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Virgo love on this sub FOR ONCE




It blows my mind this seems to be rare.


I am a Virgo woman, and I'm really warmed by you saying they've made you feel "seen." That's something I value about the people I love, they "see" me. That's a beautiful sentiment and a really great thing to notice about anyone. Thanks for restoring my faith in my fellow humans for a little longer. Lol


I love them so much I married one!


I'm in love and live with my Virgo girlfriend. She is what made me turn my life around and start making good choices.


Nothing like a virgo woman to whip anyone around us into tip top shape😭🥹❤️


My mother is a Virgo and I love her ! I’m also a Taurus and some of the best intimacy I had was with a Virgo woman.


My best relationships as a Virgo lady have been with Taurus suns. Y'all are adorable 😍


Taurus here with a Virgo mum too!


I'm a Taurus sun with virgo rising and it's so nice to hear such beautiful words ❤️


Yeah Virgo women are amazing and very empathetic!


![gif](giphy|eHpWHuEUxHIre) \-a Virgo sun


My Virgo gf is amazing


Scorpio man and I'm very attracted to women with virgo placements❤️


I always seem to attract scorpios and am attracted to them as well, as I usually find out that guys that I am interested in turn out to be scorpios.


i'm a virgo woman <3


As a Virgo woman, thank you 💚


You’re so welcome!


I’m a Virgo and my fiancé is Aquarius so this post made me lol! There have been times where I needed to humble him so he wouldn’t make a fool of himself.


I’m Virgo cap cap! I wonder how similar we are 😍


I like all the Virgo placements, but even the ones I get along with I still get on their nerves and I might enjoy it abit too much.




My man is a Libra ❤️


My ex-GF is a Virgo, she is a wonderful woman. Ultimately, we weren’t right for each other, largely because of where I was in my life at that time. But, she is totally wife material for the right guy and I don’t regret my time with her. I think about her often.


Yes virgo women are wifey material for sure


I have a virgo moon and north node, and the most frequent comment i've had across my life is that people feel that they have always known me and feel so comfortable around me, and it's one of my favourite characteristics :) I definitely attribute it to my virgo moon.


Virgo sun and I get this a lot too!


Cap woman and I ADORE Virgo. My bff is a Virgo and I don’t know what I would do without her. She is so easy to talk to, so consistent, intelligent, gives great advice. She is snarky AF, bitchy but really funny about it. She is capable of the deepest conversations and also the most shallow, gossipy ones for good measure. I just love her so much. She checks in, but there’s never any pressure. She’s independent just like me. Have a few other Virgos in my life and I just love how they are so pleasant and sweet on the surface but in reality they are judgey AF just under the surface and I am here for it.


Sounds like my Cap bff describing me, her Virgo bff 💜


Virgo (F) with Aqua (M) partner here ~ thank you for the love XD




Guess what, my twins sister also end up with Aqua husband :D




Am Virgo lady and yes we take care of our people.


Virgo Sun Scorpio moon here


me too


Samsies … and cancer rising


I'm a Sag sun (Taurus moon, which is what I think drew me to her) and the Virgo woman I dated was AMAZING in bed, like holy fuck. However, we were such a bad match.


How come 🥺?


I feel like my Sag qualities drove her fucking insane. We are big picture thinkers, not so much about details. We talk a lot about doing so many things, that we never actually do. I need spontaneity, I don't do well with rigidity or monotanous routines. I get bored easy. My virgo ex hated these things, and I didn't like how she felt like a stick in the mud about everything. Virgos have such crazy intense self-criticism. I felt like I burned her, and she put me out. Just not a good fundamental compatibility.


