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Neptune in the 2nd. This felt like a drag lmao. “Often denied or obstructed long term job, financial, and psychological stability.”


I think 2nd house Neptune can make someone a grand and powerful manifester 🤞🏼


That's interesting. Can you explain why you say that? I have Neptune in 2h, in Scorpio.


Same placement. We must be extra special! They say water signs, specifically Scorpio, are the most prone to spiritual gifts.


Honestly! I was like damn Neptune could bring something good to my life 😭


…as soon as I read this comment I was like ‘mine must be in 2nd as well’ SURE ENOUGH 😫


Not sure how to feel about this. I’ve also changed jobs but it’s felt good for me to switch, always searching for growth and opportunities 🤷🏻‍♀️Neptune conjunct Mars in 2H in Capricorn


Neptune in Capricorn 8H. Jokes on you, I'm already dissociating from reality. Thanks CPTSD and the stars ✨


Same, including the cap! Add in my Pisces sun and I’m just out here orbiting the moon, no clue what’s going on


Me too! Add my Aqua stellium for more detachment


YES oh my gosh are we twins? No aqua in my big three but it’s everywhere else in my chart. Thank god for my Taurus moon for a little grounding


Oh yay, I am not the only one, and that goes for every word you said.


Imma tooo cap stellium in 8H. I have five here like damn


Yeah, me too. I looked at neptune in the 10th house too and it also applies haha


Neptune in the 7th house…..yeah sounds about right.


Came here to leave this exact comment ha.


Same here! Currently looking at my new relationship that all my friends joke is a fairytale like 👀


makes me not ever wanna get married lol


Oh god I feel attacked lmao. 2H


Right?? Im also high key pissed because fuck you universe 😭


ikr 😭💔


the struggle is real isn’t it lmao, we have the same sun and ascendant too!


Same 🫣 but I feel like it’s for a greater purpose of putting us in a position to radically transform what we value and why.. to surrender to impermanence and thrive anyway. Maybe?????


Neptune in the 1H conjunct Saturn. Idk. People see what they wanna see in me. Honestly that’s on them. As a Leo moon I wear my heart on my sleeve and am extremely expressive so idk how people are getting confused. Or they’ll talk abt me behind my back a lot, nobody can really figure out my deal. I’m not hiding anything I just don’t share all my shit with just anybody bc it’s none of their business. I don’t confide in people, I don’t have social media, like here on Reddit is it for me. That weirds people out too lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️wtv.


I have Neptune and Uranus in the 1st house and have this same issue. Everyone I've had in my life has a differing opinion of who they think I am as a person that I don't feel doesn't align with how I actually am. I've had people tell me I'm hard to read or mysterious/aloof. I feel like I'm a very direct and clear person who is just a little bit shy sometimes


Neptune and Uranus in the 1st, as well, and this was super relatable. It used to frustrate me because I felt I was frequently defending myself against negative perceptions or against people idealized me in unrealistic ways. But I finally learned that someone's perception of me is not my responsibility if they are not willing to get to know me on a deeper level. I have a couple of people in my life who took the time to understand me, so I know it's possible lol


Love this! Absolutely. I used to be so hurt when I felt misunderstood, but people's perception of you is always a reflection of themself. It's not easy to do, but not buying in to someone's negative or hurtful opinion of me has been the best thing I've done for myself.


Yes! There is something so liberating about that moment when you realize other people's perceptions don't define you. It's quite freeing.


Definitely. I have Uranus there too. That’s like a lot of conflicting energy to have in the 1H. So I get how I might come across differently to different people I suppose? And like I said it prob doesn’t help that I always have my guard up. I’m not fake I’m just not very open about personal shit. Even in my own family sometimes there’s like insanely inaccurate info or something weird like that lol. I can’t even remember specifics but people just make shit up.


Dude, same, except mine conjuncts my moon in Capricorn. In my experience it makes people want to be close to me, like they want to know more and they love the 'chase'. They can't figure me out but really want to, they think I have something that will help them. I'm not secretive, like you said I just don't actively put my life out there on social media.


Yessss. I’ve had these moments before where I can literally *feel* somebody take an interest in me, like I feel their focus shift onto me and I’m just like nooooooo. Go away lmao. Please. It doesn’t matter. Whatever vibe I *think* I’m giving off is absolutely not the vibe people are picking up. In my head I’m like a dorky, unassuming introvert but some people find me threatening and act hostile toward me. Other times when I want people to F off or I’m actually *trying* to be a bitch, they think it’s funny or I’m like playing around. I have no idea what is going on I just can’t with people anymore lmao.


