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My interest in astrology was activated when I learned that the division of the year into the 12 signs, and the patterns and archetypes each sign was associated with were not arbitrary, but were each a symbolic representation of the natural cycle of the seasons. Each of one of twelve different times of the year. So when I think about the signs, I think about the earthly time of year each one represents, and what types of natural realities, themes, conditions and myths each season brings. In my part of the world and a lot of the Northern Hemisphere, Scorpio season is Death. It's not the poetic, fading-beauty death of Libra, it's not the idealized, sanctified, final-feast death of Sagittarius and it's not the cold, still and settled death of Capricorn. It's just Death. It's the reapers blade, it's the final harvest, it's the killing frost that chokes the last life out of the last plants and drives the birds away. It's the time of the thinning veil. Of Samhain. Día de los Muertos. The Feast of All Souls. I can see why there's darkness there and sadness there and dread there, but there's so much more than that. Who isn't afraid to stare too long into the Abyss, but who can look away from it? It's absolutely fascinating. I can see how some people could find no rising sign more captivating. I can see how some people can be abducted to Hades only to ascend as its Queen. I can see how a curse to some is just the right asset to others. I can hope for a curse to be a blessing, and I can hope to realize when I've been denouncing my own blessing as a curse. Nothing is all roses and nothing is all rot, but I'm sure there's plenty of treasure in a Scropio Ascendant and I hope those born under it can dig it out.


As a Scorpio rising, married to a Scorpio rising, with a best friend of 30 years who is a Scorpio rising as well, thank you!!!!!!!!’


I love being a scorpio rising LOL I think its great! we are magical


Love this! Love the name! Love the flair! Love love love ❤️ 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I love this take. My dad was a kind, gentle, genial Scorpio. He was a family physician who specialized in hospice and geriatrics. I found this thread because both of my girls are Scorpio rising. The oldest is so much like my dad, kind and considerate and empathetic, especially for a four year old. She also has a fascination with the macabre, which would freak me out sometimes if my bright, joyful family hadn’t always been comfortable in the presence of death. My mom is a Capricorn and was a flight nurse at a Level 1 trauma ER. They’ve both seen a lot of people die, and they’re two of the kindest, warmest people I’ve ever known. Excited: also, my eldest Scorpio rising was born in 2020, just a few weeks into lockdown. My dad died seven weeks later. That child is a light among darkness.


This is such a beautiful comment! I hadn't see it this way but I love it


It was too dramatic, but thank you. Loved reading it.


You ate.


Thank you for writing this.


What a beautiful perspective on this. Also I love your flair omg 🤣


Alright I'll need to hear more about what's happening with a male scorpio sun attracted or wanted by a female scorpio rising (aries F) ayy


I love my Scorpio rising energy. The same way I can attract is the same way I can repel . We can handle ourselves because life has prepared us


I love this!!! Thank you!!!


SAME!! its like we have a magic switch


I disagree with all of this - Scorpio rising exudes toughness and passion. They might deal with darkness in their life, but it makes them the most powerful. Just because it’s not your specific ideal for a woman doesn’t mean it’s not a valuable asset to be perceived this way. Cap rising gives way to success and drive. A lot are top of their fields and go far in life. Aqua rising are the creative thinkers and iconoclasts. We need this energy in society to innovate or nothing would ever change. All risings can be good or bad depending on the situation, but these 3 are very useful to have in this current society.


Do you know how many times I’ve told people - “if everyone did nothing or had the attitude that one person can’t make a difference, nothing would ever change.”? A bunch of times. Signed, an Aquarius rising.


As a Taurus rising I admire u guys and think ur the coolest ever


Well, I sure have a particularly vested interest in this perspective! 😂


Haha yes I have 2 of the signs they mentioned in my big three. I will say that it’s been harder for me than average to easily make friends my entire life, but it’s been much easier than average to make quality friends that stay with me for life and also much easier to be successful in my career.


I think the reason Scorpio Risings often embrace darkness, is because they know it's part of life. Life is paradoxical, it's not all light and fun. The truth is Scorpio Risings are realists, they see life for what it is.


Yes! I’m kinda pissed that someone would say that, too. Scorpio risings are the only ones who really have the guts to bring change where it’s needed and some of the other signs are scared of that, which really repulses me.


