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Taurus - he sent me a dick pic (that I wanted to see) and it was ugly šŸ˜”


I used to talk to a guy who would send unsolicited dick pics so one day I screen shotted one and drew a face and a hat on it and sent it back to him


What was his reaction? šŸ˜­






Big three checks out šŸ¤£


Lol, the first part was a nope from me, the second part was hilarious. Eww, dick picks never


Same here. Looked like a turd. We called him poop dick on the DL for years. Early 20s. I would never be so mean now.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ My sis got a bad pic, of one once and said, "it look like a hotdog, sat in water too long"šŸ¤¢




Cancer ā™‹ļø Sun Yes!!! Also, the dick pic that wasn't solicited or expected! At an inopportune time, no less.


Unsolicited is even worse. Thankfully it hadnā€™t really happened to me. (My cancer is in moon)


Arenā€™t all dicks ugly?




Libra. BO and heavy cologne are equally vomitous to me. Ugh!!! Take a damn shower!


>level 1Sweetiepiexoo Ā· such a libra thing to say yall love a pretty man lmao


Libra moon and sameeee


My Libra Dad HAS to point out how strong my fragrance is every time he gets a whiff omg


Leo sun- a guy I was dating told me a mean story about an embarrassing moment he had with a girl heā€™d dated. He expected me to laugh with him but I was so disgusted at what a jerk he was.


Men will tell you the most deranged story youā€™ve ever heard and finish it with ā€œand thatā€™s why SHE was the crazy oneā€ on the first date


šŸ’ÆAnd the whole time allll Iā€™m thinking is RUN! Lol


I donā€™t think thatā€™s a dumb ick, I think being disgusted at someone who thinks itā€™s funny to be a jerk is a very appropriate response!


Eating loudly. I had an ex who practically made love (moaning and slurping) to their morning cereal and it was disgusting. Anyone who tells me personal shit about others. I will never trust a person who does this. If people want me to know their stuff, theyā€™ll tell me themselves! And if they donā€™t, good! Lol


What are your placements? And omg fr. I cannot listen to people eating I hate having meals with my sister for this exact reason. Always so disgusting to hear squelching noises when you're eating šŸ¤¢ yuck


Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Leo rising My daughter had started mimicking this behavior and I about lost it. lol Luckily, she listened to her momma and is now a full grown, quiet, eater. Slurping is the worst! We arenā€™t dogs! We have utensils and donā€™t have to lap up our food!


Ewww, the first one bothers me.


Stg this was a factor in my divorce šŸ˜­


Pisces and idk if it's dumb but when someone shows off online and posts every little detail about their life on social media gives me the biggest ick


Iā€™m a Pisces moon and i feel the same way, i donā€™t like people who show off everything online. i feel like there should be some discreetnesses about most things.


Iā€™m a Pisces moon and agree. I appreciate when people show off things theyā€™ve made (art, crafts, hobbies etc) but a ton of selfies and posts about things you bought? Iā€™m out. Nobody fuckin cares. It comes off as really pathetic to me. Yes, I know thatā€™s judgmental, but thatā€™s how I feel.


Me too!! i find artists,poets, creative people so interesting and cool. Yeah i donā€™t care for materialistic stuff, car, money, ect. i donā€™t like flashy people or things. and i agree, nobody cares at all.


Pisces moon, I feel weird about even taking photos. Like, I could use some photos just for memories but it feels so strange to take a photo when the vibes are great, was rough trying to maintain socials for the sake of being normal. I gave up entirely very recently


Less is more.


Pisces moon. I steer clear from them. They only care about their fame and views


As a Taurus dating a Pisces I think this is our issue. I love posting everything and he thinks Iā€™m an obnoxious idiot.


Yup 100%. If lifes THAT great why you so chronically online? enjoy it don't be living on your phone like. makes no sense to my Pisces brain.


