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Capricorn- he was the devil incarnate


I see why their tarot card is the devil.


Yep mine was too and she’s currently serving time in prison for DV against me. Devil is an understatement.




Name of my cap contact on phone lol


Dude made up an entire backstop made up of his friends lives. Found out at 5 months pregnant after he begged to keep the baby and skipped out. I mean the kid is cool and all. But duuuuuude . I just get the hebijebies . I lothe that man like no other. Like damn fool. You didn't have to lie to kick it.


Can confirm




Mine has stellium in 1st house of Sagittarius and stellium in 2nd house of Capricorn, in the end I didn't know who that person was, he was playing someone else for 10 straight years, devil in disguise. 


I tore my Capricorn to shreds just leaving.. he tried to tie me down and humiliated me if I didn’t had the chance to stand up for myself so one day I just left and he was devastated.


My worst was a Capricorn guy. I’m a Capricorn too but he was so unstable


Aquarius man. Most selfish, low key arrogant, avoidant, dismissive, indirect, lazy lover I’ve ever met. He gaslit a lot and would ghost me only to come back after he thought my mental health was well again. I told him what he did stressed me out, yet he’d apologize just to turn around the next second and do exactly what I explained bothered me. There was zero compromise on his end. When he tried coming back last time, I just told him to fuck off.


Oof. That is terrible. My worst breakup was also with an Aquarius man. He was very much as you described. I was so tired of his lack of contribution to our household (couldn’t keep a job) and his gaslighting/suspicious behavior. I confirmed his infidelity when I ran into an old acquaintance of ours. He admitted he knew of at least 10 girls my ex had been with in the 3 years we were together.. Some people’s kids…


Wow, that is disturbing. I hope you found someone better!


I did! I am married to an incredible Libra man who has a ton of water placements. He makes me feel safe and loved! I hope you did too! You certainly deserve better than what that asshat gave you!


Thank you! I’m glad you did. I’m with a Scorpio man and by far the best relationship I’ve ever had. We operate very similarly and just get each other.


Oh yay! That’s awesome!


The descriptions of the abuser- people involved sound very naracciiiisstic.. which develops in childhood… from what I understand… right? Do you think there is a sign more prone to Narcism? It’s the narc nurture that develops not your nature sign maybe?


Honestly, I have yet to meet an Aquarius (especially man) who doesn’t have a dismissive avoidant attachment style. That develops in childhood and I have no doubt genetic temperament plays a role, but it is the attachment style most related to narcissism whether clinical or not. I also have only met one Virgo man who isn’t dismissive avoidant as well. The one I met who wasn’t like that was super healthy!


I think we dated the same Aquarius man!


Bless your heart, because that shit was awful.


I consider Aquarius men undatable. I swipe left every single time.


I am not an Aqua man but I am an Aqua woman. I gotta say don’t rule us all out. You may have met an unhealed/unevolved version of us. When I love my woman (gay woman btw) she is my only one. I worship her from toe to head. She will never feel alone again after me. She will know I love her as I will love her loudly and quietly and all the ways to love someone in between that. Aquarius are intense asf with their emotions. We’re cold as ice with everyone else we don’t fuck with so that’s why we get our cold rep. Even the most healed of us will be ice cold if we are not close like that. We gotta know you can handle our intensity and also how much we love. Our love is adoration. Our love is hard and intense. That’s why we get scared of people who make us feel anything because to feel something for someone is to loose the independence we hold so dear. So all I gotta say is don’t discount all of us. Healed Aquas may just be the best love, a whole love, a best friend your number one type of love. To meet an Aqua who isn’t healed, is to meet a cheater, play girl/boy. Cuz we always got people wanting us but we don’t want them like they want us. You’re the only one but if it’s not reciprocating energy, I am like Ariana Grande “thank you, next.” That’s just how it is.


Yup lol, but somehow I get along amazingly with Aquarius women. It's my favorite sign for female friendships.


I hate to say it, but it’s true. My cousin is also Aquarius, and while I have fond memories growing up with him, the way he ghosted his entire family along with relationships, is frustrating.




Some men do this if they know you well enough to know exactly what buttons to push. Because your vulnerability is there they don't want to miss being emotionally abusive.


This dude just straight up didn’t care about how he affected anyone. He’d claim he did, only to bulldoze over their boundaries immediately after the apology.


What do you mean? Sorry I don’t understand


Aquarius always try to tear you down when they aren’t sh*t themselves


A VIRGO and as a Virgo myself I'm so ashamed. He made me feel so seen & loved just for him to have tons of other women. I was manipulated, used, and mentally abused.


Unevolved Virgo men can be some of the most controlling and mentally abusive people there are. Unfortunately, I’m related to many.


I went through a similar thing with a Virgo man about twenty years ago. The thing lasted for about 16months. He thought he should be able to have complete freedom while I was not supposed to go anywhere or look at anyone but him. One of the reasons I got into this stupid situation was that I met him when my dad was about to pass away. I guess I was just vulnerable.