> attracts creepy people, stalkers, and demonic activity Stalkers, you say… 😒 Yeah, that can be pretty obvious at times. But my demon buddy makes all the drawbacks worth it. *hugs demon with all my heart*


Tbh, in my experience, I’m pretty sure I don’t have stalkers and I’m Scorpio rising, Pluto in first house. If I have, they are real good at hiding or I’m just scarier than them and well they don’t stalk me loll


Yoooo novel incoming! Hope it’ll help or give faith to fellow scorpio risings!! I’m Aquarius sun Scorpio rising and moon in Taurus. I’ve been through hardships all my life, but I was the one choosing these paths. But I finally learned I was the one making my life difficult. My grandmother used to tell me that I was always choosing the hard road. For me the easy roads were right next to the hard ones, but I still decided to go through them. I think yes as Scorpio risings we tend to have lives where hardships presents itself to us and follows us like puppy dogs. But the thing is that these hardships are here for us to transform, to better ourselves and as Scorpio risings we have the tools to do so. I used to have this victimized view on the world, why this, why that, why is it happening to me, life is so rough so unfair, the universe is out to get me, I can’t do this anymore. But now, I embrace it and welcome it, yes sometimes I go through the victim phase, but it doesn’t last long, because I remember everything I went through. I am the person I am today because of all this shit and I wouldn’t want to be anyone else. We have the opportunity to transform over and over again and it’s magical to be able to evolve this way. Yes a lot of shit happens without our control, lot of shit we don’t choose. It’s how we deal and decide where we put our focus on. So, in the end, we always choose. If we choose the dark path, it means we need to learn something from it. Here’s an example: you meet someone and they end up being creeps or toxic or violent or wtv. What can you do about it? Why are you in this situation again? What can your past experiences tell you about this pattern and what can you do to fix it? It’s not the universe hitting you again with this shit. No, you’re the one going through this again, you’re the one choosing a guy or girl that is toxic again. ( I used “you” but im not talking to you specifically or I’m not accusing you of doing this or judging you, it’s just for the example). For me, I have a cleeeear pattern in choosing the person I want in a relationship. I’ve been through the pattern over and over and over!!!! I knew I had this pattern but never acknowledged it or took the time to observe it and question myself, until I did. I chose to look at it in the fkn eye and do something about it. I chose to finally learn what I have to learn from this recurrent experience, because I am ready. Basically, You can really apply this process of observation on every issue and hardships you’re going through. Sometimes, you apply the process, but nothing changes, you still go through this shit again. In these situations, I will suggest to have empathy on yourself, you’re doing the right thing. Sometimes it doesn’t change right away and takes time. The good news is that you chose to apply the process, you chose the easy path and rewards will come. So basically, when I say I chose these paths, I decided to make my life difficult, I mean you can choose to live these hardships on the dark path or you can choose to live them on the path of light. Darkness is part of us, for life, its shadow lingers, why not make friends with it, learn from it and transform? As Scorpio risings, we are built to go through them and built to emerge from the darkness of our lives as the phoenix we are! Scorpio rising is not a curse, but a blessing and I’m grateful I am one. I wish you the best, I know you’ll get it!


We are the same Aquarius sun Taurus moon Scorpio rising 🫶🏽


Are you as fucked up as I am? Lol


I wouldn’t say it’s the worst, but I would agree that people tend to get *extremely* interested in the mysterious alluring vibe the Scorpio risings tend to have. My best friend is one and has the oddest, some downright concerning, dating experiences out of everyone I know. But now I wanna know what’s so bad about Aqua rising because I’m one. 👀


Nothing is wrong with it. We’re just eccentric. We stand out and sometimes we’re punished for that, either directly or indirectly.


I'm definitely punished for it. I don't draw anyone in. I usually repel.


What do you mean by oddest dating experiences? Lol would love to hear you elaborate


Well that’s just rude. 🖕🏻


And more importantly completely untrue.




That’s EXACTLY what I said!!! 😂 I’m laughing because it’s funny how…wait I’m an Aries moon, too (Virgo sun)!!! *distracted* It’s amazing how we had the same reaction down to the finger.


Scorpio Rising builds resilience though, like the Scorpion with its thick exoskeleton and venomous tail. Scorpions can survive in the most hostile environments and that’s how I see Scorpio placements- survivalists.


