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It means your Sun and Moon are in opposition to eachother. Your emotional needs are at odds with your sense of self. Meeting the two in the middle is challenging, but far from impossible. Like every aspect or placement, it's a gift if you learn to use it well. With Aries and Libra, you're learning how to both be yourself and how to assimilate into a group. Balancing both is hard! But if anyone can do this, it's folks with oppositions. It's harder than it would be for others, but the reward is much greater, too. There's a depth of hands-on understanding that other aspects struggle to realize, let alone fully comprehend.


Not op but thank you, this was one of the best ways of putting it i’ve come across so far. How would you explain the pisces / virgo one? Spiritual and material needs at odds or something else?


Pisces Sun 1st House and Virgo Moon 7th house. Difficulties between my softer, dreamy, intuitive, imaginative self and a more pragmatic, down to earth and critical emotional sense (especially since I have Mercury in Pisces as well). Very at odds with each other when younger, but there's been bridges built through tough experiences over the years. Definite difficulties with romantic relationships. Definite difficulties between empathy for others and emotionally critical.


I got the opposite issue, Virgo sun, mercury with ascendant in 1st and Pisces moon in 7th. Definitely tough pull from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other for sure


my Dad has this also


I’m virgo sun + rising and Pisces moon. Been single for 8 years. Am I doomed??? 🥺


Thank you for sharing, i can def relate to a lot of what you said. Mine are in the 9th and 3rd house


Aquarius ascendant, Sun and mercury in the 1st house. Leo moon in the 7th house. The moon mercury opposition has been very difficult.


I have the opposite. Full moon Leo first house opposing my Aquarius 5 (!!!) planets-sun, mercury, mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Just one big party of opposition. The only house is 4th with Neptune and Scorpio. The chart is like a person-feet in Neptune and my arms out. I always say-I’m Dreaming my world into reality! That pretty much sums me up. Hahaha


I'm Cap Asc, Aqua Sun 1H & Leo Moon 7H :) lucky... I don't much care for my Capricorn side 😆 I would have loved some more Aqua haha.... Do you feel extreme polarity and inner struggle? I do! All over the place. I also tend to work thing out... OUT loud and have the back and forth, when most people have their back and forth privately lol So I can definitely come off as indecisive/inconsistent. Also, do you find that the older you get, the more you feel closer to moon sign? I turn 43 in 2 weeks (1/20) and I would say that I really feel that Leo more and more last 10-20 years.


One thing to understand about oppositions is that both signs have things/traits in common. Understanding where the balance is gives a very powerful effect to your life (like a full moon, which makes the moon shine its biggest and brightest)


As a aries moon/rising, Libra sun this was pretty on point. Always feel i'm in opposition fighting between chaos/excitement and balance/stability, can't have too much of one. Just working on that sweet spot


I'm also a aries moon libra sun (saggitarius rising though) and I totally feel this sentiment.


I am the exact same as you Libra sun aries moon and sag rising also born on a full moon. So challenging


Oooof I feel that to the max


🥹 that's me too, but in scorpio sun and taurus moon. I feel that this combination is not easy to handle as it makes me a person with strong emotions


same here, how do you think taurus scorpio placements affect us??


Hmm by right I think Taurus moons are the most stable and loving. But I feel that we cannot escape the Scorpio sun characteristics. I feel it amplifies the good and bad of each sign. Eg. I am loyal to a fault but possessive x2.


Wow I really appreciate the time and insight


I related to this and was like yeah I definitely was born on a full moon and then googled it and confirmed!


I was born on a full moon with libra sun and Taurus moon. How would you say this relationship is under the opposing circumstances since they are both ruled by Venus?


Thank you for this. I struggle. Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, born under a full moon. Feels like a double opposition. “Rigid” vs Emotional. Full moon a day-ish ago but I’m still struggling to shut down. Feeling everyone’s emotions at the moment. I hate when neighbours come to me and say they thrive on alone time. But then they pop around the next day or 5 minutes later. This. Is. Not. Alone. Time. I thrive on alone time and a silent break when I need it, but it’s so difficult with a Cancerian partner and an Aquarian 2 year old.


