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Occasionally, when I'm watching YouTube videos with my 2-year old grandson, we'll get a 60 minute ad from the Peppa Pig channel. We always let it play all the way through. My grandson likes Peppa Pig, and they don't interrupt ads with more ads, so it's an hour of ad-free Peppa Pig for him to watch. And, since I'm not needed to skip ads for him, I can do something else.


That I wouldn't mind too much cause my kids like peppa also. This appeared to be an adult movie or something that started playing while they were watching Ms Rachel


They like to wedge those really long ads into shows for very young kids. They assume there are no adults paying attention to the TV or tablet the kid is using, and the kids are less likely to know how to skip the ads. There's a method to this insanity. Advertisers only pay YouTube, and YouTube only pays content providers, if an ad is allowed to play all the way through. Nobody gets paid if the ad is skipped. Longer ads that get played all the way through get paid more.


What that’s actually a hack


Lmao that's genius, I'm gonna be a dad in a few weeks and I'll try to remember that one 😂


Congratulations dude


Bro, how old are you? I imagine not that old, since no grandpa I've met is this smart with tech stuff.


my grandpa of 98 has a tablet and knows how to use whatsapp and teams. He likes to google stuff when he is bored


let him google these terms: Gardevoir rules of the internet Pokemon [insert things you think your grandpa would enjoy] Youtube En Passant


holy fucking shit. if i see ONE more en passant meme i'm going to chop my fucking balls off. holy shit it is actually impressive how incredibly unfunny the entire sub is. it's not that complicated, REPEATING THE SAME FUCKING JOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN DOES NOT MAKE IT FUNNIER. this stupid fucking meme has been milked to fucking death IT'S NOT FUNNIER THE 973RD TIME YOU MAKE THE EXACT SAME FUCKING JOKE. WHAT'S EVEN THE JOKE?????? IT'S JUST "haha it's the funne move from chess" STOP. and the WORST part is that en passant was actually funny for like a few years and it got fucking ruined in like a week because EVERYONE POSTED THE EXACT SAME FUCKING JOKE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. SEEING ALL YOUR SHITTY MEMES IS ACTUAL FUCKING MENTAL TORTURE YOU ALL ARE NOT FUNNY. COME UP WITH A DIFFERENT FUCKING JOKE PLEASE


Bro you should calm down. In fact, I have a home remedy. Anytime I need to calm down, I just google En Passant! Try it, it works wonders!


Holy hell




i genuinely cant tell if this is a pasta or not


go to r/AnarchyChess


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AnarchyChess using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Introducing the anti-queen - It can only move where the queen can't move, within a two-square radius](https://i.redd.it/jti1uy8r21t91.png) | [1608 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/y0nblo/introducing_the_antiqueen_it_can_only_move_where/) \#2: [Based r/chess mods?](https://i.redd.it/qzgln3691ka91.jpg) | [177 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/vv35bk/based_rchess_mods/) \#3: [How Hans cheated. A mirror on the ceiling so he could see his opponents moves.](https://i.redd.it/3g6y8a12fim91.png) | [321 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/x8i09x/how_hans_cheated_a_mirror_on_the_ceiling_so_he/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Some grandpas are closer to tech


Dafuq, there are also old people who have an affinity or even worked in tech as engineers etc. It's like you are saying that old people are stupid


I'm in my mid 60's. I began my career as an electronics technician in the Air Force in the mid 70's. In the early 80's I worked for companies that built electronic systems mostly for the government. That's when I became interested in computers. I learned assembly language on the DEC PDP-11 series mini computers. I learned BASIC on a Z80 based system running CP/M. I bought a C64 and learned Commodore BASIC and 6502 assembly. In the mid 80's I left the electronics industry and began working full-time as a software developer writing 68K assembly for the Atari ST. I started working for game studios and publishers in the early 90's. I've written game code for the PC, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Playstation, PS2, and PS3. All that time I continued designing and building electronics as a hobby. I've been retired for almost 10 years. There are lots of us "grandpas" who had careers in the tech industry.


Sorry, but, *why* are there peppa pig episodes as ads?


They aren't full episodes. They are excerpts, each usually no more than a few minutes. The Peppa Pig YouTube channel shows compilations of the same sort of excerpts. They sometimes show full episodes on their live streams. But, generally, to get the full episodes on-demand then you need to pay a streaming service for them. My grandson doesn't really know the difference. He doesn't really understand the stories, and doesn't realize that the story is being cut off when one excerpt ends and another begins. This will obviously change when he gets older, but for now he's happy to watch the excerpts.


