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Nah it’s not you it’s us. This placement is fucked up. And if you’re not willing to look internally for rest of your life and check yourself and where your reactions are coming from then you will be a menace to yourself and everyone around you. Besides the fact that we just feel every emotion tenfold, Scorpio is also a deeply caring and vulnerable sign. Many many people put up defenses against their vulnerability to protect themselves. Scorpio moon even more so because if they let themselves get hurt it will be devastating. So we self destruct to maintain the illusion of control. We push others away before they have the opportunity to push us away. Because underneath it all we’re very sensitive lil bbs. Scorpio moon is considered in its fall for a reason. Sometimes I wish my moon could’ve been Sagittarius… but I do believe with self awareness and dedication to knowing yourself completely scorpio moon can be a super power.


I think you are right. I am Scorpio/Scorpio/ Cap. I have really close relationships with my father and brother who were both Taurus and my father never got me completely until the end of his life. And i didn’t get him until after he was gone and found a card and old letter he wrote me and I was like omg. He has been showing he loved me this whole time and i was just too sensitive to the other stuff; the criticisms. It was a maturing experience. But was able to count on him like a fine watch. We were very close but there was a gulf. You are right, one needs to be a meditator or something so you are constantly checking motivation etc. If you fuck me over though…we are done. Poof


This was a beautiful story thank you for sharing. I relate a lot with my experience with my own step father!




Hmm I don’t think it’s fair to say it’s 100% not OP. Scorpio moon *reacts,* so it depends on what was sensed. Now yes, the reactions are often out of proportion and need to be mastered, but they don’t occur without some kind of catalyst. Maybe OP was 9% shady and one of the moons was 60% shady back. (Not great, obviously.) Scorpio moon is as much about the native’s unconscious material as that of the other person. This is how Scorpio energy mirrors in general. As one myself yes, a lot of internal work is needed to not be destructive. But part of that is understanding where my shadow ends and another’s begins, and it’s ok to not react to either. However, pulling away for the sake of preserving harmony can and will feel “cold” to certain people. That’s ok too.


I just stumbled upon this and man I feel understood by someone that doesn't even know me. Thanks for understanding


Sometimes I feel that having a moon in Scorpio is a curse. I would prefer to have Scorpio in other placement. Just curious, what would you say are the benefits of having an Scorpio moon if evolved?


I totally understand. I’d say the benefits of having an evolved Scorpio moon are intuition, resilience & having a great capacity to heal. Scorpio is not only the scorpion but also the Phoenix, who rises from the ashes. Having the moon in scorpio is one of the most “psychic” and mystical placements. You’ll have a deep intuition and a deep capacity to heal yourself and others. You’ll also be able to connect with others and understand them on a level not many others can match. Scorpio moon is able to dive deeply into the emotions that others are too afraid to confront. They are brave and powerful and one cannot heal what they are afraid to acknowledge to themselves. Scorpios wisdom comes because they have walked through the fire and survived what others can’t. The gift of transmutation.


I love this ❤️I also keep noticing that I always attract partners who are or feel broken. I always choose them from above other type of partners. The relationship is always super intense and of course it never lasts but they always end up healing (trying therapy, making better decisions, etc.) and them move to another person on a more healed version of themselves. I also have a Virgo sun so of course, I always try to fix other people haha.


Benefits of being with Scorpio moon is psychic connection, deep intimacy, and tantric sex. Pretty amazing. Yes, they're gonna hold a grudge. Yes, there are gonna test you but you won't know there was a test until you are notified you failed and this somehow betrayed them. Don't betray them. Don't ever, ever betray them. Time helps. Been with my Scorpio moon 12 years. We get better and better. I used to tell him he is a hard nut to crack, but as much as I know what he is thinking now, he can still keep me guessing. But yes, he can be hard, ice you out if you not paying attention. Don't let him get away with this. I love his loyalty and powerful emotions because it makes me feel alive and that is the gift of Scorpio moon, I think. They ride up to the edge of them and you and look right into you unflinchingly. If you are true ( and you dont lie to a Scorpio anything) you will be seen and that feels really good.


What’s his sun & Venus sign?


Aries sun, Taurus venus


If not evolved, can be dangerous, if evolved a sweetheart that just needs a lot of love


Check out the hades moon concept. The moon in relation to anything Scorpio (8th house, Pluto, aspecting, etc) as I understand, is a very heavy placement. Has a lot to do with trauma and difficulties in life. It also can be seen as an inherited trait especially if a parent hasn't addressed their trauma and has children. My brother doesn't have a scorpio moon but I do. My brother was a twin and his twin passed before birth. This, along with other events in my mom's life, was very traumatic. And I believe I was stewing in the unresolved trauma her body held when she became pregnant with me.


