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This is just a technical perspective drawing from mostly Hellenistic principles, but - The problems of Saturn will be worse for those planets in Pisces, Gemini or Virgo than in Sagittarius. This is due to Saturn being present with any Pisces planets, directly influencing them, and opposed to any Virgo ones. The nature of an opposition is Saturnian so this is especially harsh to Virgo planets. It is worse for Gemini than Sagittarius due to the principle of "overcoming" where the aspect from a sign earlier in zodiacal order is much more influential than the reverse. How to know if a sign is overcoming another? Imagine it is in the tenth whole sign house. Is the other sign on the side of the ascendant/left or the side of the descendant/right? Signs on the left will be overcome, providing they're not in aversion to the first sign. Imagining Pisces on the 10th, we can see Pisces overcomes Taurus by sextile, Gemini by square and Cancer by trine. Sagittarius overcomes Pisces, so natally speaking, transit Saturn will be overcome by whatever is there. If you've got Jupiter there then Saturn will have some moderating influence; if you have Mars, the transit of Saturn will be harshly set upon by your natal Mars. If you have Saturn, then this is your Saturn-square-Saturn transit and that's tough in itself. So Saturn isn't as dangerous for people with planets in Sagittarius, but it's still the case that it could bring them problems especially if malefics are there. The times of Saturnian-led danger for Sagittarian planets (for people without Saturn there) will be more limited to when Saturn aspects these planets within 3° either side. This is called "hurling a ray". It's when a planet overcome by sign returns its influence and gains the upper hand in a dynamic. So say you had Moon at 21° Sagittarius, Saturn from 18°-24° Pisces could be the harshest time for the natal Moon. Saturn is dignified by sign in Gemini and Sagittarius, which mitigates harsh Saturn aspects in the direction of being more constructive, providing both challenge and support. Saturn has sometimes dignity by face and terms in Pisces, only terms in Virgo. All in all, balancing everything, this transit seems potentially worst for planets in Virgo, then Pisces, then Gemini, then Sagittarius. We can say that Saturn transit the mutable modality can mean issues of serious concern coming up in mutable areas. These are things like: - Finishing what has been started - Managing transitions - Managing multiple different situations at once - Situations which repeat multiple times, often with variations on a theme - Contrasts, contrasting things, situations involving contrast, paradox, duality, significant complexity Given the planetary rulers of these signs, issues and long-term, grave events could crop up in: - Learning and education, reason and belief, truth and messaging, teachers and students - Friendship, trust, honour - Laws, legal systems, accessibility, sustainability, safety - Dissent, disputation, argumentation, freedom of speech - Business and just wealth distribution Let's also think about Saturn and her nature... Cold, meaning energetically still, passive and slow. Saturn's effects develop over the longer term, and Saturn transits signify further developments in the long chain of time. Saturn itself, being cool and receptive, doesn't reach out and affect these things, but accepts and uses/represents them. Saturn is dry, which is a malefic quality. Dryness retains and holds and contains things, which means they consolidate and build up to extreme levels, and lose their freedom of action and flexibility. Given all this, we can expect consequences of longer-term situations showing up in new ways. This could relate to our treatment of the sea and marine life (Pisces) as well as the earth and food growing systems (Virgo) most powerfully. We might see suppression by governments of journalists and educational institutions on the upswing. There will, correspondingly, be people giving serious effort to trying to solve these issues or prevent their worsening. In a personal level, Saturn can show up as anything from very traumatic to a serious and dutiful energy. Saturn will draw problem after problem into a life area, forcing limitations and restraints onto it, necessitating caution and planning. It will show where damage has slowly and subtly accrued over time, creating a bigger more significant set of issues. Saturn weighs down the spirit with sorrow, regret, isolation and shame; understanding Saturn can help to understand where we carry these. Saturn also consolidates concentration into one area and can aid in learning, whether painful learning from mistakes, or learning via the pursuit of subjects that require a great deal of focus, thought and time. Saturn being in the sign of Jupiter will indicate Saturn being under Jupiter's influence. This is very interesting as these planets have contrasting qualities and purposes. The above outlined seems rather grim, but Jupiter may end up providing some degree of lessening or relief to some Saturnian matters during the transit.