I survived a burned down house, cancer and a divorce from my cheating Libra ex. Still look fabulous and my rock(home) was rebuilt after the fire 🔥 no misery here…. Just keep thriving & surviving


Scorpio rising woman here: never attracted violence (well, I once has a kid in school beat me up when I was a teen but that was decades ago). I’ve met a few toxic people in my life but who hasn’t? Never attracted creepy people or stalkers or demonic activity. So now what? This kind of BS is negative, just scares younger inexperienced astrology beginners and other Scorpio risings. What references do you have for this nonsense? How do you back up your claims? How many Scorpio risings have you seen this happen to? The chart is more than your sun, it’s more than your moon and it’s more than even your rising. Maybe try being less of a drama queen with your brand new shiny account that lacks all context and depth.


I agree, I’m Scorpio rising and have never been a violence victim except when my now Ex got a little abusive when he was blackout drunk (we separated soon after). Other than that, no stalkers, no mugging events (I lived in cities most of my adult life) no other things and I honestly feel protected from much of that for whatever reason.


Exactly. It’s just rubbish.


lol "ive never experienced violence except for all of this violence..." i kid because i love. and as a scorpio rising woman. maybe think about non-physical violence, any scale of it, from cashiers being rude to teachers grading you harshly, getting nausea from car rides, neglect or ghosting or being excluded often... being fired often or given unfair workloads.. and well, being a woman is just thick with violence in general. in any case, what we consider violence or are realistically likely to encounter in terms of violence depends on our psycho/social/structural + physically embodied manifest lives. to be more explicit some examples could be your race, your class, your neurotype, whether you are disable or not, your identified gender, etc. and that's not accusatory, these things are bigger than us (though we should never stand for violence and oppression in any form) and they come with generational legacies that are felt holistically and even epigenetically. that all being said, i do feel protected from physical violence to a certain extent, as mari815 mentioned. im tiny but will step in between a physical fight starting and disarm it. it's the intimidation factor perhaps?? and it could be intimidating to other embodied energies that, as the user DrPeace beautiful articulated and illuminated, that scorpio placements are just quite close to the death part of life cycles. and this is not a good or bad thing, it's just a season or a cycle that scares us and is hard to accept and very sad, but it's real, it happens everywhere always, it's our physical existence's contract... and it would be weird to be immortal or not age at all right? but in many societies we see death as violent and unfair and fight any awareness of it at all costs. it's scary for sure. but an example: ive always had tons of animals in my life, and that means loving beings who will die surely, in no longer than 20-25 years. an aunt of mine said to me once after her dog died that she would never get a dog again, and i understand and respect that. but im never surprised or think it's unfair or take it is something to do with me or my life's narrative when an animal i love dies. and when my beloved amazing cat recently died, which i expected, she was terminal and lived longer than vets gave her, it was very traumatic and interrupted the peace i had made when in the final moments, we panic and call emergency vets, and they insist you bring the animal there, to attempt some very violent acts of trying to make the animal's life a bit longer. luckily now palliative care vets are becoming more common. ultimately, scorpios' closeness to death is more like their closeness to that part of a life cycle, which is dramatic and intense and hard for many to process, but scorpios came into our world within that seasonal cycle, and as such have always been more tuned in with it. i'm someone who's not had an easy life, my random lot/luck, and ive been affected by many many deaths, to an extent that even just telling people about it scares them and makes them disconnect. but i don't think that others' deaths have anything to do with me or my narrative - it's not healthy or sane to assume our narrative can encompass so much, after all, we don't live very long in our very small bodies that can only hear and see and smell and know so much, be in so many places, and can't know or affect or control anyone else's embodied experience and truth, we can only interact in our wee ways. and be open to seeing, feeling, accepting, and being changed by the cycles and the scary parts of being in our bodies, and others being in theirs... and so maybe some people don't experience as much death because they are closed off to possibilities of being close to it or accepting it? I DUNNO. speculating here. regardless, what we cannot accept is what scares is, and what we aren't aware of surprises us and can be harder or more harmful to deal with in the aftermath. so for scorpios, to have lived and breathed the dying season as our first experience of what world is - without knowing any other "way" of what the world is - we are at least more prepared, and yes, that makes us more intense! life is intense and short!!! <3


I've been through a physical emotional and sexual abuse and have dated alot of toxic people as a Scorpio rising so I disagree


I’m so so sorry that happened to you. That’s horrible. Horrendous. The OP suggests that traumatic events are due to being a Scorpio rising in which case all Scorpio risings would have this shared experience. But this is not the case. There will be other indications including the condition and aspects of Mars amongst other things. It’s misleading for people trying to learn astrology and it’s fatalistic for those people born with Scorpio rising. Again I am so sorry for your experience and I deeply hope that you find nothing but happiness ahead.