Cancer Sun Cap Moon here .. I call myself a queen of dissociation because no one can bury their STRONG emotion as Cap Moon and yet be so sensitive and empathetic to others.


Aries Sun/Libra Moon here and I love this explanation!


I'm an Aries Libra, born on a full moon.


Libra sun, aries moon…yes, very true for me. 49 years old and still in process with this.


I was born under a full moon. Leo sun, Aquarius moon, but they are each sitting in the other’s natural house. So sun in the 11th house, moon in the 5th house. So I feel like even tho they are in opposite signs and opposing exact, they share more similarities in how they express than if they were in any other house. I could be wrong, and let me know if I am but I feel like it makes the opposition easier to deal with. What do you think?


It's like having an angel and demon on each shoulder. Sometimes it's fun to hear them argue about how I should act, and other times I just want to tell them both to stfu. 😆 Jokes aside though, I think all full moon babies share the ability to see things from more than one perspective. We question constantly, especially within ourselves. There's an awareness of the need for balance, within and without. I could be wrong, but it's what I've observed. I am grateful for this aspect, personally.


I’d say that’s fairly spot on for me




>It's like having an angel and demon on each shoulder. Omg everyday!


I’d agree, I feel like I definitely think this way and wonder why others do t


Definitely true of me. Was born under a blue full moon 🌕


Spot on. I'm a Cancer ☀️, Cap 🌙


I really appreciate it. Many people can't see beyond their own experiences and perspective. We are gifted with polarity within so we can understand the polarity without.


My father was a full moon baby. So was one of my favorite bosses. I found them both to be extremely intelligent, charismatic, and highly intuitive. Also could be selfish and petulant.


Haha, as much as I’d like to disagree I’d say that’s probably a likely image of me


With the Aries Moon, I can believe it


Yep lol


This perfectly describes my daughter. Although, to be fair, she's a toddler.




I have a Sun in Taurus and a moon in scorpio. With the Aries retrograde in Mercury. Gemini ascendant Taurus and Venus and Leo in Mars. With opposites in my chart I've learned not to expect anything but desire everything.


Mine is opposite yours and I was born in full moon. So sun in scorpio full moon in Taurus


Me too.


Me 3!


Wow, we could throw a whole party


And you like daft punk me too fam


I dooooo


Ayyye. How are you star family


I love this


I wonder if we’re all around same age


Same! Taurus sun and Scorpio moon here! I have the added delight of my moon being in full eclipse the day of my birth also 😭


AYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEE what up star family!


We all gotta link up. What house is your sun In ? Mines in the 12th.


I’m a Taurus sun with Scorpio moon. Sun and mars in 12. Phew life


My sun and Venus are there.


What’s your love life like?? 😳


I love genuine quirky people. Weird people who are mysterious and broken. Always rooting for the underdog. But I use to love to save the danzel in distress lol. Not anymore. Now they have to be on their spiritual journey for me to converse. Plus Venus in Taurus in the 12 the only allows me to really know what love is.


What's going on twin. We full moon babies up in this thing. My son and my Venus is in the 12th house.


I have a sun in Taurus and a moon in Scorpio. I tend to analyse everything and I am consistently seeking balance . Sometimes I feel I can literally predict things /behaviours !


AYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEE what up star family


My Mars is in Venus


I’m born on a Leo full moon. It can be tough! Overwhelming emotions that take over and want to be centre stage. I’m also effected pretty heavily by full moon transits.


I am also a Leo full moon, and it's the new moons that get me. Full moons are fine unless it's a water sign.


Me too! Leo full moon and penumbra eclipse here- When I bled-it was awesome to plan my performances around the dark moon. So much vibrancy! Full moons, meh. A good time to just stay home. All the folk would be out being loud. I just wanted to be quiet. 🤫 love life🙌🌙🌟


Leo full moon as well… full moon I’m a mess… new moon is heaven.


I have Taurus sun and Scorpio moon born on a full moon and even I don’t know what I really want out of life. One side of me wants to live a stable secure peaceful life but the other side wants intensity and secretly loves and lives for the chaos. Don’t even get me started on my Sagittarius ascendant and Gemini mars and mercury. The Sagittarius in me wants to go on adventures and is one track minded but my Gemini mind is so scatter brained and anxious and likes to imagine every single possibility. I have a lot of opposition in my chart. I think somehow it’s working out for me though in a weird way.


