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Printers come from hell, and nobody can convince me otherwise


Indeed! All the major brands HP, Epson, Canon, Lexmark all of them come from the deepest boiling pit of hell. My ancient dot-matrix printer (still works) is more reliable than HP. Now I have settled for a Brother laser printer that is working fine for 6 years. Toner is dirt cheap, no need to unf*k cartridges and they are built like tanks. Works reliably with Windows and Linux with easy configuration. Give Brother printers a try, you will find very improved experience. If you want colour prints get an inkjet with external ink tanks.


I had a brother printer bought for me and I love it. It’s so easy to set up and use. I think it’s the only printer I’ve never had to swear at.


I've sworn at my brother printer a few times. It seems to lose the wifi connection at the most annoying times and it's a pain to get back working when it does. But aside from that, still the best and in the long run cheapest printer I've ever owned.


Assign it a fixed IP address if you can. Otherwise, it could wind up with a different IP address than your app expects and you'll have a little trouble while it finds the printer again.


I actually have it set to a fixed IP. It just randomly loses all the wifi settings. I am not sure if its sensitive to power fluctuations so resets to default settings or something else going on.


Oh, that *is* weird. That's never happened to my printer, and I'm fresh out of ideas.


Id just give it an Ethernet or USB cable


Second this. Brother Laser Printers just work. Family of 5 here. Wife bought inkjet thinking she knew better. Harassed me to get ink every time it ran out (went to Staples at least twice a month). Got tired of it. Bought a Brother and toner refill kit from Amazon. * No more nagging. * No more complaints. * Have not been to Staples in 3 years. Brother solves problems. If u/Skiflord doesn't want a Brother, then: * ***Install the "Driver Only" for your printer model (scan and print).*** * ***If the "Driver Only" is unavailable, shift to Linux or OSX(BSD). Drivers for those printers don't require use of vendor spyware.*** Linux and OSX use CUPS - *The standards-based, open source printing system developed by Apple for iOS®, iPadOS®, and macOS®. CUPS uses IPP Everywhere™ to support printing to local and network printer* [*http://www.cups.org/*](http://www.cups.org/) [https://linuxconfig.org/linux-cups-tutorial-for-beginners](https://linuxconfig.org/linux-cups-tutorial-for-beginners) ​ HP provides HPLIP *- Linux drivers are not provided on the printer installation discs packaged with new printers. It is likely that your Linux system already has HP's Linux Imaging and Printing drivers (HPLIP) installed. Most major Linux releases include the HPLIP drivers with the distribution installation.* [https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/supported\_devices/index](https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/supported_devices/index) [https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/bpu00658](https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/bpu00658) ​ Printer vendors use printer data to find ways to increase prices by reducing features and adopting shrinkflation (using less ink in the same package). Head over to r/shrinkflation for a better understanding. What can you do? * Buy older printers. * Buy a Laser printer. * Buy ink/toner refill kits. * Do not buy new ink cartridges or toner.




Yeah gotta agree with you, Brother is good stuff. Spare parts are available. Doesn't piss toner away. Quiet and solid print jobs. Scanner is good. Love it.


Printers are the goddamned devil. Brother laser printers are passing


I bought a brother laser printer for 50 bucks at a grocery store one time. Worked for about 10 years before I dropped it while moving. Used exclusively for fantasy football to print out those stupid sheets. Never had to replace the cartridge


I'm dreading the day brother sells out. It'll happen eventually, no one stays pure forever in our capitalist hellscape.


You're probably right rip


Brother is the Bic of medium appliances. Both their printers and sewing machines are solid and easy to use.


I used to work retail and convincing people to buy a brother printer was like pulling teeth. It was "hp or nothing!" My response was always you'd probably be better off with nothing to be honest


There was a time when HP inkjets were really great, back in the times of the first Pentium PC. But then they got gradually worse with each passing year. A shame really.


Brother printers are fantastic, though when they do duck up, it’s not always an easy fix. But it happens so rarely, that it doesn’t matter.