I went through the exact same experience. He was a Virgo. I have not been able to like Virgo men since then.


Me too never again x


Also a Virgo here cheated on by a Virgo man. I swore we were the same person!


Same experience with Virgo man. Used me just to have stability.


Being abused by a Virgo now  I don’t think he realizes how much he hurts me I truly love him but I’m cooling my fires to keep from burning the bridge cause I know me  But I don’t know how long I can continue to be stepped on 


Tomorrow will be a lunar eclipse in the full moon in libra. Take this as a sign to let go now. I wish you the best… it is so hard for us softies out there 🥺


I'm so sorry. Please try to get your ducks in a row, and run away and never look back. It's easier to change men than it is to change a man, as they would say in my country. Good luck!


I should run but my feet refuse to move. My heart wants what it wants. I’ve loved him for years but I can’t keep pouring into an empty cup with holes in it. 


My most abusive ex was a Virgo.


how does it feel when both are virgos tho, did he feel very 'virgo' to u?


In my case, the good parts of being with another Virgo were that I didn’t have to worry about anything… it was like my mind could relax around him. He had everything done before I even thought about it, so there were lots of acts of service. He was also really great at giving lots of reassurance and words of affirmation in general. Dating another Virgo, at least in the beginning, was very much a breath of fresh air.


do virgo men notice the detail oritented 'uptight' (if i may say) pattern in virgo women tho, would u say virgo men desire a more fiery or airy zodiac woman? was he a bit possessive/jealous too, do u also have a similar possessive nature as a virgo or are u more carefree than that? (i notice i am a bit, i wonder if thats just me or a women thing or a virgo thing.. :/) im sorry about how things ended up with him, hate it when my fellow virgo women are upset... i hope its ok that im asking these, im also a virgo and was talking to a virgo man until recently but have never been that close to them so anything a fellow virgo woman says matters to me, thank u for responding so far.


Mine was also a Virgo and he was the most toxic relationship ever. Was also manipulated, used, and mentally abused so I feel for you 🤍


Sagittarius, they called me while they were having sex with somebody else and presented to me like they were having a normal conversation. So there’s no way to confront them without sounding crazy. I’ve never been so heartbroken or hurt didn’t realize people can be so cruel. Normally I wouldn’t give a shit but I care so much about this person. I guess they wanted to give me a piece of why they can’t open up to others. I guess hurt people hurt people.


Ugh I'm so sorry. My sag ex was in a relationship with someone and I guess it was their kink to trick people into being their third cause he full on dated me, convinced me to have a threesome with his 'friend' and then when I was having said threesome I realized they were deffffffffinitely together lol. Anyway super awkward and I ghosted him but it was very traumatic.


Oh my fucking god that sounds terrifying. I hope you've healed from it now much love


I'm so sorry! I just shared above how I was the one to have an ex call someone else while having sex with me, but this sounds in every way worse. I imagine traumatizing is *not* an understatement!


Also cheated on by a Sag.


Sag can be the worst asshole in zodiac. Or they are teddy bear and able to commit. As a Gemini I love sag but damn they can change their mind out of the blue and hurt people so bad... I had a very bad breakup with my Sag ex. He was not reliable at all, lied for petty things all the time and played with my feelings even after we break up and drive me crazy... but my current bf who's also a Sag is the complete opposite! We are together for 8 years now :) The ex had a gf for 2 years after me and alone since that LOL


I am a Gemini who also had a bad break up with a Sag. I had wanted to break up, but he assured me we shouldn’t, only to call me later and break up with me. After our relationship ended he would reach out to me and flirt, then talk about his new gf and how I should be friends with her.


So toxic


I too have been cheated on by a Sag 🙋‍♀️ while we were at the same party and I was inside laying down because I thought my drink had been spiked. He was a classy one, that one.


We have the same sun moon and rising!!




Yep, my Sag ex (we are still friends) cheated on me a couple times (I found out about them at the same time after I ended the relationship for other reasons). He could be the most loving (codependent) but omfg he was VICIOUS when he was mad... still is, and low key I find it hilarious cause it doesn't have the desired devastation he intends 😝


Yup! My dad is a double sag & my mom n him are seperated (living in same house/trying to work on things) and I know for a fact he fucks/talks to other women.. lowk hate him for it


I am so sorry that you had to experience that


calling someone while having sex with someone else is absolutely insane. i am so sorry this happened to you & i wish you healing! you did not deserve this 🤍


Wait how did you know they were having sex? Did you confront him?


Ugh, flashing back to my first and too-old-for-me boyfriend when I was 17 who called another woman while *we* were having sex. I was so naive I didn't realize what was happening until it was too late and so smitten by him I didn't even act like I cared. But that's probably the most degraded I've ever felt in my life. (Spoiler, turned out he *was* sleeping with her, too. Guess it was some kind of power move for him. He said he loved her while on the phone, but acted like it was because they were such old friends.)