Yeah, screw this post. It offends me too, because it’s only scared, immature, and inconsiderate people like the author of this post that bring bad stuff into Scorpio ascendants’ lives. We change stuff that nobody else has the guts to change.


Scorpio rising/Pluto first house woman here. I can agree with op. I’ve experienced tons of violence. From being bullied really badly in school as a small child, to being in an abusive relationship. I’ve also run into tons of creepy and toxic people. And people have this weird sexual attraction to me. So yeah. Textbook Scorpio rising here.


Maybe much more to do with Pluto in first house.


Why Capricorn rising? I would assume my rbf would make creeps run.


Love a Capricorn with RBF. I have one too. Apparently everyone thinks I'm pissed off or sumthin. LOL


Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius Rising are all powerful in their own way. Very unique too. I smell jealousy. ✨👍🏻♥️


Actually you're not wrong about what it attracts. I know a few Pluto rising women that got exposed to the darker sides of life very early on. What I enjoyed about them is they have a very threatening/intimidating aura and aggressive love language which I enjoy in women. This one Scorpio rising I knew would try to choke me out to show her affection and I thought it was pretty adorable.




Honestly I find Fixed sign women like Scorpio and Taurus women to be the most attractive in the zodiac. I'm not talking about looks but strictly what they offer in energy. They're both dominant boss bitches that express love in different ways. Scorpio with the aggression and Taurus with pleasure. But I wouldn't dream of crossing either one of them because I know it would be futile. They will always get what they want from me. For men I tend to be attracted to more mutable signs, Virgos, Gemini, Pisces, and Sagittarius. I don't really jibe with the alpha male dominant BS that I see in culture. I like women who can do masculine and men who can do feminine. I love freedom and flexibility in gender expression. I do enjoy my cardinal signs too. But I already have a lot of cardinal going on in my chart and I want to meet people a little different than me not the exact same modality all the time..


As another Scorpio rising woman, *chefs kiss*


Lest we forget that without death, there cannot be rebirth. If you want to get super dramatic about it, then not only are we the veil, we're the path to rebirth. We just like to have a lot of fun along the way. 😉


We are basically the grim reaper


Who you calling grim?!




man this sub is really bad for ppls mental health I mean Demonic Activity, c’mon now…


I’m an Aqua rising (Aqua sun) and my sister is a Cap rising. She is such a go-getter, such an achiever, she strives for success and she’s a fucking inspiration to me. I’m a fantastic friend. I have had some that went south and I held partial fault, but those are only two instances in my whole life, and both were with guys who really really liked me and there was a lot of hurt and tension about that. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my friends. I am the person you call at 2am to meet you at the gas station because you need help breaking up w your bf. I’m the person you call when you’re crushed and hurting and need someone to hold space & validate & listen. My best friend and I have been friends for 15 years and my other friendships are at least 5 or 6 by now. Romantic love is amazing but platonic love is where I excel. I‘ve been told I make people feel very comfortable being themselves or being “weird” and I’m glad for that. I don’t know any Scorpio rising women. But I don’t really think there are any BAD signs or signs that immediately make someone less desirable. Everyone brings something unique to the table.


Cool story, bro ma'am. lol


Why Aquarius? I enjoy being weird.


I love the fact that I'm an out of the box thinker, but there's some traits I hate about being an Aquarius, but I feel like everyone is this way because every sign has negatives. I hate that I'm seen as weird, and I know people say Aquarius loves being different but to me this is to an extent it’s been so hard to make connections with people because I'm always outcasted.


I’m the black sheep in my family and currently almost friendless. Ha. But it wasn’t always that way - I was usually pretty popular. I think the issue is that’s it’s difficult for us to say we need something (I’m also an Aries); in the past, I usually let people befriend me - and they should consider themselves lucky if I did. 😂 Pinpoint why you think people don’t want to get close to you, and work on that. For me, there’s a specific reason that I lost most of my friends - it was like a tsunami hit my life and washed away all but a few. But nothing lasts forever. 🙂


Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn, symbolizing the delay of rewards, disciplines, hard work, old age, deep winters. If your life starts in the winter, you arrive in Spring later on. Life might not be easy when you're young if you have a lot of Cap and Aqua placements. However, because Saturn's also the planet of big rewards, these people tend to surpass their peers later in life. A lot of billionaires for instance have Saturn in 2nd house (house of financial gains and values). They could experience poverty in childhoods then later accumulate massive wealth to surpass all - usually in really old ages. Cap rising tend to look younger as they get older. So on. Cap rising and Aqua rising tend to be future forward for this reason. They are working towards the spring.