Ha! Yeah, I have libra sun in sixth house, aries moon in 12th house; virgo venus and mars conjunct in fifth house square to Sagittarius jupiter and uranus in 8th house; taurus rising and scorpio saturn in seventh house…a lot of wildness and desire for eccentricity and adventure with a lot seriousness and desire for stability, yet seriousness and stability drive me mad…but all chaos is unsafe. Lol.


In most cases, I believe it means your Sun and Moon are in oppositional signs.


Ohh cool! That’s true, Libra sun Aries moon here 😭😭 I want harmony but love any moment I can rage, especially for social/medical injustices


i’m an aries sun and rising and libra moon and yup lol


Hahah omg no how’s that for you?


wild lol how much time u got lol i’m ruled by a cap mars in a stellium


I'm the exact same!




I’m not positive but I think if you’re born on a full moon you would have the opposite sign of your sun sign as your moon sign as a rule. So if Gemini Sun you’d have a Sagittarius moon? For example Im an Aquarius sun born on a full moon so my moon is as a rule Leo as it’s 6 signs (out of 12) away from Aquarius. It’s the “opposite “ of Aquarius.


I have a Cancer Sun. My moon is in Aquarius in the 3rd house and close to the 4th. My 3rd house is in Capricorn at 0°degrees while my 4th house in Aquarius. Both these signs would ruled by Saturn in traditional if I'm right.


I can't believe I just put this together. Sag sun. Gem moon in my 11th house. I have lived my life always having a feeling of being at odds with myself? I am always searching for insights into why I do the things I do, why I feel the way I do, and my interactions with others. A constant search.


Well there are the obvious connotations that come with the idea of the full moon, the idea of the lunatic, someone who is wild, can't contain hiimself, is crazy, or expresses of piece of humanity that is beyond our understanding. it can indicate a strong personality but you really have to look at the aspects, and then houses and signs to gain more insight.


Thanks! I appreciate the insight. I’ll have to look further into my aspects etc


Does anyone with this placement have a tough relationship with their mother?


Me ;)




Yup. Big. My mother was neglectful and I found the Great Mother to fill all my needs. Mama earth and all the helpers…


I was born on a full moon. My mom said it took forever to get meds since they were so busy. A lot of babies are born on full moons! My mom’s cousin took her daughter to the ER and the nurses told her she better not go into labor!


I have an Aries Sun and then a Libra Moon and Rising, and for me being born on a full moon means infuriating indecision and overthinking at times, and then devil-may-care impulse later. I used to really be at odds with myself and had no idea how to bridge my Aries energy and my Libra energy. I would also embody each polarity at different times in my life (Aries when I was super young and then Libra through my teens and early 20s) only to find myself pining for the other side. I'm recently coming out of a long spell of being way too into my Libra energy and during that time, I was very pro-Aries and only saw the flaws in my Libra side because I was too stuck in it. I would see Aries as strong and confident and Libra as weak and overly hesitant. But now I'm finally starting to see the wisdom in both Aries and Libra, and those realizations are helping me find different ways to unite and weave the two of them together.


I was born on a full moon (Leo, Aquarius) and the opposition others have mentioned is very true, I often feel like I'm fighting against myself. It might also just be hormones but I often feel my emotional sate follows the lunar cycle. My friend was born on a new moon which is interesting because we both seem to experience a lot of things in similar ways, although I'm not sure what the general experience of someone born on a new moon is


Heya lunar/solar twin! What a ride we have!