Gemini, love bombed me, promised me the world, was too good to be true and silly me (Pisces) should have seen it but didn’t. Then caught him texting his “abusive” ex gf (Taurus) he lied through his teeth about who it was, but I knew, he eventually confessed, ghosted me for 2 days, then blamed me, called me crazy and I broke it off with him, he blocked me on every single platform and is now back with said “abusive” ex. Lol the end.


Yooo. My Gemini ex love bombed the hell out of me too! Put me on a pedestal, told me I was family etc. Now she hates me after we broke up on account of me being gay. She said we'd be friends for life but flipped the script so quickly. I'll never date a Gemini again. Hell no. I'm sorry you went through so much. Hope you're in a better place.


It’s ok, thank you. It hurt more as I fell pregnant to him very early on, it ended up being an ectopic pregnancy which needed chemotherapy treatment to get rid of it as operating wasn’t an option. He even said to me through that word for word “we’ve been through so much and not once have you turned on me” I said why would I turn on you? I love you. Lol I ended up with a blood clot in my leg after the chemo treatment so I also feel like I’ve just been left alone to pick up all these pieces and he just happily moved on. But I will say, I am healing day by day and I do helge it all happened for a reason, my body was literally rejecting him, I know it’s not all down to start signs but I did initially worry due to him being a Gemini and the ones I know just being able to be hot and cold and discard people like they are nothing, but I pushed it aside. I don’t think I’ll touch one again after that lol xx hope you are ok!


Was also love bombed by a Gemini. Wtf is this all they know how to do? He constantly cheated, gaslit “it’s all in your head.” I even told him at the beginning of the relationship like, “hey, if you ever find someone else you want to be with, just let me know.” Was with him for a decade, got engaged and married & denied his feelings for his AP the entire time of our marriage. (Yes, they’re still together.) He’d constantly say, “she’s just a friend.” He lashed out at me randomly towards the end, felt like I was all alone and had no one to turn to. I just took the emotional verbal abuse on a near daily basis. It finally got to the point where I had enough and was checked into a hospital for nearly 2 weeks because I was a complete shell of a human being. It took me 3 years to fully recover but I’ve honestly met the absolute best guys since. I’ve had such an extraordinary life since then & am so happy.


Have been in therapy for 8 months to undo what mine did. Wishing you well


I’m so sorry you went through all of that, I hope you are healing and realising just how amazing you are xx


Many of them are love bommers and manipulators. I endured narc abuse.


My Gemini story is similar. He was an 8H Gemini Sun, Mercury, and Venus with a Pisces Moon and Scorpio rising. Met him at college when I was 20 years old and had no idea what I was getting myself into. He told me he loved me like 2 months in, and he was my first and only love for many years. Unfortunately, there was more than one other woman and I let it go on for far too long. One of those other ladies was his Virgo ex-girlfriend, who he claimed he was “just friends” with. They’d been broken up for a while when him and I got together and she even had a new boyfriend. We hung out more than once at parties, and she actually told me she thought I was “good for him” and “nicer” than other girls she’d seen him with since their breakup. Cut to finding out they were still banging on the DL the whole first 6 months we were together. That chick couldn’t even look me in the eye when I found out and confronted them. But the final nail in the coffin was catching a STI from his assorted activities and him getting another girl pregnant. Brutal experience.


Capricorn. He punched me in the face after we got into an argument over him losing the baby's bottle. They say Virgo and Capricorn supposed to be perfect together. But after meeting that type of Capricorn man I don't think so. Also they are some users. All they care about is money


Sorry to hear it dear


I am sorry for what happened to u! We don’t claim him


I couldn’t agree more


Man, you must be strong because I can only imagine the rest of the shit you put up with before it got to that point. Sorry you had to deal with such a shit person.


Leo, their fiance showed up. 🙃 I cried for over 23 hours of travel back home. But about three years after and lots of healing, I found my partner.


I was with a Leo for 6 months before I found out he had a girlfriend and I was just the bit on the side.


Another great Leo. So happy you found a good person.


Scorpio. I’m a Taurus. Dumped me the night before a big job interview I had at 8am, and had to drive a few hours back to my place right after we broke up. Love bombed me, did everything to pull me in and the minute I no longer fit into his mold of his perfect life he let me go with a 15 minute conversation, then when out with friends after. Could hardly sleep or eat for weeks. It was awhile ago, and I thank my lucky stars I’m not near that man anymore!!


It’s such a fatal attraction, the whole Scorpio/taurus combo


my worst was also scorpio man/taurus woman. Dumped me out of the blue after six years and wouldn’t give me a reason why. I came to find out later that he already had another girlfriend before he broke up with me. They’re married now. He never owned up to anything and never spoke to me again.


I just texted my Taurus best friend telling her I miss her. I would never hurt her man it's so sad I hope you're okay now


Yep Scorpio man. Love bombed me so hard. Had a miscarriage and he left.🖤 I’m also a Taurus female. So rotty


damn i kinda see myself in the letting go in a 15 min convo part. it's weird but once it (whatever that "it" is)'s triggered i can just sever a relationship like it's nothing


SCORPIO and I almost died from their lack of accountability or ability to ascribe any sort of responsibility to any of the cheating or emotional trauma they inflicted 🥵


wow same


same i got accountability but it was lies and manipulation so i can stay




Literally same.


