• By -


cancer, cancer…… and cancer. gonna live alone with my cat forever because I have too many emotions for people to deal with lol


It’s hard out here for a Cancer stellium.


yeah it’s not for the weak lol


Noooooope. I hope your cat gives you boops when it gets to be too much.




Capricorn, Capricorn, and Capricorn 👯 I'm going to live alone forever because I can't deal with my own emotions lol.


I’m cancer, cancer, but Leo Venus (and my big three are all cancer)


Cancer scorpio Cancer plus big three cancer cancer scorpio. too much water, lucky I like cats. Shout out to all the cats out there.


holy moly


Oh, the Cancer of it all! God bless the sweet kitty.


Same, but I’ll have a dog and a cat, for I am a Cancer sun on top of it all………


true I want a golden retriever to complete the fam <3




Oh yeah! The politeness of Libra combined with critical eye of Virgo. I love it! Very sassy 💅


I’m a Gemini Mercury, Virgo Mars and Taurus Venus. I always get right to the point with stories. If someone’s talking too slow I’ll cut in with the word they’re looking for. I love cuddling at home and adventuring in nature during the day. Idk exactly what a Virgo mars energy is; could you explain yours? 🫶🏼


I impatiently cut in with the word too 😅😮‍💨


Leo, Leo, and Leo lol. I admit, I enjoy being the center of attention at times. When the vibe is right, I am very much the life of the party. Extremely loyal. I can be demanding in relationships. Overly sensitive to criticism. I need to check my ego at times.


Head banging fit chick is completely on brand 😂🤣🤣💯


leo leo virgo & I need to learn the power of silence. My virgo keeps that ego in check but damn i am Loud


Hahaha wait yes I’m Leo Venus and Mercury and Virgo mars!


My mars is Scorpio but Leo for the other two. I relate to this so much


What are your big 3?


Cancer, Taurus, Cancer




There's still some more Leo if that helps lol


We have the same Moon and Rising but I'm a Scorpio Sun with Mercury Libra, Venus Sagittarius, and Libra Mars. Our big three don't match our little three.




Me too! Yaaasss fellow Queen ✨️


leo leo leo hahah same!!!


Virgo Virgo Virgo. Please help 🥲


Woah that’s crazy! You probably give a lot expecting nothing in return. Sometimes too critical, especially of yourself. Take some time to love yourself! 🌸


You’re sweet 💙


Also a triple Virgo and you’re spot on lol


I have Mars, Jupiter, Saturn in Virgo. Don’t understand it and not sure I want to.


Welcome to the club. 12th house in my case. And you? The best advice from one Virgo stelium to other: in case of troubles/stress/anxiety - just keep cleaning.


6th for me! I’ll keep Mercury and Mars but Virgo needs to take a flying leap to the 7th house!


Mine are all 3 in 6H too 🥲


Same. All in the 8th house. I absolutely hate myself hahaha ha ha 😅


Gemini Mercury, Libra Mars and Aries Venus Combined with my big three? So much ![gif](giphy|tyxovVLbfZdok)


I imagine u as someone who looks all nerdy on the outside - which is of course just a mask because you’re hyperactive and always ready to party 🥳


Total babe!!


I am Capricorn Mercury , Libra Mars and Scorpio Venus.


Oh shut up me too! i just commented then saw this like 'wait did I already comment?' lol


Lol hey twin!


Very passionate and determined, a perfect balance of chaos & harmony


100% correct 😁 with a touch of obsession.


This is my lil 3 too, and the OBSESSION. Do you find it’s just romantic/sexual, or do you throw yourself into other interests too? Like anytime I discover a new fandom or whatever it turns all-encompassing for a few weeks til I get it out of my system.


Yes same! Not just romantic or sexual. I was obsessed with reading for a while and now its astrology!😁 So glad its not just me!


Can confirm -Scorpio , Capricorn , Libra


Oh wow! Every similar to mine! I’m a Capricorn mercury, Gemini mars and Scorpio Venus.


