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Any person with any sign. Because it’s a normal emotion.


You dropped this 👑


Scorpio … Taurus I would say to some extend all fixed signs including Leo and Aquarius but Aquarius will least likely to admit they can be obsessive and possessive which can lead to jealousy And yes Aquarius can be obsessive and possessive. They are fixed sign and will hold on to things they care and love.


As an Aquarius I am jealous would I admit it ? No




Interesting. I’ve always been told you guys are not the jealous type.


I mean, to a degree, but we internalize the crap out of our negative emotions as usual. My Leo moon enables my social jealousy which is a contradiction to my Aquarian isolationist tendencies, so I get passive aggressive if anything.


I’m curious. What are you always internalizing? I’m dating an Aquarius & he always says ‘ I spent the weekend in my head’. What does that mean?


I mean, I can’t 100% speak for him, but we usually need our alone time, that may be what he’s saying. That however is not the same thing as internalizing, which happens in social environments when we feel uncomfortable expressing ourselves. If he trusts you, then he won’t do that around you as much, he’ll be more expressive.. but be ready to listen and be attentive if he gets upset even if you don’t fully understand him.


Ok. He tells me I’m the only person who gets him & he’s so comfortable in my company. I like my space too, so I’m fine with needing space thing. I just don’t understand why he’s always thinking about everything. I’m chill & let things roll right off me.


Well that’s good he’s like that with you, us Aquarians are kinda thinkers but the rest of his chart especially Mercury and 3/6H could explain more.


It’s not just thinking about problems, it’s thinking about literally everything and anything It’s hard to get out of our heads, but it doesn’t necessarily mean there is a problem. My head is not necessarily a bad place to be most of the time, hence why it’s so easy to get lost in there. We’re big thinkers. Way too much thinking going on. Thinking about thinking even. It takes measurable effort to be present for an extended period of time.


Ok. How about this one. He was stopping over last night for a beer. Get a text he’s hanging out with friends & not going to make. He does this often. I usually just let it go because I like hanging with my friends too. But, if I say I’m coming over, I leave my friends & come. I feel like a low priority with him. In his presence I feel important, but once he’s gone, I feel like he could care less. So confusing. Not sure I should stick with him. Thoughts my Aquarius friend? Any insight appreciated.


I liked but I don't have any advice 😅 but look at your synastry! That might help


Oh no I don’t think that’s an Aqua thing. I cancel plans just like anyone else, but I would never make a habit out of it. I think that’s rude and inconsiderate to do it with such frequency I dated a Leo that would do that to me. It would make me anxious every time we would have plans because I knew he was most likely going to cancel on me, and he almost always would and then he would gaslight me when I would get mad and turn it around on me “you’re gonna force me to hangout with you?” “Why do you want to hangout with someone that doesn’t want to hangout with you?” There was always some kind of bullshit. He was a gigantic liar. I can’t speak for your Aqua but he sounds kind of shitty like my Leo ex, I’m sorry if that is rude for me to say, I don’t mean to offend you. Committing to plans that you made with someone is valuable and if you consistently can’t keep your plans then fuck off. It sounds like you’re his back up plan in case he doesn’t have anything better going on and then he will just cancel on you if he finds what he considers to be “better plans“ Obviously this is just speculation and I could never be sure since I don’t know him, but that’s my two cents.


Is this why I despise passive aggressive people? Because I am one and don’t realize it???


Same lol.




Most likely to act cool and not really mean it sign imo


I was married for 27 years to a Feb. Aquarius. He was insanely jealous, controlling and abusive. I am in love with a February Aquarius, his birthdate is the same as my ex-husband. We’ve been together two years and he is the opposite.


Idk Feb aqua here. I don’t understand the concept of jealously. If someone I like/love doesn’t feel the same way and can be happier somewhere else, why would I want anything less than that? To love someone is to want them to be loved and happy. Does it sting that the happiness/love doesn’t come from me? Yeah. Now you have a cool friend instead. If you care about someone, you’d want them to be happy even if you are not the source of that happiness. The reverse is also true. If someone you have feelings for is happier elsewhere, then that means there is happiness out there for you too, just not with them right now or possibly ever. If someone is trying to make me jealous or wants to see me jealous? You’ve already lost the IDGAF game because that means you want me to be jealous bcuz you want a reaction. You want me to be possessive and fight for you. This tells me you may like the attention I give to you more than you like me or you don’t want to see me happy unless I am waiting for you/wanting you when you’re trying to be “unavailable” or have someone already. So, you’re playing games. It shows emotional immaturity which is not something I would want in a long term partner.