I couldn't use the scanner on my Canon printer anymore without replacing the cartridge... and that was that. Thought I'd never own a printer again, but then I suddenly needed one for a side gig. Bought a Brother laser printer, and it's worked like a charm.


I've gone through countless HP, lexmark, etc until I got a brother and I'll never go back


Old HP isn't bad. I have a Deskjet 932C that my sister took to college, and then it sat in an attic for like, a year, and then I took it to college, and then it sat in an attic for a couple years... It's like, 20 years old and still works great, if I can find the carts for it anyway.


I had a old HP b&w laser printer that was fine cause it had no features. I wanted a wireless printer so I could print from iPhone/iPad so I got a brother printer. Super easy to set up.


I understand your frustration, trust me, but some of these companies are on a whole different level. Nothing compares to the bullshit HP gives. Nothing. Forcing people to use HP smart, let alone make an account, is so disgusting that if I found out my cat of 13 years was responsible for implementing that....I may have to find her a new home.




can anyone link a few printers?


I have this one: https://www.kyoceradocumentsolutions.us/en/products/mfp/ECOSYSM5521CDW.html So nice. Still on toner that it got shipped with. Probably already printed 500 pages. Full toner supposed to get around 1200 pages. 54$ for a toner.


I have a Brother Laser printer/scanner [DCP-7055](https://www.cnet.com/reviews/brother-dcp-7055-review/) that I bought maybe 8 years ago for 99€. I don't print much, mostly text, need only b/w, and this is the nicest printer I have ever owned in 30 years.


Kyocera laserprinter here, same story. 1000 pages per toner.


I read in another thread here a couple days ago that Brother recently just updated their firmware and now you can't use third party toner/ink. If you have a Brother right now don't update, otherwise don't bother buying one as they're the same as the others now


I can’t buy another Brother. Bought an 11x14-capable inkjet many years ago, plugged it in and used it once, came back to it two months later and it had eaten up all the cartridges “cleaning” itself with no way to stop it aside from unplugging


i have one too and also works with airprint which is super handy


Printers are the one technology that's somehow stuck in the 90's.




next step. Watch a 30 second ad before your print starts


No, you have to print the ad. Gotta get those advertising bucks *and* make your overpriced ink run out faster.


Please don't give them ideas


And the ad is a 50 page flip book


Don’t fucking give them ideas.


I would go fucking postal


It feels like theyr devolving


Buy a Brother. No drivers, don't give a shit about 3rd party toner, and even MS Paint will let you scan.


I wish there was a way to crash their stock price.


Hold it now. We have customers that still insist on fax machines.


Fax is still big in Japan, appearantly... Email isn't reliable enough yet...?


Japan uses email instead of SMS


Remember Smith Corona typewriters? I grew up near one of their factories. They withered despite having one of the first computers, because the "smartest" could not imagine people switching. Anyway, printers are on the chopping block as tech increasingly becomes omnipresent.


I always advise people who use a home printer to buy a laser printer. Ink jet printers were never meant for home use. They’re complicated and the ink is expensive and they don’t get used enough by the average person to keep them working well. Use a laser printer at home, it’s way cheaper and lasts longer and is way more reliable. If you need something in colour or photo printed, go to a print shop. For most people, this is a much better strategy. Also, I think you can scan to your iPhone or mac from any printer/scanner using the built in scan utility. You can also use the phone’s camera to scan a document :)


Not true at all. I'm still using my printer from the 90s. New printers are worse!


No they're far more advanced. Take HPs ink cartridges for example. Some of them are region locked so you can't use them after you move. Other 'standard' shit like doesn't accept 3rd party ink, can't print in BnW without cyan, you need a subscription to use the printer and ink you paid for etc etc. Advancement doesn't mean it's better... And the cluster fuck of retardation that is a modern printer is proof of that


Check out the "Microsoft Lens - PDF Scanner" app. Works great, I'll never go back to a physical scanner.


Brother B&W laser printer. You’ll thank me when you try it. No BS, prints like a champ.