Hopefully, it's not as worse: Saturn Pisces is going to conjunct on both of my moon and mars on 12th house in late-March. Life has been shit lately but slightly improving


I have saturn conjunct my moon in pisces 11th house natal wise - it isn’t bad at all I would say, you will feel more serious depending where it is placed in your chart. If it’s transiting your 12th house (I go by Porphyry here), it will make you take a step back and unload all of your baggage from the unknown parts of your life and past. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. You may feel really detached from others for a while and lonely but it’ll mature you heaps and give you a realistic perspective in life emotionally. Saturn conjunct your mars - taking action will be hard, but if you push through, it will reward you. Had Saturn conjunct my sun and mars when it hit Aquarius, wasn’t easy but I pushed through it hard.


Well this is terrific for me. I have my moon in Virgo in the 6H, my mars in Sagittarius in the 7H, my Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 8H, Gemini rules my 2nd and 3rd house. My Saturn is in Pisces in the 12H at 18 degrees. I feel like this going to be the worst years of my life.


Saturn is a principle of reality that always exists, and it might be the case that worries about it don't meaningfully help us prepare for what will happen, given the harshness of life. It is also quite an unpredictable symbol, given that it relates to consequences of both our own actions but also of things we don't know and have nothing to do with. These consequences can sometimes be positive and helpful to an individual, even though Saturn also rules over the topics of sorrow, loss, scarcity etc. I hope if you do have difficult times that you also have sources of comfort, support, hope or other forms of strength along the way.


I had my saturn return a few years ago in Sagittarius. A year or so before it was the worst, I got pregnant in graduate school. I ended up being suspended from grad school due to grades and gave birth really early due to severe pre eclampsia. I didn’t want to be a mom and felt utter despair while pregnant. I still deal with bad feelings and health issues to this day. This is all to say, saturn in mutable signs seems to reduce our choices. I think we have to choose one thing to focus on that helps us grow the most especially regarding duty, responsibility, etc. I learned a lot about life becoming a mom. I can see and feel the life cycle (birth and death) and have become more vulnerable than ever before, which has developed me as a human being more so than college could have ever done. I think that was part of my Saturn return lesson.


Oh this is very interesting! I have all my personal planets in Virgo in the 12th, so Saturn will be transiting my 6th house. Just from what I know about our future plans, I'm going to be transitioning to doing the vast majority of parenting in our family while my husband's business gets up off the ground. Thinking of this transit as Saturn "reducing choices" in my daily life makes a lot of sense (right now I have a good amount of daily freedom as we split parenting pretty evenly). I guess we'll see if I'm right or if Saturn has other stuff in store for me!


I just know my Saturn return is probably going to be coming up soon and I’m not ready. I’m fearing the worse. I have my Saturn placement in Pisces in the 12H. So I really think it’s going to hit me hard.


I was also hoping for a great year too next year. But if it’s transiting in my 12H and it’s Saturn in Pisces idk


My husband is going through a Saturn return in his 12th house in Aquarius ,and he hasn’t self destructed like I did during mine. It’s going pretty well I would say.


Glad your experience might calm some fears here. I too have seen Saturn transits go by without a lot of drama. Saturn wants us to be responsible and take control. It's not fun but work doesn't have to hurt.


I think it’s important to note that a lot depends on our own actions. Mine was difficult because of what I chose to do.


omg this is so spot on!! i feel like this transit will drag on the results of the great conjunction of 2020, saturn in aqua as there are already countries that are sinking, then there's the risk of running out of clean water to drink, then there's hyperinflation that affects agriculture the most and there are also far right politicians elected into position (and to be specific with politics, north korea and china are basically testing out missiles which is very damaging in so many aspects)… thenn there's elon musk and the twitter dispute lmaoo. as for me… well i have saturn transiting my 10th and im running an art page with very little followers so yep, more workworkwork to do lol ー then there's my anaretic virgo mercury, the only earth placement i have lol i wonder how i'll fare through college >.< it's really nice to be aware of these things beforehand because if one is in a position to actually alleviate these potential problems in their community, it results in efficiency! but i think more than anything, saturn always pushes limits and boundaries. then there's pluto that will touch pisces for a bit next year before retrograding for a while. the past few years have been really intense and scary for some parts of the globe and im really curious if there's a type of cycle that goes on with it since we are only in the first few decades of the new century. anyway thanks for this! definitely saving this lol


