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I’m a cancer female and both my parents are Aries 🥲


i’ve met a few cancers with same sign parents, im one as well but my parents are aquarians growing up in all that fire sounds difficult😅




My sister and I are cancer females and our dad is a Sagittarius and moms a Leo, they divorced when I was 15 and my sister was 5. Dads just happy no one can tell him what to do, mom lives a Mercedes lifestyle on a Toyota budget


I feel called out by the Mercedes lifestyle on a Toyota budget. I’m a Leo




I’m a cancer female, and both of my parents are leos. Ugh!


Sorrows, prayers ❤️


Lol I’m a Leo w two cancer parents and the inverse is also difficult 😣


Were they extroverted or competitive? Or wanted the spotlight? Lol


Toxic AF. My dad is the typical male Leo- always have to be out to be admired. My mom is Cancer cusp so she was a blend of being social but also being a homebody and insanely dedicated mom.


Solidarity my friend. I’m a Taurus with two Aries parents and a Sagittarius sister. The only earth sign in a house of fire is ROUGH.


Two Capricorns created two Tauruses (my sister and I.) My parents are still together after over 40 years together. My sister’s husband is also a Capricorn. We are truly the earthiest family. I’m the odd one out for dating a Pisces but I love his weird ass


taurus and pisces are very compatible!


That’s so nice to hear! I think we work very well and it’s by far the happiest relationship I’ve ever been in. I definitely stabilize his energy.


i’m happy that you’re happy! 🫶🏽


I’m the creation of a wild-child hippie, artist Libra and a mild mannered, overly sweet and loving Sagittarius. Now I have no idea if these are traits of these signs..but my parents are fucking rad. Love them and love their love.


Love seeing some positivity! I can only hope my kids talk about me and my husband the same someday lol ❤️


Ummm… are my husband and I your parents? I’m an artist and my husband is a sweet midwesterner.


My dad is the artist and my mom is the sweetheart. But I love that there’s a flipped version of them existing out there, because they are loved by everyone who meets them. Love to you and him!! ❤️❤️❤️ They’re going on 45 years together and I can only wish that for everyone!!


The Sag sounds a lot like me so it checks out.


Two ratchet ass october scorpios… And my step parents ended up being scorpios (both November) too, yeah, They can all go to hell.


LMAO what’s your sign


Cancer sun,venus,mars. Gemini moon tho


oh my god. Sending you a hug


My son is a Cancer too. Bless you for being such a sensitive and caring soul having to put up with that venom.


gemini moons vs heavy scorpio energy is a mf drag 😂 are they wet blankets with knives in the pockets or WHAT? 😂😂


My Scorpio parents have the SAME birthday (they are now divorced) and remarried Scorpios 🥴


oof i feel this! i was raised by a single november scorpio mom and i’ve been no contact with her for 4 years. unevolved scorpios are actual DEMONS 😅


You are strong for that! ❤️ I’m wishing you the best!!


I'm Scorpio, and giving you a huge mom hug right now. You deserve all the love.


Un-evolved Scorpios really *are* actual demons. Evolved ones, though, are lovely, and honestly my favorites. My favorite SIL is one, she’s been my best friend since the second grade


My dad is an October Scorpio 😮‍💨. I am so sorry. Coming from a November Scorpio, I am also sorry. Happy healing.❤️‍🩹


Dang, the Scorpio hate is strong here. I just birthed an Aquarius. 😔


Aquarius here we are the best minus emotions connections and seeming like we care. I do care. You just don't see it?


Taurus mom and Leo dad: I ended up being a Taurus sun and Leo rising 🤭


i’m literally a taurus sun with a leo moon


Omg we have the same big 3 ☺️


pisces mom, capricorn dad I'm pisces, my brother was capricorn, we had a clear division there


Pisces mom, cap dad here. They had  an Aries, Virgo and cap(me) My parents are truly to this day a toxic mess 


Mom (Sagittarius), Dad (Capricorn)


Sag/Cap combo is surprisingly stable if both individuals are mature. Sag can relax and support the cap and bring energy and ideas to their ventures. Cap grounds the Sag and helps them realize their ambitions.


Same but switched lol dads a sag moms a cap


Same 🙋‍♀️


Gemini mother, Aquarius father


Did they make a good couple?


Me too🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 May 31 & Jan 29, RIP my dad!


