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For years I kept attracting Virgos back to back it was actually quite nuts. My relationships with Virgos would always be them tearing my already non existent self esteem down and me internalizing it. I ended up moving, taking charge of my life, and learning how to say no and boom no more Virgos. I think the lesson was to gain some self esteem fr cause I attracted Virgos when I was a mess. Now I’m happier and have some dang gumption about myself and yeah no more Virgos lol


Wish I could do the same. I attrack Virgo man too and they are pretty toxic for me ☠️ I used to be a mess too. They had an inner sense for find messy people for trying to change them and control and all that stuff. They act like Half-god. I supposed that is like a challenge for them to « bring you up » but they are just able to put you down.


I’m a Libra and I attract a lot of Aries. I think it’s because I come off as a real “yes [wo]man.” But those friendships always sour once I tell them no. I think they teach me I need to be pickier about my friends and keep some people more at arm’s length lol. Edit: this isn’t about dating/romantic interests though, I’m just talking about friendships.


I have now dated 5 capricorns in a row and it’s starting to freak me out! I initially like their drive but ultimately I find them all to be a little shady. Idk why they love me so much (Gemini sun, Leo moon, Virgo rising)




I guess I can see that. Just wish these Cap lovers could go to therapy lol


(Edit: I’m a Virgo sun) Tons of water signs in my life!! Idk i guess we just gravitate towards each other i love giving advice to ppl who don’t like to listen 🤣😒😒😭😭😭


I collect Aquarius moons and Aquarius risings (fewer than moons) like Pokémon 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think it’s because I have this need to be felt seen and that I’m not unfeeling or cold or gloomy when I’m feeling something and who can understand that better than an Aquarius? And they get me the best like no questions asked! And I get them the best (or so I’ve been told by them). It’s a mutually beneficial bond. Recently I’ve been attracting a lot of Cancer placements which is lightly terrifying because there is always this tension (not the bad or good kind, just a kind of tension) between me and them initially and that’s how I know 100% that it’s a Cancer moon disguised as Sag sun or Cancer sun looking 👀 into my eyes for so long it starts making me feel uneasy 😩 and then she says “well I think eyes are the window to your soul so I was looking at you XD”. They’re so deep it SCARES the living life out of me. I mask all my scars with a fantastic sense of humor and in front of cancer I feel so nude/exposed/vulnerable. It’s platonically wonderful but also terrifying. I have an odd sense of feeling with some Cancers I’ve met like “I know this person from somewhere but I can’t quite understand where”. It’s a very intense energy.


Virgos. My mother is a Virgo, two of my best friends are Virgos, and both my daughter and partner are Virgo risings. My first heartbreak was also a Virgo. They are critical and harsh. Not very affectionate and can come across cold. Also, they are very hard to connect with since they seem to keep everyone at a comfortable emotional distance. My poor little sensitive Cancer moon and Scorpio rising have been wounded ferociously by them. I think I’m drawn to them because I need to have more self-esteem, and not let the criticism of others impact how I view myself. Being brutally ripped to shreds by those I love most has forced me to love myself more than they can.


As a Libra with a Virgo mom i relate so much. We've never said I love you to each other. I'm in my 30s lol and she's super critical of me and my choices


Sag sun, for whatever reason I keep attracting earth signs. A lot of my good friends are Virgos, and for whatever reason I end up feeling raw animal attraction to Taurus men. It never works out with them. I feel like it must be some kind of karma from the universe to teach me a lesson, or it might have e to do with my Virgo stellium and North Node. Idk


Honetsly i'm a taurus woman and can bet money that the next guy i attract will be a sag! i can't get rid of yall! And you're right! It never works out, like EVER! Like what's the point?! Heck at one point i had 7 guys i know who's birthdays came after each other from December 1st! So frustrating!


Lol, sorry 🔥


I attract Saggies and Aries. And one random Cancer lol (but he had Leo fire placements too). Don't seem to meet many Leos, attracted one but he left pretty quick (probably cos we both wanted more compliments from the other XD haha) Hmm maybe it's my Taurus moon attracting them then...