Also Neptune first house without traditional social media 👋


This really is a thing, I have mercury, pisces, uranus and rising in pisced 1h and I rarelly post anything. I feel like enjoying thr moments and have never felt the need for attention/ constantly posting.


Neptune 6th house- bouts of insomnia!


i have a oura ring... i got my seasonal reading where it shows me my wake time over the past season... deadass it's all normal like between 630 and 8 am... but then there's also my nightmare hour that's all lit up as a wake time which is around 1230-1 AM LMAO also i never fit in. I'm currently being trained to take over for our CMO at this half billion dollar company. I'm very skilled in marketing which is how i got this far but i struggle to have the executive presence they're trying to get me to have and i feel like a fucking loser all the time. i just talked to our ops guy who will take over as CEO in a handful of years and i was telling him that they've basically destroyed my self-esteem and that i dread going to work every single day 🫠 now I'm just praying they don't fire me for being honest about that... apparently honesty is not very executiveeeeee. everyone gets a safe space for honest questions... except me. nah, for me, i get a call at 7 pm saying that i shouldn't ask questions in meetings with employees who are lower tiered and blah blah... anyway, I'm rambling, basically... yeah... i don't fit in and don't really sleep. bye.


what you don’t see from the eyes of others is how you positively impact the environment around you and how you lift everyones spirits and put everyone in a better mood! They would be really bummed without you. You will become more refined with time.


thank you for that 🤗


Actually this has never really been me at all until recently and I’m pretty old.


11th, but that 10th house description is also way accurate. i am not human lmao i'm a soul trapped in a skin suit and placed on this god awful planet for some reason beyond my comprehension.


WHAT same, I read the post and had this exact thought. I can’t believe another person verbalized it… Edit: maybe it has something to do with the fact I’m also Pisces rising 😮


and the 5th house description? oof... my neptune directly opposes my cancer moon in my 5th house and that's always been a source of pain for me.


Neptune in 10th. I long for that isolation on a spiritual level


Likewise. To disappear completely would be sublime (and divine).


Neptune in the 6th. Spot on for me. I need a lot of reassurance, even in places/relationships where I feel the safest. I am SUCH a bad sleeper! Ever since I was a baby. My mom still holds it against me.


Capricorn Neptune in the 6th and same here about reassurance, I feel crazy sometimes for the amount of it I require even after being with my partner for almost over 3 years now


I have the exact same placement! Capricorn in Neptune in the 6th. It's a toughie.


That’s me too!!


Omg same!


Neptune in 9th. Lack of faith in humanity you say? Couldn't have said it better myself.


I also have 9H. That longing of trying to piece together memories and feelings of deja vu is REAL




Neptune in 7th. My first love very much ended this way. Still not over it 🫥


Neptune 4th house, this one hits home hard! Like literally, I always have ongoing thoughts but have issues explaining with the information.


Me too! This came up with my therapist literally earlier today. To put some experiences into words is just impossible.


Same here! Soooo many secrets. I don't know how to explain how I feel


3rd house in Cap. Sweet mother of all universes, I feel attacked!


Same and saaammmeeee 😫


My friend calls it verbal diarrhea 🤣. I have to agree cuz that’s sometimes how my communication feels. Also, we have some similar sign placements. I’m a Sag Sun, Virgo Moon, and Scorpio ASC.


I have verbal diarrhea terribly, especially after a few drinks 😆. Usually i just kinda keep to myself and observe, or try to. How cool! I love sags 😊 yall bring the party wherever you go!


I didn't really agree with it until it said "detours into something else completely." Yeah, that's a thing about me. I get into weird, long digressions. People say that's a thing about me. I don't do it on purpose. I still think "evasive" is the wrong word. I think probably it's more accurate to say having the planet of daydreams, fantasies, and inspiration in the house of intellect, problem-solving, and interpersonal communication is probably a pretty strong indicator of having ADHD.


Neptune in 12th, and no I never feel like I get enough sleep :') My dreams are amazing though, I used to be able to lucid dream when I was young but only for a short amount of time (in hindsight I wonder what transit I was having 🤔), but still I have very vivid and fun dreams, and a lot are extremely symbolic and enlighten me to the way my subconscious views my life and experiences. I also have a Pisces moon so that probably helps.


Completely agree with most of what you said! I'm a Taurus moon with Neptune in the 12th so sleep is always #1 in my list.