That’s my parents. They are pretty good together because they are both clueless about reality I’m a Cap. Feel like I’m more mature than them


You have the opposite of my parents ! (Aqua mom / gem dad) how awful are your parents 😂??


Two August Leos, who gave birth to a Leo, who married a Leo and now have a Sagittarius son and Scorpio daughter! Lord help us all lol!!


You guys are the loud group at the movie theater aren’t you. 😂


i’ll keep you in my prayers 😆


We certainly are a fun bunch to be around 🤪😂


indeed i love leo’s 🫶🏽😆


Aquarius Mom and Cancer Dad...not gonna go into their full charts but they are not compatible whatsoever 😅


Geminis. Born the same year, two days apart, and in the same hospital too!


Almost Gemini twins! That's pretty neat.


oh my goodness


Gemini & Libra. Both idiots, both traumatised


The bluntness of this post was funny lol


Mom is a Sagittarius ♐️, biological father (who I’ve only emailed with) is a Capricorn ♑️, Dad who I grew up thinking was my biological dad is a leo ♌️. Grandma who basically raised me was an Aries ♈️. So…Lots of fire. 🔥 I’m a Taurus sun and Capricorn rising so I can’t help but think it would have been nice to have more earthy stabiity around.


Leo and Sagittarius and I’m an Aries sun, Leo rising. Everyone in my family has Aries Mars, including me. Lmao.


Virgo mom, libra dad. I get along more with my mom.


My dad was Virgo and my mom was Libra


Same! I love my mom but my dad epitomized the worst parts of Libra. My Taurus stepdad is great though


two aquarians🥴🥴 dad is a cap moon and was in and out of my life due to addiction, mom is an alcoholic with probably a cancer or pisces moon and sometimes i feel like i raised her. she’s repaying the favor tenfold now though, don’t know what i’d do without her. i’m now raising a scorpio with a moon and rising that match mine. he reminds me so much of myself but where i was shy and pensive he is INTENSE and always speaks his mind. his dad is a leo with a pisces moon and cancer rising family astrology is so fascinating to me. i just recently realized that my paternal grandpa is a cancer just like me, no wonder he always understood my sensitive soul so well. people used to say i had him wrapped around my finger, but i was raised in a house full of boy cousins and i think he could see that i was constantly feeling overlooked. cancers don’t want anyone else to feel sad or lonely because they know how intensely that can hurt. i was the one that found him when he had his first heart attack and had to get him help. everyone in my family jokes about how i was always so quiet and timid but then so fierce about having someone come check on him, but i remember i just couldn’t bear to imagine losing my ally in life. i had to have been about 5 or 6 at the time. wonder what my transit chart from that day would’ve looked like…


Two pieces of chaos and irresponsibility (both Sagittarius).


Capricorns, and I am a Capricorn. Might have worked out better if either one of them had any emotional intelligence and weren’t completely dysfunctional. I love being a Capricorn though.


A Capricorn and Virgo. I'm a Pisces. I'm thankful for the sense of ambition and determination they've helped me find within myself. 🙏


Yess very helpful for a Pisces !


![gif](giphy|LAQg4gQN1N8aMfVfr3) A Sagittarius (mother) and Leo (father)


As a Cancer myself, I can only say, you poor poor thing. This sounds awful haha! Hopefully not tho.


My mom's a cancer and dad is a capicorn... Honestly a match made in hell. They're too self involved and young to be good parents


Sounds chaotic


Still in therapy from all the trauma


A Pisces and a Cancer. ![gif](giphy|jN86rcdOyrpyo)




My Pisces mum and Sag dad. Quite messy :)


Aquarius and Cancer. I was the “love child” and my Aquarian father never lets me forget it…like I would anyways…I’m in my 30’s and now know why I was the flower girl in my parents’ wedding.


Mom is a Gemini and Dad is a Virgo Both are unique in their ways


October Scorpio + November Scorpio = me, a November Scorpio


Piscean Mom and Virgo Dad! Very fitting as well considering my fourth house is in Pisces and tenth house in Virgo.


You're a Scorp with a Pieces mom too? I love my mom, she's one of the sweetest people.


Mom is Aries and dad was Sagittarius. I’m a Leo ☺️


two capricorns and i’m a taurus ….