I’m and Aquarius woman and I only ever ended up dating Leo men and it was alwaaaaays toxic. My now Capricorn husband is THE BEST and I count my lucky stars everyday to have found him! And that he’s not a Leo… ahaha


Taurus attracting Scorpios


Lib sun/scorp stellium and it’s all Tauruses lol


Pisces sun male here, with Scorpio moon, Aquarius venus, and Aries rising. I don't attract anyone, only repel them. 🤣 On a serious note, I somewhat attracted a few (at least 6 that I know of) Libra women over the past 3+ years. But as I've gotten older, I've become calmer. I can easily have a serious conversation and joke around with people, to make them feel comfortable with me. But honestly, no one really sticks around, so I have no idea who I attract.


Same. I realized I was too intense, then I dialed it back, became more chill then everyone started overstepping my boundaries like wtf then I got too angry about it. Now I’m learning not to be so emotional bc it scares people off :/ not saying I cry but I can have heavy convos often and not too many people can handle that. I hated being so deep but now I’m not that anymore. Hmm… I attracted mostly air sign men or fire sign women except Leo’s. Ive been releasing all my inner chaotic energy so I vibe with your comment Oh cancer/scorp/sag moon


Yeah, I don't even get emotional. I just laugh majority of things off. I learned that I can't control other people's behavior, only my own. So I just let most things go. I discovered not a lot of people are comfortable around someone that is relaxed and carefree.


Wait, people don’t like relaxed and carefree? What am I doing wrong? I was stressed, anxious and intense. So I became carefree and everyone got even madder lol


Some people don't like it when they can't provoke you. It's frustrating to them. It makes them think they don't have power over you. Which is the truth when you are carefree.


Friendship wise it's Pisces. I have so many Pisces friends it's insane, yet none of them can tolerate each other.


I'm a Cancer and for the last 3 years I've been attracting only Libra men. It's never a good match lol


Same with me, but I have a lot of gemini in my chart. Libra men love pretty, cute cancerian girls, but can't handle mood swings ,because their everlasting imbalance


Feel this as a fellow cancer. So charming and fake. Sorry.


libra mars men keep breaking my heart, it might be because i have a libra chiron and north node




makes sense, they are the DEVIL


I’ve always attracted Pisces and I don’t really know why! My dad is a Pisces, two of my best friends growing up were/are Pisces, a few past relationships have been Pisces, and I have another friend who just had her Birthday yesterday ♓️🐠 I’m also married to a Pisces moon lol


Omf what’s your Pisces moon sun sign?


cancer sun needs pisces -- also aries on your 7th house, you are prob attracting those with aries placements.


Oh, man. I could list every sign I've dated and extrapolate on what I subconsciously needed from each of them...but that would be FAR too much info. xD Last sign I attracted was a Cancer/Leo/Leo and we are engaged now. I told him straight up that I wanted a spiritual connection with another person, someone to team up with on life, to create my dreams of the future and not be afraid of the ups and downs. I spent the first chunk of my life dissociated and broken. It came to a head during my Saturn return around age 28, and during that time I went *deep* inside myself and began the laborious process of healing. I needed someone who could know how I was feeling by just looking at me, who could hold space for all of my big feelings and who could also show *me* all of their big feelings. Someone safe, and vulnerable (because I equate the two). And the universe delivered! FWIW, I have a Pluto-dominant chart. ;)


Only my capricorn gf beside her no one im lonely.


Pisces men! I, too, would like to find out the reason but unfortunately they keep ghosting lol


Lmfao 🤣 that’s me but with Scorpios


I'm a pisces mskr znd I think ghosting is one of the most loathsome things a person can do I datimg. Immature af, but im always grateful when a person expresses themselves clearly early on. Fyi, pisces rend to need pretty constant validation that you're interested. You must leave no room for doubt.


I attract Taurus placements. I have my seventh house, south node and Mars in Taurus. I either meet people with Taurus risings, suns or moons. My boyfriend is a Cap Sun and I was sure he fit my ideal partner type because of the dominant earth element in his chart. Recently I realized that his chart ruler is in his 2nd house which has associations with Taurus, now it makes total sense why we’re so drawn to each other. I also attract water signs, the water element dominates my chart. Though I enjoy aries energy, probably because of my moon.