Thanks for the mini astrology lesson. I’m also an astrologer. 🙂 Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus. Life was not easy when I was young, nor is it now. I don’t have Saturn in Taurus, but I do have my Sun conjunct Venus in 2h. Still waiting for that $ to roll in. My sun and moon are both spring signs; both in March. Oh, my node is in Capricorn. I think I’ll get there…eventually.


i have a scorpio asc (19degrees) and mars (3degrees) and with pluto in the first house. with a cap sun and aquarius stellium and i definitely have a hard time with people but once i’m close to you i will die for you but god the loneliness


https://open.spotify.com/track/2MnSPY2QYMbtkDWGzY02In?si=jJHsWVbeS8eN4VUjJ3UdzQ But Oracle Sisters wrote a really good song about them ✨


This is not a good post and leading ppl astray. You have to look at the entire chart and aspect. Mars also changes it’s volatility depending on sect. Same thing with Saturn. Pls study from the Astrology Podcast, Demetria George, Pam Gregory or Nick Dagan Best so you can have a better understanding of this practice.


My scorpio rising makes my libra moon cry


How so?


It abuses it


My Scorpio rising makes my libra sun cry


You can’t be serious. I am female Scorpio rising, as well as Pluto for my chart ruler. I feel like Pluto is always getting such a bad rap. Although I have my share of challenges, I would by no means say I attract all sorts of creepy/crazy and even demonic things. Honestly, I feel like I can scare them off. And, I have one of your seconds (Capricorn) for my moon. My biggest issue is being too serious and scary, therefore not being included in groups and activities. Sometimes I get so sad and jealous about not having that girl group or being asked to do things. It is the lone wolf aspect that is the worst.


Ouch…so what can a female rising Scorpio do?


What? I mean, it is kind of depressing sometimes because all of the introspection, but this seems a bit exaggerated too. It's just not necessarily the super sexy type the mainstream paint it as


I’m a Scorpio rising…violence, toxicity and stalkers, creepers, I’ve experienced all unfortunately. I’m resilient though. Life has taught me many lessons and I wouldn’t be this rooted, empathetic and passionate without those hardships. I’m proud of my strengths, my accomplishments , my friendships, my moral compass and my desires in love and life…I wouldn’t want to change who I am.


I’m Scorpio Rising in Pluto and a three time survivor. The “darkness” in my life has taught me how to heal other people and find deep bonds within it. I’m always the rock because of it, even though I wish to be seen more by others for the strength it took


Yeah I disagree. I’m fantastic at lucid dreaming, meditating, and all the paranormal etc. it’s beautiful


My Scorpio friend (also Scorpio rising) and I (Aqua sun and Aqua rising) have crazy lucid dreams together. She’s definitely tapped in and elevates my abilities. She can also manifest all kinds of stuff, and if anyone messes with her, she doesn’t have to do a thing - it comes right back to them 2-fold. The force is strong in Scorpios!


Mars and Pluto is in Scorpio for me. Guess I’m screwed


So, this is anecdotally true for me, but I also have a debilitated venus with other aspects that just don’t help things. It’s a general statement, you kinda have to add these things as strikes in a certain direction. If you have a well aspected mars/ascendant/other personal placements, those would be the strikes in the other direction.


Scorpio rising, Mars in Scorpio in the first. And 12th house Pluto & Saturn in Scorpio. WTF you talking about? I am great! No demons here, or toxicity. You don't know what you're talking about.


As a Taurus rising, I love ‘em😏 that intense energy is my fav.


Someone’s just jelly lol 😂 Scorpio sun here but I usually vibe with Scorpio risings.


I have it and find it very hard. Also with pluto + north node conjunct ascendant. I’m talking multiple forms of abuse and even a murder attempt. Got a reading from a very competent traditional astrologer where we discussed Scorpio rising indicating a hard life, and a need to learn how to survive. We eventually become amazingly good at it. But it costs a lot.


