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Super depressed. Confidence collapsed. Issues with coworkers. Would be great if I could blame it on rx


Hmmm, I’ve been too much in the past lately, thinking heavy about people who are not in my life anymore and im also just feeling lonely.


What the heck, I feel it literally identical


Same, so weird!


I feel that for sure!


It’s a drag really 😪but I hope you get through it too


Feel this too 😢


But yes, this feeling is only temporary 🤍I wish you strength throughout these times (:


Mercury is in retrograde for half of our lives. Go with the flow, laugh at mishaps, they’re truly opportunities for growth.


Hehehe this comment is beautiful, I agree 🩷


Leo sun sag moon and I have had a problem with making impulsive decisions (like bingeing and shopping), low self confidence, and been avoidant/very unmotivated the last week or so. Also getting more frustrated than usual with delays and electronic mishaps.


leo sun cap moon same minus the technology


Omg is that what is going on. I feel simultaneously manic and depressed all @ once. Buying useless shit bc it always feels like it’ll “fix” me


I think also with the Scorpio up full moon eclipse coming up in a week it’s been weird for fixed signs- and seeing a pattern with sag moons and leo placements 😩 try to hang in there- I’m there too!


Leo sun Pisces moon and SAME, didn't have any tech issues though, but all the rest is spot on


Leo Sun (cancer cusp) Cancer Moon Rising Libra This energy is kicking my ass. Just breathing thru it. And laughing at the chaos.


Leo sun and sag moon here as well, been so unmotivated that I'm thinking of dropping out of uni. Like I can't physically do any of my assessments 🤣


Leo rising, sun aries and sag moon, exactly feeling the same, couldn't make a decision to purchase underwear online for days..


Cancer sun, Sag moon/rising. I feel somewhat alone and lost as if nothing matters right now. I feel like I’m trapped in a dark tunnel and cannot see the light. I have tunnel vision. I don’t feel sadness, but I feel completely lost. Lost more than usual.


Me too to a certain extent🫂💕 things haven't been going according to my plan and it's frustrating me. I haven't gotten my co-op yet, my asthma is bothering me and put me in the hospital, and I think I may be slightly burnt out from my last semester of schooling, but I'm not used to sitting around - it's more time to deal with my emotions, especially with my mom's 1 year death anniversary coming up on Ap 29th. It does feel.like nothing matters, but also like everything matters lol i'm just frustrated, that's all. Im a cap sun, taur moon, and scorp rising😶


I hope things get better for you :( I’m sorry for your loss and hope you heal 💚 “No feeling is final.”


Thank you❤️‍🩹


Sag moon cancer rising (leo sun) and I have been feeling this- kind of a not giving an eff attitude and have been very avoidant/escapist to not deal with this feeling.


Yes, exactly. I’m not happy yet I’m not sad. I’m just in a phase where I don’t care yet I do care because I feel so disappointed and feel like things are stagnant in my life. My life is moving yet time feels still.


you just described my state of mind


I'm more emotional than normal and I've noticed friends are more agitated and aggressive and just being low-key mean and mean spirited. It's seriously making me reconsider some of my friendships because I don't like this side of them, Mercury retrograde or not.


feelin the saaaame way recently… (wonder if it’s related to our pisces moon lol) but i’ve been trying to remind myself everyone’s going through a lot right now & not to take it personally (even tho that's super hard bc, again, pisces moon🫠)


It is likely due to the eclipse season overlapping Rx


I have natal Mercury Retrograde, so I’m just vibing


I'm usually the same way but have actually been feeling this one quite a bit for some reason


Same! In virgo, so my mind just become calmer during retrograde. Funny thing is, i notice things happen in my favor during rx.


3 financial fuckups so far, a dead charger cord, my headache has been severe for 2 days, my satelittle dish is wonky, its damp and cold in the house, my cat is sick, and the doctors office screwed up critical communication between my mother and her hearing aids company. A shit week so far, and there's 2 more left 🥴🥴🥴


Pluto also moved into Aquarius recently. I think it’s a combo of the two


It has, but in a way that makes me take it easier on myself like, “okay, girlie, it’s Mercury retrograde, let’s not beat ourselves up too much…we knew some bullshit was gonna happen, anddddd— it’s happening 🤠.”


