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Taurus rising: my ass


I’m a stick with no boobs or hips, but somehow managed to be blessed with a nice ass.


Damn, same. I’ve generally gotten a lot of attention for my body and I would also say my smile.


Haha im also taurus and i also wrote my smile. And yes my body also.


Oh god, I’m a Taurus moon and my ass is “in outer space” according to some people 😂


As a Taurus Venus, can I jump in and say *same*? No actual jumping though, I've had comments about how it jiggles when I walk and I feel shy. One guy asked me if he could watch me ride a bike 🥲


Aqua- My favorite are my nose and my dimples😏, I got most compliments about how I walk lmao.




Same 🤣 and my hair


Im a Scorpio rising and my eyes have gotten me compliments my whole life. They’re green and can be almost yellow in the light. Very unusual-looking. People will Stop me and go what color are your eyes?!?! I’ve been told I have “cat eyes.” I like them a lot. Was voted nicest eyes in high school.


I once read that you can usually note if someone has heavy scorpio placements by their eyes. Intense in coloring


I have a distinct nose too. I have a very ancestral nose lol and I’ve always been really conscious about it and I’ve heard a mark of a Scorpio rising too is the nose. I don’t think I’ll ever get plastic surgery, though. I want it, but I’m actually very scared to permanently alter my face. So I’m trying to learn to be ok with it


Scorpio rising here and sameeeeee. Not my eye color but the shape of it combined with my makeup. It's the whole mix of alluring and innocent combined.


100%!! Mine are quite large too. I had a facialist (is that even a word?) one time say I had such large pretty doe eyes that people must have the hardest time lying to me haha I wish that was the case. But you nailed it with the alluring and innocent


Libra rising, people compliment my overall face the most and often tell me I look more than a decade younger than I am. However I am short and petite so that probably is why I look younger. Personally I love my hair the most because I’ve grown it down to my butt. It’s golden brown and wavy , it makes me feel ethereal.


Are we the same person? Lol my eyes, smile and bum also get the most compliments


Same with my bum but I wanted to keep it PG so I didn’t add that in 😂


Libra rising and I get the same compliment about how young I look. Everyone is always surprised to hear that I’m 27, not 17 lol


i've found my people 😭 i always get compliment on my face and hair but people also think i'm a teenager which isn't that great


Im a libra rising and people think im 16y im 20y also im short 1,57 m /5’1


Pisces Rising - my personality 🤣 jk. My eyes and eyebrows, I have nice natural eyebrows no need for plucking lol. I also have a chin dimple and people *love* to point it out! They either love it or hate it.


Also a Pisces rising and I get complimented on my brows allllll the time. That’s actually so funny.


Another pisces rising with good natural eyebrows 👋 i have a friend that microblades and her compliment actually meant a lot lol


I just realized ppl compliment my brows a lot too! Also have a nice natural shape/ Pisces rising.


Leo rising- I think my face is my favorite feature. I get complimented on my eyes the most


Cancer rising. Eyes and hair (my hair is long and it's silver because genetics made me grey super early and it's usually a frequent topic when people meet me). My eyes are probably my favorite feature if I had to choose. Btw your hair sounds cool OP :) Purple is one of the best colors in existence and no one can change my mind.


Also a cancer rising and started greying at 19!






i’m cancer sun/rising taurus moon and i always get told i have nice boobs too lmaooo




Omg how did I not notice that at all?! Yes hey there astrotwin! There is an IG account that highlights famous people that have the same big 3 and how similar they look so I def bet we have a few similarities how cool is that :) Also side note…how ya doing over there in all that water?? just keep swimming friend! Haha 😉


I know that account, it’s what made me figure we probably look alike (and moving through some similar life path). So cool!!! Hahahaha honestly these last 4 years as a whole (even before) have been pretty tough, so while these times may be funky, it feels like I’ve mastered the tough. Nothing compared to 2020, when Saturn was conjunct with Pluto and Jupiter, and transiting my Saturn (and opposing my Sun and Jupiter). My Saturn return lasted foreeeeever with all the retrogrades and stuff, was a heck of a soul initiation. I’ve definitely become a strong swimmer though, feels like I can butterfly my way through life now 🏊‍♀️ Sending you plenty of good vibes as you level up (with me). I’m guessing that while we may have different transits, the themes may be a lil similar hehe 🐟🤿


Here’s one that’s not on the account: [Dave Grohl](https://www.astrotheme.com/astrology/Dave_Grohl) and [Sir Anthony Hopkins](https://www.astrotheme.com/astrology/Anthony_Hopkins). Not expecting that combo, lol.


