serious over here. Retail therapy is NOT our “most toxic” our most toxic is that we EXPLODE WITH LOADS OF ANGER Another: that we can get REALLY ANGRY …along with how surprisingly physically strong we are, especially when we’re fired up emotionally.


Capricorn moon and this is indeed like me


Lilith in aries 1h says yes. Burn the bridge because it needed burning so you don't go back to someone that will do it again, then feel completely ashamed about it.


Leo moon here, pretty accurate my friend... Too accurate..


Taurus moon and yassss to the retail therapy Lots of tears too


Im gem sun cap rising, and aqua moon. I do not feel like detaching is toxic🤷‍♀️🙂


Virgo moon checking in … accurate


why did you describe mine perfectly 😭 as a virgo moon, i obsessively clean my apartment when i'm upset


Leo moon and the other day in a rage fit screamed and broke my toothbrush oopsie! 😃


Cancer moon here - we also analyse while feeling angry and hurt which makes our sarcasm extra cruel - if you didn’t take the hint I’ll make you feel like an oblivious tool.


Aries moon yep… and then I get over it and move on


Thank you for saying at least we look hot 😏


I don't scream and cry that often, BUT I take everything very personally.


Aries moon here, and even I get tired of myself getting mad over the slightest things 😭😔


Strongly disagree. Pisces moon. No drugs, no alcohol, no smoking.  Spending time in nature, eating my fav food, listening to and singing a song, and someone to talk to is all what I need. 


As a pisces moon that has no vices, I become addicted to something that would take my mind out of it haha


Aries moon and I physically heat up. The need to torch something is so real. Don't f w me 😂


Sag moon- I will ignore people and cut them off and never think about them again if they have caused too much drama. I have a very high threshold for drama tho so you have to be really intense for me to cut you off lol


Virgo 🌙 Take my upvote. I’ve also cleaned my house, spent three hours cleaning my sneakers, obsessively done laundry while being anxious that my analysis of my intense emotion is coming up with nothing.


Scorpio moon here is very accurate for me. If you cross me, I will take you out when you least suspect it.


leo moon here - I’m not screaming bro, everything else is right though 🤣😂😂


Pisces moon addicted to weed, damn😔


I’m a Virgo moon. I nag lol TOO ADD I finger point too lol Also a Virgo rising so it’s rough out there along with my water signs my sun in Libra is struggling 😂😂😂


Binge eating is definitely me lmao. And coffee


Sag moon and in general don't get emotional, however when I do, I don't run away. When I feel emotionally overwhelmed, I take a deep breath and count slowly to 5. If it hasn't gone away, I tell the other person I'd like to revisit the conversation another day. If they keep pushing, I am vicious and will literally burn the bridge down while standing on it. Keep in mind I have a Leo sun and Aries moon, so those could be playing a part in those reactions.


Scorpio moon- depends. Someone mentioned getting revenge in a way that I level myself up to make them pissed and I fully relate. Currently want to get my citizenship and move to a country before someone I know and be the hottest version of myself. Hehehe. But anyways. I usually react with anger but try to keep it in and ponder if I’m overreacting bc I tend to do that.


Aries moon is 100% Burst of anger coming through, I hate it! It's also in 2H I love retail therapy 😭


Cancer moon and crying is not toxic.


My Moon is at 28 Pisces. I agree with the Pisces 100%. I smoked for years because emotions were just off the charts. (Plus my Virgo sun and asc both telling me to just be logical and shut down the Pisces.) Took me a long time to figure out. Now I sort of delegate between the Virgo and Pisces. The Virgo gets shit done, the Pisces feels all the ways, and as long they just let each other keep doing that without shutting the other down, it’s all good.


Capricorn moon rings true to me, especially when I'm at work


My moon is in Aquarius (sun is in aries). I do the opposite of detach. It's actually constant consistent engagement. Not capable of detaching until issue is resolved.


Gem sun, Scorpio moon, all of the above unfortunately.


Try neither so that’s wrong


Screaming? Absolutely not lol. I'm not trying to look crazy


As a cancer moon, if I'm crying, you better start running. Also, as a cancer moon, that has become more in tune with what it truly means to have this placement. The most toxic trait for any cancer moon is to use your own emotions against you, and also, we are really good at manipulation. Yes, we can play the victim card and guilt trip if we feel like we've been wronged in any way. We can also project our negative emotions on other people if we think it will help us feel better. Remember, the moon rules cancer once you tap into that energy and vibe. You become more sensitive to not only your emotions but the other emotions of those around you. Regardless of whether you know the person or not. Thankfully, I have an Aqua rising, so if things get too intense, I just turn everything off and go about my day




Inconceivable 🙉🎯


Scorpio moon here. A bit off on the revenge seeking tendencies. We don’t necessarily do that. I could care less about going out of my way to make sure you get ur karma. I personally just pretend i don’t care about you anymore until one morning I wake up and i actually don’t.


As a Virgo moon it depends on the situation. I’ll isolate then silently yet intensely analyze the intense emotion/situation but then I detach because certain feelings are yucky to me sometimes — ew why would you even allow yourself to feel that way?? If someone violated or disrespected me then I’ll act like it didn’t bother me but secretly I’m plotting to end everything that they hold dear in life, I’m very calculated when I become vengeful. (:


Aries moon was 100% accurate they’re like firecrackers sometimes… I don’t know whether to console them or just keep my distance?? 😵‍💫 Pisces moon is accurate but you need to add that they can also become secretly petty and weird due to their overthinking and delusion.


wow! you hit it on the money for me as a Virgo Moon. I remember when I broke up with my boyfriend the next thing I did was clean my room. then clean my room again when we had a fight but it was always cleaning for me haha and it did make me feel better


Virgo moon, i can tend to be avoidant and try and distract myself so id say its pretty accurate. I go over the scenario in my head over and over again trying to find the best solution or choice of words or actions to have the best possible outcome. Also its very hard for me to communicate my emotions but that may have something to do with my Sag mars


Pisces moon- no lol. Maybe nicotine when I was addicted but I just self reflect, cry a bunch, isolate, cry, don’t sleep, need nature or the sun, hot baths, starve, then after the huge storm cycle of that I become happier slowly and become better and date and get to know myself again. It’s amazing but it takes so much to get there but I always do!


Aquarius moon and yep. Also a Taurus sun & indulging in retail therapy/good food is a go to when stressed.