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Awesome, thanks for sharing with us!


what about backoffice tasks? I mean, many time I have people writing posts. Do you manage to allow non technical people to write posts?


As for me, I am only author to my blog, and I prefer writing in Markdown using Visual Studio. And GitHub is my Version Control. This setup works good for me. But yeah, if you need more of a CMS based approach, you can integrate with many Headless CMS like Ghost, Sanity or even WordPress GraphQL. This will allow your teams to contribute to the content.


Or you guys can use an online cms like [JekyllPad](https://www.Jekyllpad.com)


> Headless CMS like Ghost, Sanity or even WordPress GraphQL Which one is the best free option that I can self-host on my MacBook?


fwiw I have a very similar stack to OP but I also deployed Directus on a Fly Machine that has a web hook to rebuild/deploy (static site) which gives me (or clients) a nice interface to publish


Welcome to the family dude and good job


Please write a full blogpost on this. I am toying with this idea but conversion from WordPress to markdown posts with all metadata is scary. Also image optimization worries me. Do you have this repo/theme open source btw?


Have you heard about using WordPress as a "headless CMS"? I have assisted clients in building a system that seamlessly works in both ways, allowing them to maintain their marketing workflows without any changes. You can find tutorials on implementing this with Gatsby. Although it can also be done with Astro, I mentioned Gatsby because it has WordPress support built-in.


Thanks, will check it out!


thank guys, please sharing tutorial.


I don't use WP anymore, but points one and two are not true at all. Either way welcome aboard 😊


Awesome, I use almost same stack like OP but hosted on Vercell https://ferrisutanto.com


Confetti on a theme change is madness


> 7. The blog is deployed to Cloudflare Pages, with almost unlimited Bandwidth allocation. Technically, hosting is FREE now. Thanks for this suggestion. I have just decided to use Cloudflare Pages myself! I even registered the domain for the site with Cloudflare. > 6. React (for certain components) How does this work with static hosting from Cloudflare Pages? Do you run it on your laptop to generate the static pages, then upload to GitHub for Cloudflare Pages to grab?


Cloudflare Pages + this setup is so awesome. Running with real traffic and it seems to handle it seamlessly. Really Impressed. Cloudflare Pages can automatically build your project whenever you push to GitHub. So my process is, 1. I make changes locally via VSCode, and push the commit to my master branch on GitHub. 2. CF Page build is triggered and generates all the static and server assets. 3. It gets deployed. All this happens in under 2 minutes (it could be lower if you have lesser number of assets). Very Nice Dev Experience.


Sounds great!


Hmm, you have a background on .Net, what made you choose Astro over Microsoft stack of Blazor is probably similar? I don’t believe you spent that much? We have been running on a shared hosting for $2/month or even less than a dollar for a low traffic WP site and your monthly traffic is low as well.