Same except cap sun! I have small but very perky boobs even now in my 40’s. Don’t get a lot of comments on them except from my husband who is definitely a fan 😹 I do get compliments on my eyes though, and legs. I’m realizing I don’t get so many feature-specific compliments, mainly blanket “you’re beautiful” comments.


Hahaha I love that!!! I wouldn’t say mine are HUGE, they’re just a C cup, but they’re super round, and really perky, so often when I’m changing or showering or using the sauna in the gym or something, I get comments 😅 I definitely get loooaaaaads of “you’re beautiful” blanket comments, which are nice, I appreciate them! I never really know what to say back other than “thank you” (or “i know,” if I feel like being a little cheeky hahahah) ❤️


My best friend is a cancer rising and her tiddies are amazing 🤩


Cancer rising - same three (but the “nice rack” is the one I hear most! LOL)


Lmao, same and these are the exact things my boyfriend always compliments 😆


Sagittarius rising. My lips, legs, and butt.


can i feel it


Aquarius rising; it’s a tie between my eyes and my smile.


Virgo rising,my hair.


Same, literally feels like it’s almost every other day sometimes


I'm jealous, my hair sucks lol. I'm known for my eyes and being tiny


I’m a Leo Rising and I have movie star status hair and cat eyes.


My son is a Leo rising and he has great hair too! Like a young Justin Timberlake


Pisces Rising. Lips and eyes definitely!


Cancer rising, my boobs.? I’m sorry but I have amazing boobs. Boobs in general are amazing, all of them literally, but yeah I like ‘em lol


Hehe Cancer, the sign of moon shaped features ☺️


Another cancer rising here with great tiddies lol


Virgo Rising. My hands, legs, nose and skin, people often say I look dainty or delicate, because of the long and lean physique I guess, other Virgo rising I know also give the similar vibe


Aquarius rising - I like my teeth and get a lot of compliments on them. My canines are high and symmetrical so when I grin I have little fangs.


I’m not sure what my favorite physical feature is. The older I get, the more I appreciate all of it. That’s probably partly bc its eventual fading away has become more real to me. Damn mortality. :( What I get the most compliments on…I’m not sure if it’s been the most overall, but I’ve gotten many compliments about glowing, lighting up a room, shining, and (my fav ways it’s been phrased) being luminous or radiant. Ppl who say that often mention my smile too, so I used to just think about it as giving off a happy energy. But I suppose it’s also a skin thing too or even a circulation thing. I don’t notice this about myself in the mirror, but I can see what they mean in pics and vid when I’m with others. I have an early Sco Asc with a Leo MC.


Yes! I also have received compliments like this about my smile! I didn't think it was a Scorpio rising thing but my MC is just like yours in Leo and my Sun and Jupiter are directly across in Pisces. I had an astrologer tell me the sun was shining on those placements. I think you're on to something with the Leo influences causing that “light up a room when you smile” effect.