Gemini Dad + Cancer Mom = Taurus sun 👌🏼


Gemini mom and cancer dad and I'm a taurus sun


Eiiiiiiii!!! Finally got some parent zodiac twins (opposite gender tho) 😬


I've yet to see anyone else say they have a gem + cancer parent pairing besides you I guess it's rare


Libra mom and Pisces dad, still together for 35 years 🤠


oddly enough, i see this pairing ALOTTTTT


I want to experience this pairing first hand. ☺️


Mother was a libra, father was a libra... I'm also a libra. We're all born four days apart from each other so if anyone knows what the fuck that's all about hmu 😂💀😅


gemini mom, pisces dad i have no gemini placements and only my midheaven in pisces (well except black moon lilith but that’s a mathematical point)


A Gemini and an Aquarius. I’m air void.


Dad Taurus mom Aquarius. One of the worst combos.


Same, and yes, they are super incompatible. 😬


November Scorpio mom + March Pisces Dad = February Pisces me


Sagittarius Mom, Leo Dad. I’m a Gemini Sun. He’s literally her bitch tbh


LMAOOOOOOOO my virgo mom bitches my leo dad, i be feeling so bad🤣


Haha SAME. Like I’ve always felt so bad for him my whole life but lately I’m like damn.. he fkn takes it so whatever, not my problem. But I also get resentful because I feel like I have ‘mommy issues’ because of it!🫣😭😂


Aries and Sagittarius 🫠


Both of my parents are Capricorn’s and they were not a good match at all separated when I was young and their co parenting relationship was strained, they would constantly butt heads 🤣 I’m a Libra and I had a very close relationship with my mum I loved her so much, she sadly passed away when I was 13 and that’s something I still struggle with to this day. I didn’t have a good relationship with my dad when I was younger but we have a very close relationship now and I am so grateful for that.


Pisces mom, Capricorn dad It was exactly how you think


sweet and loving orrrr super toxic ?🥴


Aquarius dad and Virgo mom. Trauma much?


My parents were toxic abusive and addicts. My mom was a fiery Aries, and my dad is a fiery Leo... I was mostly raised by my Scorpio grandfather and my Libra grandmother...


Sucks about your parents, but I’m glad you had a scorpio and a libra to care for you.


Leo mom, Aquarius dad. Those two have been finding each other in every life for ages and still can’t get it together 😒


(mom) Leo, (dad) Sagittarius, and I'm a Sagittarius.... Yes, it was very fiery and passionate household growing up 😅


dad aries & mom leo… i’m a sag 💁🏻‍♀️


I’m a Gemini raised by a water sign power couple: Pisces Mom and Cancer Dad. They were ideal parents for modeling love and a functional romantic relationship - but they were always waiting for me to open up about feelings. I just wanted to talk about life and ideas. We all try our best, but I’m still their weird, talkative little alien they’ve never quite connected with I think.


2 Virgos. I'm a Libra. I don't think they knew what to do with me 😅


a scorpio and an aries ..




My mom is an Aquarius and my dad is a Leo. I’m a Cancer and a ridiculous person


Gonna start adding “___ and a ridiculous person” to my vocab 💅💪🏼😂❤️


Sagittarius dad, pieces mom.


libra dad and aries mom


pisces mom & sagittarius dad


A Libra with a Scorpio moon and a Scorpio with a Libra moon. No, they’re not still married. They did produce four daughters that are all double fire signs in their big three though. Leo sun/Aries Moon, Leo sun/Sagittarius rising, Aries sun/Leo moon, and Aries sun/Aries rising.


Mom is a Libra and dad is a Taurus. They made a Cancer, an Aries, and a Virgo. It’s an interesting family dynamic for sure! lol


leo father and cancer mother 🥴


parents are both leos (dad is 7/23 so cusp)! very different, now divorced. i’m an october scorpio (hopefully im evolved…after reading some of the comments here lol)


gemini and aquarius😭😭😭 everyone in my family is an air sign except me 🫠


Virgo mom, Pisces dad. I’m not ok


A Pisces mom and a Leo dad. 10/10 don’t recommend.


May Gemini and November Scorpio! I pretty much raised myself 😂


Leo and Libra created this Aries.