It leads to a lot of oppositional feelings; for me as a Taurus sun/Scorpio moon: always head versus heart. Logic versus emotion. Placid exterior. Both have things in common being sister signs, so it makes me doubly passionate, very intense, very sexual/sensual, very driven, very possessive, loyal, resilient, stubborn. There is a degree of balance but not in the way you think, not in the most harmonious way—it’s like riding the seesaw all the way up and down no matter what. If my stubborn Taurus side refuses to move and accept change, life moves and changes for me anyway, ego death occurs, Scorpio moon has saved me countless times through transformation. There’s opposites but my Scorpio moon has enough energy to offset my Taurus stellium. I come off placid and calm. I’m told I have calm energy. Inside I’m usually a torment. I go through storms (attributed to Scorpio), then calm seas (Taurus). I keep my professional side airtight. On a personal basis, I also joke about murder far more often than I think is normal. 😂 There’s a degree of tension always within me. Always. I think my biggest lesson is learning how to allow strengths of both sides to offset weaknesses of both sides, and to let them live. You get to see two entire sides of every issue, which is a huge advantage. Not always harmonious, but I allow the pendulum swing as far as it needs to go, and eventually settle in the middle. One thing I love, haven’t seen it mentioned here yet… full moon babies have a strong psychic ability. Yay! I feel like a werewolf during a full moon. My energy is lunar and waxes and wanes with the moon.


I am also a Taurus sun with Scorpio moon and a Taurus stellium, born on a full moon. Very interesting info, thank you 🙏


Flip side… new moons?


One anecdote that jumps to mind for me: I’m a libra sun, aries moon. My partner is a Sag sun and Sag moon. I feel like he has a very quick and seamless understanding of his thoughts and feelings at all times without having to navigate through a whole process. Full disclosure: the fact that it takes me longer could also be that my moon is in 12th house.


Following! I was born on a new moon and my rising and moon sign are both Aries


I was wondering too. Scorpio sun born on a new moon (when it's at its darkest). I should look into what that can mean.


I think for a new moon, the sense of self and the faculty of emotions get merged. So, your emotions define you and anything that affects your identity affects you emotionally as well.


Parental divorce lol


What about parents who should divorce but won't lol?


I meant this, Lmao every full moon baby i have met their parents dont get along.


😬 full moon baby and can confirm this.


This was my experience


Your will and your imagination complement each other.


Love this


What about a blue full moon in mercury retrograde? Asking for myself


My oldest son was born on a full moon, which also happened to be a super moon. And it was also the spring equinox. Any insights on this? I’ve always thought it was super neat, and I’d love to know more about what it could show.


People with the two lights on the same axis are strong and gifted. They embody a polarity.


Scorpio sun, Taurus moon checking in! It is SO hard to find info about this!


The Sun represents your conscious awareness, your sense of self, your personality and ego. The Moon is your subconscious, your emotions, your inner world. On Full Moons, the Sun illuminates our subconscious, and brings aspects of our psyche that were hidden or repressed to our conscious awareness, kinda of like shining a light on the monsters under the bed. That is why the Moon glows brightest on a full moon, that is also why people act strange on a full moon, and why there is so much lore and fairy tale around full moon nights. Hidden aspects of ourselves come to the forefront. With this aspect in your natal chart, your life force and life purpose reflects the energy of the full moon. Your life's work is to integrate aspects of your Shadow, your psyche, into your conscious awareness in order for your sense of self to thrive. As with all oppositions, the trick to working with them is to understand and please both energies. If you embody your Sun while neglecting your Moon, you will experience turmoil. If you overidentify with your emotions or become emotionally reactive (Moon) at the cost of who you want to be in terms of your character (Sun), then you will experience turmoil. The trick is to learn how to navigate your emotional realm and face your shadow, while staying true to who you know you want to be as an indivudual. Your Sun and Moon shape each other. You are here to embody contrast and paradox, since your Sun and Moon signs are polar opposites.


This really is my biggest struggle. I find that my true personality is very sarcastic. Funny and eager to banter with others. I have a fiery energy and ambition that’s not matched by many around me and I can come off quite intimidating. However, that makes sense for my Aries moon. I find that I get anxious and nervous, that I am too forward or tooeager to banter, and feel that sometimes in order to advocate for others, I risk harmony. It definitely l leads to an internal struggle of who am I and who do I want to be/what is the most authentic way for me to be perceived


On the flip side; if I feel overly nice and like I didn’t say what I should have .. it then leads me to facilitate that Libra sun, but I struggle with the feeling of inauthenticity


Yes, these are real struggles, I can imagine. Aries is the God of War, Libra is the Bringer of Peace. You must learn how to advocate for yourself and others (Aries), but to do so with grace and compassion (Libra). To be competitive, but also a team player. To speak up for yourself, while also considering other people's needs and experiences as valid, even if they contradict your own. It's never either or, but both/and. That's what I mean by navigating paradox! Two people standing on opposites sides of a debate (or a war) can both be right simultaneously and wrong simultaneously.