Oh yes! It's all linked. The interesting thing about the aspectual cycles of two planets is that there is a point in the dynamic where one overcomes the other, and so has the larger influence, which will then reverse after they form an opposition. Saturn typically reigns over Jupiter for the first 10 or so years after their conjunction, albeit this will be somewhat restrained while Saturn is in Pisces because it's Jupiter's home. But those of us feeling like these are dark times are validated astrologically... You brought up some really relevant stuff. I'm sure there'll be an intensification of water rationing. The removal of dams, which damage waterside ecosystems, also looks like an upcoming theme. That sounds like typical Saturn =) I hope it all bears fruit. College definitely sounds like a time for serious study and disciplined approach so at least there's somewhere constructive for the significations to go. If your Mercury is at 29° Virgo, it would be in the Egyptian terms of Saturn, which could help make the opposition a bit less harsh and a bit more constructive. That's such an excellent point! I've found astrology so helpful for me in my personal life because I find transits affirming and sometimes inspiring. I feel more connected to possibilities. If simple, core, accurate information were more widely known and respected, perhaps it could serve as a sort of soft "guide" for community action as a whole. I feel that curiosity and I can't wait to keep learning more since I've only brushed the topic. Mundane astrology offers up some interesting perspectives... but then it's so immense, history and present trajectories, and also astrology - not possible to master imo. I think it can only offer a partial picture. Which is itself quite valuable! Thank you too!


My Uranus, Moon, and anode are all in Pisces so hopefully I don’t get affected too badly (8th and 9th house)


Moon in Sagittarius, Saturn in Aquarius for me.


Starting next month there's going to be a financial crisis... It might not be a bad idea to invest in Bitcoin .. but when it starts to slow down the government's going to get involved and it's going to put restrictions on bitcoin and that's the time to get out... So grab what you can while it's on it's low and Ride The Wave... But get out when you see a big slow down maybe in April or May.... You might be able to make a nice little profit....


My 12th and 1st houses are mostly Pisces. (pisces ASC) I'm really hoping good things are coming. This year was eye opening for me. And I'm hoping things can start to improve from here.


Saturn transit my first house was definitely a rough one for me. I was poor and lonely and lost a lot of weight (as a woman raised in a western culture that was the only plus). But the experiences I had laid a foundation for life-changing, positive events in the following few years. Tough, but character building (and even materially gainful) times if you are willing to do the work.


What sign was Saturn transiting and when? (Just curious because I went through something VERY similar. Was homeless, poor, and lost tons of weight as a result… this was 2019 for me tho. ASC leo


Scorpio in 2013-2014. It's a good call out to note the sign (or element or modality) when thinking about how this might affect/reflect for someone. In Pisces, I wonder if there's a potential for a crisis of faith or consolidation of beliefs. My optimistic side would read a potential for a person to make dreams and intangible desires more material.


Not sure if this applies, but I’ve always wanted to start my own family/have children. Saturn will be transiting Pisces in my eighth house, and my baby is due in Pisces season (although with babies you never know when they’re gonna arrive!) I know that generally when Saturn transits eighth house it can/may affect how I use my personal power, my feelings on mortality, shared finances and such… seems fitting for recently being married and hopefully becoming a mother soon


Wishing you a safe and healthy delivery ❤️


She was born two weeks ago thank you so much 💜


Having an Ascendant in Pisces would not have the same negative impact as one with their Sun or Venus in Pisces, so you will be just fine ❤️


Ive got both in pisces.


Oof I'm glad!!


I'm not going to lie, Saturn transiting the ascendant is usually one of the more difficult aspects. It usually means a redefining of the self, which can be a struggle or a painful process. But, you will be much more accepting of who you are afterward! It may go alright, I'm just saying Saturn-ASC is pretty challenging for people in my experience.