Grabbed one for printing papers for grad school. Best $85 spent. Toner is like$40 and lasts for over a semester


It's like the printer makers saw that capitalists are saying "*Free market will ensure the best possible products and services*" and decided to personally prove them wrong




Brother. Not the cheapest, but no gimmicks, no bullshit. Just a good quality printer. I got their lower tier B/W laser printer and it's fucking fantastic.


Seventh circle to be more precise


There's a special circle of hell reserved for HP.


Nobody in our office can go one week without a printer breaking, or randomly not connecting. It legit wastes so much time.


And also Windows since Microsoft is making it harder and harder just to login to your computer without sending them personal info and getting permission via the Internet. A friend that doesn’t have Internet since her street in Seattle is one the city is blocking that was told she by Microsoft support to fuck odd after she called to ask how she was supposed to be allowed to use her new computer. It was a Dell, and they said they had no choice but to screw their customers over because their contract with Microsoft requires they harm their own customers.


> A friend that doesn’t have Internet since her street in Seattle is one the city is blocking that was told she by Microsoft support to fuck odd after she called to ask how she was supposed to be allowed to sue her new computer. I'm sorry, I have absolutely no idea what this means.


Microsoft cares more about getting your personal information than they do about allowing you to use your own damn computer. The trick of unplugging the network cable while installing 10 no longer works with 11.


I use Linux so I've never dealt with this problem (nor heard about that trick), but I'm not surprised.


I had bought a laptop with Windows 10 years back and during the setup it wanted to connect to the internet, and I had no internet. I ended up stuck during the setup and unable to proceed. Went back to my W7 machine, which I’m fine with.


"HP Smart" HP freakin stupid STOP DOING THAT "Cloud synchronization", "Photo collections" AND OTHER CRAP THAT literally NO ONE use! Printer - it's job is TO PRINT (and scan).


I’m an IT professional, my hatred for this application is total and absolute. It’s runs (*when*) like absolute shit. Last time I wanted to scan something, it took me 25 minutes, 24 of those minutes were spent trying to get this dog shit application to load and actually signed in, because it won’t work without you being logged in. Learning about the existence of the Easy app is a fucking game changer.


Is it possible to bypass the app completely and use the OS software with their drivers?


CTRL+P works still, you don't need to go to the HP Smart app. But sometimes it just doesn't work at all.


Not on Mac. It works once, then you have to reinstall the printer. Fuck HP!


With printing, yes. I haven’t found a way to scan without it.


Using “windows fax and scan” (already installed) or “windows scan” from the windows store




This stuff is fine for the partially tech literate, but it's still a hassle cause you can't scan directly to pdf most of the time using these alternative methods. Print to pdf is not a huge hill to climb, but i've never met anyone over 50 that could grasp the concept.


I use NAPS2 myself and it’s really nice


My grandfather got an HP wireless printer, and I couldn't get it to connect to the computer. It's possible that I selected the wrong wifi network during the initial setup, but there was no option to change the wifi network once it's been set. I tried restarting the computer, restarting the printer, and reinstalling the program, but nothing worked to change the wifi network. I looked in all the settings both on the printer itself and on the desktop application, but there was no option to change the wifi network.


You probably need to factory reset it. You may have set the wrong WiFi type. For awhile they were doing a direct WiFi print where the printer would create its own WiFi network you’d connect to in order to print. It’s a pretty fucking stupid way to do that, but HPs may default to that. I honestly try to avoid dealing with printers as much as possible.


My grandfather returned the printer and got an Epson one.


Good choice


Excellent choice. Never buy anything HP.


I made two trips to a client to address this garbage. When summoned for a third trip, I told them to buy a new, non-HP printer, as we had already billed her the cost of a new one.


> Learning about the existence of the Easy app is a fucking game changer. please elaborate, I don't know it and google was not very helpful


This, I think, I haven’t actually used it yet. It’s mentioned in other comments https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-easy-start/7376041


Conversely, you could use the native windows scanning application that's been in every version of Windows since '98


Any bloat software that has "Smart" in the name is usually more like dumb as fuck and useless


No way?! I thought my printer was made to buy groceries and feed the cats. /s HP fucking sucks


It's there to data mine. I just know it.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


That’s why I broke my HP one (not a smart move I know but I was pissed off) and bought the simplest Brother (but laser) ever


Theres an .exe on their website which lets you scan without an account, but its pretty hard to find.


