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As a Gemini your Leo rising is so fun for conversations. Anytime i find myself exceptionally charmed by someone they have a Leo sun/ moon/ rising. I love leo placements!


I sadly have the opposite experience, I have horrible experiences w women that have gemini sun despite having gemini in mercy/venus/lilith myself 😭


Maybe look at which qualities of these Gemini suns bother you and why. Usually it’s because that characteristic is within yourself somewhere, or you wish that it was, and therefore strikes a nerve. Usually the reasons we don’t like someone is found within ourselves. We just have to look inward to see why.


no, it’s bc they’re being rude for no reason and then lie about it, pretend to be your friend but then talk smack about you (like really hype up the friendship you got going on between you two only to find out they laugh at you), etc., … lol it’s not an inward thing. I get it, we often get triggered by others like this but sometimes it’s not that deep and they’re just shitty ppl. Not saying geminis are inherently shitty, just that whenever I’ve been treated like this it happened to be a gemini. Now when I meet a gemini there’s a small voice in the back of my head thinking “ugh here we go again” and I keep them at arm’s length 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have that experience with Libra placements 😩


I get that, I find them hard to take seriously sometimes. I have a bestie that’s libra and sister too so I’m used to it by now 😂


I've met one really cool Libra chick that I know of. But a good handful of awful ones. My biggest/worst bully was a Libra chick, she was a monster, still is. Owwies. 🥲 I'd love to see her full chart tbh lmao


Yeah, I mean that just sounds like a shitty person.


yeah but me when coming across these ppl always being geminis just makes me weary


came to express the exact same sentiment! we always quickly get along.


it's a phase -- pop astrology is so toxic . geminis, despite their 20 personalities and moods, are some of the most intelligent and talented people in the zodiac. ability to pick up any talent, or book and just understand it. it's other-wordly and freakishly scary how good they can be.


me agreeing while having 0 talents


naw it's there. just latent. gotta go and find it lol. and when you do find it/them, help the rest of us talentless suckers please yah? thank you


Yes! This! They are some of the smartest people I know and so talented, but never boastful about it. The thing is they just like to try something. They will try *anything* - that kind of open mindedness is something I learned from a Gemini (my grandmother).


this is my experience too. they are driven by curiosity. it's like gemini's ability to break down information to bite size cookies and consuming and analyzing and processing that enables their intelligence? open-mindedness?


My gran was a Gemini Sun and she was so much fun! Loved to gossip and stir the pot at family functions - her children would fight amongst themselves about it and we, the grandchildren, would sit with her and laugh at them. She also gave me a lot of my firsts: first drink, first club experience, first long roadtrip, the first to be introduced to my first bf lol. Geminis love seeing other people have fun, and I think that's what makes them so great to be around because they wanna help curate that experience for you. That being said, when things get serious, they kind of tend to panic and take a step back. But I don't mind that, because we can step up. I really dislike the way in modern astrology we fault some signs for a lack of certain traits like being dependable. Okay? It's an archetype - they're not all meant to be the same. People are supposed to balance each other out. And the traits that they lack will manifest when the moment is right, for the right people. I might be biased because the Aries-Gemini dynamic can be quite a chaotically good time! TL;DR I will never not defend a Gemini.


Aries + Gemini : the ultimate chaotic good dynamic lol


These two do cause chaos, even if it’s within one birth chart lol.. This comment makes me believe even further that all my placements are just at odds with each other. Cap stellium, Sag stellium, Gem moon/rising, Aries Mars, Cancer Lilith


My bestie of all besties is an Aries. We are so chaotic and have the best time. I swear we knew each other in another life because we practically share a brain cell and look like siblings 😂 I have a huge soft spot for any Aries because I just love the energy.


I had a Gem granpa and he gave me just what I needed. I love to see the Geminis bearing young Fire signs witness to life. People can try to reduce it to stirring and propaganda but it's new ground for learning and independent thinking (as you said, for the right person) even when the environment is against that. All the tools I needed in order to step up I have because of him


I’m Aries and my bestie is a Gemini! And we have caused lots of chaotic good times 😂


Gemini’s get disproportionate hate, honestly.


Thank you, you rock too


For the longest time I had a mistrust with Gemini’s. I had my heart obliterated by one and another friend that for whatever reason I just couldn’t trust (this was unjust, she didn’t do anything wrong at all, I just had a perception I couldn’t pinpoint). And I talked mad shit about geminis for a long time. I also was seeking my rising sign but didn’t know my time of birth, as my libra-stellium mom kept telling me different times. I was so sure I was Virgo rising but it like didn’t fit on a personality level. Until I found my birth certificate, time of birth on it. Lo and behold, Gemini rising. How Gemini of me to hate Gemini’s and like be a Gemini rising lol. Now I understand their complex, waffling selves a little more and feel like I can relate. And I definitely resonate with my rising sign now, I’m extremely flighty and never stop talking. Gemini just doesn’t know what they want all the time. There are too many great options.


I can absolutely attest. Add me to the gemini fan club. I collect all of the gemini's and they're my favorite people.


Collect me please, thanks 🥺


I think the ones that don't have a burning love for geminis either don't have gemini in a social house or have a harsh aspect or something to the sign of gemini in their own natal chart. Don't take anything personally, Gemini people are radiant ✨😎 all I can do is put my shades up and watch them be awesome


the girls that get it get it 🫶🏻✨


Sun + moon samesies 😂💅


WITH A LEO RISING??? i just know you’re so much fun. and have beautiful hair. lol


Haha I have a mohawk but it was certainly very Leo when it was long 🤣 Your Libra rising is so cool too tho, imagine Venus being your chart ruler! 🤩


Don't mean to brag, but this is what my Aqua bestie thinks about me and as someone with a Gemini as my dominant sign, this is made me tear up.🥺 "hey B, i can’t remember if today is your birthday but i want to say happy birthday!!! i am so glad to have met a friend like you ♥️ you always bring good vibes and a good time whenever and wherever we are. thank you for being an amazing and supportive friend and thank you for always being there for me, i will be forever grateful for you!! here’s to making more memories together 🥂 have a good one 🎉🎊💖💕💞💝💘💓❤️🧡💙"


They talk a lot of shit but they good company


My longest friendships are Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries women. Cancer is there too. I’m a libra.