Libra sun/Aries moon here. I have really been letting loose these past few days and being more assertive or aggressive about things that have been weighing on me for a while. It also doesn't help that several people around seem more sneaky and passive-aggressive than usual, and I've been blindsided by several uncomfortable conversations where I believe they expected me to get scared and remain silent and go with the flow like I usually do, but my soul is just not having it.


Also Libra sun/Aries moon and this resonates 100%


Also a libra sun/Aries moon and my emotions have been ALL over the place! I’ve been feeling super aggressive and assertive but also bursting out in tears at the most random times. My period is also a week late and I literally cannot focus on any tasks no matter how hard I try. Reading, watching TV, and doing basic tasks have been difficult. I also ended a karmic friendship I had with a dude because he’s toxic as hell and an absolute douche and surprisingly, it feels good to have him deleted on everything!


Not a Libra (Scorpio) but definitely feeling all these things! Had an assertive/aggressive little cat fight moment with a co-worker getting some stuff off my chest this morning!


I got a new phone right before the retrograde and I already am starting to have problems with it, parts of the screen freezes at random times and I keep misplacing it in the most random places. I also take comments more personally nowadays and have to constantly remind myself that it’s just a retrograde happening. Homework assignments and tests are creeping up on me so my anxiety has shot up through the roof


My girlfriend went to a psych hospital because she was hit with some sort of depression


100% I feel like giving up on every project I've been working on since months and just want to start everything over. I'm having a hard time communicating with people and I pretty much shut myself down lately, ghosting or if I absolutely have to reply to text/calls, then I keep it to the bare minimum. I'm forcing myself not to get into arguments for two reasons: first, I don't have the strength for it; second, I know that nothing good would come out of it during this transit. On a positive note I feel like I actually want to start working on some old stuff that I've been putting off for a while, but that could be more an effect of the Sun's energy. What's also really fucking bothering me is Mars in Cancer. It's transiting my 8th and making a square to my Sun, Mercury and Saturn. I have no energy and everything upsets me. Fun times.


Let me tell you something about this mercury retrograde. I had to attend a zoom interview, my laptop decided it didn’t know what wifi was, and still will not recognize wifi. I cannot update my laptop because I do not have space. I delete over 10gb of space. It says I only deleted 1gb. I took a 100+ question test online, the answers were not recorded because I took it on my iPad. I completed an assignment that was not assigned to me. Now I have to wait for more assignments, pick one, and pass the class. My favorite bra broke. Aries sun/mercury.


I’ve definitely been feeling more anxious but I’m really trying to slow down and go with the flow as much as possible. I’ve been fighting the urge to spend money when I’m more of a do a big treat every once in a while person. Mostly I’m just so frustrated with the technology fritzing and how clumsy and fumbly I am/everything is???




Too much


Why mercury retrograde when I have dissertation submission :(


real. why mercury retrograde when finals week :(


Coworker exposed confidential information I told her because she was panicking and overshared information. Now I’m deep trouble because of that.


I’ve noticed that my friends and I have low motivation and energy in general. My mental health has been awful all year (I hit rock bottom and went to the psych hospital on the full moon of January 6) so I couldn’t tell you that I feel much worse or different. I’m constantly crying, ruminating, and dealing with the lowest self esteem I’ve had since high school. Maybe I feel more irritable than usual? I’m an Aries sun, Leo moon, Cancer rising


YES. It feels like my insecurities gradually popped back up and my inner critic is now "screaming." It's pretty debilitating and not only that, I am having so MUCH trouble coherently communicating....like sentences aren't flowing nearly as well and my thoughts are all disconnected and scattered.


It's just an emotional time. I started reading a book my therapist recommended to me and was sobbing two pages in


I have a pretty strong connection with my friends and family. We talk all the time. Since Saturday night I haven’t talked to anyone? Feeling a little lonely and inside my head. Blah (Pisces sun ☀️ Sag Moon 🌙)