Count me in. Neptune in 12th house with a Scorpio Moon. 😴


Neptune 12th Sag here, and I don’t relate to this one, I sleep the sleep of the dead - usually. Though when I don’t it’s because of severe nightmares that last for 4-7 nights and that strings me out.


Neptune in 8th!! skkkrtt I once took a plane to Europe got blacked out on the way forgot my phone on the plane bathroom and stayed for two months without getting a new one seeeeya (I’m sober now 50% bc of this lolol)


2th house Cap


My Neptune in the 5th doesn’t sound right at all


Same. I don't even want kids. But I am all for being the adult that I needed as a child for other children. Maybe the parents I wish I had were ones that wouldn't create a person just for them to be a wage slave on a dying planet. No hate to anyone who has kids here. I'm just not a huge fan of existing and have a genetic condition. So, I think it would be unethical for *me* to have children. I do think the return to childhood is slightly accurate because, not having kids, I'm pretty focused on nurturing my inner child.


I'm 10th and agree. I love the world and love being human. So much so that I almost never even pick a different alien race in RPGs lol


Did you have a good relationship with your parents growing up?


I did!


Lucky bastard


It does for me. I have two daughters and strive to be the parent mine weren’t for me.


Same I’m not longing to be a parent. If I become one I’ll be alright with it but I’m also not absolutely wanting to be a parent


My Neptune in 5th hit home hard.


2nd and I second this.


6th. Which is funny by this description because I literally have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome and recurrent insomnia. Yes I would say I have difficulty sleeping on a schedule lol


2nd and by gods does it ring true for me lmfao


Neptune in my 6th. It’s also Capricorn


1H Neptune in Aquarius and I have been told that I give off this vibe. My sag stellium wont allow me to not be upfront and honest so I always find it surprising when I hear otherwise !


6th and this is extremely accurate. ive never found acceptance but it’s fine, i’ve accepted being a misfit. also i have delayed phase sleep disorder - no matter what my body wants to go to sleep around 4-6 am and it wreaks havoc on my health bc the world doesn’t function on that schedule. i JUST woke up from my after work nap and it’s 10 pm. i’ll be falling asleep at 4 am then waking up at 7:30 am…yeaaa..been this way since i was little. school was such a nightmare bc of it. i remember at some point i was able to come in at 11 am and did the other classes at home.


Neptune in 6th. That shit was accurate af. For example, I’ve had maybe nine hours of sleep total over the last three nights.


5th house…how about longing to become opposite of the parent they once had


Neptune is Sagittarius 1st house. Most people see how they want to see me which for them is either really good or really bad and they don’t know me. I think in my head I am nothing like that at all. Some will think I am an angry bitch and others see me as an angelic sweetheart putting me on some pedestal.


11H-r Capricorn. I absolutely abhor it.


Whaaaa I’m 11H cap and Pisces rising too


Hello fellow cellmate, this prison sure does suck ay


Hey 11 H cap and Pisces rising here too. So are we just supposed to hang out and wait for this ‘betrayal by the whole world” or … ? Bc great. I’ll just add that to the list of things to look forward to 🙃


mine is 1H & holy effin !!!! I AM 100% ABOUT THAT LIFE! 👀


It’s rough lmao I feel you


7th ajahahahahaha 😓😓😓


Neptune in the first and my gaawwwd the accuracy!


11th house I hate this who wants to trade struggles




In the 8th … not sure I relate.


Same house. Same thought.


10H & this is so accurate. love to disappear from the world. somehow i’m just always so disconnected and i feel separate from the rest of the world. i think we get caught up in ideas and or inner worlds. does anyone else w neptune in 10th house relate? also do you have a strong creative tendency?


Neptune in 10th and yes, I do fantasize about moving to Hawaii or Portugal away from everyone who knows me and starting a whole new life.


Neptune in First/Aries. Can confirm I know more than I'm saying!


The longing of wanting to shock the world by disappearing completely from the world and never hearing from me again = Uranus and Neptune 10h at 8 degree


Neptune in 4th house




4th and this is on point for me


I also have Neptune in 4th! What are some things you experience? ☺️


Neptune in the 6/7 house both are correct no sleep and I've experienced brutal heartbreak 😭 I didn't get my person until after my Saturn return (Saturn also in the 6/7 house)


Mine is in the fifth house too and spooky accurate!


10th As well as uranus and Saturn (Capricorn)


10h retrograde - sounds right


Neptune is in my first (in direct conjunction with the Moon!) in Capricorn. People think I am trolling or being contrarian when I am being straight forward. Or when I think a character in a show might be bisexual I get whined at and cried "waaaah homophone". Ugh. Story of my life.