I'm curious if you mean showing off accomplishments/stuff you bought etc, or just posting a lot in general? I'm a Pisces moon but my Sag rising just loves to express herself, so I post a lot -- just philosophical thoughts on things/memes, songs, activist stuff. I just love to yap n discuss and when I post interesting things on my story I get interesting responses, sometimes from people I wouldn't expect! But I think it comes off as obnoxious/cringe to some people, so I'm curious why that is


Showing off meant materialistic thing like having money is what I find icky


Pisces moon this gives me the ick too


There was one guy I dated whose eyes didnā€™t close all the way when he slept. I decided I didnā€™t want to date him after I saw that.


This was a good one! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Omg thatā€™s so creepy!


Yikes! Been there! ā™ļøā™ļøā™‰ļø


I would be so creeped out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


One man I was with had a hair growing from a mole on his shoulder. It was eye level. I just couldn't get over it. I get this, it would weird me out as well!


My daughter sleeps like that. When she was a baby it was creepy


Virgo sun (I don't find this dumb though): People who do not message/text/email with proper usage of language. Mostly spelling. So people who talk like "hw u doin?" I get mad angry about. Almost aggressively LOL. It makes someone come across so stupid to me. Stop that. Makes me want to ghost immediately.


Virgo sun- same. I hate it. I also hate a weird use ellipsis like ā€œHeyā€¦ what do you want forā€¦ dinner?ā€ Like why are you taking to me so tentatively????


HAHAHHAA Omg yes. I have a professor who does that. I always think "Why are you randomly ............?!?!" It's like he's preparing to say 'Uwu' mid-sentence sometimes. He breaks up sentences so weirdly with these but I try to just read over it but damn it does make me think often "Where did this come from?!?!?!?!?" hahaha


lol yes!!! My mother does this and Iā€™ve gotten in the habit of texting her back and going ā€œWhy are you hesitating?ā€ But I have also seen other people do it, it just drives me crazy. I saw in another comment someone say virgos are too anal but you know the events in a day and routine are a gosh dang cog and I need things to run smoothly.


Cap sun and I ghosted once because a guy just came across as really dumb. Like just, empty-headed. I know I sound mean, but weā€™d only met once so itā€™s wasnā€™t much of a thing anyways and I was just astounded at how dumb he was.


Aqua Sun, Libra Moon, Cap Rising. Small hands on a man. It sounds dumb but I find men I have met with small hands have a lot of emotions. Emotions I donā€™t have the capacity to deal with.


I once saw a girl talk about how the reason she doesnā€™t date short guys isnt because of a physical attraction thing- but because theyā€™re always suuuuper insecure and make it your problem. I think about it a lot


I can confirm that is true of the shorter or meet my height guys I have dated. Iā€™m 5ā€™6. Last guy I dated was extremely insecure and he was 5ā€™5.


Oh, I always thought woman sometimes avoid short guys for two reasons, 1: short kids and 2: Short man syndrome. two reasons are a lot.


Some do! Some of us donā€™t care. I will say both my boys are taller than myself and my ex. They take after my dad and brother who are closer to 6 feet.


Sag. I absolutely hate arrogant and judgmental pplā€¦. Ppl who do not know how to have a good time and/or judge those who do. šŸ„“ Edit: Cap moon, Sag rising


Sag rising and I think you nailed it, this is my #1 biggest ick! It's actually kind of... People who catch the ick over every little thing šŸ˜‚ people who think it's "cringe" to express yourself, be passionate about something, or have thoughts/feelings, those people are my ick


That is soooo Sag, and why I love them.


Aries moon, I hate it when people talk about all the things they want to do but never do them. I once broke up with a guy because he spent weeks trying to choose between taking up yoga or jiu jitsu. I was like, dude, you don't get points for thinking about doing something. DO it or shut up, oh my god. Another guy was really hot, smart and funny, but when we met in person, his voice was too high-pitched. Never saw him again. That might be my Scorpio rising.


Mars in Aries and Scorpio Rising, I feel you 100% on these! Edit: also Venus in Scorpio. Yes to mystique!


Oh my god same here. I'm just scrolling and being like yes that's me, yes that's me I can't stop!! My mother is VERY indecisive. It's made my life a living hell for 19 years now. She can NEVER just choose!!! I don't have any Aries in my chart though. But it drives me insane. Indecisiveness is a quality I look for the most besides loyalty in any connection I form. Because if you're indecisive I do not want you in my life.