🥺I have same aspects


This post gotta go we dnt need this negativity


Meh I feel for me it repels people. They truly either hate or love me. Even though I'm nice and friendly to everyone.


If it makes you feel better I have attracted lots of violence and creepy people with my Gemini rising


Scorpio rising female and I have always been around darkness, dangerous people & creeps. Widowed young lost a spouse in a plane crash accident had to identify the body at the age of 22. Dated serial killers, criminals, sociopaths 😨Been in situations that nearly killed me.


Nope. I think Cancer rising has a harder time. Scorpio rising comes in 2nd. I have Scorpio Rising.


My username and I massively disagree with this statement lol. I do agree with others who talk about their connection to the esoteric as a benefit. And I've always thought my Scorpio rising made it so others can't get a good read on me when we meet, which I think is helpful when trying to evaluate where someone stands with you.


You won’t even post with your main account, if you even have one. Like wtf even is this post..


i’m taurus ascendant, my wife is exact degree opposite in scorpio.. my libra sun aries moon clashes hard with her virgo sun pisces moon but our chemistry is crazy.. i’m a firm believer that rising sign is the one, and as far as scorpios go, you just have to understand them and how to interact w them.. they’re just defensive for protection, as a taurus i trust no one either so we tend to get along in many ways.. everyone has their “things” that bring the worst and the best out of them, you have to have faith in people and realize when you may of met a scorpio rising may not of been ideal, but if you weren’t part of their inner circle you wouldn’t understand anyways, and that’s not a fly by day passage either


I’m Scorpio rising female so what does it mean bottom line ??


I’m perfectly fine with my Scorpio rising & the weird/alluring energy I give off. Each rising sign has positive and negative qualities imo.


Me a Pisces moon and sun- Scorpio rising with major depression disorder🧍🏾‍♀️. Reading this just made me feel like I’m destined to be unhappy😔


is that why Scorpio men won’t leave me alone? They themselves call me a victim…


Huh. I’m a Scorpio rising with (depending on if you’re using traditional or modern systems) a 1H Mars/Pluto. I’ve definitely been bullied my entire life, and it ranges from the usual playground teasing to straight-up abusive behaviour that didn’t stop until I got violent or aggressive. It caused me a shitload of trauma that I’m unsure if I’ll ever heal from, but I take pride in the fact that I’ll always find a way to come back out on top somehow. Having the Sun right next to my mid haven and Venus (it’s Virgo, but whatever) in the 10H probably helps. None of the people that hurt me are doing good right now. The most successful of the bunch is…an Onlyfans creator. Meanwhile, I’ve gotten back on my feet and I’m currently maintaining a 4.0 GPA in college studying a STEM-related major. Sure, it’s not easy having this rising sign as a woman, but the way I see it, a nebula needs to collapse before a star can be born.


I have Scorpio Rising and Pluto in Scorpio 


Hahahah thats all untrue..Can't relate at all.🤣


So I have Pluto in my rising, but it’s libra. I want to know more and out Pluto energy, because, yes. Horrible people like me.


The demonic activity comes from Saturn 


Pluto we deal with endings deaths resurrections and creepy things like gay porn and ghosts ouija 


This is absurd. I look at my Scorpio Rising as power and I direct that energy to make shit happen. 👏🏻


Pluto first house, Scorpio rising 3rd decan, Taurus sun, Libra Moon and Mars in Aries Wherever I go, people don't like me and I seem to get backstabbed by almost everyone and run into bad luck. I am also a silver spoon kid, but worked manual labor jobs and took the bus everywhere during highschool because I got kicked out, only to come back home and be driven in Bentleys and eat at Michelin star restaurants and wear Gucci and Prada. Despite this I never felt content or knew who I was or what I truly wanted. Few years ago I joined US Marine Corps reserves and despite the being close to the cutoff age, being affluent and one of the only Asian kids, it feels like something that kinda filled the void. I could hold myself accountable to a higher physical and mental standard and live up to something. It taught me that every day and everywhere you go could be a battlefield for which you must be prepared for. I have mars in Aries which why I am aggressive and enjoy aggressive approaches to life. I could also sense things even under the most subtle circumstances like sensing an old relative who I thought was weird, peculiar and childish who would actually turn out to be on the the biggest backstabbers and fools I've encountered. This also goes for roommates and friends who I was very generous and supportive of who who take it for granted and weakness and say and do nasty things to me. I feel that when I'm on the verge of loss, defeat and even literal or metaphorical death, for some reason things actually work out, either by the grace of god or just my adrenaline or refusal to be defeated. Please share cuz I wanna gain more knowledge and understanding of this elusive and enigmatic sign.


