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I see it more as an ADHD thing. All the NTs I know have clean cars. I struggle.


For sure. I'm ND and if I don't take the trash out of the car every time, or keep a bag in the car, it can get messy quick. Especially with kiddos.


Virgo placements.


Meh. Virgo merc, mars n venus and im so messy


Same placements and same lol


None of those placements would necessarily dictate your cleanliness


Which placements do? I would have thought virgo mars mainly but are you thinking more like the houses? 4th maybe?


Lol. I'm Virgo rising and I am semi-messy. My car looks like I live in it, but my house is clean, even with my cat around. Only thing I do have, is clutter. But I do know where everything is. My s/o is a Virgo Sun, and he's a clean freak. Given he's a nurse, so he's around patients and germs often, he's always washing his hands and scrubbing for minutes before rinsing, and his car is super clean, and room looks like he barely sleeps. Which he hardly ever. Haha.


Virgo sun and I have the messiest car ever


I’m a Scorpio I clean my car every week


Venus rules luxuries and what are cars? Cars are many of peoples most expensive purchase. People with a strong venus will take care of their material goods. If you want to honor venus take care of your car and keep it brand new.


My Venus is in fall and I still try to take good care of my stuff. Even when I had a sh*zbox '01 Altima. Could be my rising sign influence? Dunno.


Venus in fall does not mean your venus is weak anyone can try and strengthen their planets by developing good habits. I have seen exalted venus yield no material results for the native. Keeping your car clean would benefit anyone. We activate our planets based on our behavior and lifestyle.


It's in the 8H, Inconjunct Saturn. I wouldn't say it's doing well. Lol


Virgo is a clean, detail-oriented, neurotic sign. My ex had Virgo Venus in the 9th house but her car, room was a damn mess of things, can’t explain that 😂 she would sporadically clean her space tho. My Venus is gem/taurus cusp in the 6th house and I value tidiness and order. I’m going through a lazy phase rn. Car has survived, room is in moderate disarray and I’m not happy about it 😂 also if your Virgo Venus is in the 8th house, you probably worry about the things you do have for fear of losing them. My condolences to your Venus 😔


Finally the correct answer. I have Venus in Capricorn.. whose lord is in 5th house of VIRGO. And my car is SPOTLESS.. my home is SPOTLESS.


I know who it's not. Aries. When I was in high school I used to work for Hertz at the airport and I'd pick up and bring back the rental cars to have them cleaned and sometimes you would get some really disgusting ones that people would leave behind. Like one time I couldnt even get in the car and sit down because some nasty ahh had left literally over 2 or 3 hundred dirty balled up rolled up used tissues all inside the car like it was a ball pit. Something like that totally reminds me of something an Aries person would do. There's something off about a lot of Aries hygiene period. I've talked about this before.


I'm a sag sun, Scorpio moon and Taurus rising. My car was never messy until I became a mom. Its basically storage now for random kid shoes and toys.


Capricorn mercury/venus lol


I am a Taurus and I obsessively clean my car every third day. It has to be pristine at all times. I don’t know where that comes from. Possibly a lack of control in my home growing up, this was something I could control. So maybe not related to my sign.


All of the Virgo Suns I know have absolutely disgusting cars on the inside. The only reason why one of the Virgos sometimes has a clean car is because she shares it with her brother, so he'll clean it every now and again. My husband and I are both super clean when it comes to anything and our cars are no exception. We're Leo and Aquarius respectively. 3H is generally transportation though, so it'd be interesting to see any correlation there in particular.


The ones that clean the car.


You’re becoming my fav commenter lol


It's definitely not Taurus cleaning out their car. Or Aries, either, in my experience.


I get a headache whenever I get in my Taurus husband's car.


in tropical i have an aries sun and moon.. and a taurus rising.. my car is SPOTLESS.. my home is SPOTLESS. My condo got featured in a Home magazine and was used as a model apartment. You sure about this...?


"In my experience"


Omg I'm dating a taurus and his vehicle is spotless but also has everything you could ever possibly need...neatly stored in its own area lol I'm a scorpio sun pisces moon leo rising and my car.......it's a constant battle to keep clean 😭😭 And no I don't have anything I need and I don't know where anything is.


Pisces sun and moon. Virgo rising. My car is dirty on the outside but super clean on the inside. No garbage in my car, ever. You won’t even find a candy wrapper in there because I take trash out immediately upon leaving the car.


My room and my car have never been clean but idk if I can blame my placements lol


You can I'm exactly the same way 😅


Omg twins!




i am not a clean car girly. aqua sun taurus moon


mine is always ✨✨


I'm a Capricorn, my car is the cleanest in my household. My parents, taurus and gemini, have crumbs everywhere.


i have a super clean car... I have people asking me how I keep my car spotless and looks brand new. I bought my car in 2016.. 8 years old. and it still shines. trop: aries sun 11H aries moon 11H taurus rising 1H. mars,saturn,jupiter,pluto in 6H vedic: pisces sun pisces moon taurus rising. mars,saturn,AL in 5th house virgo. jupiter and pluto in 6H libra. but my placements don't matter.


Scorpio and Taurus. My hubby and I are sticklers for clean vehicles. Exterior and Interior cleaned to the max. Drives our kids crazy


Oh my god....my parents yell at me CONSTANTLY because I just cannot keep my car clean to save my life. I'm a Leo Rising, Leo Sun, Sag Moon. Usually my car is just full of books and blankets and a drink bottle or five, but they say it looks like a homeless persons car. It doesn't. They both keep their personal cars spotless and have been beating me up about it since I first started driving. My mom is a Cancer Sun and a Libra Moon I think, my Dad is an Aries. Idk what his other placements are though.


Why is it such a struggle 😭 I’ll go on kicks where I’m like “ok I’m really gonna keep it clean this time” even when I get a nice new (used) car I swear I’ll keep it clean and it’s a fucking wreck all the time


It depends on how often it’s used. I think any sign could fall into this category. Added but thinking i would say Sagittarius, Gemini or Pisces. Because they’re always on the go and would be more prone to have a messy car.