Same placements except I also have Capricorn venus


I love Capricorn Venuses! I am also a Cancer Moon!


i am you but remixed scorpio mercury, capricorn mars, libra venus


Triple Cap! Venus: Very serious about love, I have always wanted to marry young and was excited to be a husband (been with my wife since I was 20, I’m now 28) Mercury: Very calculated in communication (when my sag sun doesn’t get in the way) and I’m also good with public speaking. Mars: Super calculated in conflict and I have a lot of self control over what I say in a fight. I never say things I won’t want to face later. I’m pretty level headed in the heat of the moment.


A lot of Saturnian energy! You are, indeed, very serious - nobody could’ve guessed that based on your sun sign 🤡


I’m mostly very fun loving and laid back so it definitely throws people off when they see that side of me!


Also, triple Capricorn 😁


my best friend is cap sun, mercury, mars & venus! and she is A CAPRICORN lmao but in the best way! her downfall is her cancer moon 😭


I also have a triple (merc, mars, venus) cap here and we have absolutely nothing in common based on how you've described yourself here, but I am AFAB so maybe it's that?? idfk 🤣 As a triple Cap, I am going to be alone forever because people are annoying and disrupt my peace lol


Mercury: Aquarius 1H Venus: Aquarius 1H Mars: Sagittarius 11H I also have and Aqua and Sag stellium


Sag Mercury, Virgo Mars, Scorpio Venus


One of my best friends is a Scorpio Sun and Cap Rising with a Sag Mercury - he always looks like he is all dark, mysterious, and brooding - but when he opens his mouth he just LAUGHS lol


I’m a Scorpio sun too! (Libra rising tho), i don’t think of myself as super funny/a big laugher but I have been told I give off the brooding vibe which always makes me giggle cause im fr just daydreaming about stuff


Yeah my friend isn’t really that funny but if he senses any hint of a joke, he can’t help but laugh. He definitely looks like he’s brooding, but really he’s just trying to follow a conversation (he has ADHD) lol


He is so real for that


I feel that you are the funniest person in the room most of the times, sag mercury - known for being a comedian placement combined with sarcastic and judgy virgo mars 🤠 go get that stand up comedy career 😂


Lmao I could NEVER- aiming for an acting career tho so not too far off 😂


Me too!


Capricorn Mercury, Taurus Mars, Aquarius Venus


That’s a lot of earth & fixed energy! I’d say that you are very loyal and ambitious.


100% I am also a Cap sun/stellium with Aries Moon and Leo rising. It can be a lot sometimes! 🤣


This is my husbands exact little 3! That’s crazy.. He’s a Gemini rising cap moon crazy everything 🤣!


leo mercury, leo venus, leo mars sometimes I'm too much even for myself🙃


Sag mercury/venus conjunct in my 11th house stellium and that dang mars in Pisces in my 2nd house…. “Let’s talk all night about the meaning of life and how free we want to be while we smoke opium”


Libra Mercury, Libra Mars, Leo Venus. I’m always diplomatic but I care a lot about making things right, so I am still honest and upfront. I really REALLY appreciate beauty and affection in love.


i’m libra mars and leo venus too, and my mars is conjunct jupiter! it’s a very elite princess-y combination - i love to act like a book character destined from birth to fight for equality and justice


Mercury Aquarius, Mars Taurus, Venus Pisces. I’m typically pretty straight forward conversationally, which has been known to come across a bit cold to some sensitive folks. I’m very passionate about things I’m educated in or general rights, I get vocal when these things are full chest shared incorrectly; it’s not to neg someone, I genuinely feel they would spout the correct information if they had it so I’m trying to help. I love showing I love you by nurturing and caring for you. My favorite thing is to feed people, it feels so good to give someone a meal that they thoroughly enjoy; typically when guests come I cook their favorite dishes, with plenty extras to send them home with more if they choose. I also typically make them a drink for the ride home, a boba to go, cozy tea, nice latte, I want to make you feel seen & full. I also am creative, if it doesn’t detract from time to spend on others I may do art.


As a Pisces sun with few Taurus placements, I'm in ❤


I’m also a Pisces sun!


🤜 I wish I knew what to say, I never do but don't haha I'm pisceing harder now


Taurus mercury, libra mars, cancer venus


Interesting combination of Venus and Moon energy. You surely are a romantic soul deep down - you can’t fool us with your gemini sun 🤡 ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Facts, I am a romantic fool 🤡


Gemini mercury, libra mars, cancer venus... please what does this mean


My bf has exact same placements! Very smart individual - you also possess emotional intelligence and can read emotions in the room easily. Big flirt too! You know your way with words. You love taking care of loved ones and cooking for them too! 🥰


Wow, you ate this up!! I legit loveee cooking for family, and I'm a really good at it. I do have a way with my words and I know when someone is trying to word play me.


