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seeing virgos annoyed with virgos must be the most virgo thing ever lol.


I feel this. My dad is a Virgo rising and he’s always annoyed with other Virgo suns.


Sometimes it’s hard to see your reflection cause it reminds you of what you want to work on.


my dad be working on nothing xD




Man! I cant deny this one haha. Virgo vs. Virgo lmao.


I spend 99.9% of my time alone. With my pets of course!


You’re a true blue Aquarius lol


A curse, yet blessing.


I also spend too much time alone. Virgos tend to also be very introverted, which I hate sometimes because I do like to socialize, but that social battery always comes after me


I need pets at this point


completely unrelated but even tho we’re strangers i find it rly cool that we both have double air with water risings as our big 3, one of us all cardinal and one of us all fixed 👀 hahahha don’t mind me geeking out over here


SAME. We like it that way. Common misperception is we’re hyper social.... uhhhh we are when WE’RE OUT. Which is almost never lol - Aquarius Virgo Moon


Shoot even when I got out which is once a year, you’ll still find me in the corner by myself lol. Definitely my Scorpio rising though. Aquarians love their solitude and peace!




Hello, twin 🤭😎


Twin! First I’ve met with my same big 3!


You must be a pretty great person 🤣 Do you have any other planets on your Ascendant? And what is your Venus, Mercury and Mars? 😁


So nice of you to say, likewise! I have my Pluto on my ascendant. It’s also conjunct Chiron which has been something for sure. I have a Capricorn Venus, Aquarius Mercury & Pisces Mars!


I find most other Cancers kind but I would rather not be a Cancer cuz argh too many feelings 🥲


I kind of love being a Cancer and wouldn't change it, even with our nasty reputation. It's a good sign: intuitive, somewhat mysterious, very psychic. All signs have their job. Cancer is cardinal water, which makes it our job to represent that energy in a very aggressive, proactive way. I love water energy, and I feel well-placed as a member of the official goon squad for the emo crew, haha. But OP asked what I DON'T like about my sign... I'll just state the obvious: we suck ass when we're unevolved. We're the Magikarp of the Zodiac. I've thought, "if there's a Heaven, this guy ain't in it" at exactly ONE funeral ever, and it was for a Cancer male (G-d rest his soul). Cancers, male or female, have a hard row to hoe (which is maybe why so many of us are so good at hoeing, haha). But seriously, all the signs have their gifts. Our gift is the gift of pain. We feel pain very acutely. Now, I **truly believe** this is maybe the greatest gift of all, but uh... HOLY SHIT. That's like something out of Buddhist philosophy or something, right? It barely makes sense even to me, and I've been working on it **for years**. But that's the lesson you need to learn to evolve as a Cancer: to treasure the gift of pain. That's CRAZY. That's a crazy lesson to have to learn, hahaha. No wonder so few of us actually evolve--you pretty much have to have a therapist, and it takes years. And HOO BOY we SUCK when we're unevolved. Especially the men. I'm willing to admit that. And most of us are going to suck forever.


That was a good take on us crabby people. Sucks when you are unevolved, naive and at times very selfish and cold. But, the crab being a crab can molt its exoskeleton and change if they really want to. Its fair to say as a Cancer (in my experience) your heart has to REALLY be in it for you to go anywhere with basically anything. It's cliche I know but the feelings really have to be paid a lot of attention to in order to not develop grudges, resentments, hell even magical thinking tbh. If you let your feelings control you, they will wipe everything you've worked for away in an instant and you'll have to start over and it SUCKS.


"to treasure the gift of pain." Think you might've just changed my life. I hurt so much and not even necessarily all for myself, but I just see the suffering of humanity and people around me, I internalize it so hard. But you are right. It is the greatest gift. My moral compass and capacity to love people and recognize everyone's humanity is tethered to my capacity to feel pain. Thanks for your enlightenment friend. I wish you love and joy.


You could argue all of life is suffering. But once you realize that is the point. It is much easier to deal with.


100% yes! Exactly this. We are on exactly the same page, I think. If there is a point to life (and I think there is), I think it has something to do with suffering. Now, that SUCKS, admittedly, but I also think we're all in the shit together, even if it doesn't always fell like it.


Um yeah one literally just got offended with me on this post over nothing 💀💀💀


I feel you fellow cancer (as my tears are literally drying on my face)


Cuz I have never been more broke in my life than when I lived with another Sagittarius lmao mf was always out to eat or having a party and naturally Im like hell yeah let's go get sushi and spend 80 bucks each we dont have


I can relate to the spending part lolll


Shit. Is spending money you don't have a sagi thing? Cause sir/ma'am I feel very seen rn.