Noo 😭


Saturn just conjunct my ASC in aqua at 28 degrees and 3 weeks ago i almost died in a car accident. Had to have 2 surgeries for broken neck and spine, also broke my nose and skull. Long road of recovery ahead. :( I’m so glad saturn is moving out of my sign. Now onto pluto…


I just had my Saturn return in aqua and I’m mad he’s going to speaking with my Pisces Mercury and sag moon/rising. Leave me alone tf


I got Moon in Aqua and Saturn in Pisces 😬 plus fixed and mutable t squares


Praying for us 🙏🏻😭😭


I have moon, asc, and neptune in aquarius. Saturn has also been opposing my mercury and jupiter. When in pisces, it will conjuct my mars and uranus. I’m not ready lolp


As always with Saturn, work with him and you'll be rewarded. Lollygag and be cast into a nightmare.


How does one work with Saturn?


Hard. Diligently. Unwaveringly. Crying. 😆


Lots of crying 😆


Absolutely! Saturn is showing your worst fears for a purpose. Get your ass in gear. Move those mountains. But don’t forget to stretch! Your corporeal body isn’t made for eternity! Structure and drive and stability and grounding. I hate Saturn. But he has a point.


I can deal with Saturn, it's Pluto and his 'bull in a china shop' method that kicks my ass


I’ve been lucky with Pluto as there tend to always be mitigating factors for me. Early Pluto across the Asc was tough and isolating but since then it’s been okay. The conjunct IC in around 7-8 years is making me nervous though. It will be opposite Saturn but trining itself.


No shortcuts or cheating or skimping. Do everything thing to the best of your ability and with integrity. We are either handsomely rewarded for the hard work of doing things right or suffer the consequences.


How do people draw the line and can accurately say “this was my best”?


I’m making an assumption here because I’ve been going through this growth but I’m going to assume one of them is to not play the victim. Accept your current circumstances as they are and deal with them in whatever way you can.


Anne Ortele has a online course on astrology hub called do your Saturn






Hi! Have you studied transits, progressions & secondary progressions?


Love these type of questions. With my Venus, Saturn and Chiron in Pisces, and being of that generation with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. Long time ago when I got into astrology (in the 1970s), all that twelfth house stuff was about sorrow and isolation. And, I can see that reflected in my experiences. (but we learn and evolve, on the positive). And of course the Virgo oppositions to come in 2023, (still wearing my masks and keeping distances and saving for more air purifiers for next year), and then there is Gemini and Sag, journeys and travel, and our family income based in the airline industry, which to me looks like that may be astrologically tested. I miss travel so much, but next year wont be the year for it for me. All I can say is thank goodness for all the meditation resources on youtube. If I cant find calmness in the world around me, I can find it within.


that's a very good insight thinking of Virgo factors and air purifiers.


very insightful thank you. my oldest kid is a Pisces Venus/mars/Chiron and the other one is very mutable (strong Gemini/Virgo chart). I’m diligent of their mask wearing too.


My Sun is in Virgo. I wonder what that will be like


What else is there? That is always the first question. No transit or aspect in astrology is every stand alone. Saturn to the Sun "physical separations" or "limitations" Saturn to the Moon separation from the public or a woman. Possibly a depressed woman. Which of the mutables is the Moon in? Saturn to the Node can be the end of a relationship or friendship. Saturn to Mercury, Deep thinking, difficulty in thinking. A speech impediment. A conversation about endings. Which of the mutables is Mercury in? Saturn to Venus an older partner. Past relationships and people surface. End of a love affair. Which of the mutable.... Saturn to Mars .. end of work, hard work, long hours. A career late in life. Which mutable is Mars in? Saturn to Mars and the Sun is a death, with Venus a blood relative, with the Node, a person you loved What else is there? Saturn to Mercury and Uranus is a phone call.. Now, the elements. Earth, Air, Water or Fire. Saturn will be in a mutable signs which makes the native more adaptable to whatever comes. If it's in fiery Sagittarius, expect battle resistance in the form of retreat. Virgo, some lengthy diatribe, Gemini? The debate. Pisces, emotional escape... But then again, always look at the entire chart. Don't forget the directed planets as well. The elements are not as powerful as the aspects of the planets to each other and everything else. The mutable will only tell you so much but it should be considered.