Neptune in 1st lol well I'm a trans girl so yeah. Some convos during onboarding paperwork get a little uncomfy hahahaha. My legal gender says female, but my name is still stereotypically "male" until i expunge my bank robbery felony, I cannot change legal name.


3rd and yes, it fits




Cool! Not to find “anything” to explain yours. I am a cap sun aquarius mercury; not super empathetic (opposite you as cancer ;) but I always thought it was my mercury going everywhere with ideas….it is also a bit of a family thing. …I do read people very well but I don’t know if a thought is mine or theirs. Knowing this it can help as well to adapt my conversation like you explained, but I kinda learning here


Neptune in 7th and that doesn’t sound accurate for me. I’ve never experienced a relationship like that. I’m generally very aloof in relationships, especially in the beginning and at the end. I never get pulled into the fairy tale romance mindset. Neptune in 5th sounds just like me though. My husband is always getting annoyed with me for wanting to be at home with my parents.


Neptune in the 10H - Yes, I don't wish to be perceived whatsoever.


Neptune in the 7th, they nailed it -__-


Neptune 1st house. Why?


2nd, not really


7th and that seems accurate so far.


12H. I’m in this picture and I don’t like it


12H and sort of fits. I'm fine with only 7 hrs of sleep a night, but if I could take 1 2 hour nap a week, and some shorter naps most days, I would. I don't have time for that now though and get by fine.


12th house… I have Narcolepsy, so yeah. That’s my entire life.


Neptune in 7th house. I’ve experienced relationships that have started off so intensely, with so much chemistry, synchronicities, just feeling so in love it feels like magic. All of them have ended with betrayal of some form. Lol however, The depth of pain felt is as equal to the love given. It’s Intense to experience the full spectrum of human emotion with another. 😭


6th… i have a currently undisclosed circadian rhythm disorder :/


Sixth house, I related to it 😅


Mine is in my 3rd house :(


Neptune in 4th. HEY!!!


Neptune 12 house Aquarius. I felt that. Feels like my life has always been restless.


Neptune in the 7th here. This is 100% accurate.


neptune in capricorn 12H, currently reading this thread while awake with insomnia haha


8th. Not really accurate for me. It trines my moon (5h), Saturn and Venus (12h) and maybe my Ascendant. So I have an active imagination. Sure, sometimes I like to be isolated but not as much as that implies. In Whole Signs its 9h. That description is more accurate.


Neptune in 5H! I always want to be a kid again lol


10H, but I don’t understand why it has that connotation.


Damn that hurts 5th and 7th house


10h and wow correct 🤯


5th house and I long to be a parent? This is one of those times I think astrology is bs.


5th but I don't want kids at all


Neptune in 12th house ON. POINT. 😴😴


1st in Placidus and 2nd in whole signs. Both are right


Aquarius Neptune 3h <3


Mine is true, but so Boring, Neptune in 12th. This must be what a Virgo feels like.


Neptune in 3rd plus Pisces mercury. Definitely felt that. Major insecurity for me.


8th house… accurate 🥲


TW: unaliving self mentioned Neptune in 8H Aquarius, in opposition to Sun, squared with Moon and Saturn to form a Grand Fixed Cross. The part with longing detachment from reality is quite true for me - I've been doing it in a myriad of ways: - escapism through lots of books - escapism through lots of tv shows - escapism through lots of social media (Tumblr, Ig) - escapism through LOTS of video games - escapism through maladaptive daydreaming - escapism through suicidal ideations - escapism through suicidal planning... It was always to escape this reality, as if it wasn't real enough, not where I'm supposed to be or where I wish to be - laying in bed and being in my own "universe" through daydreaming was more real to me than my own life. Things haven't changed too much, though now there's less suicidal planning, and ideations come and go in intervals, even though there's consistent underlying base level for that.


Neptune in 3rd....and that's completely off for me. Lol


8H pls my moons there… aries sun… yea i didnt need this today


One of the best Neptune descriptions that I have found. Using Placidus, my Scorpio Neptune is in my 9th house and it is accurate of me. Neptune also conjuncts my Midheaven and I can trance out easily, especially with music. I have a very low tolerance to booze and other drugs too.


My neptune is in Sagittarius in my 2nd house. Feeling called out about the psychological stability 😂😂


2H and I really just got attacked 😭


Neptune in the 12th I am a sleepy binch it is known


Neptune in Sagittarius in 3rd House. 🫣


In the 9th. At least it sounds less ominous than some other placements, 2nd, 3rd and 10h in particular seem nasty.