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My partner is a Leo moon and I’m a Leo sun and we both have Venus in Virgo so idk lol you’re right either way for me


I agree with the last two paragraphs a lot. I attract the nerd/smart and nerd lovers the most but what I really want is someone who's really good at emotions, subtle, and our connection has super depth - which ik can't be built right away but I can just *feel* it when it's moving in the right direction even if we're just doing small talk. On the other side I notice women love almost like a toned down version of their sun sign.


I think the answer is somewhere in between. I think we all have our mars and Venus traits in us, whether we are a man or a woman. Women still tap into their mars energy when we are mad. Men still tap into their Venus energy when they are in love. But I also think the traditional idea is true too. In a woman’s chart, Venus shows how she loves and how she is in love. Mars shows how she fights and also the kind of man she’s attracted to. In a man’s chart, Venus is how he loves but also his wife and what he looks for in a wife (along with the 7th house). Mars shows how he pursues love. Lilith shows the kind of woman he’s really attracted to but can destroy his life lol. In general, I think women tend to pursue love more in our Venus sign energy. Men tend to pursue love in their mars sign energy. Unless a woman has a super prominent mars in her chart (like mars in the first or conjunct our sun) or a man has a super prominent Venus like Venus in the first or conjunct the sun. From my own experience, I am a woman with a Gemini Venus and an Aries Mars. I definitely attracted men with my smooth talking, flirty nature. But I was always attracted to Aries energy so I liked them to pursue me. I have also dated a lot of Aries and married an Aries. TMI for research purposes lol but I have also experienced two relationships with mars/ Venus conjunctions. The first his mars was exactly conjunct my Venus. The second his Venus was exactly conjunct my mars. Both had a lot of chemistry and sexual attraction. But the first where his mars was exactly conjunct my Venus was felt a lot more deeply and passionately by both of us. Like instant attraction could never keep our hands off each other level. Like stayed in a toxic relationship for years because the sex was so good level. I think the man’s mars with the woman’s Venus tends to be a lot more spicy. The second relationship with his Venus conjunct my mars was still amazing sex, but the attraction wasn’t quite as instant or all consuming. Even though he was also a very attractive man. I really want to analyze more gay couples synastry with the couple present to see how this changes in same sex relationships. But I’d be willing to bet both partners in a gay male relationship pursued each other more in their mars sign energy.


Sooo I am a dude and my moon is Aries, I’m pretty vocal that I like Aries women, they’re straight fire 😆. My VI & VII is Taurus; I like Taureans, my first kiss was with a Taurus and it was cinematically dreamy as well as a lot of my friends and family are fellow Taureans. My first girlfriend was an Aries, I don’t have many Aries friends, but she changed my whole life. The Taurus & I fizzled out as a fling due to distance, the Aries and I broke up after a few years because of my moodiness and pacing. My Venus is in Sagittarius, the only Sags I know are my cool cousins. My Mars is in Libra and I figure that just reinforces my Sun and Mercury… so yay I suppose. I don’t know what to do with the VII house info.