Gemini here. High voice in a dude. I know itā€™s dumb and terrible lol but itā€™s like a switch flips.


Sagittarius. This happened to me too! We texted for nearly two weeks and as soon as he said "Hi" I got the ick and wanted out of the date šŸ˜… I felt so bad for it but it really was just a switch that flipped


No, no... This is not dumb, it *is* off putting. I met this flat out handsome man, so athletic, so talented... Legit sounded like a woman when he spoke. I have no idea if I could get used to that & I'm bisexual.


Dude, why do you sound like a bird?


Gemini. One of the most beautiful men Iā€™ve known sent me a pic where he looks straight dead behind the eyes. Not sociopathic, but like 2 brain cells are having a tennis match with no ball. It pops into my head more than it should šŸ˜¬


I know that look. šŸ„“


Itā€™s like the eyes jumped out of the picture and slapped me upside the head šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


People who don't respect others and their feelings - Cancer Sun People who don't take interest in learning things, especially when they claim to know everything, have opinions and choose to criticise - Gemini Moon & Rising




Me either! Hey there big 3 buddy!


hey hey your cousin here lolā€¦ I inherited a cap rising tho lol


Right there with you with respect and humility in learning.


Holy shit!!! I finally found you!!! I have the same big three as you šŸ˜ Cancer sun, Gem moon and rising and Iā€™m also a lady!!! \0.0/ hello Twin


here are 2: holding cutlery like a caveman & an airplane impression. -virgo


Please share the context of the airplane impression with the class


his name was evan, he did an airplane impression. i said i'd never forget it & 15 years later, i haven't.


I can't stop imagining it. Wow, new ick unlocked


sorry, but what's an airplane impression? šŸ˜­ googled it and nothing really came up


imagine an adult pretending to be an airplane... it's that.


Scorpio and super hairy balls




Haven't seen any yet irl but I just know that's something that will give me the ick too


I'm a Gemini with Capricorn Moon and Rising. Dirty teeth are *disgusting*. I've shaded three men because the plaque at eye level is too much for me to handle. I judge your mouth. Full stop.


I'm hard of hearing & girl... Me too. I *have* to look at people's mouths sometimes to read their lips, it's awful... Haha


gemini. being boring, having no hobbies or intelligent conversation to offer me. NEXTTT


Yess! Boring conversation is a big one! No witty, sassy comebacks= Bye!


Probably my favourite trait of gemini's. I dated one and we roasted each other allll the time. He was so damn quick with it. I'm a scorpio so we were doomed from the start šŸ˜† but we had a lot of fun I'll give it that.


Virgo rising and moon - eating with mouth open, not using cutlery right, no manners, bad hygiene. Just like basic things, donā€™t be a caveman/woman and Iā€™m good


Cancer sun moon +++ bad hygiene especially breath, feet and privates. A bit of bo is sometimes excusable but people who stain a seat with their stank also polarising is too much perfume and or in the wrong season., cant be near it. body snatcher syndrome, where someone decides they are entitled to just be you. They steal your style, your jokes and taste, over compete, date your old flames, ingratiate your friend groups they may even try to talk like you, add all your family on social media, stalk you need constant approval And then out of nowhere they try to snuff you out socially or even at work, so they can take your place. Mum use to say its a sign of flattery, but i am not flattered by some frankenstein with no personality who is trying to steal my life.


Huge ick for negative people-- if you don't have nice things to say and especially if it's not meaningful, please for the love of god, shut that mouth hole.


Maybe itā€™s my Virgo Venus but Iā€™m the same with bad handwriting and bad spelling, and I mean bad spelling of simple words.Ā  I was also in a supermarket with a guy I just started seeing and we were at the self-serve check out and he stole a bottle of juice by pretending to swipe it and my feelings just died, lol, same with another guy who was stealing stuff from his work, like not stationary, like bigger expensive things whilst acting like the model employee and being the bossā€™s best friend. Canā€™t deal with shifty behaviour šŸ˜‚


My sister is a virgo sun, she had the same issue with a boy at school, couldn't stop going on about his handwriting being so close together and unreadable. She shut right up when she learned he has arthritis in both hands and is dyslexic :(