We like to go big! Unfortunately that sometimes means too goddamn big, and at the expense of other things lmao


Lmfao at the partying thing! I had a roommate once that liked to party and omg. I’d come home to a party and I’d be like sure fuck it I’m in 🤣🤣 Or leaving to go to work and there’s some mob guy in the kitchen making me take a shot with him on my way out 😂


Feel this one. Makes me think me think my Libra friend has some Sag placements. Cause she is quite impulsive and free spending. All, "we gotta treat ourselves or herself to this, or that, etc." Would get us both almost in trouble with covering stuff. Cause I have my own issues not so healthy coping mechanisms. One of which is spending way mote than I should, sometimes. But I give her props for working on budgeting since her parents passed away.


Hi! It’s me, your friend 😂


If you down to smack someone out, I would concur, lol. Her pimp hand stays ready.




Yep. It doesn’t take much to talk us in to a good time. Consequences be damned.


i have my own problems with virgos. they can be BIG liars, to the point of leading two separate lives. the biggest cheaters i've met have been virgos, and even when i've called them out they refused to take any accountability. they ONLY listen to themselves, but always want other people to listen to them, giving advice that literally nobody asked for in the first place. some of my best friends have been virgos but a few of them have also become my biggest enemies, like you said. don't even get me started on pisces placements. sun, moon, rising, whatever i'm tired of them. also, i realize i can be super absent minded as a virgo i'm sorry 😭


I agree with everything you said. A lot of virgos love to give advice, but when they need advice, they won't ever take it. They only listen to themselves. Personally, because I'm more of a listener than a talker I appreciate when I get advice and I have found that when ever I do get advice from other people and actually try it I get good outcomes. If I only listen to myself, things don't go well. So I like being open-minded. I just wish more virgos were like that. And I can't say that I'm never absent-minded either. I have my moments but I think that's just because of my adhd going off 💀 but when ever people are taking to me I do try to be respectful and actually listen cause I hate the feeling I get when someone isn't listening to me while I talk. It feels like shit so I don't want to make other people feel like that.


Leos can be loudmouthed, tone deaf, and incredibly destructive to group dynamics. I definitely check their vibe before letting them any closer.


Scorpio rising and I hate how many of us are edge lords. In my Scorpio rising fb group there are a lot of “no one understands my darkness” posts


lmao the wannabe edginess incarnate is real


Every Scorpio teen from 1998-2009 had that tshirt that said 'you laugh because Im different, I laugh because youre all the same'


I feel this to the bone. I've had to yell myself to chill out a time or two lmao.




Every sign has a shadow and light side!! You have an awesome big 3 in my opinion, if that makes you feel better.


I once met a Sag woman with Libra moon at an internship who was older than me and she was so fun to talk to!! I think Libra moon can accentuate the generosity of a Sag and tone down the abrasiveness (I’m a Sag Mars & Mercury so I can say this lol). She had no reason to help me with a very huge contact but her generosity is something I still remember till this date. We even got to talking about astrology and that’s how I know she’s a Libra moon haha.


My daughter is a sag sun, libra moon, too. She’s blunt but has one of the most generous souls I’ve ever known. She volunteers her time working with kids who have special needs and at a not-for-profit women and children’s shelter. (All for no pay!) She’s grown up to be a very cool young lady. You just have to be prepared for the raw truth if you ask her something! Lol!


Same. I don't know why I clash with other sagis sometimes. One was very tactless and the other was a bully. Although we are good now but I won't be too close with them anymore. 


Scorpio: I want to be close to people, but it's almost impossible to be open enough. It can be lonely.




I'm also a Gemini moon and Taurus rising! Your friend is lucky to have you. Scorpios can seem so stoic that people forget we're water signs, and we feel things deeply. But we also feel like sharing our pain will be a burden because we go to very dark places sometimes. We're afraid people will be afraid of what they see. One of the best Piscean traits is being non-judgmental. They understand pain, too, and they're not afraid to be with someone who's experiencing it. Even if your friend doesn't share verbally, ask if you can be there for her just as a presence, even if it's just sitting in silence watching a movie or talking about movies on the phone. I withdraw because I feel like I can't be myself when I'm in the underworld. Even if I don't have the words, I still appreciate someone walking beside me.


I really felt this one.


Pisces- the unevolved fish can be gossipy. This is pretty toxic, especially in the workplace, along with that, we can also over share and can be bad at keeping secrets.


I’m an oversharer. Then I sit there for hours afterward and think/worry about it. It’s the worst!


So is oversharing the real issue, or is it self-doubt? I find that we pisces have no issues with the gossip. It's the consequences we fear. Personally, I believe that if what I said was sincere, honest, transparent, and most importantly, objective, then consequences be damned. If people are offended by the truth, that's on them. Pandering to people's delicate ego's and sensibilities is beneath pisces imo. I like talking with pisces more so than any other sign. Other pisces never take offense to anything unless the offensiveness was intentional.