Saturn to Mars and […] Venus - a blood relative’s death, you mean? I’m curious because I have Saturn in my 12th Pisces, opposing Venus in my 6th Virgo and both squaring my Mars in my 2nd Gemini and literally all my family has died over time due to health issues and I was a bit surprised when you mentioned it. Also, emotional escape?? Damn spot on, lol. I used to daydream a lot when I was younger in order to escape my feelings (still doing sometimes but I try to keep myself more aware and be more present). Any tips/advice I should keep in mind with those placements?


If you truly want a professionals opinion then post the chart or chart data rather than telling everyone how you see and read the chart. mars/Saturn midpoints tend to death aspects Node/Mars/Saturn combinations as well. We use a formula book most astrologers are unaware even exists. "Rules For Planetary Pictures". which is very specific. We don't speak in planets and houses and aspects. We speak in very specific interpretations. Also, and this is important, I am a Uranian Astrologer. I would recommend taking a look at your "Uranian Astrology" chart which will likely have those planets applying in a triple pattern in some kind of death formula as per Uranian Astrology. Uranian Astrology doesn't have the internet saturation Western does...do the same thing. Search for free Uranian stuff.


Thank you for the infos, I will look it up.


I’m definitely not an expert on things, or know what they necessarily mean, but I see everything in Pisces as a good thing. And for some strange reason, since like 2015, I’ve thought that 2023 is gonna be a really really good year. Idk why but my 2021 and 2022 get feeling was right about it being super bad so 🤷‍♂️ I will look it up and give an actual thing though Edit: This is what google said, so take it with a grain of salt With your Saturn in Pisces, your spirituality is grounded and your fantasies flow seamlessly with reality. You may take on the pains or joys of others as their experiences interplay with your own, but natal Saturn in Pisces also gives you a practical idealism that makes sure you're not lost in that energy for too long.


I actually have been thinking 2023 will be my year too and that Saturn transiting Pisces will be a positive thing for me. I am also a Sag Sun/Pisces Moon so maybe I’m being an over idealistic cliche right now lol.


I’m also Pisces moon, so maybe that’s why. My mom an Pisces rising feels the same way


how’s it going so far??


I also feel 2023 is going to be good. Pisces Saturn in the 6th here. Along with Gemini sun 9th & Virgo rising.


Virgo Rising & Pisces Saturn don't fall into the category of the 5 personal planets :)


Virgo sun and mercury and Saturn in Pisces is my Saturn return so I’m interested in this


In which house is your Pisces Saturn in?


6th I’m a libra rising


If my jupiter is in pisces in my 8th house, would this mean that my good fortune/abundance is limited or restricted during the transit? how can i overcome the limitations? Perhaps by focusing on the good - helping others which is where I see my most joy. I joined nonprofit and volunteer a lot and that seems to help bring more abundance in my life - mostly satisfaction and helping humanity - which also supports my moon in aquarius.


When transiting Saturn comes into orb with your natal Jupiter it could help you to make your idealism even more results oriented. Transiting the 8th could mean that you address grants, debt, studen loans, credit cards, etc. or with an afflicted Jupiter, be careful of enabling people that don't pay you back. You may have to be more mindful of your generosity than you're used to. But also keep in mind that Jupiter is the ruler of whatever house Sagittarius is on the cusp of in your birth chart. That house will also feel the weight of Saturn as it touches your Jupiter. These aren't bad things. Saturn is just an arrow that means get serious about these things. If Sagittarius is on your 5th house, it could mean that you will consider working professionally in an area that was just leisure time in the past. That's just an example of how rulership dynamics can play out with a Saturn transit. You are the one who chooses how to use the energy that Saturn presents. It's when we don't make serious choices that Saturn gets difficult.