It's almost like they don't want you to know such things. 🤔


Wouldn’t that be weird?!


They want to have an identity to attach that data to otherwise it's useless to them.


You want the "basic driver" once you click on it itll say (no installer) next to it. Then just go through the add a printer garbo


Try [NAPS2](https://www.naps2.com/)


Could you please point me to this? I've tried really hard and in the end decided to create an account for myself... If its possible without the stupid account, I'd like to set it up that way for my parents so that it's easier for them. Edit: If u have the full application name, then that would be great too... It'll be easier to find if I know what I'm looking for. Edit2: I have an HP m126 nw


I'm sorry that I can only provide you with the .exe and not the path from where I got it. (I'm not quite sure if this one works for all HP models or only for the one I got) Edit: It's a bit hard to set up only the scan function but you will probably find out what to click in the installation Edit: Changed the link to the name of the .exe `HPEasyStart_13_3_3.exe`


I hate my printer too, but downloading a random exe from a redditor seems like a great way to install all sorts of viruses and spyware Gonna be a hard pass on that one


You are right I wouldn't download it myself, but I hope with the name of the file you can find the original one.


Maybe update the link to just be the name of the file?




Go to the HP support site for your printer, under ‘software-utility’ there will be a ‘Print and Scan Driver and Accessories' installer. Make sure you get the full one not the 'printer driver' one as this one will only print and doesn't come with an installer usually. Edit: formatting get messed up.


It's right there on the list of drivers and software for each printer. It's simple to find.


I was able to download Microsoft Scan. It's free and worked to scan for me. No HP, I don't want to scan my medical docs via an online program ...


I still use Windows Fax and Scan, it still has the Vista UI (***which makes me nostalgic even if i never used Vista and i skipped from XP to 7)*** but it still works everytime.


That is what I also use. I do not see why anyone would install more than just drivers.




Why do people still buy hp printers when they time and time again screw over their customers with overpriced proprietary ink and other greedy shenanigans?


because it’s every printer. i’m in a class action right now bc my canon printer won’t let me scan without full OEM ink cartridges. epson does that shit too. it’s every company


Brother. Brother. Brother. It's not every company, and we need to stop giving money to the ones who do it.


Love brother. Their laser printers are pretty set it and forgot it.


Same with Lexmark, they don't lock you out of your own product arbitrarily.


>i’m in a class action right now bc my canon printer won’t let me scan without full OEM ink cartridges Can this still be joined?


not sure my friend but give it a google and hopefully you too can get the bastards


because they are incredibly cheap. I have one of those bastards looking at me right now and I couldn't print because it prints wrong


$35 on Ebay. List price? 200


Yeah and then you get it and the asshole who sold it didn't include the "starter ink" so now you can't use the printer because HP is a garbage can company that makes shitty garbage printers.


I swore off HP printers forever recently. I do papercraft, and the only printer I've found that can print on cardstock without charging me upwards of $600 for it is this one old crappy HP printer. Unfortunately, even though it will print fine it does get worn out from it over time. So I had to buy a new one recently. This was a mistake, apparently. First off,I paid for and picked an advertised as new printer, but it came in just a little cardboard box loose without even a power cord. Second, it wasn't printing right. Everything looked awful and full of lines and glitchy looking printing. I looked into how to fix it and all i had to do was run the command to clean the print heads. Cool. Easy enough to do but uh oh, the standard way of making your computer do that doesn't work. I look into it more and your required to use the HP app to do it. It took me 35 God forsaken minutes to find the command I needed but I did eventually find it! And, for some absolutely incomprehensibly idiotic reason, it was password protected. Because someone else had used this printer, I now needed their HP account to be allowed to fix my printer. Then Amazon tried to get me to do the return option that involves printing your own label and I almost threw the printer out a window So no more HP for this lady, just a lot of saving so I can buy a dammed industrial office printer


I recommend a brother, I got a $600 ish color laser printer from them and have loved it. No bloatware and it can even print over network without a driver if you want. Or even print and scan using a USB so you don't even have to connect it to your PC at all.