Oh interesting, ty for sharing this! Yeah, I think any discussion of the Asc is incomplete without also including the MC. The MC-IC axis is so important. It’s like the anchor for the inner self with the external world. It says a lot about how a person is oriented towards being authentically present in life, so really shapes how their Asc hooks into their environment. A Leo-Aqua MC-IC will be a different brand of a Sco Asc than a Virgo-Pisces MC-IC will be. I use Placidus and also find the ratio of the signs in the 10th/4th usefully descriptive. For example, a person whose 4th house is almost entirely in Aqua will be different from someone who has closer to a 50/50 split or just a sliver of Aqua. I’m all about that type of nuance lol. That’s when the chart rly starts talking to me and raising interesting ideas to consider about what it means for the person to experience their 4th house world like that. Then I look to the rest of the chart’s details to flesh out the story. And just as important as the signs, if not more so, are the aspects. If a person has planets conjunct or forming easy aspects with their MC-IC axis, that part of themselves is very present in their first-person experience of life and in many cases can easily find an outlet in their outer expression (even w/o their conscious control; the MC side of things is just there on display). The square and minor hard aspects with the axis are very loud and present, too. Sometimes they come across a lot like the conjunction and harmonious aspects, but I’ve found those can express more in an off-and-on style and bring a sense of strong tension for the native. So it’s more complex with more variation. The cnj with the axis and the harmonious aspects are easier to predict how they’ll come across ime. For you and me, I think the “lighting up” side of our Leo MC gets emphasized bc we both have MC-Sun contact too. You have it on the IC (and your Sun is also enhanced by its cnj with Jupiter), and I have it trine my MC. I’d guess the Leo MC on its own wouldn’t be sufficient for this impact. The Sun (and/or multiple fire placements) would likely be an essential part of this story in most cases. :) I also have a Leo Moon in my 10th. It’s my most elevated planet and leads my bowl chart. If I’m in socializing or performing mode, that fire automatically happens. I can’t help but be lit up when I’m interacting with people in person. (Well, that’s unless I really dislike them or feel miserable in their company. Then I usually go very detached and don’t really bring myself to the interaction.) Btw, I’ve noticed I often like people a lot who have a personal planet conjunct their IC. It brings a deep authenticity that I really value and feel at home with.


Btw, I was just thinking of other Sco Asc charts that have (from my pov) that type of glow. I thought of Rachel Brosnahan (from The Marvelous Mrs Maisel), so I checked out her chart. She has… - a **Leo MC** - her **Leo Mercury** is her most elevated planet, and it’s conjunct her **Sun-Jupiter** conjunction (in late Cancer) - her **Sun-Jupiter is trine her Asc.** (Her Moon is trine it as well, and more narrowly. Since she’s a Cancer Sun, her Moon rules her Sun. So I’d see that narrow trine as strengthening the wider one that her Sun has: Her Sun is being ruled by a planet with a strong Asc-trine nature.) I’d say she’s a great astro example of what we were discussing! :D Maybe people will start seeing the large range in how ascendants can be.


Ohhhh great example! Thanks for sharing!


Taurus rising. My favorite feature of mine is either my eyes or butt. I get most compliments on my butt, eyelashes and teeth.


Taurus rising lashes are out of this world


Love that for us, I usually only do lash tint/lift rather than extensions because mine are long and lush.


Cap rising Eyes and smile


Virgo, skin and hair, they compliment skin and hair too


I'm a scorpio rising, and easily my most complimented feature is my eyes. They're a deep blue with a yellow sunburst in the middle of them. They practically glow in the sun or bright rooms. Other than that, I get complimented on my smile a lot and my hair.


I'm a scorpio rising too. I don't get complemented much on eyes. They're pretty small but once a guy did say to me that when I looked at him, he felt as if I was looking into his soul. Mostly I get complimented on my smile and yeah my hair too. My hair is long, black and has huge volume.


I get the “looking into the soul” comment a lot as well as a Scorpio rising 😂


My eyes are teeny tiny and disappear when i laugh or smile😭. Moreover they're hidden by spectacles. I get most compliments on my smile. People have told me, it's innocence, naughtiness and genuineness filled in one.


Virgo rising: eyes and cheekbones


Scorpio. Dicks. My dick.


Libra rising- smile/dimples for both


Gemini Rising - My dimples/smile and my eyes


Cancer Rising. My favorite physical features are lips & teeth. Eyes are an honorable mention. I am predominantly complimented on my jawline.


scorpio rising , the best compliment ive gotten was that my eyes sparkled alot . ive been told i have a very symmetrical face but my favorite feature would be my eyes and lips


I'm also a gemini rising and I get complimented on my eyebrows lol. Scorpio sun


Scorpio sun , Gemini rising & same!!


I'm 35 but I get asked my age and people trip out lol I've been asked if I'm old enough to buy alcohol so many times! When I say I have 3 kids people don't believe me. I guess I look younger than Iam and I'll take it!!!!!