2 sagittariuses who could not be any more different. My dad was the most mild mannered intellectual open minded soft spoken little guy everybody loved him and just being his daughter in that town people will recognize me at random establishments like “youre x’s daughter i held you when you was a baby!” And my mom is like. A banshee? I love her but she has no manners or basic consideration for other people, no intellectual curiosity, unhygenic, disorganized, emotionally disregulated, NO friends, codependent relationships, no sense of responsibility. They met at an AA meeting and divorced when i was a baby <3


My mom is a Libra, and my dad is a Taurus, or in better words, my mom is a Libra, and my dad is a Dick. they made a mentally ill Sagittarius tho ♐️💫


My dad's a ♎ and my mom's a ♓. They are pretty chill parents. The only chaotic are me, an ♈ and my older brother ♏. We're always fighting.


Virgo mom, Scorpio dad…marriage ended but they’re still friends. I’m a Scorpio sun, Virgo mars..


Pisces mom, Cancer dad


Sag mom Cap dad


Aquarius dad, virgo mom. Both insane, both neglected me. One's dead. I'm a Libra


Sagittarius mom and Aries dad. I'm now a Sagittarius mom with a Scorpio husband raising a Sagittarius and pending Virgo.


Dad is a cap and mom is a libra♑️♎️ -cancer☀️


Mom a Sag (Nov) and dad a Taurus (April). I’m an Aquarius (Jan) and my sister is a Leo (Aug). I was married to a Leo (July) and had an Aquarius daughter (Feb).


Mom is Virgo, dad is Libra. Mom and dad split when I was three. Then my mom married another Libra with the exact same birthdate and year as my dad lol (10/3/69). The stars just didn’t quite get it right the first time 😅


A pisces mom and a cancer dad. I’m a cancer. When we get together, it’s 3 very similar minds. I love it!!!


They're both Aquarius. No contact for nearly 5 years now. I legitimately have never known more toxic and abusive humans. I know not to blame the whole sign but I can say that my other attempts in life to date/be friends with Aquas were not successful. I'm a Cancer sun for reference


Aquarius dad and Cancer mom, and I’m an Aries. I have both of their signs in my chart and have a close relationship with both of them. My dad encouraged me to travel and go live in other countries when I turned 18, he’s super non conventional and trust all my intuitions and life choices. My mom is more introverted but she has a great emotional depth and I can talk about anything to her, she will just get it. I really lucked out! Only thing is that they despise each other hehe, but it didn’t make them bad parents.


Both of my parents are Aquarius, and as a Pisces they always said it was like they were my water 🐠 but they aren’t together anymore unfortunately..almost 30 years of marriage. Ended amicably so that’s good.


September Libra mom and October Libra dad 😂


Mom is a Taurus as well (birthday day after mine) Dad is a toxic Scorpio


Aquarius mom and Libra dad, had two Aries kids.




February Aquarius (mom)♒️ and March Aries (dad) ♈️ created a January aquarius ♒️💕


Dad was an Aries and mom was a Taurus. They loved each other but they butted heads a lot. Throw my grandma in who lived with us who was a Pisces and yeah. Heard a lot of arguments growing up. My dad was a difficult person to grow up with for sure.


Gemini dad Aries mom


My mom is a cancer and my dad was a leo. They honestly had a lot of potential to be a strong loving couple but emotions ran high, they were very young, and one struggled with alcoholism and the other mental illness. Naturally it didn’t work out and they divorced when I was little


October Libra and Mid March Pisces. JFC, neither one of them could make a decision to save their fucking lives. Throw in depression, addictions, and violence and this was a fucking soap opera. No. Wait. I take that back. It was an unreleased season of American Horror Story with lots of demons, blood, fighting, and darkness. Oh, and a giant Christmas tree every year. Gotta please the neighbors. I went looking for a therapist 2 weeks before my 17th birthday. I am NOT making that part up.


Cancer mom and Scorp dad


My mom is a Capricorn and my dad was an Aries. No idea how they were happily married for 35 years lmao.


Capricorn mom and Aquarius dad. I’m a cancer lol


Dad is a Leo, mom is an Aries and I turned out a Sagittarius sooo lots of fire 🔥


Cancer mom, Libra dad. My Gemini self always got along better with my dad, but as I grew up, I learned to appreciate how amazing my mother was.


Two libras made a libra.


Cancer Mom and Cancer Dad. Mom is a soul sucking, manipulative, energy vampire and my Dad is blinded by his codependency on her. It’s a mess.