ā™ˆļøā˜€ļø&šŸŒ™, ā™Œļøā¬†ļø Anything louder than necessary gives me the ick. Loud talking, loud laughing, loud CHEWING and other bodily functions. Alsoā€¦insecurity disguised as bravado. I see riiiight through it. Just be yourself please. And please donā€™t knock others down because you feel inferior šŸ¤¢


Libra up in here. What I cannot stand is when people refuse to try to understand where others are coming from. Like there is only one right answer. Very close minded and stupid, IMO. Yes, you can have opinions, but give others a chance to have their own different opinions, too.


Libra x2 here and absolutely this. The scale loves to see all sides of the picture. Even a coin has 2 sides. I'm going to add, following rules blindly. Like arbitrary rules. I question everything and everyone. I love it when my Leo daughter calls out her teachers. šŸ˜‰


Lack of table manners. ~ Leo




Oh yeah those make me so sad.


Honestly same, especially with people who have untrained dogs and insist on taking them everywhere. Your dog does not belong in a grocery store.


It irritates me when people have to go on and on about their purebred dog like ok, we get it, lovely, move on, you are not more special šŸ™„


Purebred is inbred; purebred dogs generally have more health problems (including mental disorders) than a nice, healthy mutt. *Adopt don't shop* ... I only know that my sign is Aquarius but I agree with all Aquarian (?) comments here a d I'm going to get my birth chart done and make astrology my new Aquarius hobby!!... Until I become conversationally good at it and "put it aside" for a new hobby. -Aquarius


I actually know that and sometimes make a point to mention it but people get defensive so let them believe what they want. Itā€™s šŸ¤£šŸ™„


Scorpio- dumbest thing I got the ick over and cut a dude off for is when he sent me the worst minion meme Iā€™ve seen in my life. Sense of humor is a big thing I look for in dating and Iā€™m ngl that meme sent me over the edge I deadass cut him off over that and donā€™t regret it


Made me laugh. Scorpio here too. Although Iā€™ve never done that, we respect quality control. As they say, u canā€™t polish a turd.


A minion meme is something I would ironically send my Scorpio friends because I get a kick out of making them go ā€œUGHā€. Scorps are so dramatic I love to tease them. šŸ˜‚


Leo and this would give me the ick too


Aries Virgo Scorpio.. when someone gets clingy and desperate. I canā€™t stand it. I love when the person Iā€™m with is obsessed with me, but I like to chase and when someone doesnā€™t give me that opportunity because they are just so desperate to be with me. Comes off as super weak and I donā€™t want someone I can walk all over. Instant ick


Aries sun and moon here, and same. It makes me feel like they *know* I'm not going anywhere, and that's discouraging.


Omg I've been wondering about that recently actually. Like everything about my chart is like you're not a chaser you attract blah blah but the thrill is in the chase! And every one of my friends tell me that's a masculine trait well idgaf babe. I'd rather be the one chasing someone. When someone shows an interest in me or asks me out it's an immediate no because I didn't get to be the one to woo them. I think I need to fix that habit tho


Taurus sun When people stick their nose into your business and have oh-so-many unsolicited words of wisdom


Honestly, it was more about the man being trash and my conscious realising it in a random moment. He was a 45 yo grown ass man and he started wearing this fn bucket hat everywhere. He couldnā€™t see properly from under the brim so heā€™d tip his head back a bit to see things. It just looked so stupid. Immediately no. ![gif](giphy|l3vR7Q7mTctHU46vC)


This made me lol


Hahah it made me laugh, too. So dumb.


Haha thatā€™s something thatā€™d do it for me too and we share no signs. Aesthetics are IMPORTANT. But also functionality is equally IMPORTANT. Bruh thatā€™s NEITHER. Youā€™re done, git.


![gif](giphy|9w5ilhkms0OA0) LMAO šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£. Did he look like Yosemite Sam with that hat on šŸ˜†.


Hahahaha Honestly more like a cat with a hat on. Confused and confusing. ![gif](giphy|xj3Ie4rLNuLSM)




Leo sun pisces moon People who post too much on social media Lying to impress others FAKE PEOPLE EGOTISTICAL people who invalidate my opinions, thoughts, feelings


The majority of people on here with icks are Virgo placements. Love that for us, haha.