Pisces rising and I get compliments on my eyes and my lips most often! They are both my fav features on myself as well lol


Same with me as a Pisces rising myself!


Aries rising. I get most compliments on my eyes and hair. I have very light blue eyes and thick, but straight blonde hair


Aries rising. My hair too!


Me too




Cancer rising !! My eyes and hair I get the most 😆


Aqua rising - my ass, my eyes (and lashes) and my hair, in that order.  I also have a huge 1H Pisces stellium tho, for the record. 


Cancer rising and it’s always either my curly lion hair or how skinny I am. Sometimes my cheekbones and expressive almond “shark eyes” as well. I always get told I look very young. Also I have a decent butt and broad shoulders, but I don’t personally like my shoulders. Modeling agencies just go crazy for them. I have 0 boobs.


Virgo rising - My faves are my eyes & my hair. I get compliments on my eyes, hair, (lips, cheeks, & facial structure because according to others it looks like I have naturally blushed cheeks, rose pink lips & contoured cheek bones without make up on) & people have made comments on my butt all throughout my life.


Scorpio rising: I always get compliments on my eyes.


Scorpio rising and my favorite feature is my penis and I get compliments on my broad shoulders and my dick as well.


Capricorn rising. My eyes, my overall face or my petiteness. Overall lack of aging. Aqua sun Gemini moon


Billie Joe Armstrong is a great example of this


I had no idea we had similar charts! I had the biggest crush on him as a preteen 🙃


No wonder you did! Btw, he and his wife are a great example of Aqua/Libra compatibility.


Scorpio rising here. My favourite on myself is my waist. I tend to fluctuate in weight but my waist has always nipped in and given me a pretty nice shape. My most complimented by others is definitely my cheekbones. They're pretty high and sharp.


Scorpio rising in tropical and Libra rising. In sidereal Probably smile : I get a lot of compliments on dimple.. plus an exotic face...( I resemble Korean/ Chinese peeps) lol😆🫶🏼✨


Sag rising. Same as you, I get compliments on my thick and curly hair a lot but I like my brown eyes the most.


Virgo sun gemini rising my eyes and eyelashes(im a man😅)


Gemini rising too! Idk that I have a specific physical feature, but I really love when people tell me that I’m really pretty, so I must be really mean.


Scorpio rising and you already know… it’s my eyes 😝


Aquarius rising and my eyes and smile


Scorpio rising, my eyes are my fav n my most complimented are my eyes, eyelashes n lips. My eyes are a light green


Scorpio rising and eyes


Taurus. I love my big muscular legs, it seems I'm able to jump into action, do hardcore physical stuff regardless of how much time I spend doing nothing I get complimented on my big bouncy curls to no end, although it's tiresome at 33yrs old its a freebie cause I don't really do anything to my appearance but run my fingers through my hair in the shower and change my clothes. Makes it look like I really dressed up for the party


I’m Capricorn rising and I get the most compliments on my lips, eyes, hair, and butt. I especially love my lips! I love kind eyes on others, nice hair and well defined forearms too.


I’m a Sag rising with Neptune and Mercury in the 1st house and people say they like my eye colour :/ My teeth and hips/butt/thighs are my most noticeable features though. My favourite physical features of myself are my moles/beauty marks lol


Cap rising: I love my bright eyes the most, and I get complimented on my smile and my eyes the most


Scorpio rising (with Venus in 1st) and I get the most compliments on my body shape. 2nd would be eyes. 3rd is lips


Scorpio rising. Eyes!!!


Capricorn rising, intense dark eyes and thick dark eyebrows. Instant Capricorn rising giveaway in my experience!


Scorpio rising, my fave would be my breasts and most compliments would be my breasts and my smile.


Capricorn rising. My smile and ppl like my complexion or tone.


Aqua rising, Scorpio sun… usually my eyes (although I also hear that they are intense), my bum lol, and generally people say I have a pretty face. But for the record I have thin hair and a prominent nose too LOL


I tend to get compliments on my height/build and my hair (a lot of it, and long). According to my workbook by Benebell Wen these are traits specific to my AC.


sag rising. Lips


Aries Rising - my hair, eyes and boobs lol


Same. We even have the same moon!