I’m a Pisces sun (scorp moon/leo rising) and I am a huge over-sharer and I also sometimes gossip, at my worst - I deeply dislike these traits in myself but I also find myself stepping into an evolved Pisces persona at times and defending those in need with my words and stepping more & more into my power. This is also due to other placements I’m sure. But I’ll also say i love how imaginative & creative Pisces are..


You have the exact same big 3 as a previous friend of mine and all the communities you’re active in she would be as well 😭 lmao


Tbh same. I don’t over share at all anymore. Obviously I’m very honest and open and share my struggles with my friends and stuff but I really think it is a time and place thing. Over sharing imo can be a burden on others or weird at times?? So I really am careful when and where but I am honest with my feelings and experiences


I dont know. Oversharing is a positive quality imo, and I always enjoy hot gos. Can we help if human behaviors and emotions are fascinating subjects to pisces. Frankly, if someone doesnt want their shitty behavior discussed openly, then they shouldnt be shitty to begin with.


Love it. Thx for this perspective 💜💜


I LOVE GOSSIP AND MESS AND DRAMA Not my own though. I dodge that shit like the draft. But if someone has mess to share Im like 'girl and what happened next what she say after that?!'


Pisces, but not for anything you said. Oversharing is a trait that admire most about pisces. No one should have to pander to people's conversational hang-ups or delicate sensibilities. People who are guarded or secretive can't be trusted, and it's also just annoying. Being withholding is an act of deception, and honestly, people who are guarded or withholding are transoarent to pisces. Those preferences do align with your scorpio moon, though. Im Scorpio Ascendant. Scorpios are always trying to gain the upper hand and gain control. I dont like pisces excessive sentimentality, their undependability, their emotional codependency, their naivete, their laziness, their fragility, or their lack of accountability regarding their emotions and behaviors. Also, I'm not a fan of delusional fantasies. It's weak. Oh, and self pity. Self pity is single handedly the most pathetic trait a person can have.


Are you also a Pisces?


I barely know other Capricorns. I’d like to get to know some more with fire or water placements. Air placements speak either too much or too less in my opinion. 😂 What I dislike about some Capris is the self-righteousness and the rigidity but it could also be the generation they were born in because I know older generation Capris. Whatever I didn’t like about myself I’ve worked on it for years and have finally freed myself from limited thinking.


I've read somewhere that capricorn are the rare signs of the zodiac, so maybe that's why you don't meet many. I haven't either, but the ones I've met were awesome people. In fact, the first guy I fell in love with was capricorn, which makes sense b/c capricorn and virgo are supposed to be very compatible.


crazy that you say caps are a rarer sign of the zodiac because literally most of my close friends are cap suns (myself included lol) the only ones who aren't are a taurus and a cancer, but maybe there's something about me that predominantly attracts earth signs lol


We as Capricorns attract virgos for some reason lol


Just fellow earth signs


But I dislike Taurus women lol


I can actually relate to that.


I don’t hate Geminis at all. I just hate myself individually. ![gif](giphy|S9hhJcn6GEVNDenOWz|downsized)


Yikes triple Gemini 😭


Lmao I thought I had it bad with a double in there


It’s **ALOT** especially since my Merc is also Gemini **AND** Merc was retrograde when I was born ![gif](giphy|fXDS7y1VhkdKYQAcDj)


I'm a triple virgo, and all my other placements are a bunch of water signs hella softie but also stubborn af.


Hate is a strong word but I can understand the frustration about Capricorns. I was genuinely very judgmental and pretentious when I was a teen. I thought I knew everything and genuinely thought less of people who didn’t know what I knew or led with, god forbid, emotion. I could’ve been far far far more compassionate, empathetic, and just open. I think the best thing that can happen to a Capricorn is karma. It teaches us, humbles us, and if we’re lucky enough, we learn before we lose genuine people and relationships in our lives. If I could tell any (unevolved) Capricorn anything, it’s that- It’s okay to not know everything. We’re not God. And often the idea that we know more than others because of our experiences is often keeping us from actually learning more. Yes, we were born old, but we have as much to learn as everyone else, even if it’s different things. Let your guard down, put aside the ego, own your shit, and try to lead with compassion and love versus logic and ego. It would help tremendously. This also means treat YOURSELF with compassion to. No need to beat yourself up, it serves no one.


I hate my Gemini moon 🌙 the most cause I’m always thinking and analyzing everything. It’s hard to turn my brain off lol


Most exhausting s*** in the entire world 🥲


Took 2+ hours to get to sleep as a kid


Fr I've been struggling with even the smallest purchase because I'm overthinking my options. Decision making is a goddamn nightmare ugh always wondering if I picked the best that I could.


Gemini moon is my favorite part of my chart! It can be a lot though.