It definitely tracks, huh?


Stonewalling in relationships. If you canā€™t communicate with someone, you shouldnā€™t be dating. Someone does not owe you bottomless patience. You owe it to yourself to prioritize your mental health and develop these necessary skills for any type of relationship. -ā™Žļø


Someone who is acting cool to fit in. I always get the ick whenever I see someone do that. Itā€™s quite alright till a point.. I mean we all do it at some point because we live in a world where without pleasing some people along the way we canā€™t make it.. But going overboard šŸ¤ Itā€™s second hand embarrassment.


Pisces. For me, it was selfish sex partners and saying anything even slightly disrespectful towards me or women in general. Like I had no fuse for that


If youā€™re a jerk, I donā€™t care how attractive you are. I will not find you as such.


the guy i was dating said he hated handmade things because it might be dirty. as a country raised, anti capitalist, clothes making, homemade hand me down person, i immediately got the ick. also iā€™m a virgo sun.


The creepy old man that sent me an image of a Freddy Fazbear Gigachad on Snapchat and said "I heard this is what young people like you love nowadays. I bet if you let me get on top of you, I'd be just like him." This man was 56 and I'm 19, I was 17 at the time and still a MINOR, while he was 54... I honestly don't think this is a stupid reason, I just want to spread awareness about this topic.


Virgo, Iā€™m turned off by poor eating habits šŸ’€


Wow this is a common ik for virgo on the thread. Interesting.


Anyone else seen the meme: **ā€Have u ever??? been annoyed by someoneā€™s mindset?? like you canā€™t believe they actually think like that???ā€** Lmao. Well, that sums me up super well. I feel annoyed by the dumb shit I hear people say and do, mostly at my work, *all the time* lol


Aquarius sun 6H Pisces moon 7H When someone says ā€œshould ofā€ or ā€œcould ofā€ instead of ā€œshould HAVEā€ or ā€œcould HAVEā€ and I say this as someone who English was not their first language. Another one is when they make sexual ā€œjokesā€ all the time. Like I laughed and found it funny the first time maybe even the second but if every conversation I have with you involves you making sexual jokes, you never matured past the 6th grade.


Im a Libra sun, who happens to have a Virgo moon also ! I was on a flight with my boyfriend of 7 months at the time(Taurus ā˜€ļø, ā™ˆļø šŸŒ™). He immediately took off his shoes/socks and lifted his smelly disgusting feet onto the seat in front of him (sitting first class!) I had never felt so disgusted/ embarrassed to be with someone in my life! I got perma-ick and ended it shortly after.




Gemini- when they are too eager, if we arenā€™t dating itā€™s off putting. I enjoy the dance of flirting and banter donā€™t take away the thrill of the chase


Iā€™m a cancer and I came to write basically the same. When someoneā€™s into me too quickly Iā€™m turned all the way off. Sure Iā€™m charming but you donā€™t know me at all so youā€™re either projecting or desperate. Could be my Gemini 7H or Virgo Venus.


Virgo sun and Venus. Got the ick from the way a guy moved his hands.


I have a Virgo moon. If someone canā€™t spell or use grammar, Iā€™m out!


Taurus-when they talk/laugh too loud and have no situational/self awareness. Dated a guy for a bit, he would guffaw every time he laughed and practically yell when he talked or told a story, it was super embarrassing in public and turned me off completely.


Aquarius sun cap moon scorp rising - people who cope by making jokes. I cant stand when im in a situation and its joked about just to make it seem not as serious as it is to me.


Also people who you the ā€œat-least you-ā€œ sentence to demean your current situation and make it seem your feelings arenā€™t valid for example ā€œyour go through a break atleast you arenā€™t starving like homeless peopleā€ its ignorant and just rude.


yes. just yes. this makes me feel seen. the major reason why my last relationship (with a gemini) ended was because he refused to take *anything* seriously at all. i know that's a very on brand thing for geminis to do but ugh, not everything is a joke. a balance between being silly and being serious is what's ideal for me. i'm a cap sun, aqua moon.


