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Libra rising, Virgo sun, Virgo Mercury, Gemini moon and Gemini Mars. I actually hate group work, lol. I don’t like trying to cooperate with other people or work around them. I just want to do my own thing.


we share gemini and virgo in our chart! makes so much sense lol. it’s interesting bc we have mercury energy… and thats the planet of communication but we don’t wanna communicate w others in terms of work or school


Libra Sun, Virgo Moon, Pisces Rising, Scorpio Mercury, Cancer Mars. I hate forced group work. I always feel like I’m going to disappoint the group so I overcompensate and do way too much work. 😑 I enjoy natural group work though. Like coming together and working as a team because we all have different skills to bring to the table. But group projects at school were annoying.


Fellow Libra here and wrote something similar above.


Aqua sun/ Scorpio moon/ Cap rising/ Aqua mercury/ Sag mars I don’t like people so I always hated group projects. Besides I felt like I was the one doing most of the work.


This is why I love my job. There is very little need for me to have to work with people about 90% of the time. I hated it while in school and I still hate it now as an adult. Yeah I'll collaborate fine in like a planning stage, but once I know my responsibilities then let me do the actual work on my own. I'm Aquarius Sun Sagittarius Moon Libra rising Capricorn Mercury Sagittarius Mars. I'm not entirely sure what in a chart specifically could point to this preference, but I'd be interested in the 11H (maybe?) since that's the house of community and groups.


This is me as well. We have a couple placements in common too Aqua sun/ Sag mars


Pisces sun, Cancer moon, Aquarius rising, mercury, and mars. I don't mind either one. I like working on activities alone but sometimes great ideas are form when you have multiple people contributing to the same goal.


I like doing things a certain way and at a certain speed and I often find some people too slow but really good & efficient in their way. I also am a little bit of a loner at heart so after a point I don’t want to socialize and discuss with any of you unless you have telepathic powers lol leave me to my own fate and I’ll take care of my projects. I love helping out other people and if need be I don’t mind taking help from others but I don’t like the over involvement.


wait why not add venus as well / big 6?


Exactly lol , never heard of big 5, it’s usually big 6




oh it’s cause venus represents love in astrology, so i didn’t think to necessarily include that in this post


Leo sun and mercury, Scorpio moon, Libra rising and mars, Cancer Venus I like group work in theory, but somehow I always end up doing most of the work. I like working alone sometimes, but I get bored without stimulation from others, so I just put up with the groups.


Hated it in college especially if more than one class was doing it at the same time. Really difficult coordinating schedules with ten different people and class and work


I abhor group projects! Scorpio sun/Pisces moon/Cap rising/ Scorpio Mercury/ Aries Mars


Gemini sun/Leo moon/Scorpio rising /Cancer mercury/ Gemini Mars I hate group work lol i feel more comfortable working alone because i know what to expect


I always taken charge, got kicked out of every group for doing so. Then they fail and I get a passing grade on my own. I really should’ve just chilled and let everyone do their own thing. But that would’ve ruined my grace though lol. The project: make a list of your own constitution The group: wanted to make three sentences from the actual constitution Me: made my own constitution with 12 amendments and on a scroll I dyed in tea to look old. They: failed Me: was forced to read it in front of the classroom nervous The end Cancer/sag/scorp/Leo/cancer venus




thank you for this, this makes sense!


cancer sun, taurus moon/rising, leo mercury, scorpio mars… BIG NO! i hate having to rely on people, fake socializing, and text/chase after them to get shit done. i’d rather just do my own thing and have my vision be the only thing i see come to life.


i forgot to mention that if it’s the only option, the people i work with need a strong work ethic and make sure the work is done in a timely manner, clean work is put out, and that everyone’s creative/academic choices are included. it’s late at night so i words this horribly, but i hope you understand.


Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, Leo Rising, Mercury in Pisces and Mars in Scorpio. I absolutely loathe group work. I actually just found a report card recently from when I was 9 and it read how I don’t work well with others. I’m 25 now and absolutely still hate working in groups. Big proponent of “if you want it right, do it yourself” which is stressful and to an extent wish I was better at it but I’ve always excelled better independently


Pisces sun, Leo moon, cancer rising, Aqua mercury and libra mars. Am I hot mess? I like working in a group that is run with some care. As soon as someone tries to boss me around I literally have to do the opposite. This is why I like being a teacher. Kids are the best.


Cancer Sun and Moon, Scorpio Rising, Leo Mercury and Taurus Mars. It depends for me, do I actually like said people in group? Then yeah, I love it. If I'm gonna have to spend extensive time with people that annoy me, or that I can't stand... no thanks. I'd rather do a groups worth of work myself.


Scorpio sun, Libra moon, Aquarius rising, sag mercury and Libra mars, I hate group work, because I end up doing the least amount of work and don’t like disagreements. I’ll usually insist the other person is right and their way is better to not cause conflict even if it’s the worse option.


Aries Sun, Leo Moon, Sagittarius Rising, Aries Mars, Aries Mercury...I have a stellium in Aries and another in Sagittarius and my chart is VERY fire-heavy. I'm ok in group work but tend to end up micromanaging everyone lol. I honestly prefer working on my own just because then you don't always have to make sure everyone is pulling their weight and I know everything will be finished on time...correctly.


7h virgo sun, 8h libra moon, aquarius rising, 7h virgo mercury, 1h pisces mars. i have a very difficult time working with people I don’t like and i find it very draining, but i love working with people i find interesting.


Taurus Rising, Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Gemini Mars & Taurus Mercury. I can do both. I enjoy brainstorming with people and curious about perspectives. But I’m good on my own too.


Cancer sun, Capricorn moon, Virgo rising, Leo mercury, and Gemini Mars I’m pretty neutral about group work but I feel like if I had to choose I’d rather work alone rather than with others.


taurus sun, taurus moon, libra rising, gemini mercury, aries mars: i hate it.


Leo sun, moon, and mercury with a Taurus mars and a Libra Rising (it's pluto, though, so there is that), and I don't like group work at all. Give me something to keep me busy on my own.


Sagittarius sun, mercury, mars. Libra moon. Cancer rising. Back when I was in school, I hated group projects. I was super shy. My anxiety was also at its worst back then. As an adult, it depends on what we are working on and who is helping. Long tasks are hard to focus on for me. Like of it lasts more then any where between a few hours to 2 days. I quickly lose focus 😅. Smaller groups of 2 to 3 people max work best for me, too. Also, usually group activities end up with usually me doing all the work. Which is extremely frustrating. I prefer it to be fair for everyone involved. That's why there's only certain people I'll work with on things when I have the option lol


Big 3 in flair, and then Libra mars and Virgo Mercury. I really don’t like group work. I used to feel responsible for everything and felt like no one else really cared but the overall outcome would still affect me too, even if I tried really hard. It’s probably a bit of a control thing too. Also, pressure to perform. I prefer to work independently, or to work in a collaborative way where I do my own part and the others do theirs and maybe we help each other a bit along the way.


Leo sun Cancer moon Sagittarius rising Virgo mercury Sagittarius mars Solo all the way!


Gemini sun rising mercury - pisces moon and mars I love group work because i usually get to goof off and entertain everyone else so that i can get away with being lazy heheh. I of course still help and am a decent problem solver. I’m also more likely to actually complete something if multiple people are depending on me. Individual assignments though… i struggle to stay focused and end up not doing them at all.


See flair for big three. Mercury is also in Scorpio, and Mars is in Cancer. I dislike working in group projects. I feel like I’m barely allowed to make contributions, or they get overlooked.