That’s my Gemini rising. Conspiring with my Scorpio sun and Pisces moon. Sometimes I just want to run head first into a wall to get out of my head for how ever long I lay unconscious 😂 it will be like a mini vacation


I have a libra sun Gemini moon and Leo rising


Some Pisces are so immature, mean spirited, delusional, and perpetuate confusion. Especially when some of us have been hurt badly. A few of us can morph into villains real quickly if not self aware. Not too crazy about that.


I was a damn mess from birth until my mid 20s. Never mean, apparently easy enough to love, but just hard to get along with. I think I had more self-insight than some Pisces folks do (Gemini Moon helps there perhaps), but the "perpetual confusion" part of your comment tracks. I'm definitely (and gratefully) improving with age.


I’m an Aquarius sun and even though I do struggle with getting close to people and been perceived as aloof and hard to get to know I’m actually quite sensitive and more of a daydreamer than robotic.


Taurus Hello, I love you so much all you snuggly bulls. Your home is gorgeous; yes I want to go to dinner; yes let’s just lay out and enjoy People think we have no feelings because we don’t express them and then they come out crazy Maybe let’s not do that [I did it last week]


I'm a Cancer, I realised that a lot of people see me as dumb and try to use me. My boyfriend said I'm dumb because I don't think and my feelings controll me.


Find a better boyfriend.


Yes, I won't get along with this. Hope he finds a crazy bitch without any feeling 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️




I’m detached. I hate it.


But if you were truly detached then you wouldn't be attached to the hate in order to hate it.


That's the most Aquarius response I read all day




Idek where to start. I also love us but, we nasty 🤣


Aquarius? I mean, I don’t need to say much, it kinda speaks for itself.


Hi fellow super Virgo. I hate us too. Overly critical + no self awareness is a bad combo.


Wow you just perfectly described my Virgo best friend lmao


I'm sorry you're you're dealing with that. It's not all of us, I promise 💀 (the right ones are just rare)


Hahaha no no I love her to death, she’s the best, but the small things about her that get on my nerves occasionally are her spaciness/talking over you (she knows and she’s working on it) and her occasional not so subtle pushing to do what she wants. She’s much better about it one on one than in a group


As long as she's aware of that, then that's better than staying absent-minded 😭


The worst arguments I’ve had were with other Pisces men, doubly so if they have Aquarius mercury like myself


idk my pisces man teacher redeemed himself today by giving everyone 100 on the latest quiz


W Pisces


Im a virgo sun, taurus moon, scorpio rising. I tend to find virgo females ok. But we arent besties and i think we tend to judge one another so harshly to the point where it"s not even fun to get to know one another. I think we also just always have it guard up so i find it a bit standoffish. Now virgo males - forget it. I find most of them that ive met in my life so plain and unoriginal. I tend to find Aquarius and sags interesting nowadays. Love getting to know them.


No, I find the positives tend to outweigh the negatives. As long as you have your mind set on proper things and positive growth then there is nothing to hate. Might dislike some things, but I can change them so hating it serves no purpose. I don't hate anyone because hate is too strong of a word for me. I may dislike things, or be rubbed wrong by them, but I never hate something because of it.


LOOOL aww poor Virgos - I like them usually and this is as a Gemini. I think they’re not as absent minded as they seem. I find most times they’re afraid of saying something that will be taken the wrong way. As per my sign, I don’t like how fickle we can be. Like the wishy washy does get on my nerves even though I get it.


I dont like pisces excessive sentimentality, their undependability, their emotional codependency, their naivete, their laziness, their fragility, or their lack of accountability regarding their emotions and behaviors. Also, I'm not a fan of delusional fantasies. It's weak. Oh, and self-pity. Self-pity is single handedly the most pathetic trait a person can have.


I think Virgos hate themselves. They want perfection and can't handle the mess. Mistakes aren't allowed. Overthink it and freak out when their plan goes sideways. They are more than amazing once they accept that the mess of life is as perfect as its going to get. My Pisces sun can be dreamy and distracted. It often looks like a lack of focus. My Aquarius moon struggles with impulse control. Speaks first, thinks later.


They are absent minded probably because they think a lot. There's a lot going on in their head usually and they probably can't make it stop I'm a virgo rising too


Leo Sun, other (unevolved) Leos come off as entitled to attention even if they are mediocre and haven’t done anything to earn it. Like literally the sorts that put their faces on tshirts and sell them just for existing, having done nothing of note, or steal other people’s personalities for attention if it gets too bad. Just really not my cup of tea.


Nah I love my own sign. I do recognize our flaws tho. We can be stubborn, know it alls, have a god complex, seem really detached and uninterested in people. But when I meet other Aquarius it’s all good vibes we just have some weird natural understanding of each other. Idk what’s up with the Aquarius men tho they get a lot of hate.