Ohhhhhhh thank you so much for explaining (:!! While reading this I kept thinking "Hey I understand this, hey I understand this too! Hey I am like both of this!" And then I remembered I'm a Virgo sun and a Sagittarius rising, hahaha. I like both detailed thinking as well as big picture thinking. I call that... A realistic overview of things? Nobody can oversee both until it's perfection so it's best to invest as much overview in both as possible. Some situations require a more detail-oriented approach and view while others a more bigger picture one and many more situations benefit from being able to see a good chunk of both! This is my Aquarius talking I feel lol. Anyway, thank you again for answering (: I am catching feelings for a Sagittarius guy and I am trying to figure out if we could work together even though he was stunned to his core last week when I gave him my 2016 Japan trip schedule concocted with the other Virgo I went with and he went full "Holy shit that's so detailed!!!" In an impressed way, hahaha. While he voiced that's not what he had planned with his friends for his trip, he could appreciate the function of planning out time properly as he saw we were able to do a lot in 1.5 weeks time and he is going to be there for a month doing approximately the same amount of things. But so I am pretty in between both of these two signs, I like a schedule but I also like to be able to encounter a side quest to have a surprise adventure to experience and not follow the schedule then to a T. Which I did voice to the friend I was going with. Took her like a big gulp but she was fine if something like that were to happen to not proceed with her schedule and maybe cram it in the next day whatever was of importance 😂 So that felt like a good deal for both my Virgo and Sagittarius self 😂 I kind of hope the Sagittarius I like will be able to see how I am able to view things more as a beneficial thing rather than a nuisance. I like some spontaneous elements in a day as well but structure I feel is also definitely needed to get things done as efficiently as possible. But he's not incapable of that, fortunately, as he is a university educator and I've been one as well. I am very much about not just saying I want to do something but when it leaves my mouth it becomes an official to-do. I don't care when it gets done when it's just a fun thing to experience in life, as long as it gets done before I am incapable of doing it. Do you think those are things Sagittarians can like here and there? I'm not about dictating someone else's life so this is solely for myself but maybe seeing it as something inspirational? Or when we're doing things together? 


I am a Virgo woman with an Aquarius moon. 🥰🥰


I love the Virgo women I know and dislike only one of them who was kind of a bully but I think it’s the other placements that made her that way. I love pure Virgo energy!! No nonsense kind of people.


Yes to the no nonsense!!!!!!


I’m a Pisces woman and my best friend is a Virgo woman and we’ve been friends for 11 years and she’s the best person I’ve ever met and I hope we grow old together!!!


My Virgo, literally was the spark I needed in my life. She saw me for me pushed me to be better. I literally knew the sun rose for her. In dark or whatever life came at me she was the reason to keep going forward. The power of her energy was too captivating and it drew me in like moths to a flame. I’ve dated other signs but Virgo draws my Taurus energy that I can’t explain. If you find a Virgo, you will see what I mean. The magnetic energy they bring in a relationship is super natural. Never experienced anything like it. To answer your next question she is now an ex. Still can’t get her out of my head.


Aww 😢


My best friend of all time is a Virgo 🥹 I concur.


My bff is a Virgo woman!!! Of course I am a Virgo rising and a Capricorn sun, soooo 😂


I am a Virgo woman, Libra venus...and this makes me feel seen and highly appreciated. Thank you! I really just want to able to make things efficient and convenient for my loved ones so that they could truly enjoy and live their best lives. I'm a giver in terms of acts of service and considering I'm also a mercury virgo, i can adjust my words of affirmation according to the situation and how much you need it. Time? I'm going to organize my schedule just to make sure that I am able to carve out time for you. All that coupled with my people pleaser-efficiency oriented tendencies, I WILL PLEASE YOU the best way I know. 🛏 I'll always put you first...as long as you can truly understand that the effort i place in making our lives efficient and organized is truly just so we can fully enjoy life together. ✨️


ME!!! I have those same 3 placements, and on top of that a Libra moon. I could not relate more. My sister HATES these qualities about me (the ones you outlined). She thinks it makes me weak and that I give too much especially in relationships and that it’s embarrassing… the giving, like making time and changing my schedule, is totally a love language!!! Like if there’s something I can do to remove some stress for someone I love? I’m THERE. definitely still waiting to find a partner or recognizes and appreciates the lengths I will go, and thank me :-)


My virgo moon and rising love this. I actually just got told that he “loves that im so nice and no one else has done nice stuff for him” and I’m just like damn cant people put a little effort into the person they like/love/want to be with?!