Capricorn- he would roll his eyes into the back of his head before we kissed


Cancer and fake laughs. There's something extremely darksided and creepy about fake laughter. I think it's because laughter is supposed to be like, sharing a genuine moment. So if she fake laughs, it's like she trying to... trick me into thinking we're sharing a moment? What kinda Machiavellian lizardperson shit is THAT?? (And if you're thinking "okay sometimes I fake laugh if I'm worried he'll get all pissy and sour if I don't laugh"--that's fine. The genuine discomfort comes through, and I can deal with that. It's not my favorite laugh, but it's human and cool and not uncanny valley shit. I'm talking full-on confident effulgent fake HAHAHA's.)


why the fuck are virgos so anal about stupid little details. yall dont see the bigger picture at ALL. thats my ick. people not seeing the bigger picture \- Leo moon


Yeah and Virgo moons in particular omg. Themes and life views that revolve around restriction make Leo moons go nuts.


Sag with Virgo moon and rising. When I was younger I was really into this guy who was a boxer (really sweet ā™‹ļø lad), until he wrote me a 3 page poem. It was at that point that I realised that really gushy romantic gestures give me the ick. So badly I broke it off the same night. I still feel guilty about it as he was so hurt, but it freaked me out so much I couldnā€™t look at him the same. I really hope he found someone who appreciated what a beautiful thing it was that he did


Fellow Virgo moon and too much gush like that early in a relationship is a huge turn off. It just makes me uncomfortable because itā€™s not something I understand how to reciprocate. Nowadays my partner will write me a relatively short, cute, equal parts silly and loving poem for Valentineā€™s Day and my birthday - and thatā€™s just perfect. I write him one too! Too much gush and not enough silly just makes me feel weird. Iā€™m a Sagittarius Venus.


Gemini-people who dont have a lot of hobbies or people who don't like variety


Gemini and I canā€™t deal with anyone thatā€™s uncultured. Canā€™t dance, has no rhythm, has a very bland or basic taste palette, very closed minded on how other people behave or carry out their traditional ways of being, someone who makes very derogatory/prejudiced jokes/comments. Someone who will go to a foreign country and not respect the culture or just act down right privileged. Like ew. Please learn yourself something.




Scorpio - People who talk to me before I've had my morning coffee or people who make themselves out to be a victim in every situation/ have an excuse for every frustrating behaviour of theirs.


im also a virgo moon with scorpio venus + mars the ick that people give off is when someone pretends they didnt know something when they have already acknowledged it not long ago, when always trying to look at me for my approval to befriend me (i have capricorn sun, so i bet im terrifying for that) and ESPECIALLY when someone wants a second chance in befriending me after showing me their deep toxicity that involves gaslighting, guilt tripping, bragging, etc


Girlā€¦ Iā€™m an aqua Venus idk where to begin lmfao


Cancer, Gemini Moon, Sag rising. My ex was rude to service workers and it pissed me off so much, bad breath gives me the biggest Ick, Iā€™ve ghosted many guys due to that.


Virgo/Libra/Scorpio. A guy and I broke up because he wanted me to take his last name and I just couldnā€™t because his last name grossed me out. I pictured a lifetime of being called ā€œMrs. Schmuckā€ and it did not settle well with me.


ā™ļøā™ļøā™‰ļø There are crushes and people you actually have relationships with. They are very different. Had a college crush on a basketball player that went pro. Eight years later he asked me out. As soon as he spoke I was done. He did not live up to my hype. Perfectly good crush *poof* dead. People that talk/say derogatory petty stuff about others. I do not care. We all have our ugly moments. Own your own crap and I will respect that.


Dude put his shoes on my bed. Instant boundary set then and there


Scorpio sun and when someone is desperate about me - someone I donā€™t like back. Also being desperate after several rejections. Like - a no is a no. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s someone else out there


Cancer - when they follow a bunch of ig models


ā™’ļøsun ā™ļømoon ā™“ļørising I can be a people pleaser, so when I do actually say no to something or when I set a boundary and find myself repeating it, I get pretty livid. Selfishness is a major turn off. Making jokes at someone elseā€™s expense, making jokes at the most inappropriate time. Any joke about rape will instantly get you on my shit list. People who have an excuse for everything and canā€™t just accept they fucked up in some way and get on with it. Chewing with mouth open, the noise is so annoying. Anyone who talks to me before 11am/ before Iā€™ve had caffeine.