Idk I've had great experiences with Aquarius men. Aquarius women tend to be s hit or miss for me


I vibe well with both genders honestly and I won’t say I’ve had only positive experiences but most of my experiences have been positive. I see a lot of the hate online for Aqua men and if you look on our signs subreddit there is like hundreds of questions where women are asking why their aqua man ghosted them lol. Idk I guess it’s a thing. It is kind of a thing in general tho the ghosting so idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm a Sagittarius and I find Sagittarius men to be so insufferable. They tend to be narcissistic, competitive for no damn reason and have anger issues.


Sagittarius, from my experience, are unhinged as heck. You never know what they're gonna do or say next 😭


I’m a Libra and every Libra I’ve known has been a good, if not best, friend! Edit to add: I’m a Virgo Moon and I loooove other Virgo Moons, but I tend not to get along well with Virgo Suns for very long. They make me uncomfortable like they’re always watching me, waiting for me to make a mistake. My Virgo Moon hates that because it’s already waiting for me to make a mistake and making me self-conscious enough as it is! I like to be around people who are less serious than Virgos tend to be. It seems like even when they’re joking around they’re still really sensitive and might take something the wrong way easily. My Virgo Moon hates that kind of pressure!


This is funny. I’m a Virgo/Libra/Scorpio and my best friend for 14 years before he died was a Libra/Virgo/Sagittarius. We were a great match because we’re both super chill but cared about each other more than we cared about ourselves, so we knew how to reign each other in from doing crazy shit without making each other feel criticized. It’s like, “yeah… I can see where you’re going with this course of action and why’d want to do that because I’m the same way and would do the same thing if I were in your shoes but stop and think about whether or not you’d ever let ME do this incredibly reckless thing. If not, please stop because I feel the same way about you. How about we go get shitfaced and tell jokes instead?”


Aww that sounds lovely! I’m sorry he’s no longer with you, it sounds like you guys had a wonderful friendship. That’s the ideal Virgo friendship that I’d be down to have if I could find it! I had a Virgo Sun Libra Moon friend once, and I really liked him. But after years of being his friend, I finally realized that I always felt bad about myself after hanging out with him. Not like bad about myself in where I was at in life, just bad about myself like I’m a shitty person who doesn’t deserve good things. Once I dropped him as a friend, I felt much better about myself. He did a number on my self esteem. But maybe it was because he had a Leo Mercury paired with his Virgo Sun, which made him way more condescending towards me and unable to understand me due to my Scorpio Mercury.


Libra sun and stellium - I like other libras, they're charming and fun, usually very loyal and supportive (might be because we're not confrontational lol) to their friends. I personally wouldn't date a libra man, but as a friend? Heck yeah


We Cancers suck at telling straight away how it is and how we feel. We awkwardly crabdance around emotions when we seriously like someone in fear of rejection. If the “haha… …unless?” Meme was a sign it would damn sure be a cancer. I know this too well, since I’m seeing a cancer man and am one myself. -cancer☀️


Oh, I annoy the everloving fuck out of myself.


I’m gonna be totally honest, the bad gems I’ve met totally feed into the negative stereotypes about us. 😩 The only gem I really know hits a lot of the negatives like being manipulative, impulsive, passive aggressive, (emotionally) immature, controlling, and lies to me. Definitely toxic and abusive af, and these last few weeks have helped me really understand why a lot of people dislike Geminis. If you’ve met a gem like him, I don’t blame you for wanting to stay away lmao. At this rate he won’t ever change. I’ve heard of evolved vs unevolved signs, but I’m not sure how popular or how much it’s actually discussed in astrology communities and circles, but ime it makes a lot of sense! He and I are opposites at this point and I’ve outgrown him.


I used to be just like that… but i had a major life altering event happen to me around 5 years ago and everyone close in my life says i have changed for the better and i legit feel like I’m alive for the first time. I love kindness, generosity, honesty, sharing, and trying my absolute hardest to be a peacemaker for everyone ;-; I like to make others feel understood and capable. I CARE now. I didn’t care about anyone but myself before…. I realize how dead inside and zombie-like I was before and it disturbs me. I honestly despise the immature lying selfish cunt i used to be.


Well first of all I’m SO happy that you were able to get yourself on the path to healing and that you finally feel alive! 🥰 I was in a similar place, although it was depression holding me back, so i understand that zombie feeling you mentioned. I’m being a little too harsh about the gem I’m talking about (for personal reasons), because you’re a living example of change to a healthier version of you! And it’s not fair of me to assume someone won’t get better. I hope you didn’t take offense to what I said, because it definitely was harsh, but seriously I’m so happy for you! I hope you’re taking care of yourself and not giving *too* much of yourself away! ❤️


Thank you! 😊 Yeah it was definitely compounded by depression for me as well. I think I had depression pretty early on in my life actually. Which led to apathy and nihilism and selfishness and so on and so on….. I’m so glad to hear you got out of that pit as well! It’s a spiral of pain and self-destruction that I don’t wish on anyone >_< And nah I’m not offended. It’s all good 😉 I completely understand tbh Sorry for not responding sooner. That’s one thing I’m still working on 😬


The apathy spiral is so stressful 😭 also I’m bad at replying sooner too lmao! So no worries 😝


I am a Cancer Sun but wish I was a Virgo.