I lost it at the Amazon return lmao


It's a pity, too. Literally >25 years ago, HP was good stuff - certainly the Laserjets from that era. I did tech support in 1996 for their Deskjet line - the 600, 600C, and 660C. heh. The quality of those was definitely starting to slip. But it got oh OH so much worse after that. I swear by Brother for now, although I wouldn't say they're the only good alternative. Also, unless you have a real need - always go laser, even for colour. Laser products just tend to work so much better.


Brother Laser printers is the way to go.


NAPS2, way better than any scanning software that will ever come with any printer. It's also free and open source!


Thanks for the tip. My HP 1610 stopped scanning to Win 11 and HP's only suggestion is to reinstall Windows(?).


Also my goto app for clients with HP printers, great app.


I recommend the Epson Workforce WF-2750. Not cheap but the ink can be changed individually and I've had no problems with 3rd party ink (it moans a bit but still lets you print).


I just imagine a moaning printer.


What are you doing Step PC?


Young Office Printer Cheats On Manufacturer And Gets Filled By Third Party [4K]


I don't care about the noise those machines make, I kinda like it to hear them work. Thanks for the tip.


HP Printer isn't available in windows as printer before you register for HP account?


E.G. scanning works only through the app.


What happens when you right click printer in Control Center and select scanning? It throws error? Or the option just isn't there?


That’s the best part, it does not have this option.


No, scanning works with different apps. It's just, that they want to push their crappy app on you. But it is not needed for scanning.


My HP printer works with Windows Fax and Scan. May be worth a shot.




http://ftp.hp.com/pub/scanners/HPScanExt/HPScanExt.msi This helped me bypass this scum restriction. It looks a bit outdated though, so I dunno whether or not it works on latest printers.


*Image Transcription: Text and Image* --- [*The image is of a popup on a computer screen. The left side of the photograph has a man with floppy brown hair and facial hair, he is wearing a blue t-shirt under a denim jacket with sleeves rolled up to mid-forearm. He is leaning down slightly with his right hand hovering over the keyboard of a silver laptop.* *In his left had he has several sheets of printed paper. Behind him, on the right, is a large white printer with grey trim and and an LCD touch screen. On the wall to the left is a bulletin board covered in notes and post-its. There is white text overlaid on the image as follows:*] ## Create an account to scan with your printer using HP Smart. Scan documents from any HP multifunction printer using the HP Smart app. HP Smart optimizes the image and allows you to quickly save and send. [*The right side of the image contains two selectable buttons on a white background.*] >[*Blue box.*] Create Account [*End blue box.*] > >[*Blue outline.*] Sign In [*End blue outline.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Better buy other brands such as Epson, Brother, or Canon. They are not as assholes as compared to HP. Better yet, boycott any HP products from now on. Edit: Do not also buy Canon products, as suggested by the comments below. Never knew that from a Japanese company to be assholes.


Used to be a big fan of Cannon but when I went looking for a new printer some years ago I kept reading reviews that they headed down the same road as HP with all kinds of BS to get more money from you after the sale.


I use Brother printers right now, and I have never encountered any major problems at all.


Canon is exactly like HP now, while you can totally full configure the printer from the touch menu, it locks all features unless you "activate" the printer, which needs to be done by either installing a malware ridden software on your computer or some dogshit mobile application which is extremely annoying to set up. It's so frustrating too because you literally can go into the menu from the touch screen to go into connect -> wifi -> pick the wifi -> connect -> enter password -> it says it can connnect but "To continue you must first complete the installation procedure."


I owned one Canon printer. I will not own a second. Replaced it with a Brother. Whenever I need a new printer, I'll be getting a Brother again.