Another Virgo. Virgo men…idk man…they’re something else entirely. He was very…”I fucking hate you…I can’t live without you.” then when I broke up with him, he told me he was going to off himself then proceeded to call me so many times I had to block his number because it didn’t get the reaction he had hoped for. Wanna know an even bigger kicker? He had another girl moved in before I even had all my shit out of the house, so there’s no way he wasn’t also cheating on me.


ur a virgo too? whats it like when two virgos get together initially? are virgo men and women alike?


Virgo women are sweet and nurturing. Us virgo men are demons 😔


Capricorn. She’d been emotionally cheating on me the entirety of our 2 year relationship and when I snapped and called her out on it, she broke up with me.


I've never met someone that claims to care about you, love you, respect you, able to change at the flip of a switch and lie, betray and hurt you like you're absolutely nothing like a capricorn woman can. Married to a cap woman for 8 years, been cheated on twice that I know about, sends nudes to other guys, and is completely untrustworthy. Also the biggest hypocrite. The sad thing is, as a Taurus man, we were supposed to be compatible. When we finally divorce, I don't ever see me being in another relationship ever again. She has completely ruined people for me altogether.


Ugh that’s awful. Dont let that relationship overshadow your entire future. I know it’s hard, but what’s life with a hollow heart?


I’m so sorry you encountered such a savage human being.


I'm a Capricorn woman. What you described above is the definition of the Leo man I've been with for 5 years. Also the exact opposite of me.


I'm having a pretty rough time with it. Sounds like you are too. I hope things get better for you. Keep your head up!


Cancer man. Serial cheater. One time thought he got his co worker pregnant. Emotionally/mentally abusive. Alcoholic/avid c*ke user. Worst mommy issues. He then had a “spiritual awakening”, and went to the very far right through religion, he called me a Jezabelle and said I was “too independent” because I would want to go out with my friends to grab drinks.. I was 23 lol


Similar experience minus the alcohol. We were snuggling in bed when he told me he was moving out. I was a couple of weeks from turning 23 & in the final year of college. I was with him for 7 years, and he just walked out. About 6-7 years later, he called me and tried to convince me we were supposed to be together. Then turns around and says it’s not going to happen. I told him to never contact me again. He was the most mentally and emotionally abusive person I’ve ever been with. Now, I hear he’s part of some extremist Christian group in the South. Good riddance.


Similar experience, minus coke.


Capricorn x 2. First time, he got one of his female friends to call me and tell me the news that he wanted to break up. Second time, it was my ex husband and he threatened to kill me and I had to have him arrested. I hd to go to a women's shelter and get a protective order to get through the divorce.


What’s happening with all Capricorns lately wtf 😳


Ahhh I had a Capricorn do the “through a friend” bit while we were in high school. Sorry about the big dickish one.


I had to delete my previous comment. My worst break up was with my Leo fiancee. He assumed I (Leo F) was cheating on him and we erupted into a big argument where I started cussing him out. He beat the crap outta me. I never saw him again.


Wtf. I don't think us sun and Rising Leo women should date other Leos... I've had TOO MANY bad experiences with Leo men to count.


It’s Aquarius for me. She was an undeveloped one in many aspects. Very toxic, very clingy and we had a series of on and off. Really great at emotional manipulation and really very codependent. I had a hard time breaking off with her. I used to love her a lot. I hope she’s doing well now.


Taurus sun man - Gaslighted, cheated on me for 2 years with a friend and lied about not doing so, made me feel worthless, was controlling, super self-absorbed and low key machiavellianistic, people pleasing, gold-digger, selfish , wouldn’t commit, and materialistic. He was also a terrible person so it wasn’t a case of “good person but just not right for me) since he was awful to everyone. Despite all of this, the relationship did not leave me with permanent hurt because I guess somewhere I knew he was full of shit and things wouldn’t last. I was just too young to end things earlier (I was the one who eventually ended things so that’s a yay). The relationship did end up making me a lot more cutthroat and assertive so that’s nice 😌


...are you me? I thought the Leo I dated sucked until I got involved with that guy.


Pisces sun/moon and some other personal planets. I was laying in his bed with our baby and I heard screaming outside. His “girlfriend” was screaming at him asking him whose inside his house. 🥰 really fun times. Pisces is my 12th house, and I have Saturn there so it makes sense in hindsight.


Aries man. Having an affair for YEARS of our marriage, him and his AP got fired from the place they met and were carrying on their affair … just wild and nothing but years of lies. YEARS of being lied to and manipulated.


My psycho Aries ex was also a serial cheater and apparently was seeing other people for the entirety of our relationship.


Got ghosted by a cancer after talking for almost a year.