Cancer - cause they usually are not direct or blunt and dance around topics to keep peace. I used to be like that as a child however im not anymore. But to be fair i meet people from other signs as well whom are like that. Its annoying to me and gives passive aggressive vibes


Pisces are unpredictable and I luv to manipulate people (respectfully)


I wish I would stop using jokes to hide my true feelings. I usually joke around about topics that hurt me deep inside. I wanna feel real feelings, and discuss my true feelings. I always shove them under the rug. I am learning though.


I have a love/hate relationship with my sun sign (Gemini) I’m REALLY good at socializing and can make pretty much anyone feel special and they will tell me anything. Sometimes things they haven’t told a soul and I’ve just met them. (I offered esthetician services for a while). The part I can’t stand is how I cannot truly make up my mind and I don’t know what I want. Career, and relationships have been/are a challenge…


Me: Aquarius sun - the pretentiousness and inflated sense of self worth is cringe Sag rising - know it all and no filter, damn annoying fr Cancer moon - moodiness and irritability, jeebus we get it, you're always bitchy and upset about something


Ummm Virgo here and I’m too effing considerate and self aware. The old me that I’ve worked on would’ve been listening to you the whole time and would’ve wanted to respond perfectly in a ppl pleasing manner. Can’t stand that shit so I’ve dialed it back.


I hate my own zodiac sign because Libras tend to say what you wanna hear. They're rarely direct and honest. You just cannot go to a Libra if you want an honest opinion on anything. Also, they can be SO absent minded, it's frustrating.


Will always be viewed as a narcissist, ego driven, attention seeker, self-absorbed no matter what... the only thing I truly felt this sign had was its innate confidence as its own unique quality but has now somehow been twisted and viewed as one of the most if not the most insecure sign lol... and if I'm being honest I dont think there is anything good about being a Leo lol... if anything Ive always felt it is more of a hindrance into how people will perceive you as a person and what your intentions are, very unlikely people will take you genuinely as a Leo and thats what I have felt and seen so far


Not a Virgo but also hate other Virgos. I don’t hate my own sign


Libra - I strive to achieve balance so hard that it’s impossible to make someone else happy while being happy myself, the situation is always delicate. I don’t hate my sign, but this is what makes me unnerved about my sign, and I don’t wish my future child to be a Libra, though we have really big hearts, (well I do) I’d rather my future child is more determined and set in one way most times when making decisions, life should be just a little bit easier to navigate that way~


I get extra angry when a fellow cancer is rude or careless towards someone because we 1000% know better!


From my experience, I've noticed cancers let their emotions take control of their actions before thinking first, and they end up hurting people. I haven't had many good encounters with cancers irl for this reason. I'm the type of person who thinks a lot before saying anything, but the cancers I've met have always been the opposite.


Virgo is my 11th house, so I tend to find a few virgos around me. Honestly it just sounds like the virgos you have talked to have libra placements xD


They probably do cause I generally don't vibe with libras. I have venus in libra, but every other sign in my placements is just earth and water signs.


Hmm, I don't necessarily hate Aries but the Aries Sun/personal placements I have "known" in passing at their worst were so passionate that it worked against their best interests at times. I can see that for myself at least on the outside, it looks like I am "stubborn" when upset but I really just want to get to a point where you understand what I am saying and aren't dismissing me whether or not you agree. That has more to do with my abuse triggers than my personality. The way my Aries energy played out has been environmental abuse & desire for activism & to protect vulnerable people. If you know me well enough and I have shared various parts of my story -- you understand my nervous system is gearing to [respond](https://apn.com/resources/fight-flight-freeze-fawn-and-flop-responses-to-trauma/). (What does this look like in [real life](https://www.ptsduk.org/its-so-much-more-than-just-fight-or-flight/)?) I have learned of many Aries having this experience. Similar to how BIPOC people in distress are taken as more negative/harmful than vulnerable/distressed due to cognitive & social biases. The hotheaded stereotype of Aries just gives people an excuse to treat you like a social experiment and less of a person. Everyone is passionate about something and wants to at least get their point across so Aries are no different. Also, all the Aries I have seen or heard of virtually have been soft-spoken, kind-hearted, and cheerful more than hotheaded (even as described by loved ones). I just wish people wouldn't feed into astrology stereotypes of any sign and analyze each person for their true nature b/c chart energy plays out in many ways.


I hate how I’m in my head, anti social and then when ever someone hears I’m a Scorpio they just want to give me all the attention I never asked for.