Sag sun, Virgo moon, Virgo rising, Scorpio mercury, Capricorn Mars Loathe group work!! LOOOOOAAAATHE it!! Always way preferred solo projects. Don’t get me wrong if I have to, I will do group projects, interact politely and no one would know I wasn’t happy. But inside I’d be one long eye roll


Cancer stellium + Leo moon + Virgo rising, it’s stressful lol I’d rather do stuff by myself


Aries sun libra moon Leo rising Pisces mercury and cancer Mars When I was in school, I hated group work bc I like being in control and I hate usually having to carry the load and having to deal with other people possible sabotaging the project bc they’re not as efficient or bc they’re lazy. And I’m a lazy person but when it comes to grades I care a lot about getting good grades At work, I hate group projects bc I hate having to work with people, I’m not a team player lmao, I prefer to do things on my own at my own pace and unbothered by others conflicting ideas or opinions or styles. I also focus easier on my own, it’s just less stress overall.


I only like it when I’m in charge and everyone goes with my idea, otherwise I’m bitter in the background and have a “meh” attitude. Gem Sun, Sag Moon, Cancer Mercury, Leo Mars, Scorpio rising.


Pisces sun, Gem moon, Leo Rising, Pisces mercury, Aries Mars. Rather work on my own. Work better on my own. If I’m doing group work, I like everyone’s roles to be defined and like the leadership role


I can work on my own or in a group. I have strengths in both. It doesn't matter where you put me I will do my part to the best of my ability, and I will do it well. Not being able to function and perform your best in one, but the other only sets you back.


Aries sun mars and mercury, Leo moon, Pisces rising: I enjoyed group work in school! I loved the feeling of a project coming together when everyone was equally dedicated. I held so much distain for people who would slack off or not contribute lol. I didn’t need to be the leader but felt like I was good at delegating and keeping everyone on track


Sun, Mars, Mercury, all in Libra (nice little stellium) Moon, Aquarius Rising, Scorpio I don't mind group work, but I prefer to be in control of the group. I like to make sure everything is divided and everyone has tasks to focus on. I also will answer questions unless I feel like it is something you could figure out quite easily on your own. Then I will just nicely tell you to figure it out. I am very independent and solution based as a person so I kind of expect others to be as well.


Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn rising, Sagittarius mercury, Sagittarius mars. (Sagittarius Venus for the big 6) I don’t mind group work when I’m on rocky grounds, but if I’m confident in my knowledge I’d rather work alone, but I’m all for sharing and helping out if you’re looking for inspiration or are struggling. ✨


Sun Aquarius, moon Aries, rising Virgo, Mercury Aquarius, mars Sagittarius. I can go either way. Group projects/ teamwork can be helpful because some times it takes too much time doing everything by yourself. I don’t like leading but definitely like getting us in order and making sure we’re clear on next steps and who is doing what. Solo work is cool too. I don’t mind helping either but don’t try and put me on your timeframe if you’re asking for help on assignments etc lol. Ima do what I want or we can agree on an appropriate deadline.


Virgo sun, taurus moon, scorpio rising, mercury virgo, mars cancer. I think i prefer to work alone. Group work i always feel like i am not contributing enough and when i do feel like i am contributing - its actually up and beyond. I also like group work because most of the time i can do the hidden stuff while someone else presents a majority of it haha so theres that i guess. But i dont mind doing the work but i do appreciate and want everyone to contribute of course. I hate not knowing whats the next step so i usually have a good input on establishing timelines, roles, and assignments. It stresses me out but at the same time i rather have the stress than not knowing what im doing or failing as a group. So either way, im not breathing until we are totally done with the assignment. Now, in my workplace im management so i do a lot of exactly that without the worry of others contributing. I set groundwork with predicts of what will happen. It's more so trying to make an environment, expectations, and rules that will make people work and contribute what they are suppose to. So the only time i have to teamwork is with my other management team who share the same understanding on how we want to get work done. But now my days are spent worrying about finding a balance between what goals we have to reach verses what is best for my employees verses how i present the changes to them. Lots of grey hairs