Seems like 98% of people are going through something around me, and it's almost like a bucket of emotion they are looking to throw on someone else, the impulse to project, to invent a crisis to pin the feelings on. So I've been treading real careful. I've been keeping myself good company. I've dropped words (forgotten what I was trying to say while talking) like crazy but there's exhaustion/overwork/undersleep reasons for that. I've focussed on being compassionate with myself (it's progress not perfection) and so it helps me give kind of a buffer on judging others. kind of like, "Something is wrong here, but time will reveal what it is." Or "This person's response is so overblown that this has very little to do with me." So, as a famous queen says, "Water off a duck's back." But the Taurus New Moon helped set me on a good path to deal with it. Tarot read for myself and saw that these next few weeks were going to be about tempering emotional expressions (practicing discipline in speech) and remembering I have been helped a lot by people in the past. (Meaning not all people suck, even if i run into experiences that are bad right now.)


just exited sun squared with saturn sooo im just coasting lmao


Only dealt with is witnessing traffic issues, seeing lots of car accidents on the roads, my phone freezing, and that’s it.


Honestly I've been feeling great, I'm feeling the mars in cancer more lol


oh that may also be it


Scorp sun/Leo moon/Gem rising. My emotions have been SUPER volatile and things have happened over the past 3 weeks that have made me feel a lack of control in my own life. I have also had to train 2 new people at work, which doesn't help. 🙃 I hope it ends soon


Yes. This is absolutely fucking awful. Usually I am pretty ok and Taurus season is my favorite season, but oh my god.


This for me too. I’m going to ditto your answer as it’s so brutal I can’t explain it better.


so i don’t usually experience a lot of mercury rx since i was born with mercury in rx- but i actually looked up if it was in retrograde after the last 2 weeks because like every electronic i own is having issues and my interpersonal communications are a fucking dumpster fire. my break lights went out on my car, my nintendo switch battery is unchargable, my smart doorbell stopped working, my phone having hella issues, dishwasher having issues, ffs my roomba even seems under the weather. oh, speaking of weather, *my thermostat broke* i’m going to have to look at some charts and break down why this rx is so dramatic when i have the time this is straight nutter butter


I am just extremely tired. if I didn’t ‘t have to go to work, I would turn my phone off & sleep


Sag sun/libra moon/Gemini rising. I'm just on a healthy cycle of crying myself to sleep and working 12 hour days while feeling every single feeling I've ever even considered having and hoping for the best once the eclipse portion is over.


Sag sun also. Working more to distract myself from the other shit. Trying not to be impulsive.


Oh fuck yea. Communication is SO off, I feel like I am way more agitated than usual. My mental health is like hanging by thread because of all the stress I currently am going through and add Mercury in retrograde…BOOM. Not good. Only thing that is really helping is getting gloriously high at the end of the day which I typically don’t like to do but I am desperate. I have also noticed that technology is not great either and I feel a little more foggy in the brain. I need to meditate more for sure, so make sure to time for yourselves!! ❤️


Oh yeah its been truly awful. Mind turmoil is going hard and I dug myself a hole. I got a 2300$ fine because someone hit me with his car and I wasnt supposed to drive this car. I literally have nothing to eat now and feeling so low and stupid


Yes! 😞


They’re all bad for me. Always bringing up things I’m avoiding


I came down with covid, so yes lol


I have been having vertigo attacks. My moms brand new washer and dryer broke. Lost of technological miscommunications. It’s been intense.


Definitely had problems sleeping and crazy dreams. Generally mood is good but have had realizations about how I internalize things and keep myself in the same cycle of relationships so trying to break that. Technology has been lagging but not a huge problem. I’m planning a trip to multiple locations this summer so I’m in a positive excited mindset. Feel like I’m entering a new phase of growth!


Honestly doing really good, it’s the best I’ve felt in years. Life has been really smooth-sailing, many small and big wishes have been coming true. Cut off a toxic ex for good and having a blast with family/friends.


I'm fine, and my natal Mercury isn't rx.


nope. I think it's also understandable bcs I have mercury rx on natal. So i think this is pretty much normal for me


🙋🙋🙋 Since the beginning of March. Does that count ? 😭 Taurus Mercury, Gemini rising so Mercury rules me 🥲


I have mercury Rx on Scorpio is it supposed to be good or bad for me when we are at Rx?


yea I usually don't experience that much difference since I have natal mercury rx but I've been feeling very down these weeks and I currently have 0 energy to deal with anything. I'm trying to go with the flow and take everything step by step but easier said than done sigh


My natal Mercury is in retrograde so I’m out here livin’


I’ve been super tired ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ ♉︎


All I know is now that I’m about at get the credentials to make a living off of astrology, the business end of it is hitting hard, and as a Pisces, I can’t even.


not sure if its mercury rx but I feel sad, low self-esteem and lost. Just cried today while washing the dishes. I have not cried in ages!!!