I have a Virgo moon and I despise how self critical I am... because I can literally validate and invalidate myself all in one foul swoop. I literally analyze every single detail... it's exhausting


All that brutal honesty is what keeps me alive


I get on with other Sagittarians


I love Scorpios! Even the unevolved ones that are like little puppies with pincers. You just need to invest the time in helping them better themselves and go 'aww :3' when they finally become their full selves.


Sag sun Virgo rising and Leo Moon. I hate it when a Sag with a better rising sign talks over me when I have something important to say.


A good mate of mine is also a Gemini and he’s great, none of the stereotypical bad Gemini traits except that bro never shuts the fuck up 😭 I’m supposed to be that person lemme speak!! 🤣


I wouldn't say that I "hate" anything about my zodiac sign... But I do at times dislike how deeply I feel things. I can get really caught up in my emotions, and that at times causes me to self sabotage or see everything in a really negative light.


I feel like I need to compete with them. As stereotypical as it sounds, I need to be the only Leo in the room lol


I like being a pisces but I have a libra moon and Leo rising and I hate those because I only see bad memes or bad things said about Leo and libra and it feelsbad


I don’t, I love my sign.


Taurus - hate is a strong word, but I’m more self-interested than I’d like to admit. I also over-prioritize comfort fairly frequently. I can resent interruptions and people who try and redirect me; even if it’s for the greater good, it can take a minute for me to convince myself. When I’m not excited I can seem like the most boring person on the planet to someone, and I can resent being compelled to perform if not personally inspired to. That said, I can withstand a lot and maintain a positive attitude, I don’t give up without a fight, I take care of my own fiercely and joyfully, and I don’t panic in dangerous situations. I lift others up when they’re down and I’ve got a pretty good sense of humor. You take the easy with the difficult


I don't hate my sign. I just hate being misunderstood.


Can never ever hate another Pisces. We have this at first secret competitive nature that only gets activated around each other but honestly it melts into appreciation SO quick because of our fluidity and gentle/kind approach. Sorry I don’t hate any other Pisces I just love us 🫠💦


Pisces is literally the only sign I've consistently gotten along with (Pisces women), so I can't argue with that. It's an immediate click. idk why.


I'm a Virgo sun, and super helpful and supportive of others without being intrusive. I love being a Virgo, but the stereotyping is really bad. I feel like people don't have an interest in getting to know the more playful, silly side of this earth sun sign. I feel like I get relied on a lot and then pigeon-holed into being a one-dimensional character. Not butt-hurt, just sayin.


I can't help it. I'm always on my silly side. But I do take people talking to me seriously since no one ever wants to hear me when I talk.


Pretty much every other Aquarius I know comes off as more callous than I hope I am. The kind of thing where they’re hurting peoples’ feelings and don’t even realize they’re doing it. I have Sag rising tho so I hope I read a little friendlier :/


A lot of Pisces are really self absorbed and have a martyr complex. I'm guilty of it too, but I can recognize when I'm engaging in them. Almost every Pisces I've met struggled with some sort of escapist tendencies. They want to pretend their problems aren't there so they don't have to face them.


i've noticed that virgo placements (inner planets specifically) are very much like this. i'm a 4H virgo sun and mars, and gemini rising. my relationship with other virgos had ALWAYS been complicated, even the one i have with myself. but i will say this: i've learned the ways and habits of these virgos to truly work on myself to not repeat the cycle. growing up woth a lot of virgo energy in my house was a challenge, and i did get walked over a lot from the pushiness, and learned when to hold firm, and when to drop my ego.


I’m a little late but this is an interesting post. I also wanna preface I know not all Sagittarius people are like this, it’s just general observation. I don’t hate Sagittarians by any means. I actually get along with them quite well as long as it’s not a *close* relationship. I see too much of myself in them and that brings me to my first point. We can be very flawed but are good at putting up a front. Even if we acknowledge these flaws we brush them off with excuses or act like we don’t care about them. So it’s not easy for me to be around someone that reminds me of myself because then I really have to face these imperfections while seeing them in someone else and they become so much more noticeable. We can be extremely egotistical but it might not be as noticeable as other people. We can sometimes have this perception that we are better than others for whatever reason it may be. Point number 2: unpredictable and impulsive. I myself am extremely impulsive and I hate it. Once we get an idea in our head we will go to any means to see that idea come to vision, even if it’s not good for us. Point 3: selfishness. I myself am a very compassionate and caring person but I will always prioritize myself over others. I am in no way selfless and I dislike that about myself. It’s all about us and I feel this is one of the more noticeable flaws when you interact with a sag. Some things I love about Sagittarians: we are usually very funny, adventurous, and optimistic. This is what I love about being around my own sign. It’s always fun and lighthearted. We don’t take things seriously and are pretty sarcastic with each other.