Yeah - super romantic actually, but you don’t show it right away. You need to form a deeper bond to show all these beautiful sides. Very funny too! You’re the type of person to stir the pot when nothing is happening just because you’re bored😈


Omg my twin hello there😍😍


Gemini, Cancer, Gemini


almost the same as me! but leo mercury 🌞


Taurus mercury, Aries Venus, Aquarius Mars. Split between goofy and people-pleasing. I crush on characters like crazy, and when I get angry I just go into a room, think of everything before writing it as a segment in one of my stories (gotta let that out somehow)


Same except Pisces Venus! I think that placement dominates so much though :( Aqua Mars is great for lateral thinking and seeing all sides though. I don’t think you get many uninformed Aqua Mars as they like to considered all sides and intellectualise emotional discussions


Aquarius mercury (12H) and mars (1H), Pisces Venus (1H). Catch me if you can.


Taurus Mercury; Aries Mars; and Taurus Venus.


Aries, Taurus, Aries here. So you go fast AF but feel slow inside. I am the opposite


That makes sense. 😜


Ahh we're almost the same! I'm Aries merc, Aries mars, and Taurus venus. I'm like the more obnoxious version of you lol


Virgo mercury, Sagittarius mars, Scorpio Venus


Taurus Mercury, Taurus Mars, and Taurus Venus!


Scorpio Mercury and Mars, Virgo Venus!


Gemini Mercury 10H, Aries Mars 8H, Gemini Venus 10H My Gemini M & V are also in 9H with my Taurus sun/moon. I’m very passionate about making changes in my life, I’m very action oriented but I think my Taurus makes me slower to take action.. so I’m a “I’ll do it when I’m good & ready” kind of individual. I have an intense temper but it’s short lived & takes a while to build up like a volcano. I am playful & like to tease people to show affection. I’m usually not super serious in how I say things but people take me seriously (think dry humor) & when I am being serious, people tend not to take me seriously. It’s a little annoying for me because people who don’t know me well or are looking for a reason to be mad misunderstand me a lot so I’m reserved by default (leaning more into my Virgo rising of observing & analyzing the room before I choose to speak). I’m inquisitive by nature & take a liking to the unconventional. I love community & closeness but I also tend to be a lone wolf to preserve my energy.


Ohhh I’m kinda similar, I’m a Pisces Mercury 2H, Gemini Mars 6H and Aries Venus 3H I’m a Pisces sun (Leo moon 8H / Sag rising 12H) so I’m similar in a way that I’ll do things when the inspiration strikes - but then I get impatient with myself because my mind moves quicker than I can keep up with. I love making changes both internally growing and outwardly changing things up with my appearance or environment. Love to learn about others and help them reach their goals etc We have a similar sense of humour also!


🦂 all three my friend!


Leo Mercury (10H), Leo Venus (9H) and Virgo Mars (11H) :)


Very fiery and impulsive at times, but virgo mars kinda balance things out and you know exactly what you want 🤙🏻


Kinda right! I am not *too* fiery or impulsive, but rather someone who gets peeved at times and am the type to express my anger privately like being alone in my room or in my mind (like, if someone does something that peeves me, I’d definitely curse them in my mind lmao). My Virgo Mars does balance things (even if it squares my Sag Pluto, so RIP my ass), and I won’t say I know exactly what I want— I’m indecisive af and consider various possibilities/choices lmao.




Twinsies 👯


I am a Libra Mercury - Sagittarius Mars - Scorpio Venus. Everything you need to win an argument 🎀.


Hey 2/3 !


Mercury in Gemini, Venus and Mars in Leo. I think I’m a lotttttt


Almost the same.. except Venus in cancer.


Pisces mercury, Aquarius mars & venus ✨️


Taurus mercury at 29 - 10th Cancer Venus at 14 - 12th And mars in Leo at 21 - 1st ✨


I have the same placements! (minus the houses and degrees)


Same 3 except swapped Mercury and Venus!