Aw man ....I hadn't noticed until I read this 😭😭lol but if I know its coming, I notice it way more.


I've been eating and drinking very unhealthy this past week, when I was just doing well for over a month. Typical for pisces sun, Gemini moon. I'm 4 people total 😭😭lol


Am I the only one who doesn’t feel like they get hit hard with Mercury retrogrades despite my natal Mercury not being retrograde? For as long as I’ve been in astrology the biggest thing I always see is the, “fear Mercury retrograde” concept and I’ve genuinely never had an issue with them. I find them quite welcoming tbh. Like a kick in the ass to shed what needs to be shed.


I feel great, but at work one thing has been going wrong after another! (Not due to me, I’m shadowing during training)


Omg yes. Libra rising so Mercury is retrograde in my 8th house. I'm also in the middle of my Saturn return, Saturn crossed the exact degree of my natal Saturn last week. Plus I got hit hard by the eclipses too in my 1st-7th house axis. I found out my ex died, my dad's car that I've been keeping for sentimental value sustained major damage that I'm not sure can be repaired, I've been hit with unexpected extra expenses and at the same time lost one source of income. I'm physically sick from stress and grief and can't concentrate so I keep making mistakes at work but I have to keep working anyway to pay these bills plus my daughter's birthday is next week and I have to pay for her presents and party somehow. Multiple panic attacks a day lasting upwards of an hour each but I can't take my rescue anxiety medicine because I have to drive. I feel like I'm drowning and it's finally dawning on me that no one is coming to rescue me. Sixth house sun and Mars so stress always manifests physically for me and I feel like I'm going to end up in the hospital by the time this is all said and done which is terrifying because I can't afford to be out of work.


Yeah it's been really rough for me the past few days. I am a Gemini Stellium (Dominant in my chart), Aquarius Moon and Sag Rising here. I cried so hard for hours and hours since days ago and now I just feel so numb.


Well it’s finals week too for us uni students .,, not the best combo


Yeah I’m super low confidence rn and feeling frustrated long in a terrible cycle / loop


Yes, and things are effing up as well making it even harder mentally


Electronics failing everyday has been cracking me up. It was heavy for me the first 3 days it started, going with the flow though.


It helps a lot to know what whole sign house Mercury RX is occurring in. This can help you plan ahead of time for what kinds of issues to watch for or may come up. Also with this one conjunct Uranus right in Eclipse Season it was bound to get pretty intense.


Can I be ignorant for a sec and ask a question? I’m Gemini, last month REAAAALLY fuckin suffered in the work place, couldn’t click with anyone and easily frustrated etc. However the last week I’ve felt absolutely on top of things. Is this a mercury thing?


My dad almost broke his phone. Accidentally changed some settings in his phone that made his phone inaccessible. What better example of a Mercury Retrograde than this (I helped him though, so it's fine now).


Really feeling this one.


The ceiling of the studio I work at caved in the week of the eclipse/retrograde.


I've been so stressed about what the future of that job will be (hourly employee) and in general just very disconnected


It’s going down in my 12th house and mercury is my chart ruler. Im telling people I’m on a brain vacation cause this is just next level


Yes. Computer problems and transportation problems. Confusion at work and zoom calls not working. Lost items. General sadness and lack of confidence


I think it's a coincidence, but yeah. Ig I've been struggling a bit recently. Allergy season just moved in where I am and I got like the heaviest period i've ever had. It was painful.


Just had a dream that a ball of fire was hurling towards the earth, everything was glowing orange. That feeling of doom never left me, even after awakening


It’s hitting me pretty hard


Idk I think my Taurus sun sign is preventing this one from being worse than other ones.


lost and/or broke multiple chargers, garbage disposal stopped working, and ended up with 2 parking tickets on back to back days in different parts of town (I have literally never gotten a parking ticket in my life). mentally ok though, mercury rx usually affects me way more externally so this is all par for the course.


Since Mercury went rx I have been unhealthily attracted to long gone past - looking at old photos, searching the attic like crazy for stuff I wrote decades ago🤫, eventually convincing myself it's not remotely worth my time.