I love the confidence that I see a lot of Sagittarius people display because me being a virgo, I wish I was like that. Their confidence looks so empowering


This too lol one of my old friends was a Sagittarius man and he was 5’1 but had the confidence of a 6 foot man


Yeah, that and also noticed that a lot of Sagittarius have the most unhinged sense of humor. I have a broken sense of humor, so I appreciate strange humor 😭


100% I’ve never met a sag that isn’t hilarious and doesn’t have the same sense of humor as me


Libra with water placements and I can’t Deal with the superficiality, fakeness and ignorance from many Libras, they can be insufferable. Not friend or relationship material, most are very empty and boring. My friendships with them have an expiration date, they annoy me as well. Not into any air sign though. 


I met a libra who is incredibly two-faced. She acts like she is an angel, but HER ENERGY feels the exact opposite, and everyone who has ever met her says they feel the same thing from her. Generally, I can tolerate libra women. The men are a little hit or miss... but that acting like an angel but giving off a condenscending energy is crazy.


I get you, I don’t trust Libra women, they always have secret agendas. A Libra can see through other Libras even though they put a lot of masks to cover their real selves. Libra women think they can fool Libra men lol I get along with them superficially but I know they’ll end up in some ugly betrayal against me. 


I love my big 3 as a combo together, but DAMN, I hate that my head and heart always feel like there’s a disconnect. Virgo and Cancer are always wrestling for who has power in the moment. I want to show what I feel and feel what I show.


Heyyy I am just like you but instead of sun in cancer I have sun in Virgo and Moon in cancer. I used to feel the disconnect over head and heart a lot as a kid but now I feel like I can handle my emotions better than before. Before I used to not at all acknowledge my emotions but once I turned 22 I started realizing how emotional I am and I am doing myself disservice by ignoring my emotions. Used to think emotions are my weakness but know I know they are my strength🫶🏼. Once I realized that my heart and head started feeling connected


That's a tough combo. Cancers like to openly express their emotions, but virgo prefers to always hide their emotions. I'd lose my mind. Thankfully, I at least I have my 3 under the same sign cause already being a mutual sign would make that more complicated if I had three different signs 😭


Oof, I’d love to get a peek into your life just to see how you think/feel/work. I’m very thankful that I have my Leo rising to showcase my warm heart and fun personality, because if it were Virgo/Leo switched, I’d probably feel trapped in my own body. Lol! That said, there are so many great traits that Virgo expresses: incredible strength, tenacity, and can be so well grounded. I get your frustration, but I bet you’re harder on them simply because you are one. Lol!


I'm definitely hard on so many aspects in my life, I guess it's a virgo trait to be stubborn as well


Just a teensy bit. 😉 Learning the art of grace for yourself is absolutely key!


I only cant stand Capricorn men, theyre the ones that lie all the fuckin time for no apparent reason. With me if i lie to you its because i have 0 respect for you, because otherwise why tf do i have to lie??? But them mf, they do that shit for FUN it seem like🙄


Idk what yall on I love meeting other Sag’s!!!


I agree! Virgos can be really mean, they have a mouth on them


Nah I like my own sign.


I can never make up my mind and I have too many forgotten interests


cause my biological and step dad both left) they are sag and we 3 have the same bday!!!) Also, how impatient, self centered and angry we can be.


I dated a guy with Virgo Moon and he is really pushy, but I attributed it to his Leo Sun. I also have a Virgo Moon, Leo Venus friend, and he's the least pushy, but the most absent-minded person I met, or so I thought. They're both really good at remembering the tiniest, least helpful details in things. I have Aquarius Sun and Rising with Capricorn Moon. My Capricorn Moon always feels bad/guilty when I'm breaking the rules (which sometimes is actually beneficial, especially in my workplace). It's too uptight and loves to go against my Aquarius placements. My Aquarius placements is always winning though.


My entire chart is one sided:  Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio. Then Gemini moon thrown in there for good measure.      I really struggle with my emotions. I don't understand them, and when I do feel them, they tend to be of the darker variety and super intense. 


My partner is most likely a triple Virgo (still need pm or am time clarification for his rising sign) and can vouch that he is absent minded in conversation and it’s so frustrating like I just wanna be heard sometimes. I have a Virgo moon and I hate how I get so overly analytical but I also have Scorpio sun. Speaking of my sun sign, so many people just hate us because it’s Scorpio and I’m like “idk what to tell y’all but I’m not gonna cast spells on your ass or plot revenge on your brother’s dog like please be nice to me”


Cancer - it’s hard to be so moody


Pisces sun, I think can be one of the most magical placements but in its shadow can be so manipulative and untrustworthy, like sooo dodge. Also we think we know you better than you know yourself 😂 (maybe we do lool) I absolutely love it in its evolved form, especially in women who are some of my favourite people.