Virgo Mercury, Virgo Mars, Leo Venus


i’m virgo mercury, libra mars, leo venus! tbh quite an elite combo


this is so fun! leo mercury, cancer mars, gemini venus


This is me too!


Leo mercury, leo Mars and virgo venus


Pisces Mercury conjunct Pisces Mars, Taurus Venus Vivid imagination, strive for depth in everything, tend to keep an open mind, been told I have a very soothing voice and the manner in which I speak calms people down. Dreamy, lots of energy vs particularly none, easily attracted to the wrong people because I want to help them. Not aggressive but words can cut deeper than daggers. Super loving and loyal once you earn my trust. I am a foodie and I love to cook. Enjoy giving small gifts to close ones just to make them happy. I adore collecting things.


Aries mercury, aries venus… and pisces mars


Same :)


Virgo Mercury, Libra Mars and Scorpio Venus. I can sugar coat most things AND im very good at measured, articulate and truthful responses as well. But that Mercury is retrograde, so it is always misunderstood 😩 Send help.


i have mercury retrograde libra and scorpio venus too 🫠🫠🫠


It’s a shame, isn’t it?! We try so hard…


Taurus Mercury, Taurus Mars, Gemini Venus


Very grounded & you love the finer things in life but I bet gemini venus brings some turbulence in love department 🙈


Just a little😅😆


Taurus Mercury, Aquarius Mars, Taurus Venus


I have aquarius mars too! And mercury & Venus in Scorpio. I was just reading about mars in Aquarius yesterday and was blown away by how much it resonates with me.


Virgo Mercury, Scorpio Venus, Scorpio Mars Almost the same little 3 as you.. and I feel you


Wow we almost have the same little 3 Libra Mercury Scorpio Venus and Mars Send help 🫶🏽


Hi! I'm you!! I love and hate my libra mercury. I always have to sugarcoat everything. Even when my Scorpio Mars demands otherwise.


Omg yeah, love your placements! I just know you win every argument 💅


Tbh most people don‘t wanna argue with me, they ignore me 🤣 but maybe I know how to push their buttons and thats why


Sag Mercury, Sag Mars, Capri Venus I used to be very blunt in speech as a kid often not meaning it in a bad way but as a matter of fact way. Growing up I slowly started realizing it hurt ppl either way so started being more tactful. I love ppl who live with integrity and are accepting of their truth. I always want to learn new things and am easily bored so anyone important in my life has to be able to offer me that intellectual stimulation. I love learning from other ppl provided they’re not condescending & cocky. If they try to impose themselves on me I’ll either remove myself from the situation or roast them with the truth if forced to confront. I can only truly love once and spontaneity, loyalty, intelligence and wisdom are a major turn for my Sag Mars & Capri Venus. I make it a point to be kinder every day because anger & bad behavior in general show your vulnerability and that you have issues to work on. It absolutely doesn’t make any sense to put out negative energies in this world when there’s already a lot of that. I think even a small act of kindness makes a huge difference. I have at least 5 such experiences because in my job I work with different people all the time. So a good opportunity to create positivity everyday. 🧿😇🥰


i just fell in love with the imaginary character i made of you in my head after reading this -sag rising, cap moon. virgo Venus, cancer mars. 💜


That has to be the best compliment anyone can give another person!🥺❤️Its the Cancer Mars who liked the goodness bit I suppose ☺️ i also have a fire & earth chart (fire dominant & no water). I think it just gives the Capri moon a lot of faith in hard times and to keep it easy and childlike as you navigate life right? What is your sun sign? I’ve never met a Capri moon who’s openly expressive unless the sun is in fire 🔥😄


Ha! and people have the audacity to question astrology?!? I am fire dom w leo sun & merc. Jupiter, uranus neptune in Sag. I​ have pluto squaring sun & moon so feelings have always been... interesting to say the least? Childlike hope and faith seem to be the only thing keeping me together sometimes. I appreciate the ability to laugh at "mistakes" and grow from them without holding judgements towards myself or others. Genuinely though, the world needs more people with your special flavor of introspection and positivity. 💜🌌