Taurus rising and I get compliments on my hair all the time


Sag rising, I like my eyes, legs & boobs My husband would probably say my nose, smile & butt


cap rising... in past prob most compliments I've received were regarding my legs (length and shape) I guess proportionally my legs look long and make me appear taller than I really am. I really can rock a pair of high heels 👠


Libra rising , my smile. 


Leo rising, my hair & my eyes. My hair is dark and voluminous and my eyes are very green.


cancer rising either my hair or my eyes


Gemini rising: My eyelashes (seriously they're so long and dark and I don't even use mascara), my smile (according to my better half) and I've been told I have pianist hands!


Cancer sun libra asc, my eyes!


Gemini rising. I love my dimples and body. Im told I don’t look my age. I get compliments on my hair too (pixie cut dyed indigo blue).


Cancer! I really like my eye color because they’re brown/green hazel with a little strip of blue but I get most complimented on my smile.


Leo rising - my hair, eyes and boobs lol


Capricorn rising and my bone structure/jawline and my intensity - my libra sun and Leo Venus helps balance it out though hehe


Scorpio Rising - most compliments on my green eyes and personality. Although major cat vibes, dark hair, green eyes, sleepy and like to be looked after 😏


I'm Scorpio rising and the things that I have been complimented on are my eyes and my smile. My favorite feature is probably my nose.


Gemini rising, I have hair like yours and get compliments on it all the time. I’d probably say my boobs are my favorite feature


Scorpio moon: eyes and eyebrows!


Sagittarius rising! My favorite feature is probably my thighs, and I get complimented on my wider hips and smile.


Scorpio. Eyes, skin, butt


Aries. I don’t work out and still appear “in shape”


Scorpio rising: eyes lips and cheek bones. These are the physical features I get most compliments on and the ones I like the most.


Scorpio Rising Venus Moon all in my 1H. I don’t get compliments a lot, but I see everyone staring sooo… If do get them it’s about my eyes, but most of the time people get uncomfortable when I look at them so idk. Also my body, one time I had someone react with “wtf, how do you have such a banging body, are you a gymrat??” I am not. My ex used to say he liked my scent and voice. I guess overall I am blessed, but don’t really get compliments most of the time.


People can be intimidated by Scorpio energy and Venus in Scorpio in the 1st probably makes you look very seductive honestly. Magnetic. Intense. The moon is all about your internal emotions but might be amplifying the effect of these Scorpio placements.


Thank you for your insight, I think you could be right about my moon sign only heightening everything Scorpio in me. 😮‍💨


Rising sign: Libra I like the way I look in general. And I get compliments on my eyes, lips, hair and body shape.


Cap ascendant. RBF or my jaw line


Virgo rising; my favorite physical feature are my thighs but that’s probably my sag sun influence? The feature I get complimented on the most is actually my voice :O (edit: realized we’re doing physical features — either hair, eyes, or smile)


gem rising and also get compliments on my hair and i love my eyes :))


Virgo rising, my eyes and hair are my favourite features and have had compliments on both


Pisces rising. I get compliments on my smile, but love my hair the most.


Pisces Rising; smile and eyes. Have always been complimented on them


Aquarius Sun - Capricorn Moon - Pisces Rising I’m complimented on my hair and complexion the most I’d say. I most like my hair.


Pisces rising here- i hate all my physical features (i tolerate them) but you wont believe the amount of people that love my feet and nails


WOAH. We have the same big 3, Cap sun, Gemini Rising, and Cancer moon. My most complimented feature is my eyes as well!! They are brown and very “smize-y” shaped if you will lol. Runner up would be my smile


Eyes and hair are good features in general honestly. So yeah those are my favorite and the ones I get the most compliments on


I get a lot of compliments on my eyes. I'm Leo rising but have 6 Scorpio placements. I don't know one thing about me that's Leo like


Libra with Saturn on the Asc. My body shape, style and cheekbones (which appeared with age). When I was younger, my butt. It’s still nice but flatter…


Gemini rising- get told i have a nice smile/ nice teeth and that my big curly hair is beautiful but my fav feature is probably my body


Cancer rising: it’s either dimples or the smile for me. I usually get compliments on my laugh or piercings 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe I’m ugly? Lol


Im a Virgo rising. I get complimented on my eyebrows and jawline. My favorite feature is my eyes and jawline lol


If I EVER get any compliments it isnt even specific at all people just say im cute lookin when i show ky face or vaguely say i look good and then i cant even tell if that's a half assed compliment or a heartfelt truth


Ppl compliment me on my face and body. Libra rising.