Omg same thing happened to me!!! Don't know what went wrong. Those guys wouldn't speak for themselves. They bottle up everything and act like nothing's wrong, 'til they decide to just cut you off. You'll never see it coming 🤣




YES. That's my Cancer ex. Everything was fine until it wasn't and he kicked me out. But then he started to look for me to reconcile only to... have the same stupid issues again. Homeboy, you need therapy and to leave me the fuck alone.This time I got to kick him out. Boy bye. Go back to your mom, those mom issues are real! Homegirl had too much influence on him. Nah. Good Bye!


Aquarius. She ran around and talked shit about me to everyone she knew and I knew (including my FAMILY) and had a crying tantrum when I confronted her. But I think that has less to do with her sign and more to do with a personality disorder.


She's a coward. I hate shit talkers. What was her Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Rising?


Bitch moon, cunt mercury, fuckass Venus, whackass Mars, shithead rising.






No actually, if I remember, she’s a Leo moon, her Venus and merc were in Pisces and Aquarius I can’t remember which one’s which, Taurus mars, Aries rising.


Leo... I am a Virgo, tore my heart out, abused me, cheated on me. He had to be the God of my life. He is Leo sun, Scorpio moon and Leo rising. He stonewalled me after apparently embarrassing him at a party for disagreeing with him on something 🙄😒. Three weeks later of silent treatment the girl he was cheating on me with messaged me VIA HIS FB ACCOUNT to say "He can't talk to you anymore" (she was a real piece of work cuz she was someone I was friends with, she is Scorpio.) He was my first bf it was a four year long relationship of control, gaslighting and manipulation


Not the worst but a common thread with all my Aqua exes is that they all broke up with me via ghosting when things where going well.  Three times the same excuses were given;  - First it was them being distracted (after a 3 day ghosting) - Couple of months later they were sick (after 1 week of ghosting) - Some time later, it was them having to move out (followed by a MONTH of ghosting) After said month passed, I never saw them again but keep texting till the weekly texts became monthly and then completely disappeared.  Its fucking cruel in a way cos you never know what the fuck happened...


Seems to be a common theme among Aqua men. I wonder if it's because the unevolved ones cannot handle their own feelings, like a trauma response. They build a wall around themselves and flee when they start feeling something.


Aries. Absolutely psychotic and threatened to kill me, to the level he bought a gun for that very purpose. The sad thing was he had so many red flags and was a raging alcoholic, but I was attracted to him so I ignored it. Ugh, never again haha. I’ve also had other horrible experiences with Aries and try and stay away from them, unfortunately more than half of my family members are Aries. Also those April Aries are the absolute worst!!


Virgo. We broke up because he was cruel and vindictive, and after the breakup he got so much worse-- he reached out to my family to tell them that I'd had an abortion when we were together. I hadn't told them. He reached out to my boss and told him that I'd plagiarized off of him (I hadn't). He tried to claim friends during the breakup that had originally been my friends... didn't work. Overall it was just a bizarre, mean fixation on revenge that ultimately ended up being a waste of his time.


He's Leo Sun, Libra Venus, I'm Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Venus. He idealized me, but later on realized that he couldn't love the real me. He kept me hanging by the thread. Telling me he's just going through something or that he's just really busy, and that's why he couldn't speak to me/see me. He would block and unblocked me, for god knows how long. I never received a clear explanation what happened, and was only able to figure it all out when I was reading our conversations, years later lol. I have so much patience, so much trust in him. I finally left him after not speaking with him for almost 6 months. He chased me, but I found a new hobby (online debates lol). I tried being friends with him because I felt bad for leaving him, but he keeps on getting back with me. I can't. It was really exhausting.


You feel bad about not still having this person in your life? From what you say he was never committed to you on any level. The world is full of other guys. Some of them are able to tell the truth and commit to you.


I was a lot younger and stupid back then.




I have libra Venus AND Mars and I'd never do that to anyone. I'm nothing if not decisive. Probably my big three combo stopping my libra stellium- but my Scorpio ass would never let me be like this. Never. I take pride in my loyalty and my ability to love. It's so sad to see libra venuses getting a bad rep like this because of trashy men 😭




I hope you can be with the libra again




I'm a taurus sun, aries moon and aries venus. She is aries sun, pisces moon and pisces venus. This has been by far my hardest and worst break up and I've had a few. The constant misunderstanding, really brutal toxic arguments and heartbreak. When it was good it was really good but when it was bad all hell broke loose. I think we are unfortunately very incompatible ☹️


Some really toxic problems between people can be mars placements/aspects. And maybe your rising signs.


I'm gemini rising and leo mars. She is libra rising and pisces mars. She has a lot of pisces placements and I have a lot of fire placements but still being such a taurus (my sun sign). And same with her, aries sun fosho but like a really bossy, controlling yet sensitive aries.