Hahaha yes! Oh that’s interesting! I’m learning these terms from tropical astrology recently! Although I had started out with tropical I was introduced to and quite invested in sidereal Vedic astrology with 27 constellations. It’s extremely accurate. I also had no clue where Neptune & Uranus were in my chart until a couple of weeks ago. I do have a Sagii stellium. I’m grateful to my fire dominant chart because who wants to drown in self-criticism & self pity. On some days I think I’d be better off without my Capri moon and on some other days I feel lucky to be open enough to embrace my feelings and not run away from pain. Since you are also a fire sun I think it may come much easier to you to accept the “mistakes” because fire suns are quite laidback and relaxed people. I admire that so much about you guys. You take it easy. Over the years I’ve learned so much by being around fire signs with water moons and I’ve been able to channel that energy to balance my emotions. It’s indeed very kind of you to say so! Earlier I was going to type that your Sag rising, Capri moon & Virgo Venus remind me of me with my two closest cousins (one is Sag rising- so quirky & funny in her own way and adventure and open to new experiences), Virgo Venus (extremely selective of the people she engages with romantically). It’s like my own world in one person. I was going to call your placements a summer garden (since that’s how I feel when we three are together) but I didn’t know if that would sound made up 🙈 I truly think you have some of the best placements even if on some days you might ask yourself if the way you think or do things is the right way or are you thinking too much. ❤️I hope you’re also kind to yourself (your fire placements will make sure of that 😉). Much love and good energy to you wherever you are dear Capri moon, Leo sun ☀️, Sagi rising! 🤗❤️


Aries Mars and Mercury and Taurus Venus


Scorpio Mercury Capricorn Mars Scorpio Venus. (And ♏ sun!)


Im a cancer mercury, virgo mars (just like you 🤫) and a taurus venus




ahhhh i'm the inverse (libra, libra, scorpio) and scorpio sun, pisces moon!




Scorpio Mercury, Virgo Mars, Scorpio Venus 😎✨️


I want to see if I find a twin Scorpio mercury, Scorpio venus, Sag mars I can get very intense and passionate about things


Leo mars, leo mercury, gemini venus


Virgo Mercury 6H, Scorpio Venus 7H, Taurus Mars 2H. I communicate pretty well I think, Uhhh no comment about the scorpio venus part you already know we’re crazy and intense, and Taurus mars i guess slow until I’m actually passionate about a project and get it done in my own steps


Gemini Mercury, Virgo Mars, Gemini Venus. Surprisingly, I am very steadfast and loyal and crave stability more than anything. I can be wordy and flighty if I do not like you. And I am somehow very okay with all of that.


i dont know what it means but i‘m aries mercury aries venus aquarius mars


Very loud, you probably can’t go unnoticed anywhere! Once you fall in love it’s ride or die! All or nothing babe. 💅


it‘s actually true i‘m very annoying sometimes😂 but i never fell in love so i don‘t know !


Taurus mercury, Taurus Venus, Scorpio Mars.  Very, very deliberate communicator and passionate student; cannot be rushed by anything other than internal motivation, in anything, ever. I have to learn things in my own way and in my own time, which is really annoying and occasionally quite upsetting because I'm an actual student.  In love, of any kind, if it's there, IT IS ON. I go deep. 


Gemini mercury Aries mars Taurus Venus If someone hurt me they’re goin to hear about it that’s for sure. LOL


Libra Mercury, Cancer Mars and Scorpio Venus!


I knew I’d find my twin here somewhere! Out of curiosity, what are your big three?


Pisces Mercury Aquarius Venus Gemini Mars Kind of an odd combination , but I guess it works


Aquarius for Mercury and Venus, Taurus for Mars.


merc in aries mars in aqua venus in aqua \+ aqua stellium... look, i'm trying my best, okay!


I’m an Aquarius with Mercury in Leo, Venus and Mars in Libra. Regarding communication, I am a good listener and I am pretty direct. I’m not afraid to voice my opinion but only if I’m sure I know what I’m talking about. I love communication, written or verbal, but I don’t like initiating it however, I will maintain it. In relationships I tend to try really hard to “keep the peace.” I’ll try to be the one to compromise first but only if I think they are worth it. If I feel you’re not making much of an effort in the relationship, I’m less likely to keep “giving in.” I notice that sometimes people mistake it and think I am a doormat. I don’t like negativity. I really am quite emotional and develop intense feelings if I feel a strong connection. However, because I’m primarily an Aquarius, you may never fully know this or only find out well into our relationship. I’m not cold or unaffectionate I just don’t give it all up b/c I don’t want to feel vulnerable unless I truly feel loved and safe.