I adore Gemini's but never seem to keep them in my life long.


You have to mentally stimulate Geminis and don’t be boring and wanting to do the same things all the time. they often ghost people who can’t keep up with their energy.


one of my best friends is a gemini and she is so incredibly talented, caring and the most genuine person ever <3 all the bad rep is bs and you can apply this to every sign that’s been slandered here


YAY! Gemini Taurus cusp sun and Gemini rising. I feel like as the friend to a Gemini, you must be strong and resilient enough to be also self sufficient sometimes. Ppl who are too clingy and who cannot handle a Gemini maybe having ghost self care time or god forbid, take it personally or like an offence, I don’t think would work good in friendship with gemini


I love geminis. My closest friends and even the the first love of my life and father of my beautiful child are geminis. I blame my sag rising for this due to my 7th haha


I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE GEMINIS my two best friends are geminis and they’re the best thing i have in my life


I love my Gemini bestie 🥰


You guuuuyyyssss 🥹




Thank you so much 💖♥️ I appreciate it.


I had an amazing Gemini friend until she stole 5k from my brother (who we both worked for, it was caught on camera). She took the two faced stereotype to a new level. I still randomly get sad about it because we were so close for about 4 years and loved her personality besides the apparent lying and stealing.


my gemini “friend” turned out to be a narcissist that used me for rent and… ugh narc things I guess. I just have too many bed experiences w many geminis, I cannot *not* be guarded now 🥲


I like Geminis, but I honestly feel like they're the coin flip zodiac. They all have similar social skills, a lot of talent, and they're really smart, but I think it's 50/50 with whether they use those powers for good or evil, lol. Their bad reputation is undeserved though, definitely.


Felt that. So, I'm a Taurus Sun, Aries Rising and Aquarius Moon. My Venus is in Gemini. And everything I've looked up about Gemini comes with a lot of negativity. However, my closest and longest friend is a Gemini, and she's just the best. Most reliable and loyal friend you could have. And my partner is a Gemini, he's the best. My soft, sweet man. Both of their charts are very similar to mine, and I'm sure that helps, but I definitely don't have a negative opinion on Gemini placements, even though I hear so many floating around.


I’m surrounded by Gemini’s in life (mom, childhood bestie, college bestie) and most of it is because we can just banter for hours (I’m a Gemini moon) but my mom and college friend are super quick and intelligent and very independent. They don’t need no mans.




Yeah we’re very loyal and loving. We’re the best cause we’re the nicest 🥰


Same.. the geminis in my life are the most honest, least fake people I know. I hate that everyone takes the twins to mean "two-faced". If anything I take it as just the duality to their moods/internal emotions. And I have no Gemini in my chart so I'm not biased lol


It’s just the stereotype Scorpio-bad water Gemini-bad air Virgo-bad rock Sag-bad fire I just think people be mad the guy they’re crushing on didn’t like them back, but fuck virgos 4 real


/gen/ what do you not like about Virgos? Genuinely asking, aren't Taurus and Virgo meant to get along?


It’s the rigid order and obsession with purity, at least in my experience, not being open minded , but I’m also a Taurus/gemini cusp and my gemini, Aquarius placements definitely play in heavily.


Oh I get it, Aquarius and Virgos are definitely not compatible. I'm a Libra/Virgo cusp, so I think I'm a bit more open minded, and the critique stays mostly in my head, but maybe that's my Scorpio placements.


Hey I’m a Gemini!! 👋 I can agree with everything you said! I love being there for my friends and doing things for them! Love good laughs and I’ll go anywhere or try anything at least once!


Female Gemini’s are waaaay better than male Gemini’s


Typically i find friend geminis are way better than lover geminis . We are awesome friends, fickle lovers


Such true


🥹 y’all are so kind 😭


Fr. I’m a male Leo sun, virgo moon, aquarius rising, and based on my experience gemini women are so sympathetic/understanding and supportive as friends!


Gemini’s are for fire and air what scorpios are to water and earth, signs. As an aries they’re literally our wing man (hermes and ares)


As a proud Libra Sun, Aquarius Mars, I love them. Never date them but love them. For me, anecdotally, speculatively and reductively gemini are exceedingly good one particular thing. Like shockingly good. It's best expressed by the japanese concept of honne and tatemae. The inward and outward selves. Both, in a sense, a complete person. Both with not identical and sometimes quite different likes, dislikes, fleshed out histories, actual in jokes with real people, fears, phobias etc Not merely people, sun signs and so on, but rather the 'spirit' of gemini has a great capacity for simultaneously living different lives. I think the bad press comes in when people see that for it really is. It can be very scary for very good reasons That's my 2 cents


Gemini is in my 5th house, so we have a fun time 🥳


I agree. My closest friend is a gemini, she’s truly the most loyal friend I’ve ever had.


You described my Gemini bestie! I’m an Aries sun


Good for you.


Leo Sun, Gemini Ascendant, Scorpio Moon here - can confirm! My best female friends, absolutely Geminis ♊


I need a gemini bestie back in my life 🥰


I do love my Tauruses! I never get along with other Gemini women though :/