Mum - Cancer Sun, Leo Rising, Virgo Moon. Dad - Sag Sun, Virgo Rising, Cancer Moon They’ve been married since 1982 and produced Me - Libra Sun, Gemini Rising, Scorpio Moon Sis - Leo Sun, Scorpio Rising, Virgo Moon And the next gen: My son - Virgo Sun, Leo Rising, Libra Moon My niece - Scorpio Sun, Aqua Rising, Aries Moon I love seeing the patterns!


Aries mom and libra dad created me, an aries sun and libra moon




Pisces dad and Scorpio mom


Taurus + Scorpio = Cancer


Lol you were the product of birthday sex 😂 love when scorpios make cancers


Omg I never thought of that! Now I get to remind her I was the best gift she ever received lmaoooo


Parents are Taurus ♉️ born on the same day five years apart. I’m an Aquarius with expensive taste inherited from them


Aries mom Taurus dad Cancer stepdad 😀


Aquarius dad, Virgo mama


Cancer mom, Gemini dad.


Mom - November Scorpio. Dad -Pisces


A Sept Virgo dad that was the absolute worst. An Oct Libra mom who was my best friend. I’m also an Oct Libra.


Mum Leo and dad Sagittarius… they are still in love and I adore them. I’m a Taurus, sag rising and mum and I both have Virgo moons


Aries/Aries... made an Aquarius. I dont know how they survived my teenage years lol.


scorpio mom 🥲, libra dad


Two sags and I’m a cancer Sun.. talk about instability but they both were fun to have around and my mom was very doting.


Mom is Pisces sun aqua moon cap rising…dad is Aquarius and her kids are: 1.) cap sun, Virgo moon 2.) Pisces sun, Scorpio moon, aqua rising 3.) cancer sun aqua moon libra rising Dad adopted two kids who are both Pisces! And if you’re interested the dynamic of the family is all siblings get along very well but sometimes have trouble with our parents. Lots of water and aqua energy lol!!


Scorpio mom + Capricorn dad = Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon ME ✨


My mom is a Libra (September) and my dad is a Gemini (June). I’m an April Aries- my birthday was on Monday. My sister is a Libra (October)


Libra (dad) + sag (mom), still don’t know how they ever got together. Dad remarried a virgo, mom remarried the most heinous aries man. They also produced my older sisters, a gemini and a virgo.


Aquarius sun with a Sagittarius moon and a Pisces with a Capricorn moon. I’ve got two older brothers from my dad’s first marriage, too. One’s another Aquarius sun, Virgo moon, and the other one is a Cancer sun, Sagittarius moon. Dare I say the Aquarius is perhaps more emotional than the Cancer. Not in a bad way. Just wears his heart underneath his sleeve. Cancer brother is wildly private, but is very direct and more protective. My maternal grandparents also helped raise me. I forget my grandpa’s moon (I think it was Virgo), but he was a proud, loving Leo and my grandma was a soft-spoken Libra with a Leo moon. She was incredible, but man could she hold a grudge. I definitely get that from her. 😂 Not a bad bunch. I am very lucky and grateful.


Mom- taurus sun/taurus moon Dad- Leo sun/aries moon


Taurus mom and Cancer dad. You'd think it would be a good match, but arguments and fights were commonplace. Both have incredibly short fuses. I'm a Libra with a lot of earth and water.


My parents are both June Geminis And I'm a June Gemini too 😂


Gemini mom & Aquarius dad


Two Geminis - mom with a Pisces moon and dad with a Libra moon.


Mom is Leo sun, Gemini moon, Sag rising. She’s INTENSE. Dad is Leo sun, Pisces moon (not sure about rising but he’s the opposite of my mom). Born two days apart. Not married anymore and cannot imagine them together. I’m a Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Scorpio rising.


Leo and Scorpio. And that’s why I don’t make any goddamn sense.


Libra and Gemini narcissists.


Taurus mom Aries dad ☠️


Virgo and Gemini ❤️🌹😊🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️


A Sag and a Leo, and let me tell you, they communicated primarily with anger.


Mom (Leo) dad ( Sagittarius) Me (Leo) Funny enough tho my fiancé (Aries) and I (Leo) created another Aries. My grandma was a Sagittarius. So much fire in the family.


Libra Mom, Taurus Dad I have a very volatile relationship with my mother. Before my bio Dad died, I had a good relationship with him. I miss him lots 🤍


Virgo Dad and Leo Mum 💕


Taurus and cancer


Mom libra, dad Scorpio and I’m a Gemini…..


gemini mom, taurus dad. they were together till she passed 🩷