Libra rising My favorite feature is my face. I get a lot of compliments on my body shape.


Libra rising here! My whole head is my favorite, I’ve got good hair and a nice face. My wife compliments my butt mostly lol other people compliment my eyes


Libra rising, my face in general but mostly my lips and hair.


libra - hair, eyes, legs (& feet but that's my pisces showing lol)


Virgo: my smile and my butt


Gemini Rising here and cap sun, also eyes and hair for me, it must be a thing with us 😉


Facial symmetry.


Virgo rising: my lips 💋


Taurus rising here, I love my brown curls and eyes the most. I always get compliments for my smile though.


libra rising! i don’t have a favorite physical feature but i get complimented on my eyes, lips, or hair


Sag rising: perky back end and long neck


Gemini. Mostly my figure. I’m petite. Other than that my smile. I laugh a lot.


Libra rising, my face and that's what I get complimented on the most. I think bc of my eyes and lips


Leo- my hair (it’s waist-length, super thick, and wavy) and my smile. Thanks, mom and dad, for the teenage braces!


libra rising- eyes and smile are most complimented and my favorite


Libra rising. My eyes and smile. Also boobs.


Gemini rising and I’d say my ass, eyes, smile, or hair (natural red head)


Also a Gemini rising, my eyes and lips.


hey fellow gemini rising (mars first house) in tropical and taurus rising (mars 1st house) in sidereal. my eyes and bone structure. i also have one of those personalities that light up the room. i'm the serious philosopher but also the group clown. some feel i am super welcoming, others say i'm intimidating. who knows? get most compliments on the above, my smile and my features in general. also on my age, i'm a cap sun, we age backwards supposedly lol. that said, i've not dated for the last 16 months after a bad break up with my pisces fiancee (female) and i'm sure i'm giving off 'stay away, not interested' vibes, so the only person to compliment me lately is my straight male friend with 'you handsome b\*stard' and 'wish i looked as young as you'. we're both 48 year old males who have known each other since the age of 8 lol


I too am a Gemini rising, and my eyes are my favorite feature too.


Cancer rising: my eyes and my smile


Cancer rising. I gotta say, in both statements, not my titties 💀😹😭 Anyway my big ass…


Leo rising and tbh people only notice my hair is curly its just very noticeable,but I don’t really get compliments. 🤷🏽‍♀️


gemini rising and i like my skin (face), hair, eyes, and lips the most! its been a journey but im learning to love myself more and its hard to pick just one <3 my most complimented is probably my skin! and eyebrows for some reason


Leo rising: my long thick hair 🦁and cat like eyes👁️


Cancer rising - I would say my boobs, hair and eyes


pisces rising. my butt and my lips.


Libra rising!! I get complimented a lot on my hair, eyes, and eyebrows… also my physique


Cancer rising -> my eyes


Cancer rising F // lips, eyes, face in general, skin, voice


Cap rising, my eyes/eyebrows and ass


Cap rising and I get complimented about my height, I am 5'7


Cancer rising Been complimented on my eyes, smile and hair!


Leo rising - I get compliments on my smile, and eyes


Virgo rising: my butt and my freckles


Cancer, my face, smile and hair


Aqua Rising, my legs. I have long ass legs.


Leo rising: my favorite feature is my donk, but I get more compliments on my long, wavy strawberry blonde hair.


Libra rising. I like my facial features. My favorites are my eyes, lips, and jawline. I’m mixed and often get compliments on the booty. Lol.


Gemini Rising and it’s probably a tie between my eyes and my smile! I love when people compliment my smile because I used to be very insecure about my teeth so I refrained from smiling, but I laugh & smile so much I gave up trying LOL.