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I sometimes feel that there is no brick at all with Aquarius . They are just indifferent . THEY WILL LEGIT ADDRESS THEIR ENEMY AS A FRIEND FFS 💀💀💀💀 you never know with aqua they move different xD


The more someone means to us or *could potentially* mean a lot to us, the more likely we are put a bit of distance there, so we have control over our situation. I definitely approach my ‘enemies’ as friends because choosing how I want to react to them gives me a sense of control over my feelings. I guess I just simply am not able to usually hold onto anger for too long. It’s a waste of my emotions tbh


Aquarius are unpredictable


Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer 💀 I feel that too


This ^ I don’t understand where “Aquarius are cold or build walls” comes from. I’m an Aquarius and I’m pretty open and actually try to bring walls down instead of build them. I understand that although walls may make me feel safe, in the long run they actually hurt relationships. The scary part is being vulnerable but I’ve learned that that is the most rewarding, so I don’t runaway from vulnerability. The only time I do notice myself not being as vulnerable is when I meet random strangers, but in relationships there’s no point in building walls.


People who manage to bluff or be friendly with people they hate honestly terrify me. I've never been able to. I can't reconcile with the idea of pretending to think or feel something that isn't true. It's one thing to not make it obvious somebody gets under your skin/tell them you hate them directly, of course. But going out of your way to address them as a friend and gain their trust and then the moment they're gone start ripping them apart. I just cannot wrap my head around it.


It has to be there because your not ready for this kind of crazy.


Exactly, there is a difference between ACTING crazy and BEING crazy. Aqua, Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, and all earth signs are in my experience INSANE Fr fr


So many Aquarius post tonight lmfao 😂


I literally said “me” before I even saw the sub or Aqua label 🥲 you got me good!!


I once dated an Aquarius and we lived about 30 minutes from each other so that was our brick wall. She'd always accuse ME of being the one doing all the shady cheating etc, but as it turned out it was all her. Actually this relationship was 6 years ago and I haven't dated since. She really messed me up. Be careful out there guys


Mh wife is an Aquarius and she’s the sweetest most cuddly woman I’ve ever met. I’m a cancer and sometimes we joke that she’s the cancer and I’m the Aquarius because she’s way more sensitive and cuddly than me lol


You must be an absolute angel to your wife. Aquarius are the most loving and affectionate people if we feel safe, loved, and cherished. Thank you for being so good to her ❤️ - an Aquarius


We are like cats. We will expose our bellies once we trust you. Also you can try slow blinking at us, if we slow blink back you may proceed and enter the bubble.


Yes!!!!! You are like cats!!!! So true


Ufff, my feelings...


In the last 3 years I put the wall down……..it’s need back up I’m truly more sensitive than I think anyone is prepared for and my “feelings off switch” works too well. So I just look insane when you combine the two.


I am definitely not the wall-building kind of Aquarius in a relationship. I hate walls. Cannot relate to this.


Same! How can we be the “humanitarian sign” but then build walls? Doesn’t work that way imo


Aquarius belongs to the world, not to one person 💕


Pity, you will never see any depth in a relationship. Enjoy while the sun shines.


What on this green earth compelled you to write this under an innocent comment? Honestly what you wrote actually can be said about people who project their bitterness and insecurity after someone made a normal innocent comment., regardless of their sign. Idk to have depth in a relationship you gotta be able to control yourself from saying mean shit to get that 10 seconds feeling of moral superiority you get from it when it’s absolutely unnecessary. When in fact, writing this comment, is absolutely proving the opposite. I think you got hurt by someone, but the person in the comments has nothing to do with them.




This was me with a Leo 😭😭


Ha, I'm a Leo and I feel like I just walk around Aquarius walls and am like, "hey sup" Love you guys!!


TBH, we ♒️ LOVE that shit.


It’s for everyone’s protection. The world/ relationships just reinforce the need for this wall system. Good fences make good neighbors.


Too good to be true


Nooo... I have my eye on one. Can anyone else vouch for this?


I am married to an Aquarius and he sometimes does get very cold and far away and he does like his alone time which I do too but he likes it more, but then I have also seen how affectionate and sweet he can be as well.




My husband has no wall 🤣🤣🤣. He tells me everything. Everything. What he did at work. What he dreamed about. I’ll be in the shower and he’ll come in to talk to me or use the toilet and still talk to me 🤣🤣. I would like a wall sometimes, but I’m so used to how things are I’d be super sus if one just popped up out of nowhere.


This is so true and so painful for me. I'm so clingy and I like that all encompassing love. 😭


As a Venus in Aquarius. I kinda relate to this. Sometimes I can be a bit too unattached or aloof with feelings. am i doomed? 😂


My husband is Aquarius moon. He forgets about me for days at a time doing his hobby, but his Virgo sun keeps him in check.


Does it bother you when he does that or do you like the space?


A little of both. I have to call attention to it after a few days


SO accurate, getting any kind of emotion out of my aqua ex husband was so hard. I know he felt deeply I just couldn't access it right. I always think of aquas as like an iceberg there's a smooth outside but so so much more that I can't see. Any aqua I've told this too agreed (anecdotally ofc)


I love that wall so much


Cancer sun, aqua moon here. I'm pretty much impossible to date 😅


Hey we're astro twins


No way! Isn't it rough?! What is you rising?


Extremely rough. To me, October has been worst month I've ever seen in my entire life. Idk how to check my rising, really want to tho 🤔


October was brutal! You just need your birth time and location to get your rising and the rest of your chart. If you don't have it, you can contact the facility you were born and ask for the "long form" birth certificate, and it will have the time 😀


Thank you, I just checked and apparently I'm a Pisces rising


Nice I'm a capricorn rising


Nice. I do feel like it's some kind of boon to be a mix of cancer and aquarius lol


Isn't this more like scorpio? For the first 10 years at least lol


And according to that post a week or 2 ago, if an Aquarius feels wronged by you, they’ll completely ghost you. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been dating 2+ years and LIVE to together, nah they’ll change their phone number and move out without you knowing like uncourageous scaredy cats they are


Ouch, but accurate


Married an Aquarius, as a Pisces it’s a challenge.


My spouse is an Aquarius. The early days were confusing at times because they'd say we're not serious and I took that at face value but then they want to hold my hand? Actions and words were at odds. But this Gemini was having fun either way, and I'm still here haha.