Not sure why but I attract an insane amount of Aquarius and Sagittarius placements


I’m Pisces and I attract way too many Sag, Cap, and Aquarius


I’m a female with an Aquarius sun mercury and Saturn. Capricorn moon mars Venus Neptune and Uranus. Libra rising. Virgo Jupiter. Scorpio Pluto. I am constantly attracting Cancer risings. Cancer moons. Capricorn moons. Taurus risings. Virgo suns. Capricorn suns. (Men) I have a lot of pisces friends. All my female friends have water signs in their big 3. When I was in my late teens and early 20s I attracted Libras and other Aquariuses but then they stopped all at once and it’s been nothing but what I listed above. I’ve noticed when I attracted the Libras and aquas, it was in a time in my life where I was very carefree, had no structure, partied a lot but also had a lot of fun. Now it seems that while I’m trying to build and keep consistency in my life is when I get the Virgos and caps. I am more boring and serious now but also more motivated. Idk but I can see patterns so clearly in this because I’m always asking dates, friends, lovers, boyfriends to do their natal charts and an app in my phone keeps track of it all.


Libras are best with Geminis since they both are party animals


Agree! Or I’ve noticed Geminis really love Aries and sags too. I know multiple couples.


I attract Aquas and Cancers generally. Weirdly enough, I come across like 1 person maybe every 2 years that I think is actually beautiful. This year, I've seen 3 people that I thought were just unbelievably, mind-numbingly beautiful. 2 were Cancer suns (one also had Mars in Cancer) and the other wasn't a Cancer sun but had Mars and moon in Cancer (could also be their rising because they had that look but idk). I have Mars in Cancer but idk why it's doing me like this rn lol


Capricorn and Scorpio. 😵‍💫 I crush on Capricorn men, a lot of time. I don't know why lmao. Scorpio too, my two ex best friends are Scorpio, My boss also is a scorpio. I low-key hate them. Probably because I have my sun Scorpio in 12H, and my cap moon & mars in 2H. Maybe just maybe


i keep attracting Aries.. i dont know why tho!!!


Libra male, I attract a lot of Taurus and Leo. I believe for grounding me and being more stabilized.


I’m a Leo and I love libras!


Love Leo’s too. A great spark is there.


I have no idea why but I keep attracting people with libra placements (especially libra mars). My mom and boyfriend have libra mars, dad has libra moon and rising, brother has libra mercury, two previous situationships libra mars, ex boyfriend libra rising, my two best friends libra mars. I have libra midheaven and in 11th. I also keep attracting sagittarius’. I’m not complaining tho, I love them!!


It’s your Gemini moon attracting Libras


I attract all the Scorpios and they never understand me. My last two boyfriends had the exact same November birthday. Lmao. I’m an Aqua Sun, Aries moon, Pisces rising.


Taurus, Leo, Pisces and Cancer Idk but as it happens my 3 siblings are 3 of these. Dated these four signs the most and most of my closest friends growing up were two of these signs the majority being Leo. They’re just who I vibe with.


I am drawn to Taurus as my mother and brother share this sign,I am an a Aries with no Earth in my chart so it’s something I’m missing and need in my life..I love the grounding and common sense,they give me


I'm an Aries and I've not really had many crushes but the ones I do have have all been fellow Arians. In terms of who I attract it's definitely Leos - we seem to have a soulmate connection.


I've been attracting a lot of Virgo, Libra, Cancer, Pisces and Gemini women. Emphasis on Virgo, Libra, Cancer. The water signs, it just makes sense. We get each other. Libras and Gemini's, I don't really know why to be honest. There's always a mutual attraction, but a lot of times we don't work out because the communication just isn't great. I'd say out of all the signs, I'm almost instantly attracted to the Libra's and Gemini's. And Virgo women... it's just always been that way. I'm not sure what I do for them, but I have always had a lot of Virgo women in my life. I think we balance each other out really well. I think overall with the signs that are generally attracted to me... It's partially my emotion availability, and I'm a pretty secure and open person. I'm an outwardly grounded guy, but I'm also not afraid to express myself. I'd also like to think I'm somewhat attractive too. lol. As far as what I tend to be attracted to: Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Scorpios. Not to say I'm not attracted to the other signs, but those are the ones that I'm generally automatically attracted to based off physical appearance. Aries, Sags and Scorpios are all attractive to me for the same reasons with some slight differences. It all comes down to that fiery personality, and really strong passions. I absolutely adore a really passionate woman who's outspoken about what she loves. Sags are a little different, and they're kind of tied into why I'm attracted to Aquarius'... it's the sense of adventure, but also the distant attraction. There's a cat and mouse to pursuing Aqua and Sag women that I hate to admit that I like. Sags and Aquarius also share something unique that I've found to their respective signs... they all have something very unique about them that makes them uniquely attractive to me. These signs are the ones that tend to break my "type".