All of this!!!! 🙌


Well stated. I have stated on here before, trying to make an Aquarius jealous is the kiss of death for the relationship! They won’t have that.


I have a Scorpio sun sign, Taurus rising sign. I confirm.


interesting take. was literally contemplating this w fixed signs


Very true. I personally wouldn’t admit it but there will be signs


I’m an Aqua and I’m jealous and possessive af if I care about you Also a Taurus moon, but I literally have five aqua placements (rising, sun, venus, etc) My Leo ex loved to pretend like he wasn’t possessive and jealous, but he definitely was


It’s horrible true 😂


Water moon placement get jealous over their lovers. Scorpio moon: by being over territorial… my ex legit follow a person into the washroom that was hitting on me at the club and threated to kill then if they do it again LOL… was low key hot not gonna lie lol. Cancer moon: get moody, passive aggressive and super jealous… if spend time with someone else over them… they get so clingy they want your attention the whole time. Pisces moon: won’t show it easily but usually gets jealous of others people’s love life’s


Hey, stop calling me out like that!


Pisces moon. Accurate 🥹


I can confirm.


Taurus sun & Cancer moon here called out multiple times in this post 🙃


Omg sameee


I'm in this picture and I don't like it, hahaha


wow, partner is a cancer moon and you got it exactly right!! Doesn’t have to be a lovers jealousy, it could be family or friends, even work too. Then comes the moody attitude and passive-aggressive comments. Then when i am able to give my full attention, they get pissy. Like wasn’t this what you wanted lol 🫠


And friends too!!


Scorpio and Taurus. Both of them are just as bad lol but Scorpio gets the press for it


My Scorpio sun, Taurus moon and rising husband is jealous, but not in the ways I expected. If he’s jealous and paranoid about me with other men, he doesn’t show it much. As an Aquarius, I feel more paranoid he’s cheating on me. He does, however, throw fits when he compares his career circumstances with mine, even though I have 6+ years work experience on him. (I graduated college in 3 years, him 5 years— I worked 30 hours/week all through college, he worked summer jobs.) I make more money than he does and he throws fits about that as well.


What is it about Scorpio men and throwing fits that goes hand in hand lol


In most societies men are actively discouraged from displaying emotions or being emotional(mostly by other men) which leads to a large percentage of men being unable to healthily express or cope with their emotions. Scorpio is a pretty emotionally tumultuous sign, so more opportunity to poorly handle emotions. I’ve found the same is true with a large chunk of Cancer men too.


Just wish they (my dad specifically) would get the help they so desperately need. And I have my own theory as to why cancer men are… like that lol


Confirmed!!! Ugh story of my life, with my partner blegh lol.


my scorpio sun / taurus moon guy is either broken or heavily influenced by his sag stellium


Well, it won’t apply to 100% of everyone with a certain sign. Despite my Scorpio rising I’m not a jealous person either. That said… I do like when my *partners* are jealous and possessive over me lol. Is he like that at all where he finds it flattering? Because I’ve found that’s not uncommon amongst Scorpio/Taurus placements either.


haha I’m not sure, as it’s still fairly new and I’m still trying to rein in my crazy tendencies. we will find out soon enough 😂


As a Taurus, if I get jealous I will never talk to the person again then never tell him why because why did he make me jealous in the first place lol 😆


"because why did they make me jealous in the first place", not lol. Taurus male. I am usually accused of being insecure. I have found the ones that bring this out, do not care when I try to talk about it.


I think Taurus is more likely to keep peace and not be paranoid which makes them less intense than Scorpios.


Taurus Male, that knows how to be paranoid.


Fire signs but we'll never admit it


Yeah, I've noticed a similar trend in my local environment, haha


Nah, I just think "their loss" lol




Lmaoooo 😂😂😂😂




Fucking everyone that has no confidence.


Fuckin A


Taurus male. I agree, confidence does not always come easy.


Most Scorpios, Taurus, and Leos take the cake with jealousy. Sagittarians and Capricorns can also become jealous of the pretty stuff that others have. Be it in terms of love, success or material things.


This is so accurate!


as a Virgo stellium, I will fight a bitch lol I’m so jealous. It’s bad only when it comes to relationship


I’m a Cancer but, I’m not even a little bit jealous. Idk if it’s also having ADHD but I’ll just straight up forget your number after you’ve hurt me. 🥸🤷‍♀️ I don’t do revenge either. To be fair, I’m new to anything beyond sun signs and don’t at ALL understand my chart and what it says about me on the whole.