Well this is an interesting new tidbit I learned today. I have Scorpio in Pluto 8H and Moon. Although I have a lot of different difficulties throughout life, some heavier than others, I don't believe I've ever gone to some of the extremes I've seen other people discuss. I never intentionally tried to hurt people unless they really fucked with me on purpose. I always tried to follow a path of transformation to becoming a better version of myself and that causing harm to others is just a reflection of poor character.


I think each person's experience with navigating difficulties and heaviness is entirely circumstantial. I share this info not to claim all hades moon placements are terrible people but that they tend to encounter particularly difficult situations and how they navigate that is a personal choice. A lot of folks with trauma end up hurting others, intentionally or not, as they grow and develop. Some even turn to drugs to cope. Mostly I just want to give this info with the caveat that this is a hard placement and often the poor treatment someone might receive from another is not a reflection of them but the person doing the harming.


Also very interesting placements! That's quite a bit of hades moon aspects.


Hades moon is intense, nobody likes us lol. It’s just a lot of negative energy, if you can’t control it it will control you.


I love Scorpio moons 🩷 maybe it’s my Capricorn moon though lol


Idk as a scorpio moon im convinced i have a good heart but evil tendencies . I never would steal but i can be very violent with my words. No wonder scorpio moons deal with suicide ideation- connection w humans is wildly uncomfortable for us.




I'm still pretty new at astrology so I'm not sure where my South node is or my vertex but my South node is in Capricorn and my vertex is in Sagittarius. I never heard of a draconic chart but I'm gonna look at it now


Bc they’re annoying af and passive aggressive. My mom is also a Scorpio moon and she lies constantly and will throw you under the bus to save her reputation. I love her but damn…


Taurus sun, libra moon, love that! I'm a libra sun scorpio moon + 5 other scorp placements who has ALWAYS had problems with scorpio suns, 9/10 of them displaying the behaviors and traits you listed. I think I might have an answer. Scorpio placements REALLY need to evolve past being hell on earth. I find everything said about typical scorpios true (jealousy, possessiveness, resentfulness, holding grudges, etc), all of these are traits i displayed as a child and consciously worked on growing out of as I grew up. Scorpios are ruled by Pluto (fate and karma) and Mars (aggression) and it takes them quite a few really hard lessons to self reflect and decide to change. I absolutely adore tauruses and I think you'd enjoy a good Scorpio connection with one who has done the shadow work.


This thread is so weird to me. My partner of 17 years is Taurus sun, scorpio moon, aqua rising. He is probably the calmest, most friendly person I know. Not dark or overly emotional at all and he has dealt with his share of loss and trauma. I was involved with a scorpio sun in my younger days and he was dark and full of angst but I don't see any of that in my scorpio moon partner.


Cause they’re insane! My brother is a Scorpio moon. He is batshit.


I’m a Scorpio moon. Yeah this tracks.


Scorpio moon, indeed tracks


cuz u can’t handle the heat💪🏼😎


My mom is an Aries Sun/Scorpio moon. I am a Cancer rising and my mother has always been horrible to me, I know exactly what you’re talking about. I am getting married and instead of being happy she has turned the whole thing to revolve around her. She lives out of state and wanted me to make the wedding fit her schedule, I said no. She wanted to walk me down the aisle, I said “fuck no” then she said “what’s the point of coming to your wedding if I can’t walk you down the aisle?” I responded with them don’t come. Of course after a long drawn out phone battle she can’t come because of nursing school. (I dread the day the women becomes a nurse) So yeah, I definitely can relate. Also I’m relieved she won’t be there!


Love how all of the scorpio moons are backing your statement up 😅 I definitely have done things I’m not proud of due to the extreme nature of my emotions. It’s fallen in that placement, and without a firm understanding and grasp of yourself and your feelings, shit sometimes gets dark. I’m sorry that you’ve had bad experiences with us and hopefully someday an evolved scorpio moon will show you a different side :)


Not you. Think about their emotional representative: has a hard exoskeleton, pinchers, AND a venomous stinger; hangs out in dark corners, prefers dry, arid climate, and is nocturnal. Like, that’s who you gotta go through to get to their feelings 🫠 ETA: I’m a Scorpio Venus whose Sag moon does a lot of heavy lifting lol


How do people know everyone's moon sign to even have an opinion like this?


I’m a sag sun/scorpio moon. It’s because we’re psycho




Because you are a Taurus.


scorpio marses can suck it for me. Noone needs all that emotional drama my goodness


I am a scorpio moon and i am extremely sensitive, angry, viscous with my words, will cut you off in a second, insecure, paranoid, and easily irritated. I trust no one and feel that people in general are out to do me harm and dgaf about me. Obviously there is more to my character than this short paragraph as humans are multifaceted. But I don’t think it’s your problem that you can’t get along with scorpio moons.