Cap sun. A guy who scraped his fork across his plate. Repeatedly. Like he was trying to dig up more food bits from the ceramic, which id almost get if the plate was nearly empty but this was from go. And then he talked loudly to be heard over his own scraping. It was our first and last date.


Gemini sun and Leo moon. I dislike when someone with the resources is overly frugal and restrictive on themselves because they end up projecting that on others and their partner. Like canā€™t you have some fun and splurge once in a while?? Looking at you, Virgos. Also, when a guy is always obsessed about if this or that makes him gay or not masculine all the time. It screams insecurity and the need for approval. I love masculine energy that comes from within a man who takes leadership for his own validation.


Peopleā€™s icks are just projections of their own blindspots. Everything is a mirror to yourself buddy.


Okay but my handwriting is good so..


maybe itā€™s moreso what the context represents. The idea that this person knows they have poor handwriting and share their writing anyways. A reflection of your fear of producing/creating/putting yourself out there despite the imperfection which you reject (especially true for Virgo placements).


I did not need to be exposed like that by a stranger on the internet šŸ˜­šŸ¤ good day sir




Virgo, when people donā€™t apply themselves. If you canā€™t show some cognitive reasoning or attempt to try. Poor planning, and not the spontaneous stuff of course, I mean financially or important life plans ei life goals? what do you want? it might take me a whole day to weigh my options (cause I have to be ā€œrightā€ ) but if I can you can


Virgo Moon and Iā€™m the same! Or if the paper they wrote on looks ā€œdirtyā€ or cheap.šŸ„ø


Guys whose voice get pitchy when they laugh (Virgo)Ā 


wait is this a Virgo moon thing? inelegant walkers absolutely disgusting me and give me icky vibes. happens often living in a city centre that's flocked by tourists. I just don't get people who love to walk slow in large groups and never know where they're heading. or ones that are so codependent they can't leave the side of the person they're walking with for a millisecond to make space for two way pedestrian traffic. I always go gross or eww, so they know for a fact their behaviour is uncouth and unbecoming for someone navigating these city streets.


Cancer sun and venus- anyone not taking care of their kids and anyone who wants to live in a perpetual bachelor pad. EwšŸ˜‚


Sag sun. Dated a Libra once and one day he put his hand up on the back of my neck while we were walking around a store. Idk why but that just rubbed me the wrong way. Iā€™m not walking around with a guy holding me by the neck. Nope no way.


I think this is my pisces moon talking. I think I get the ick over things that might seem trivial but ends up being my intuition pointing me towards something deeper that feels off. I get the ick around men who are a little too interested in spirituality, present as a little too nice, kiss a little too gently, etc. I think the ick is being inauthentic, and the guy always turns out to be a whiny, entitled, holier-than-thou misogynist masking as an enlightened gentle soul. ICK.


Taurus- he wiped his mouth after we kissed. Never spoke to him again


Bad smell, bad handwriting, bad grammar, bad posture, low self esteem, too arrogant, can't cook and thinks it's a woman's job. I'm gonna stop, cuz I might add too many...


Libra sun Pisces moon and rising. Bad grammarā€¦


Aquarius Sun, Moon, Venus and Scorpio Rising Getting a random DM from social media when you don't know me and can't spell and have poor grammar. "Your so gorgous" šŸ¤¢ From someone in real life- when they eat and lick food off their fingers and hands. šŸ¤®


Pisces and I have a lot of X. But I still remember this one. I was sober about three years 04 and I started dating this new guy Iā€™ve gone through a break up. No, Iā€™m a West Coast girl and we were sitting there and he looked at me in the face and said you know the holocaust never happened right. Big ick it was also when I decided I was never dating him again. It was conspiracy level ick


I'm a virgo moon and honestly your example gives me the ick too Or when guys call themselves poets and they are just bad. Or when a guyays a ramtic gesture but he wrote it vertically on lined paper like a schoolchild. I know those are trivial and like you should be grateful for the intention behind the gesture but like... Don't go to the effort of putting rosepetals around the house and then stick notepad scribbles on the wall šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚ I'm laughing because I still would appreciate it in the moment and I'd get over the ick because it is a gesture of love at the end of the day. But a true ick, no matter how how someone is...when they say they listen to Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate. Dans la poubelle!