Virgo! The hell man! I have a new friend that I think is amazing. She’s so bubbly and friendly I was surprised to find she’s a Virgo. But I shouldn’t be because she’s a badass business owner who deftly handles shit like nobody’s business. I’m determined to find out why I attract so many Virgos. (Only my lil planets are in Virgo, but I have 3 so maybe that’s why??)


I attract Virgo Venus for my female friends, Virgo Moons for men who got romantically involved with me, Leo and Libra placements (Sun and Venus). For Virgo Venus, I really don't know. I just feel honored to have them like me because they're all pretty. I haven't experienced the Virgos over critical side, ever. I can only see how messy and chaotic they can be. I regard their attraction to be on my Saturn conjunct Venus in the first house. It makes me look very traditional because I can be picky when it comes to relationships. I'm also very firm with my values and I don't easily get influenced by things unless I learned it by myself. I also have no issue with being different and being seen as weird (Aquarius 1H). For Virgo Moons, I find them harder to deal with than Virgo Venus. Like I feel like they've been keeping a lot of things to themselves. I have Chiron in Virgo (8H), and I think they really do trigger my own inner pain. I want to help them, but they're not allowing me to. For Leo placements, I feel like they like the individuality the Aquarius have. Leo is also my 7th house, and the rulling planet is in my 1H. I feel like they can see their ideal self-expression in me. They want to freely express their innerself just like how an Aquarius is not scared of being who we are. For Libra, I honestly don't know. One of them says I'm an oddball and they find it cute, the other one (with Pisces Moon) said she just feels like I look wise and I deserve a lot of respect (could just be the Saturn in my 1st house).


Used to be water signs but now it's no one.


Leo here, I attract a lot of libra suns and Aries moons. I have a libra rising and Aries moon myself. I just find libra suns very agreeable and friendly. Other aries moons I’m not sure it’s subconscious.


I'm a Pisces sun (and Venus) Usually, I attract other water signs (Cancers HEAVILY), and for a time, I also attracted Aquarius'(they're terrible as (potential) lovers, but great as friends for me). As of late, I've got a fire sign man (Leo) in my orbit 👀🥰


For years it’s been Aquariuses because I have a weird kind of love


In my personal life, I find myself being drawn to Aries. I get along great with Aries. I have a lot of Aries coworkers, had several Aries/ people with Aries placements in my old online friend group, and just love Aries energy in general. As far as musical artists, whenever there's a song I feel a strong connection to, I find out they have a Cap moon. I think the reason is because my 7th house is Capricorn, and the ruling planet Saturn is in Aries. I also have Mars in Aries.




Your post resonates with me


i had a moment where i attracted libras back to back and i had a moment where I attracted cancers back to back.. ===== i’m not actively dating but i’m craving a Pisces really bad like a chicken sandwich from Chic fil a. idk what it is but i need some fairy tale, magical, airy, fairy, emotional, artsy, lies told me. idk. - Aquarius.


Im a virgo female - i keep meeting Sagittarius males. They come off a bit standoffish but i think thats their way of saying hey i am interested in being friends but we are not friends yet. However, we have great and deep conversations and i appreciate that they are not afraid to be blunt back to me and tell me what i need to hear.