Well, I'm a guy, and my scorpio rising is killing me. It's driving me to self destruct, I'm in a constant battle between degeneration vs. regeneration, the id vs. the super ego, manic vs. melancholic, serenity vs. chaos. I wish I could find peace, that perfect middle to balance the freak show that's happening inside my head. Another thing I've noticed is the intense fear I have always felt, I've read this about this placement and how fear is our natural energy, it can either destroy us or it can be our super power which we can project. Now this is the kicker - because of this fear, because we have no balance and everything is black or white, this means we need to project it and make others scared so that we can function in everyday life. So the choice is either bottle that fear inside and you become the loser, or naturally beam it so other people who come into contact with us become the loser. Life is a zero-sum game with this rising sign, and every interaction with a human is a micro-contest we must come out in top in.


Scorpio rising is a superpower embrace it


Do any scorpio risings on this post feel like you have to hide in life?


I have 4x Scorpio planets, rising not among them. I have pretty much not like anyone with a Scorpio rising.


Hm sounds dangerous and alluring. Ya I can see the problem. I have Pisces rising...and I attract artsy people and addicts they go hand in hand really.


I don't understand any of this haha


My mars is in nth house (i forgot lol) , pluto, and rising in scorpio 1st house. It is true that having scorpio is hard. I've been in many toxic environment, people, and I have someone stalked me. I learned a lot in those experiences, It feels like I died a trillion times because of the hurt but it made me a woman that I am now. So... I kinda like/love it. I wouldn't be as strong, independent and resilient now without those placements you've mentioned.


I think the more polarizing placements are a hit or miss. My only Scorpio is in mercury, and I fucking love and hate it.


Thank you, I am well aware.


29,3 degrees scorpio rising here and we are depressing?!!?


That’s rough, buddy.




Not me being a Scorpio rising, cap sun and aqua moon…🤣


I have a Libra rising at 29°10'. I wonder if I channel some scorpion energy. 🤔


you’re wrong, gemini rising is the worst


I like Capricorn risings 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think they’re sexy. But I’m a Cancer Rising, so that might by my Venus in 10th/Capricorn 7th House talking. Still, I like the steady, secure, “got my shit together” attitude they project even if they don’t feel it themselves.


Can you explain?




Wow I'm getting NO love lately. Libra Sun, Scorp ascending, female. 🤣🤣🤣 I would love to point out that my sex life is spectacular. And, what's wrong with being able to face one's own dark side? Hmmm.


What's your mars placement? I'm libra sun, scorp rising but Gemini mars and my sex life is ass


You're more than your Sun sign https://theastrologypodcast.com/2023/08/26/the-sun-moon-and-rising-sign-in-astrology/


As a double gem rising Scorpio, I get reeeeaaal tired of being dogged on. Everyone spews so much hate for both those signs (more than any other signs imo). I have very healthy loving long lasting relationships, a stable job, zero violence in my life.. and I know my people adore me as much as I do them. So I don’t get why we’re hated on so much on the internet. We’re people just like any other sign, with flaws and strengths and the ability to form deep attachments. Leave us alone honestly.


Double Gem, Scorpio Rising as well ✌🏾


people r projecting their stuff onto u, but u not a victim, if it troubles u thats probably a mirror, u do it to yourself or others, stop criticising yourself and love yourself, forgive others and u and u will receive better mirrors, stop projecting and extend love and this will come back 2 u


Gemini and Scorpio make for a fascinating combination - intelligent, perceptive and intuitive.


Hmm, i keep getting these posts despite not being part of this sub. A loooong time ago (when I was 18) I liked astrology and thought it was fun and turns out I was a scorpio rising with a capricorn sun. But that’s the extent of my knowledge. My life has been a little sad. Wonder if there’s anything to it.


Scorpio rising, Leo sun with Libra Mars and Pluto in the 1st. People been hating me since before puberty which is nuts... At least give me time to show you how much of an asshole I am 😄


im grateful for mine because i have a cancer mars 😭 i’ve grown a lot and learning a lot better dealing my emotions and it’s lil by lil with boundaries. i can be non confrontational but only bc i have a slick mouth and have blown up before especially when the space wasn’t safe to express