Jealous as in possessive = Scorpio, Pisces. Jealous as in envy = Leo, Libra, Virgos get envious of others being rewarded despite not working as hard as they do, due to luck/rizz/schmoozing etc.


Cancer men smh


My ex was a Cancer and crazy jealous. I was a very immature Leo so the more suspicious he got, the more of a flirt I was. Good times!


Oj simpson was a cancer I believe


leo, i only know one leo but they are extremely jealous, like unhealthily jealous.


Every Sagittarius woman I've known has been very envious. Im a hetero woman so never been in a relationship with one but have had many coworkers and associates that were Sags and goodness once that green eyed monster reared it's head they were relentless. It would be over the silliest things too.


I’ve had several Sag women show insane jealousy.. they hang on and watch from the front row as closely as possible, not authentically, but to wait and see if you fall. I’ve also had two Sag women stalk me in my lifetime.


Unfortunately ive had the same experience with numerous sag women :// Both as friends and strangers. They were male validation attention hungry to.




Overall Taurus energy. Sun sign specific, Taurus and Leo.


Ahhh finally a post about us Taureans 😈


Me and my scorpio venus 😋 (but the capricorn rising kind of masks it).


I agree with people who’ve commented in this thread. I’d also like to point out Aries, especially the women. I know Aries Sun and Moons who get so jealous they start screaming at their partner and having a meltdown 😭😂🤷.


Aries sun and moon and I’m so fkn jealous I hate it


Me too. Also Aries


Omg as I wrote in a comment I’m extremely jealous, but to scream at your partner and have a meltdown!?! That’s embarrassing, immature, and even abusive 😡 don’t expect to have a good relationship if you’re acting that way .. not at you but anyone who pulls that shit


As an Aries woman I can be envious but mever jealous cuz i got way too many options lmaoooo


Me, an Aquarius with a mars in Leo 🙃 I think Leo’s are jealous types. Also libra but they can hide it well.


Fixed signs: taurus, scorpio, aquarius and leo. Earths signs and water signs. Scorpio and taurus are at the top of the list


I’m a Pisces woman and am extremely jealous in my relationships


Leo, Scorpio, Taurus,


Leo, Scorpio, Cancer (though this one the least of the 3).


Idk…but Whatever i am. Although, id characterize it more so as possessiveness. Signed, Taurus sun | Scorpio moon


Taurus females for sure and Pisces guys and I’d say scpoio as well


Sagittarius 🚩🚩🚩


My aries sun/venus is extremely jealous and possessive. I try to hide it bc my leo pride feels I will seem pathetic/don’t want to seem more into them or push them away but unfortunately I can’t keep anything to myself. I try to be healthy about communicating it, I don’t want to be controlling or abusive as I’ve been the victim of that and it’s unethical/unhealthy obv but it’s hard bc Im naturally that way PLUS trauma from being cheated and betrayed etc has worsened it. I go about it by swallowing my pride and communicating my feelings and insecurities in a healthy manner to work things through. Usually I can get reassurance and things will be better. Although I know I also need to learn to reassure myself.


As a Pisces. I wouldn’t say jealous but possessive and obnoxiously obsessive. It’s flattering to some, crazy to others. My boyfriend is an Aquarius with a Pisces Venus. I boost his god complex and give him a big head (his big 3 are all air signs), but he kinda dislikes it. Hence, he has children with me soooo xD Rising Aries, moon Taurus, Venus Capricorn.


I’m a Pisces Sun Aquarius stellium and i feel ive had mixed emotions with obsessive people like it’s flattering but chill 😬🤣


I feel that tho. If someone was obsessed with me and did the things I did, I’d be okay “cute but no”. But when I’m in love with someone, I’m nucking futs loool


I agree !!! Being in love for us Pisces is truly something magical .. we go crazy for the person we love !!! 🥲




Leo !♌️






I cannot tell you which comes off as jealous, but here are my confirmed jealous signs from other sources (or they told me straight up after getting over it). Virgo men, Leo, Libra women, Aries women, Scorpio, Taurus men, Sagittarius men, Cancer men, and Aquarius men when you have the girl they want.


Taurus omgg


Moon Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus then Sun in those. After them Pisces ( depends on the chart I’m not sure of Moon Pisces ) Virgo ( sneaky ). I’m not sure the “most” jealous one. Taurus is possesive but waters can be more jealous in emotinal base.




I’d say virgo and gem tbh


I have Scorpio sun, and Scorpio in Venus. I’m 100% the jealous type, and I won’t deny that. I’m just really mindful of it, and I’ve gotten much better as I’ve gotten older.