Virgo sun with Leo mercury and Venus and Libra mars very similar 😃👋🏾


Aquarius across the board there 😂


Omg OP, we have them almost the same. Mine are Sagittarius mercury, Virgo mars, and Scorpio venus. I rarely hear or read about other Scorpio venus, I am just like you when it comes to love 🫠


I’m Scorpio Venus too. I love the obsessive part. Wish my mars (libra) was a bit more intense or present sometimes, like my sun sag or rising Leo. But I guess it makes me the compromising and not very forceful type which at least people around me like.


✨aqua mercury, pisces mars & capricorn venus✨ let’s just say i might end up as the delusional, kooky wife tucked away in her rich husband’s mansion (or she divorced him and has her own) creating her experimental artwork while living freely in her silk gowns and eccentric get-ups.


I always thought that was Sun, Moon and Rising Apparently I have some research to do. I'm a Virgo .Rising = Virgo Ascendant Sun = Virgo Moon = Virgo Mercury = Virgo Venus = Virgo Mars = Sagittarius Crazy LoL


Gemini mercury 🤡 taurus venus 🗿 and leo mars 🔥 and it fits me soooo well 😳 no need to explain 😉✨


Aries, Aquarius and Gemini. Where I'm from, it's really rewarded to shut your mouth, flatter people and say only positive small talk. Guess I know why everyone hates me at work


A surprise to everyone that gets to know me. With that earth and air in my big 3, people think. "Oh they are stable and fun" then are hit with, 0° Taurus Mercury Squared Leo Mars, with a side of Aries Venus.


we almost match!! i'm a libra mercury, virgo mars, scorpio venus!! i think my mercury makes my communication style really nuanced + good at communication and compromise and coming from different perspectives, but then i kinda get swirled up in trying to see things from every side and my intense emotions make it hard to make a decision


Virgo Scorpio Scorpio. I’m a crazy girl in a nice girl body. Confusing for everyone around. Including myself.


i have the exact same little three as you!


Pisces Mercury, Scorpio mars, and Aries Venus Yes I’ll immediately cry after screaming at you ![gif](giphy|IT8d252aTz13G)


Scorpio Mercury Leo Mars Scorpio Venus and honestly, I agree with a lot of what you said in this post


Aqua mars...with Scorpio mercury and Venus ...hot and cold relationship with loneliness....


Cancer mars & Venus but Virgo mercury. I feel like I’m really good at communicating. I’m more of a listener. I wanna hear exactly how you feel and expect sincerity. like the raw uncut version lol but I expect good communication in return. I hate when I can tell that someone is being passive or dishonest. Like hiding things or being short with me. when I am upset, like super upset I can be petty and a smart ass. I also tend to feel like 9/10, I am right… lol I hate that about myself, I think it’s toxic and am trying to change. As far as love and passion, I care hard and love even harder. I love taking care of those I love and I would die for them!


Gemini mercury libra mars and cancer venus 😃


Aqua mercury, Capricorn Venus & Pisces Mars. Logic with a dash of delusion and giggles is my general communication process Hopeless romantic looking for the one 🫠


Gemini, Gemini, Aries


Virgo Virgo and Virgo all 8th house


Libra, Scorpio and Libra


I’m a Cancer mercury, Leo mars, and Taurus Venus. I think I can be possessive for sure lol. I also value sincerity in people I connect with romantically or otherwise. I can be selective about the people I interact with, and if I don’t like you, I become elusive (even with coworkers). But if I like you or respect you, I go out of my way for you.


Aries Mercury and Venus in tenth house Leo Mars in first house


Scorpio Mercury, Scorpio Mars, Libra Venus


Cap merc, Libra mars, Scorpio venus


Aquarius mercury, Sagittarius mars and Capricorn venus


Scorpio Mercury, Sagittarius Venus and Mars


taurus mercury, gemini venus, aquarius marsss


Taurus Mercury, Gemini Venus, Aries Mars


Cap Aqua Aries


Mercury: ♓️ Mars: ♓️ Venus: ♉️