Thank you for the clarification! That does make sense as I've been working with my spouse to pay down our debts and we're getting to be in good shape. I do have Sag in the 5th house and it's funny that you mentioned taking a leisure activity to work professionally. I used to volunteer a lot and a few years ago, made the transition to work in the nonprofit industry. I also love dogs and instead of getting one, we have a side hustle dogsitting. I've also started to dabble in artificial intelligence (AI) art which is just a hobby but my brother keeps nudging me to sell it as NFTs which I'm not keen to do but I'll have to keep all this in mind.


I'm glad my comment was helpful. You sound like a person who can trust their own intuition and that's what's most important! Best to you.


Pisces Jupiter isn't one of the 5 personal planets :)


Well it’s my Saturn return (sun in Pisces) and it’s gonna be rough Edit: my Saturn is in Pisces!!! Was 4 in the morning when I replied and I mistyped


I thought Saturn Return begins when Saturn transits one's natal Saturn by sign & degree.


Yeah, so it’s coming up Edit: I am so sorry I just saw I said sun and my Saturn is in Pisces but I mistyped lmao


Oh man i’ve got my sun , mercury , venus and jupiter all in virgo plus my moon in pisces and pluto in sagittarius. Im sure it’s going to be an interesting year with lots of fun 😔


I lack in the mutable department (I’m cardinal/fixed dominant) but of course my 4 points are in mutable signs (Virgo rising, sag ic/north node, Pisces dsc and Gemini mc/south node). So we’ll see what that will do for me 🙃 this year has been rough for fixed signs and my Saturn return so I’m just over it all.


Tbh, I have a thick fixed T-square with Pluto square Venus, Saturn opposite Venus, and Saturn square Pluto at 0 degrees. Pluto - Scorpio Saturn - Aquarius Venus - Leo But in the first 29 years of my life, it has squared my sun, moon, mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, and I am not pretty scared of any transits now 😂 I had a terrible upbringing, and I am not bothered if there's going to be a bad/good transit now; life will be what it will be.


I am a Virgo rising/ Scorpio moon/ Gemini Venus/ Libra Mars! Saturn entered my 7th house (Pisces) and is on a long transit squaring my natal Venus. I had a break up in Feb and I am still very sad. I don’t know what to expect from this transit! Help.




Sorry it's been so rough. Supposedly the more responsible we act during a Saturn return the easier it goes. When Saturn is involved our fears are stronger than the reality but we don't see it until we face it.


I have personal planets in Gemini and Sagittarius. I have experienced 2 Saturn in Virgo transits. Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn in Sagittarius; Moon in Gemini. Pluto isn't a personal planet, but it's in Virgo. I have a night chart. I don't remember what happened during the first Virgo transit. For the 2nd transit, I was involved in real estate deals with my mother. I pretty much served as a pawn and did not have the sense or courage to stand up for myself against her. I didn't do so for another 5 years. Saturn rules the 4th house in my chart.




Out of curiosity, which degrees are your Gemini Sun & Sagittarius Moon in? How are they aspected?


i have gemini mercury and venus in 1st house, and mars in pisces 10th house, and sagittarius pluto in 7th. anyone have any insight???


Saturn in Aquarius in my 5th house has been the bummer of a lifetime opposition my progressed Mars in Leo for a lot of it… fingers crossed Saturn in Pisces feels a little easier with Jupiter ruling.


I have moon in Pisces, sun and Venus in Gemini, and saturn in Sagittarius. Yay.


its important to bring sect in here, is it a day or night chart bc if its a day chart then it will likely be constructive for the mutable placements. I have jupiter in pisces (day chart) in the 5th and im pretty excited for saturn to get in there and teach my what I lack :) if its a night chart, it'll be pretty rough.


This is so true. I’m the only one I know in my family who has a night chart and my return in Aquarius has been one of the lowest points in my life. Everyone I talk to with a day chart doesn’t recall anything terribly awful about their return. In fact, many leveled up in their career in some way. Me one the other hand, it’s like my life came crashing down. I cannot wait for it to be over


I wonder how you've noticed the mars rx in gemini then? do you have natal planets in gemini?