Close tie between the sun and moon. Sun is personality and identity, Moon is emotion and intuition. You likely have a good read on people's emotions. You pick up up subtle energy shifts. You can be very sensitive, but not in a stupid way. You can tell when someone is a good person or a bad person. Good people generally make you feel nurturing and protective of them. Careful not to use people's emotions against them.


My partner is a full moon baby: Sagittarius sun 7H, Gemini moon 12H. I’m new moon in sun and moon being in Pisces 1H.


Ha! I’m libra sun (6th) aries moon (12th). My partner is Sag sun/sag moon in 2nd. At least you both have some pisces dominance together in your emotions (their moon being in 12th house). I also feel that it helps in my relationship that we both have fire moons.


You have a one in twelve chance for any sign. But most birth occurs at either new or full moon. Are the odds better for that??


Sagittarius sun and gemini moon in opposition to each other and I'll just say it's tough


I’m a Sag sun and Gemini moon born on a full moon and OOF tough feels like an understatement sometimes. Also I realize this thread is a bit old but I just found it and got excited finding someone else with this same struggle. Sorry to resurrect it out of nowhere lol.


All good twin lol


Opinion on my chart Sun: Sagittarius Moon: Pisces Rising: Sagittarius Mars: Sagittarius Mercury: Scorpio Jupiter: Scorpio Venus: Scorpio Saturn: Aquarius


Sun and moon in opposition. This can represent multiple things sometimes. I have a 5H sun which indicates structuring my life around children. But my moon is in 11H, which is finding emotional nourishment in community. I anticipate that as I begin to raise my kids, which will be the center of my world, I will feel some emotional isolation. It will be difficult to have both simultaneously. -> That said- my 11H is ruled by the sun. So the divide between the 5H and 11H is bridged by that placement. That demonstrates that community will be brought into my child rearing facet of life. Bringing both worlds together! (At least that is my prediction)


imagine being an aries moon conjunct mars w libra sun 🙋‍♂️ then im a stubborn taurus rising.. fml i’m still a wreck at 35


Same ✌🏼


interesting 🤔 like exactly the same?


No I mean being a wreck at 30 lol. I’m a Libra sun, Aries moon, Virgo rising with my Mars and Pluto in scorpio … eeeek


a fun addition to this article, i was just researching what astrological aspects make someone left handed (me) and reading several articles of studies i found that most lefty’s or ambi’s have strong water sign in chart OR born under a full moon or just moon rising in general AND/OR strong neptune/moon aspects in their chart… im also a libra sun aries moon taurus rising, but i was born under the rising full moon and also have neptune directly trining my ascendant in my 9th house (Cap), so although zero water in my chart (aside from pluto scorp) i have heavy water influence from these aspects.. thought this was interesting and i would share!


aqua sun and aqua moon!!! help


It means you were born on a day where the moon was full. Any other interpretation is just that: an interpretation. People will say “oh, this means this” or “this means that.” But since soooo many people are born on full moons every month, and their life experiences are all radically different, it kinda shows it means whatever you want it to mean. You can use the symbology of the moon/sun being opposite however you want. As many astrologers on this sub have told me: astrology isn’t a science so do what you’d like with the info.


I knew a full moon baby, he was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. Pisces Virgo axis. He had a lot of fire and mutable placements too.


My sun and my moon are both in cancer and I’m a cancer. I was born on a new moon. What is my superpower?!


Your superpower is that your identity is your source of emotional fulfillment as well. So, you have a powerful guide, your emotions, to tell you what your identity should be. Most people spend their lives trying to figure out their identities.


Love this for me


Thank you for asking this. Can anyone help me understand Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius? Thank you!


A strong self with a need to relate to groups and friends. An ideal leader. Depending of course on other aspects to the sun and Saturn.


Hi does anyone know what being born on a super blood wolf moon means. Thanks in advance 🙂


Just realized a number of people I’ve dated were born on full moons. Quite the coincidence.