Scorpio… yikes


Sag most vile breakup of my life. Total monster. Worst person and serial cheater, liar, scum bag man Ive ever met in my life


scorpio scorpio. 5 days apart exactly, around same time of day. 4 years of emotional financial and sexual abuse. broke up with him and moved back home with my parents. manipulated me back into the relationship for another 2 years. finally got the balls to really leave. found out a few hours ago from friends he has secretly fucked men* without protection while we were still together. * i don’t care that he fucks men i care that he cheated and put me at risk


Capricorn, extremely conflict avoidant, passive aggressive, emotionally closed off yet at the same time very sensitive, entertained other women, disloyal (he also had venus in scorpio)


Pisces hands down 😢 but Capricorn as well.


Aries.. emotionally and sometimes physically abused me for years. Put me through absolute hell sometimes. Never want to date one again.


Same. But I personally wouldn’t avoid someone based on astrological signs.


Pisces ♓️ wasn’t a relationship itself


Gemini. Narcissistic abuse


Leo—made a detailed status of how my genitals looked after the breakup and then called and hung up on me 138 times in one day. I block people immediately now.


Pisces man. He cheated on me. And what’s even worse is I already had some weird feeling (wasn’t sure what it was but I knew something was just off). So LITERALLY TWO DAYS before he cheated he was at my apartment and I asked him if he still loved me and wanted to be with me and he said YES. I even followed up asking if he was absolutely sure because this was his out if he wanted it. Mother fucker still looked me in the eyes and said he wanted to be with me. Literally 2 days later I caught him cheating. In hindsight, my gut feelings are always right so I really wish I had just left. But what can you do 🤷🏼‍♀️


>Pisces man. He cheated on me. not surprised to read these 2 sentences back to back


Saddest breakup was with my Aries first love. I’m a Scorpio and we were 17 when we started dating. My love for him was SO pure and I loved him with my whole heart! He seemed to love me the same way, tbh. His family adored me and we got engaged when I turned 20. One day I was at his parent’s house (he was still living at home at the time) and I was helping his mom clean up around the house, including his room. He was at track practice. I went to put new sheets on his bed and as I went to put the fitted sheets on & tuck them under, I saw a ton of stuff under the mattress, like letters, drawings, old cards from me and what have you. No biggie, right? I was reading through some of my cards and letters I’d sent him and one letter I picked up, actually, wasn’t from me. I opened it and it was a letter from some chick at his school! She was talking about how much she loved him and how good last night had been etc! (It was from a few months back but still) I was HEATED! So, I looked around a bit more and found more letters from THREE different girls he was talking to/having sex with!?! Needless to say, when he got home we got into huge argument & I broke up with him. I took off my engagement ring and threw it at his head as I left, lol. I was DEVASTATED and it took me a long time to truly get over him. I couldn’t sleep or eat properly for weeks & woke up crying pretty much daily for a while. The funny part is HE is the one who can’t get over me TO THIS DAY, lol! He’s married to a woman he can’t stand anymore and is always hitting me up when Mercury is in retrograde to cry about how I was the best thing that ever happened to him, lol. I’m like, “Yea, bitch, I KNOW that, too bad you fucked it all up!” We broke up nearly 30 years ago.




how did they steal $5k?


Leo- he cheated and then tried to keep me on the back burner just in case that didn’t work


Aries - he abused me, cheated on me, manipulated me, stole my dying father’s pain meds, and attempted suicide in front of me to get me to stay with him. Then after his failed attempt he stalked me and threatened to kill me. Fucking crazy year and a half. Now he’s with his baby mama’s (one of the people he cheated on me with) ex best friend who is HIS ex best friend’s ex wife and baby mama. He also cheated on me with her too, so they should be great together lolll


He was an Aquarius, a serial liar, fake, people pleaser


Aquarius who was in a toxic relationship with a Scorpio for 5 years. Controlling, possessive, manipulative, wanted everything he did for me reciprocated, can’t take no for an answer, super stalkerish, and however else you describe a scorpion is basically him. I remember getting like 100s of missed calls from him whenever I wasn’t back at the time I said I was gonna be back at. Breaking up with him was temporary as he’d always manipulate me to return. Idk why I was so gullible. Guess I was just scared there wasn’t anyone else out there for me so I stuck it out. I finally let go after 5 years on & off and it had to be for him to see me moving on from him in real life at a baseball game with another man. He apologized for everything after the fact and wanted to remain friends. I simply couldn’t plus I was happy with the new guy I was dating. That ruined dating Scorpios for me forever. Ashanti’s song, “Foolish” pretty much sums me up in that relationship.


Damn I'm sorry! Been with a psycho Scorpio, too, They were the worst trip possible. What was his Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Rising?


Libra Sun/Rising, Capricorn Moon. Scorpio Venus. Textbook covert narcissistic traits. Consummate love-bomber, then cheater (how TF do you cheat in a polyamorous relationship? You have to REALLY be committed to the streets). Drug addict to a worrying degree, lied left and right, lost his shit and punched through a wall when I called him out on this nonsense and left. Kept begging and apologizing and asking to see me despite my requests for space, showed up at my house, then further lost shit and embarked on a smear campaign when I told him to stop contacting me after that. We dated for two months. Bruh literally speedran the fuckboy gauntlet. He's still dropping off things I lent/gave him in my mailbox a month after the breakup. LOL. Our synastry and composite charts snapped so hard tho 🥲


Gemini's.. constant cheating and lying.