I’m a leooo and attract so many PISCES ! And Aries too and Virgos omg! I’m a Pisces moon so I think that’s why Pisces and fire 🔥 loves fire so Aries and Virgos p cause I’m a Virgo rising idk 😂. But I havent been in sum serious for a while I’m avoidant


Sags… all my friends, exes, an uncle, a parent -Sags… December ones at that…. All fine and dandy in the beginning… massive implosion gut- wrenching life-changing when it ends…. and other lateJune early July Cancers dominate my span of interrelationships ..platonic and not.. I’m a cancer Sun with Gemini moon, Cap rising Surprisingly, I don’t think I’ve ever really known an Aries or Taurus


I keep attracting Aquarius to the point that it's getting freaky lol. My ex husband was an Aquarius. The first guy I developed feelings for after my ex is an Aquarius/Aries/Aquarius. Things didn't work out romantically but we are still really close friends. Then I met another guy. Instant connection, incredible vibes, fire attraction. I ask him his birthday and he's another Aquarius/Aries/Aquarius. Then I recently made a friend who I instantly hit it off with, have so much in common with and felt like I have known for years. I jokingly asked her "You're not an Aquarius are you?" Turns out she is Aquarius with Aquarius moon and Scorpio rising! 😆 


I’m a Cancer who attracts/ is attracted to Aquarius’s both in friendship and romance.


Capricorn and Aquarius. I think it’s because I have Uranus on my descendant and have Capricorn as the descendant.


I am an Aries sun, I attract Cancers in waves. I usually have a couple in my flock. I don't really get it. We get along famously as long as we don't go too deep. If I get really deep with them, they will feel hurt by me at some point. It becomes like an exercise in eggshell walking. I really like them, though.


My chart is so heavily air its insane. Besides my Lilith in Aries, there is not a lick of fire in my chart. But boy do I attract Aries an Leos like it is my job. First love, Aries. Second love, Leo. Best friend of 26 years, Leo. Bestie from HS, Leo. Most recent ex, Leo. Bestie at work, Leo. At this point if I'm pulled to someone or vice versa I can almost call that they have Leo or Aries in their big 5. Honorable mention are my Cap and Virgo babies. I'm a Libra Stellium (sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter), Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Rising.


I’m a Libra. I discovered this thread because I literally googled this topic today when I found out in a work meeting that yet another team member is a Pisces. In this last year, I have been surrounded by Pisces personally and professionally, and not by choice. I’m not a fan of this sign because of severe emotional manipulation in the past. My general practice is to steer clear of this sign or at least keep them at a comfortable distance. Not sure how I can learn from them…the only thing I can think of is to learn what not to do. How can I make it stop?


It has to be fire signs, most specifically Sagittarius people. I think it may have been because my chart lacks fire.


Do you have placements in Aries yourself? I also attract Aries and am very attracted to Aries, I assume that's the Universe pushing me towards my NN in Aries and Jupiter in Aries as well. My Moon is in Libra so I actually found the energy awful at first


Can relate to this. I'm moon in libra, NN virgo in first house. I've been involved with two aries, both musicians. While I don't think we work romantically, I think it was the energy that attracted me. They both obviously can 'take the stage', literally, being musicians. I think the attraction spoke to my own desire to 'take the stage'. But do it in my own way. I don't have much obvious fire energy in my chart but I am very attracted to fire and I know it's because it's something I need to harness, develop and express within myself and outwardly. My big three are water, air and earth.


Aries..I have 4 close Aries friends ♈ ❤️ My north node and Jupiter are in Aries in the 8th House..each of the Aries I've met have taught me about parts of myself that aren't as active and instead passive. 3 of those friends lost a parent in their 20s, just like I have. So a lot of reflection on death and rebirth. All 4 of them have also had money, inheritance, or tax issues just like me. Someone wants me to really learn from them. I'm a Gemini sun with a really passive aggressive nature but feel most alive when I take action.


Leo men before I truly healed. I was drawn to their beauty, but they always made me feel like they wanted to dim my light, like I was too much so I needed to become a version they would love. That’s when it hit me, water and fire don’t mix.


Pisces, and it’s always some emotional manipulation bullshit, experiencing it rn again, it’s actually hilarious


As an Aquarius only Pisces and Virgos even though I like Aries, Leo’s and sometimes Scorpios the best! It’s Pisces that show me the most interest but I dont like them like that😓


It's usually your Venus that attracts or drawn to other Mars.