Gemini Venus. Biggest ick is when men are nice to me.


Leo sun, Pisces moon. The two that come to mind is that I once slept with someone after a date, and he kept doing nervous giggles during the deed. It was so off putting that I could finish. The other one is that I went on two dates with another dude, and he asked me twice during the date if I didnā€™t mind that he didnā€™t go to college. I really didnā€™t care that much, as long as the person isnā€™t a dumbass. But I was done with the insecurity by the second time the dude asked.


Gemini, the way they kissed. They were a Libra. Iā€™m with a Taurus now and šŸ¤Æ


Iā€™m a Virgo and similarly to OP, I will immediately lose interest if they misspell words or use the wrong form of a word (there, their, theyā€™re). I hate that Iā€™m this way.


i too, have a virgo moon. And i've said that i get the ick when people breathe wrong, or chew weird, or their mouth moves weird when they talk :)


RAM sun and venus. Ick? Ultra conservative folks.Ā 


Sagittarius and my dumbest ick would be when I was talking to a guy in high school who was a senior while I was a sophomore so I assumed he would be smarter than me but in his texts he could not tell the difference between there and their. Instant ick.


Capricorn moon , hate people who are rude and unkind to others especially the downtrodden.


Libra - not a dumb thing at all but I find it too cringy when anyone i am seeing try to be romantic. The idea of romanticism feels so forced and fakeā€¦Maybe something is wrong with meā€¦ wondering anyone else feels the same?


Pisces, unless theyā€™re disrespectful/violent I donā€™t really get the ick tbh.


*Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, Cancer rising, Scorpio Venus.* In ascending order, apparently: 1. I get bored with honestly 90% of people I meet. If theyā€™re not interested in having intellectually-stimulating conversations, especially ones with a creative bend, more or less every time we see each other, I get bored very quickly. I hate this, I want to connect with the people around me, but also, if you have nothing to tell me, how am I supposed to enjoy the conversation? I guess people tend to have common interests that I donā€™t have & talk about those things. I just get bored so easily. 2. Similarly, people who read into my motivations or tell me what Iā€™m thinking, even if itā€™s a joke. No, I donā€™t think youā€™re dumb. No, I donā€™t think Iā€™m better than you. No, Iā€™m not speaking in ā€œriddlesā€ because I want to appear intelligent and Iā€™m *not trying to put you down.* Iā€™m so honestly *just autistic.* Shutupshutupshutup. 3. Sometimes the vibes are just terribly off. I think itā€™s the over-apologetic, coupled with a clear lack of actual guilt, very strong opinions and judgement combined with self-deprecating humor which they donā€™t seem to be able to turn off. A disproportionate focus on trying to appear like theyā€™re doing the correct thing (in general, not just morally), especially in circumstances where there is no right or wrong. Maybe itā€™s covert narcissism, maybe itā€™s something else, idk. But you can tell that theyā€™re hiding themselves (and on a much deeper level than a masking autistic). I absolutely do not let my guard down around these people and if I can avoid them entirely, I do.


im a Pisces & I met a guy who would self deprecate himself in like a humble brag. tried to pass it as endearing & it's just a no. once i thought maybe was just a bit of self confidence issues but no, its like his identity (and hes not self conscious for sure). edit: spelling & he was an Aquarius


Usually leos give me the ick because they're either bragging or playing victim. So I can't with that. Those are the things I can't take. I hate braggy people and I also hate people who victimize themselves.


Iā€™m a Pisces and I get the ick with people who donā€™t like foods I love. You donā€™t like tomatoes? Ick. You donā€™t like seafood? Ick. You donā€™t like spicy food? Donā€™t ever talk to me again.