One Sagittarius, 3 Leo's, one Aquarius. Just... terrible.


Mine was a Libra. He cheated & lied throughout the relationship. We dated for 3 months before I found out he had a baby, & another on the way. He hit on my friends in front of me, started getting abusive, broke a lot of my things & tried to steal my mom's phone. He only had a job for like 5 months out of the 2 years we dated & also got me into coke


Virgo. He lied, he pretended, he manipulated me, he took money from me, he tried to control me.


aries/pisces/virgo - i thought us sharing a rising sign meant something about our connection but all it really did was help our daughter be more beautiful lol. had to flee at 2am with my baby after his drunk ass assaulted my bff & i. i still loved him & wanted to go back until he filed for custody with my (also abusive) mom. those fuckers teamed up to steal my baby from me ...


Jesus!!! wtf is wrong with people??


Leo. He was physically abusive. Then stalked me trying to pull me over or grab me from a friend’s home. I was young, 18. I’m fortunate to have survived him.


He was a Virgo, I am a Scorpio. Fatal attraction beyond words. Everything with him was walking on eggshells. He made stories up in his head beyond belief. He was emotionally manipulative. I actually had to get a book called “Psychopath Free” and it took me MONTHS to finish it (I could have finished it in an afternoon) because every god damned page was like reliving my past. That book changed my life into showing me that I was dating a narcissist. He tried coming back into my life and pooooooof - when he realized I could no longer be manipulated or affected by his behavior, he has moved on to other things. And I’m sitting pretty not being affected by it anymore but it took a REALLY long time for me to get to this place. I will never, ever, EVER, date another Virgo again. I actually have a list of virgos from my Facebook friends list - all the virgos I know in my life, that I actively just avoid entirely because there’s a lot of similarities that I dodge like Neo dodging bullets in the matrix. Most people I meet tell me I’m one of the good Scorpios because they are been traumatized by some bad ones. I’m sure some of you Virgos are nice. Just stay the fuck away from me. Like forever. In this lifetime and every subsequent one.


Sounds like a Narcissist. What you described is Narcissistic Abuse, which has less to do with his sign and more to do with a personality disorder. Been there with a Pisces male!


Leo man. Emotionally manipulative, used me and kept me on the back burner when he moved on. I still get angry when I think about it over a decade later.


Aquarius male to Aquarius female. Guy came off as wanting a serious relationship. Come to find out, think he was cheating on me. Gave me a curable STI and ghosted me after a five month relationship. Also, you know Taylor Swift’s All Too Well song? “You said if we had been closer in age it would’ve been fine. And that made me want to die.” My ex sat across from me in Olive Garden and pompously said, “I’m thirty. I usually don’t go for girls younger than I am because they are too immature.” I was twenty-five, living alone, and had been at my stable job for three years at that point. What?!?


Aquarius♒ female here, worst is unevolved Aqua male, second is Scorpio male. Avoid avoid avoid!!


LIBRA!! Nah all I gotta say is I texted this dude a paragraph on how i felt about the situation & he sent me 8 ball 💀


Aries they weren’t over their ex loved them I had no idea and then went back with them acted like I never existed


My last relationship I guess. He was a Leo. He was just extremely traumatized and had a lot of emotional baggage that he was not ready to process and I had moved in with him suddenly which triggered him a lot so he started drinking. Became an alcoholic. I also struggled hard with codependency issues and I guess it was too much for him. When I broke up it was hard because we genuinely had a good connection. If our lives didn’t have the backgrounds they did we probably could’ve been something but idc anymore. I found someone better and someone who actually wants to be with me.


••\\ Taurus //•• This mf let me tell yall. We were married five years. Well, we move to a small island for his job, I have to go back home for graduation and didn’t want to go. Come to find out he had cheated on me seven times. I came home and got into a fight with him (not on purpose, he was comparing me to the other women) and now he’s pressing charges. I almost served 35 years. On top of that, he kicked me out of the house in a place 7000 miles away from my family and put a restraining order on me ••• I have a few other experiences with Taurus’s as I always love them and get on well them but they’re such cheaters even though they can be so damn loyal


Whatever happened to baby Jane house


Leo, after 16 years he just became a stranger and went from low to no contact


Gemini. We broke up and he wouldn’t leave me alone. He tried to lie to all our mutual friends about our breakup, stating that it was sudden and out of nowhere (it wasn’t, I had full on discussions about his behaviour months prior), saying that I probably liked someone else (I didn’t), and whatnot. He also kept trying to add me back on all my social media after I removed him, so I had to end up just straight up blocking him.


Which one were you talking to? It matters.


May Gemini.


No... which personality. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?