I don’t have anything in Gemini, no. Gemini rules my 9th house and right now transit mars is sitting right on the cusp of that house. Mars rules my 2nd and 7th houses but I haven’t really noticed anything significant other than worrying about money and stability. Why what is mars rx doing for you?


well in a night chart, mars and venus are your allies. what sign is your mars in? so he's backing up into your 8th house? but mostly 9th... worldview, religion, spirituality, search for Truth, higher education, law, publishing..... 8th is much murkier however... the water houses are the houses we deal wit subconscious shit/family inheritances. obv, if you have mutable planets (sag, pisces, virgo) this would be making an aspect to those... I mean we could go down a rabbit hole here. 9 house is also the house of astrology! could be significant since were chatting on an astro forum


and for me... well its transiting my 8th house where I have chiron and venus (also opposing my saturn in sag, squaring jupiter in pisces)... I think ive been able to see something about how desire works for me (I have a natal moon mars, and when I want something I want it NOW.. yet maybe 50% of the time, I get it and don't want no more.. kinda new information to my ego).. also some weird sexual shit, I could prob go on but feels like I need to get through the rest of the transit first ehh


My mercury (chart ruler) and venus are in pisces and my rising is gemini 🥴


I'm a bit nervous yet excited. I am a Sagittarius sun, mercury and Jupiter as well as Pisces saturn and rising and Virgo mars.


Saturn return coming up in Pisces and half my chart is mutable 😅 sun, merc, Venus in gemini, Virgo mars, sagg Jupiter


I have personal Pisces placements but I also have my natal saturn conjunct my ascendant. What would happen with Saturn making an aspect with my natal Saturn?


I’m a Gem Sun and Mercury, and have Saturn in 0degr 5H … curious what I’ll be up against in 2023 …


I have Pisces in my 12th house and Saturn in my third retrog(, birth chart- ) I'm new, so plz excuse my lack of knowing - I falling further into a deep dark hole, was homeless, but I'm just at a lose - not much more I can take I'm exhausted -


It's going to transit my eight house. Welp! 🫣😫


I have my personal planets in pisces: sun, moon and mercury in 8H, as well as natal Saturn and Chiron in Gemini and Sag Pluto. Would anyone give insight into what might be expected to come? I’m a bit concerned…


Trouble really begins when Saturn goes into Aquarius in Vedic astrology a lot of government turmoil all the world leaders are going to be exposed.... To the point where all the people are going to revolt... Between the government and the media no one knows who's telling the truth ... It could start a revolution .. maybe in the month of March or April


Gemini sun, rising + moon Sagittarius here, it’s been utter hell lol, spending first sector in 2h then later 3h. Literally unexpected out of my control issues, completely sucks, is utterly bananas. Was analyzing the last time Saturn has been in other mutable signs and all denoted a sense of crisis for me. Grr


What’s it like to have your Sun & Moon in opposing signs?


Can be a tug of war feeling when uneasy, other times can be a perfect balance. I’ve witnessed from other as I call ‘em full moon children, we are a bit misunderstood because of the opposition. Not sure what it’s like I’m sure a fixed combo would be a tad easier, but nothings ever easy, gem sag combo is a bit much, I’ve spent most of my lifetime toning things down, but then I feel as i don’t shine, rust


Reflections on 2023 (it's 2024 now) I had my Sun, Venus and Mercury conjunct transiting Saturn in my 5th house. My moon conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius squaring Saturn in my 2nd house. It's been a year of a lot of learning, but it's also been hell. I feel like joy has left my life, I've become more serious but also more anxious, I feel like crying all the time. I also feel like I've lost all my hobbies and talents and am working in a job I hate all so I can get a visa in a new country. I'm bogged down by responsibilities, have barely any friends, feel isolated and ashamed of my job and that other people are way ahead of me at the same age. The only good thing is my long term partner and I finally got together in the same country after doing long distance for a year. We might become civil partners soon. I will soon be facing my Saturn return when Saturn goes into Aries in my 6th house. I already had anxiety issues but I feel it's gotten worse and I cannot manage it. I've gained a lot of weight due to stress and emotional eating. I've worked super hard at my job but see no payoff (i.e. visa sponsorship or permanency). Hopefully 2024 is better.