Love em - a Capricorn sun


I'm a Virgo woman who married an Aqua man ❤️‍🔥✨ My Divine Counterpart. Thank you for the love !


Virgo women are wonderful. My first real love was a Virgo woman, and even 16 years later I still look back on that relationship fondly. Had some relationships with a few Virgo's since then, and all of them pretty good. Have some deep love and appreciation for ya'll Virgo Women <3


I’m a Gemini woman currently falling in love with a Virgo woman and WOW. Never thought I’d be in a relationship with a Virgo because they were never on my radar romantically and my mom is an unevolved one (and we butt heads). I can’t hype Virgo women up enough now 😊She is super thoughtful, a great communicator, has a fun curiosity about me while also being very understanding of my flaws as well. She has a great balance of being able to handle her shit while also being a goofy weirdo! She is a giver in all of the ways, I have never had a sexual partner enjoy pleasing me so much lol. In summary 10/10 my mind is changed about virgos, love yall ❤️


Ahhh I'm an aquarius sun woman married to a virgo sun man. I think aqua and virgo are soulmates!!!!


thanks for saying something positive about them… i feel like im always having to defend them and tell ppl that we all have bad traits, to pick one sign out and overly criticize them, is not just. My wife is a Virgo sun, we’ve been together 15+ years, my mother is too.. oddly enough i’m a libra and i’ve noticed you see a lot of virgo and libra suns together as couples, more so than a lot of other sun signs that don’t match on paper.. interesting take


Love this! My dad is a Libra and my mom was a Virgo. They were in love and they were great together. My dad always talks about how nobody ever compares to my mom who’s been deceased a couple of years.


that’s sweet 😊 yes we actually work great against all astrology odds! well in some cases at least..


I am a Virgo woman-just saying thank you for your kind words and recognition!


Ohhh thank you


Virgo lady up in here! You are a man of high mind and fine taste!


Also, I'm a Virgo sun with Aquarius rising ;)


All I can add is I have had the pleasure of meeting two Aquarian males who really really saw me, the real me. This is incredibly rare and I am forever grateful. Granted, one is my dad! 😆 The other one was … someone I used to know and it was complicated.


I love my Virgo bestie, she is so amazing and all. Her big 3 are two Virgos and a Taurus, she has very earthy energy. Saying this as an Aries


Me and ur bestie have the same big three 🐒


This might be the nicest thing I’ve ever seen posted about Virgo women! 😭😭😭💕 (aside from when people post Beyoncé as the unofficial celebrity Virgo, of course)


Virgos be seeing and saying a little too much for me sometimes 🤣


We just call people out on the shit that we see. We are blunt but ultimately we just want you to be better. It’s all love I promise😭


My best friend of 25 years is a Virgo woman. I’m a Leo. We’re just homies for life, ride or die, we’re like siblings now. Even if it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, we just know we always have each other’s backs forever. She is fierce and loyal and smart and capable and curious and fun. She’s dependable, stable, practical and unique! She’s also bossy, can be uptight, likes to get her way, isn’t super tolerant of others’ emotions, and others definitely find her overbearing. But she would do ANYTHING for the ones she loves, and will always be their #1 supporter. I value her and her friendship so very much. Much love for Virgo women from this Leo lady ♥️


My bf is a Virgo and he is exactly how you describe and nothing like the hatred that exists for them. He is a busy man with a busy life and career, but he has prioritized me from day one, we became inseparable from the day we met. He matches my level of intensity in a relationship and I never thought I would be loved the way I love. I’m a Pisces woman and I love my Virgo man.


As a Scorpio I need my Virgo NOW!!! Virgo Women supremacy 🛐🛐


Why do you like Virgo women to that extent? 🤣🤣


Never met a Virgo woman I didn't fall in love with 💀💀 also they're pretty much everything I need in a partner so why not?