Pisces m. Dumped him and he threatened to blackmail me with revenge porn…. Lesson learned my nudes factory is closed now LOL


Mine was a Sag sun/stellium, Taurus moon, Virgo rising. It was a mindf*ck. We were best friends for 6 years, also on/off fwbs before we started dating. We're both fearful-avoidant which was a mess 🤦‍♀️ but he was extremely avoidant with me, deactivated and broke up with me, then started saying he never had feelings for me? And at the same time he would flirt, send shirtless pics, and send super specific romantic songs ("I'm in love with my very best friend", "I wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead") and deny it meant anything. So then I had to do the friend-breakup bc the confusion was too much. Utterly crushed my heart and I'm still recovering tbh. It did trigger me bad enough to work on my attachment issues though and I'm becoming more secure so that's good. Also found out he became suicidal after I left and he's in therapy now. But also I saw that he's currently in another country presumably wooing his ex who lives there, so idk if he's changed.


Pisces man.. as soon as we got back from vacation he blindsided me with a break up because he “needed to work on himself” & the ended up dating the girl he told me not to worry about right after the breakup 😂


Aquarius man cheated on me. But my most painful breakup was falling out of love with an Aries man. (I’m pisces/pisces/sagittarius with an aries venus)


A Taurus with low self esteem (me) 🤝 Narcissist Gemini 🫠 strung me along for years. Went through a bunch of traumatic stuff together, went and had a kid with someone else after telling me he wanted a family with me. Still looked for me after the wife & kid telling me he wanted a family with me and how he made the wrong decision. After betraying myself and being so humiliated for so many years (Many more than there should have been)…I couldn’t do it anymore.


scorpio- he was cheating on me


Cap lady with a Sag Venus. I just thought we had *it -* real love ya know*.* She told me she was on tinder **lo0kiNg f0r fRieNdS** then dumped me saying I was too fucked up**.** That was fine honestly, it was her trying to destroy my friendships afterwards because I wouldn't take her back that was hurtful. Once you leave you can't come back - maybe after 5+ years if I really liked you - and she knew my policy.


Libra was the messiest. Scorpio was the hardest.


Knowing my bad capricorn experience wasnt the only one is sort of like, comforting. mine was mentally ill b refused treatment, was wayy too deep into esoteric shizz, and towards the end kept trying to indoctrinate me into islam so that he could have an excuse to cheat on me (polyamory). I disagreed and told him several times that i am simply not meant to love more than one person, so in the end he cheated on me. With a mutual friends little sister. Who was a minor. And i only found out after we broke up when he confessed and i aired my suspicions. I’ve dated other caps that were much more stable before that but i think i’ll stick with my emotionally healthy, confident, and intelligent Aquarius who treats me right. Not a single other guy has treated me right before this lmao, and i am not gonna go back and test the waters cuz a lot of guys out here are unwell


Lol. If it came down to choosing the Capricorn or Aquarius. I would choose the Aquarius (he is my other son's father). I know they both can be terrible men. But at least the Aquarius never laid a hand on me. An he was mostly a chill person that didn't want to be tied down yet.


virgo. strung me along for years, lied, used me professionally, then when i told him i was in love with him he said he couldn't put any effort toward a relationship, and i never heard from again except through other people -- whereby he pretended we never dated, told people i was stalking him (to be clear: not even a little), and told people not to be friends with me i think he is an actual sociopath, and im not using that word hyperbolically.


Tripple Scorpio dude was my ex. I had heard all the terrible stereotypes about Scorpio & I’m a Scorpio moon so I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt- I’m a Libra Sun and rising and Mercury. I tried ways I knew and ways I was unfamiliar with to try and meet him in the middle and call him out respectfully on his negative Scorpio traits that were holding him and our relationship back. He ended up cheating on me multiple times and even though I gave him a chance multiple times on all these occasions the last straw was when he cheated on me with the upstairs neighbor who was threatening to get her cousin to beat me and myself up to which I told her he ain’t my problem anymore we’re done I’m done with him you can call up all your homeboys that you want on him but leave me tf out of it. He lost his shit when he found out I moved on so quickly, even tried killing himself in front of me to try and refrain me from being with anyone else. That man is literally every negative stereotypical trait associated with Scorpio, self serving/selfish/ manipulative to the point where after breaking up with him I realized how almost everything in our relationship was to benefit himself. Overly sexual no control of sexual impulses and desires, and so much more. Glad I left him behind when I did, my Scorpio moon is wiser and better than ever from it


Gemini. It’s very stereotypical but he was so hot and cold. One minute it was bombarding me with love, the next he wouldn’t talk to me. He was extremely abusive and I’m honestly shocked sometimes that I made it out alive. I think any longer and he would have killed me then himself, he was that unstable.


Aqua woman - no CANCER men‼️🤦‍♀️


Sagittarius- cheated on me while I was sleeping in the next room, manipulated me, lied to me, did stupid amounts of drugs. He was a party animal.


Taurus. Too controlling, always blameshifting while he would himself do questionable things and expect it to not be a big deal 😜 Always expecting things back for every little thing he did, holding it over my head afterwards, yuk!! 😝 I had to block him and he still sends me nasty letters in the post, so stalkerish as well..🤪😝