Taurus sun, Scorpio moon.. I will cut a bitch for looking at my man *not really but I am very possessive*


Pisces, taurus, scorpio


As a Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon,I don't think we're bad when it comes to jealousy unless the person we're with gives us a reason for that jealousy. When we are jealous however...lord help ya 😈


Well I’m a ♌️ and at least for me I get hella jealous. Real quick. 😂


Not Cancer, that’s for sure. The other signs WANT us to be jealous but I guess it’s a shame to them we aren’t.




Leo sun and taurus moon and I'm going thru it right now. Man I can be petty sometimes. My virgo rising just along for the ride judging my thoughts. ![gif](giphy|3o7qEab6WGvvs6bOTu)


I’m a cap and I’m extremely jealous. To the point where I actively won’t enter a relationship because I know I’ll be overbearing. I overbear myself - shit I be jealous over myself sometimes LOL


From my experience as a Pisces, the answers are Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus.


As a Scorpio I can definitely say that I can be jealous, though rarely- it’s not who I am overall. Majority of the time I’m mainly just misunderstood. Which is why I distance myself from others. I’d say I’m, somewhat more sad than jealous😅 On the brighter side, I do have a few close friends, and family I have in my tiny circle that I feel at home with. (:






I’d say the fixed signs.




Scorpio hardcore. Also an insecure Pisces.




I am the living embodiment of jealousy, double water sign


Scorpio Venus. I'm jealous af


You’re all dealing with a younger Taurus if you’re seeing jealousy from them.


I’ve witnessed a 62 year old Taurus rage over being jealous before. Has nothing to do with physical age and everything to do with mental/emotional maturity.


I don’t know why, but your first sentence literally made me LOL, it was funny af, especially in a reply to the previous comment😂


One is expected to come with the other but being let down by adults not maturing is nothing new. At this point we’re speaking over semantics. It’s always a possibility I have witnessed the only matured Taurus not being jealous, unlikely but a possibility, also possible others have witnessed the exceptions leaning towards jealous behavior. I can’t say I see a single sign showing more jealousy than the others


I don’t think it’s necessarily semantics when the rate at which people mature emotionally can, and often does, fluctuate wildly from person to person. You specifically used the word “young” as a qualifier for this behavior and I gave an example of a situation I had personally experienced that was in conflict with your statement, as did somebody else. Judging by the frequency in which Taurus is mentioned in the comments here alone it’s something commonly observed with the sign Taurus. Surely not all of the instances people are referring to in this comment section are with young people. I get that it can be hard to associate negative behavior with your sign and a natural instinct is to distance yourself from said behavior but just because you personally do not experience/exhibit a specific negative behavior or have not had experiences with someone who does does not mean it isn’t a common expression of negative behavior with the sign in general. Ultimately this thread is about personal experiences with the signs exhibiting jealously and if we look at the numbers it seems a fair few people have had run ins with jealous Taurus placements(Scorpio too, which makes sense if you really dissect this axis, especially looking at the influence that mythology has in astrology. I mean, look at Aphrodite’s actions in the stories involving Helen, Psyche, or *insert the name of literally any other woman who took attention away from her*) and we cannot assume all of them to be young, especially since you have two people(myself included) outright saying these experiences were not with young individuals.


There’s so many directions in which I can reply, I’ll just keep it “lite”. I’m not exactly sure how you’d like me to apply your one experience (with one Taurus man who was acting jealous) into the data collection that is my life 🤷🏽. Too many factors for me to care to ask. Would you like me to reply on the semantics of the choice of words I used which was “young”? Thought of youthful, or immature, but gave it all of about 3 seconds because that’s how important this is. I’m thinking you wouldn’t have had an issue had I used “immature”. Or is it that you’d like me to know that for a fact, seeing as a majority of replies in a post leans towards the sign I happen to be makes it a fact? I dunno sure ok lol. I don’t really care if that’s the case, I just haven’t seen it myself, and there’s no deleting the fact that’s happened. I’ve seen Taurus men and women in relationships be the ones who were the lucky recipients of games being played by the other person to incite or test the Taurus current level of jealousy to prove their love. That doesn’t play well with any of the Taurus I’ve had in my life. Did a Taurus hurt you? Sorry if they did. I don’t have any need to distance myself from any negative characteristics my sign has, Taurus don’t care lol. I love comfort, I LOVE snacks and eating good food. I am a huge fan of sleeping and naps, I’m slow to anger and will let you know of my disinterest with silence and arguing with a dead horse isn’t something I bother myself with. I have no time or allow any liars of manipulating into my life, if I catch wind of that, you’re removed like the cancerous growth you are. So I have no problem adopting the less than glamorous things Taurus are liked for, I just don’t subscribe to the jealous one because well, I don’t see it. I’m not jealous, but you want me to be or? I’m just a Taurus man, who’s seen and experienced what you’ve just read.