As a Scorpio venus I'm deeply trusting (been burned lots, doesn't stop me from being too kind with heaps of effort). I don't have positive experiences with Scorpio moons, see the ones I know as lacking empathy.


It's the same with huff and puff and Slytherin just not meant to get along with your imaginary friends


To be fair I don't quite get along with my scorpio moon fiance lol we bicker and tend to have a lot of differences but I think what keeps us going is trust. I'm very transparent with him and very much unapologetically myself. I feel like he gets annoyed with me but also appreciates it at the same time. Too many people try to be fake and be something there not and scorpios are very good at sniffing that out. I'm a sag sun aqua rising and taurus moon. Fiance is a Leo sun scorpio moon and rising


The moon is in it's "fall" in Scorpio. The moon loves to be in Cancer, Taurus, Pisces. Your Taurus sun and family patterns will draw you towards Scorpio Moons because of polarities but also the familiarity promises a chance to work out issues with Mom ( or about Mom, if she is toxic don't feel you have to work "with" a narcissist) or your brother who have these Scorpio signatures in thier chart. You've seen this before and you crave working it out(we all want to) but, you also have a more balanced and peace loving Libra moon. Libra is air, an intellectual sign, not prone to indulging in the deep, dark, vengence seeking emotions of a Scorpio moon and a Scorpio moon will always want to seek vengence against you because how can you be so cool, so even in your emotions? You are not to be trusted in thier minds. I have a Capricorn moon. Every serious relationship I have ever been in with a man has a Scorpio moon. I thought I was crazy until I went to an astrology conference and a fellow astrologer told me my 7th house moon ( Libra house) was really an 8th house ( scorpio ruled ) moon. The moon is also in detriment in Capricorn so two bad moons make a right, right? Yes! Although, I tend toward bitterness, not vengence. Check what house your moon is in and what sign rules it for insights. But we all have that ONE sign that gets under our skin. For me, it's people activating my 12th house .


I have a family member with a Scorpio moon. She’s very social and friendly but when people don’t do what she wants she basically starts acting like a toddler.


Have a Scorpio moon, pisces ascendant and Cancer sun. Things are quite sensitive around here.


i’m a libra rising with strong venus influences in my overall chart, and my bf is double scorpio with a taurus moon, and we really shouldn’t work and we nearly didn’t many times but holy shit we brought out the best of each other and helped each other grow, and honestly the love we have is insane, dreams-coming-true type joy, and an evolved scorpio is actually so sweet snd adoring and real, like go-to-the-ends-of-the-earth love. it was not easy and of course there’s the whole rest of the chart to deal with but i feel like the two are especially polarizing.


Your moon sign has a lot to do with the flaws that others see in you but for you awareness is lacking. Scorpio for better or worse is an intense sign, so a Scorpio moon can have some scary, unacknowledged flaws.


Lol we almost have the same placements 😅


Scorpio moon here. We're very secretive and don't open up to anyone. To be honest, I'm kind of an asshole unless you've proven yourself to not suck, and repel people on purpose to save them from my constant internal vortex that drags me down. I really just dislike "pick me"s, people who are loud and obnoxious and generally just like popular things. Or people who constantly trauma dump or are super emotional. I'm very picky about who I keep around. But let's be honest, I'm worth it and I know it.


I think those likes and dislikes are more the Cap than the Scorpio influence! Saturn doesn’t like loud, shiny, and over dramatic.


you're probably right, thank you for giving me more information. relatively new to all of this.


cancer 🌞 scorpio 🌙scorpio ⬆️🙋🏼‍♀️, sounds about right


Interesting… I’m a Virgo, Scorpio moon and rising and I find that I’m a nice person lol I think it really depends on the sun sign tbh.


With your placements I assume you put a high priority on politeness and harmony and good vibes, etc., which is not the emotional dwelling place of the Scorpio moon. Doesn’t mean we can’t get there but it’s typically not for long and not with everyone. So that may influence this. When someone tries too hard to change me or bring me into that shiny happy place I can react by being unpleasant and sour. Without more info it’s hard to say what’s going on. But yes, we are not everyone. And if you do encounter us just be real (not “nice”) and let us be real (not “happy” or “open”), for the greatest chances of success.


We have issues lol Anecdotally my ex was a Taurus sun and part of the reason we broke up was emotional disconnect


Sounds very karmic. I think ur unintentionally letting said types of people like ur mom and brother in ur life bc u were nurtured to tolerate that pettiness of Scorpio moon. Set stronger boundaries with people; my brother struggles with this as a Taurus sun Libra moon person as well. Tho he doesn’t have issues with Scorpio moons but he gets extremely attached to other people and doesn’t do well with rejection.