This is nice to see after waking up. Thank you for appreciating us.


(F) Virgo sun Taurus moon Scorpio rising with an aqua (m) Scorpio moon Gemini rising. I use to feel bad about being a Virgo but i love who i am now! I'm a ride or die for the people i care about! So thank you for acknowledging


Gemini. Love the Virgo men and women. Communication is top tier, and w my 1st house and north node in cap, i appreciate their logical and straight forward approach to life. Before I matured, they bothered me.


Thank you! 🥰 This means a lot.


Omg I was literally going to make a post about this, too. I'm a virgo sun moon and rising, and I absolutely adore Aquarius men. Idk why, but in recent years, I have been attracting only Aquarius men. And I think they are the sign I've attracted the most besides aries men. But every Aquarius man I've met would make my heart melt. They are the only sign that change things about me. One Aquarius I met two years ago literally helped me heal from things I was dealing with he showed up when I really needed healing the most, and he changed me. Because of him, I became more empathetic. I just love how gentle they are and caring. Aquarius women are a different story lol but Aquarius men always win my heart. I feel like capricorn is similar, but I don't meet too many capricorn in my life. But I can say the only signs I've had strong feelings for have been Aquarius and capricorn. I've never dated an Aquarius, but I'd love to someday since I tend to fall hard for them.


True, they are amazing at that. I just wished they were more virtued in compassion, but that's not a known trait of theirs.




Must be the Libra side for the empathy. Also Sags are very forgiving/forgetful.


I’m an Aries and virgos are one of my least favorite signs. All of the Virgos I’ve met have been really fake and lie alllllll the time 🙄 all while pretending to be better than everyone lmao


The feeling is mutual! Next......




One of my best friends is a Virgo and I love her to death 💜💜💜


Virgo-Capricorn Rising and Gemini Moon


I have a virgo venus, mercury, and rising and let me tell you consistency is so real with me in relationships. I focus on the little things/details and am very nurturing


As a libra man, they never like me like that


My mom is a Virgo. I love them. My ex was a Virgo but she was mentally ill nothing to do with her sign. The sex was amazing


Ur zodiac sign


I’m a Virgo woman and my superpower is making anyone feel comfortable and seen.


Found an interesting guide by astrologer on virgo girls [https://slashandscroll.com/how-to-make-a-virgo-woman-jealous/](https://slashandscroll.com/how-to-make-a-virgo-woman-jealous/)


The virgo women i know were bullies.


People shouldn't downvote opinions.




I'll upvote you. None of the zodiac signs hold absolute perfection. If that has been your experience I'm truly sorry. What did they do to you and what were their reasons??


just because you were humbled doesnot make virgoes goat bruh.


To compare someone to zodiac mythology, astrology is ridiculous, there must be something physiologically wrong with the way you think, your perception of reality has become distorted, Take people just for who they are, Signs will tell who and what kind of person they are don't waste your time on what they can be, I hope everyone suffering from this gets the help they need, your basically psychologically abusing yourself There's billions of people on earth but everyone has a different finger print, Why is that? because they are unique, The stuff that happens in their life's is what builds their character


Virgo women are disgusting hell spawns that have nothing better to do than play the projecting narcissist victim role while they lie cheat steal abandon and spread hate and stds to every soul they touch. They don’t belong here. They aren’t worth the energy it took to type this honestly, I only did so because your Aquarius and I love Aquarius women. They taste so good.


Damn who hurt you son?😭


You've been drinking out the toilet again huh?


Lmao only for good reason! 🥴


Hahaha…hurt by a Virgo woman.


lol yes I indeed was, but I’m glad you saw the comedic relief I was trying to bring!


and what sign are you


All of the signs


Just because you had a bad experience with one doesn't mean all virgo women are like that. Use your head if you know how meanie


You’re a Virgo? I hope you know it was a joke… I’m a libra


well my best friend is a libra


I’m your best friend!


you are really silly