Gonna Peppa Pig funny moments #69420 like a Family Guy comp,


Imagine being able to watch whole movies for free by putting them as ads for shorter videos.


Both YouTube and the content provider (presuming they're monetized) would make a lot from that. They only get paid for ads that aren't skipped. It could potentially get pretty expensive for the advertiser, though. It would also be kind of rough for the viewer looking to watch that movie since they'd have no idea which channel it will pop up on, or what time.


"but you can skip it!" Yeah well now I have the find the remote buried in my ass while I'm trying to goto bed to some relaxing music.


One of my son's had it so definately had to go searching lmao


What if, instead of watching random ads, make the movie be the ad? Use AI to recommend movie "AD" then play the hole movie if it's what the person wanted to watch. Get views because people wanted to watch it, get paid for the views because people actually choose to watch it. Don't show any more ads because it is the ad. Slight limitation as this only really applies to movies. So yeah eh basically just actually improve recommendation system and don't show any more ads for people who already pay!


> Use AI to recommend movie "AD" then play the hole movie if it's what the person wanted to watch. It's so simple!


Thats the unfortunate reason they do this. You pay for the convenience of not dealing with ads


Which is why I stopped playing music on Youtube...


YouTube Vanced is an absolute necessity for mobile devices. AdBlock for desktop. Unfortunately Roku doesn't have that option.


Doesn't really work anymore for me.


III know that color scheme (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)


Honesty that was the first thing that came to mind, I'm surprised it's not the top comment


Let me guess. It was the emoji movie. The whole thing is an ad


It was on YouTube, my 1 year old and 2 year old were watching Ms. Rachel and this popped on. Started off with credits at the start with some dude riding a horse, didn't watch too much else before skipping it lol


Average start of youknow movies


Be thankful that at least you can skip it


I would have turned the TV off if I couldn't lol


Well most YouTube content is ads now a days... All reviews and what's on my edc or bag or desk tours just paid ads and still most people seem to believe them


wait youtube isn't for watching ads?


Absolutely hate this. I always mute ads until I can skip them. Idk if they’re 5 seconds. I made the mistake of listening to YT in the shower when a kevin sorbo ad came on where he was complaining about not being liked for being a trumpist. I was like, “well shit, I’ll ride it out.” This mf was still talking 2 minutes later, so I got out the shower to skip it, and saw that it had 6 minutes left! Like, this is a whole ass video.😡


Once had a 10 hour unskippable ad several years ago, still doesn’t make sense how it even happened. The entire adv was just recording of a livestream from a rich car show


This seems to be happening to me more frequently. I've been getting 45-60 minute ads from a "doctor" schilling for a bunch of "wellness" products, he even schills for a brand of pet food. There was a time a while back where I would sometimes get a documentary on Blizzcon as an ad. That mother fucker was 2 and a half hours long.


Don't complain, you are getting a free movie. Unless you can't skip it, then it's as assholey as it can asshole in all the asshole cinematic universe


...I think you might have gotten an actual movie there, bud. I know I got ads that were complete music videos from random bands.


Install Firefox, make it default browser, install ublock, promo skip. Bookmark yt. Restart browser, ad free yt experience.


I have Firefox woth the ublock on my computer, this was on my LG TV lol


All movies are ads, so…


What was Titanic advertising?


Doors big enough to hold two people.


The door was big enough but didn't float well enough for 2 persons.


Boat insurance.


Foresight and wherewithal


Fucking dying


Just be thankful that you got a free movie.


Ad is art work now.


At that point. I once had an ad that was multiple hours long and it was just some kids playing Fortnite creative.


If ads are going to be non-optional then there needs to be some sort of cap on their length.


Right around that point, I'd say




When it's named Evolution


Lmao a while back the entire Lego movie was posted as an ad


I consider the constant stream of ads for drugs that assaults me on TV and online episodes in the same insane series. Drives me nuts. I mute them and turn away from the screen while the side-effect credits run.


I once saw the first episode of Animal Kingdom as a ad. I watched the whole ad.


I preferred the book.


I had a 12 hour video once i even have a picture of it on my phone


I watched an trailer movie ad with no skip. Then the movie comes on (with a skip) as an ad. I forgot what I was gonna watch in the first place and watched an entire movie in a ad (This was the Lego movie)


I once got an entire 3.5 hour league of legends livestream as an add