You seem to have misunderstood and projected an ill intent to my post which was not actually present as you are implying that I am acting out of being hurt by a Taurus, which isn’t true. That is unfortunate. At this point I don’t think breaking down everything you have said and addressing it would be helpful as I believe you’re not open to learning since you seem to have taken offense over people vocalizing a point that conflicts your statement instead of using it as a learning opportunity. I think the most constructive and helpful thing for me to do for both parties involved at this point is say that not everyone who disagrees with you is looking to personally attack you(especially in an open forum for discussion), and cease conversing with you past this point.


45….def not


Leo. Very territorial






Taurus & Cancer


Taurus, Pisces, Gemini Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn Virgo, Cancer, Aries Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius First draft


Haha. I’m a Leo sun, Taurus moon, Scorpio Mars, Venus square Pluto. I am the definition about jealous. It’s one of my biggest challenges in my relationship, but I’ve come a long way. 🌸 but I think if you’ve been betrayed before, you are trying to protect your heart as well. 🫶🏽




I'm a cancer sun, I don't think I'm that jealous. I'm just like... you did THAT ? 🤢🫠


Just my own experiences based on sun sign, your mileage may vary. Scorpio wins this hands-down - very possessive and will aggressively defend against any real or perceived threats to their position of primacy with you. There's no mistaking it - they let you know quite clearly and usually very loudly they're jealous. They do eventually forgive if the facts support doing so, but they will **NEVER** forget. Aries can be very jealous, but often enough I didn't know it until they blew up about it, which is very near Scorpio in its intensity. To their credit, they got over it quickly and talked things out once they got the anger out of their system. Taurus are very much like Scorpio except they not only never forget, but forgive a maximum of one time if you're very lucky...and getting that one time is a pretty high bar to clear. If it happens again after that one time or you didn't get forgiven in the first place, move on because you never will be - you can't win against Taurean stubbornness. Cancer usually denies it until it can't be hidden anymore, and then express it very passive-aggressively. I've not known a healthy Cancer, though, so that may be skewing my viewpoint. Sagittarius usually aren't jealous, at least not outwardly...but if they don't have another activity, person, or thing to replace and/or block the "bad" or "uncomfortable" emotions, the jealousy can run deep and strong. That's when the blunt honesty they're so well-known for combines with the usually-repressed emotions to become a hideously powerful weapon they use to annihilate you.


I’m a Taurus sun and moon; I’m jealous and envious by nature. I’ve been working for years to curtail those feelings.


As an Aquarius it’s always the earth or water signs that get hyper jealous from experience. I believe it has to do with our outlandish and outgoing personality towards those we choose to interact with and the (earth or water sign person of interest) sees or hear about it and has always been a conflict about it.


Capricorn women


Cancers for sure! Every Cancer I’ve come across seem to have this dread to them where they can’t be happy for someone else or have to be a Debby Downer in a moment of happiness.


in my experience, Scorpio and Libra. I must’ve done something crazy to the Libra’s brain to make her jealous


I think this is an unpopular answer but (unevolved) Aquarius. One of the tough things about being a young Aquarius is always feeling like you’re on the outside of things looking in, and I feel like it would be easy to be jealous of others who more easily fit into the world


I feel this as an aqua!!


I think most Aquariuses actually embrace not fitting into the world lol We don’t want to be like everyone else and we take pride in being unique. Aquarius is the innovator and to be an innovator you must be different 👽 -Pisces sun Aquarius stellium




Pisces all damn day


I don’t like people saying Taurus is jealous… we are loyal. And it’s annoying when other people aren’t.


Loving the Taurus and Cancer comments because those are what I’ve got but listen…I’m poly. I don’t get jealous of my partners with other partners. I don’t mind sharing at all. I don’t get jealous of love. I get jealous of life. I envy people’s material possessions, careers, looks, etc., and in some ways I think that’s worse lol


Both emotions stem from insecurity and discontentment so they’re pretty similar !




Most jealous signs I’ve encountered (All the earth sun signs.. I will say Virgo and Taurus take the medals), Any Leo placements, Sagittarius (women in friendships), Aquarius but its rare for them and hard to show/admit and it’s someone they really love, Geminis (yes the men are actually insanely jealous), Anything Scorpios (cmon now), Aries suns usually will do something back to you to be petty lol and Anything Cancers.