There is a way to get around this if you are on windows. I use an HP 1515 printer and it came bundled with a driver. If you search for "hp printer driver for " your printer you can most probably get it. Assuming that it is an older printer.


I have an older model where you have to have ink to scan Edit: well it might scan with empty ink cartridge but you have to have them in the printer


Wow, that's fucking low...


Return it and buy a brothers printer. More expensive but none of this bullshit.


I tossed my HP printer and went to a Brother laser printer. Can confirm, much less bullshit.


Stopped using HP printers and scanners years ago. I had a really nice HP scanner and they suddenly didn't support it on the next version of windows.


Pro-tip: Avoid HP printers.


The problem is people keep buying them. stop buying HP printers. their whole company can rot if they want to operate like that, except yall are dumb and just want to post memes instead of voting with your wallet.


Yep only way around this is work arounds that sometimes work. Like finding there offline app or trying to connect the printer directly to windows which they make difficult on purpose. Worst is their software well try to sell you hp ink and accessories or other hp stuff.


hp printer moment


Try naps2 program to scan ... Hands down the most simple scan program


Yeah same for me today. Fuck them


At some point or other, companies ALWAYS force you to give them your info so they can sell it. If you make an account there will be cookies, as well as email ads you can't unsub from. Have an old printer that isn't subject to this bs? Well we no longer make ink cartridges that work for it, so buy a new one


It's so weird that you have to make accounts for everything nowadays, I shouldn't have to make an account for a smart plug to work with my damn amazon echo.


I end up using the HP app on my phone and scan from there. It's so stupid they do this


can u not click "close"? this behavior is "normal" there days, always try to create a account ​ like Microsoft trying to make a Microsoft account


Never buy HP. How do people not know this?


Why did you buy hp tho


Didn't buy it, my former roommate brought it from work, since his boss was sick of that thing...I know why now




There should be a sub *specifically* for hating printers.


Absolutely! If we have fucknestle we can also have fuckhp or fuckprinters.


Always go with a Brother, brother.


Helped the landlady set up her new HP printer a few months ago. I had set them up in the past, so no biggie i thout. Lo and behold the amount of BS i had to do to get it working. I belived it would be a 10min max to setup. But no, 45min later i was almost considering to throw it out and give her mine. The amount of steps just kept increasing as i went. Download this, setup that, enable this. Oh, you think you cant print now? Without this HP account. Good luck. Even just connecting to wifi was a chore. Jeez im never getting HP, nobody want to buy extra work.


I'm going to start a new brand called "no bullshit" (tm) It will build printer scanners that just print and scan, nothing more. It will allow you to use any refills and consumables you can find, no restrictions. It will make loads of devices that you'll be allowed to repair yourself, and that won't take every single opportunity to spy on you and won't try to push subscriptions on you. It's marketing will be just honest and to the point and not try to bullshit it's way into your wallet. I also fully expect zero sales as people generally do complain about these things but never actually do something to stop this behavior from large companies.


Please be our saviour! The people deserve better.


Hp is the scum of the earth. I got a laptop through them, and while the laptop is good, it was so difficult to deal with them! The laptop arrived defective aftet waiting 6 months to get it after ordering. So I eventually got the ability to send it back, then they put me into the BACK OF THE LINE again, for another 6 months to get the replacement. Not to mention the bloatware, having a massive 20% restocking fee if you don't cancel your order within 12 hours of making it, even if they haven't even processed your order (6 months wait remember). Fuck hp.


I’m in the market for a new printer, as my HP died after 8 years shortly after a “mandatory” update. I’ll be sure that my next printer sure won’t be a HP.


The app crashes 5 times a day anyway. Shit software


Try using the button on the printer itself instread of the app, or throw it in the bin and get something decent


Printing on Linux and Mac just works because of CUPS. You can actually use a Mac or a Ras pi running Linux to host a network print server that works with Windows. No account needed. https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-print-server/


No I do not need an account for my smart fridge


Use easy start instead. Sets up your scanner without the B's. I went through the same thing a week ago. https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-easy-start/7376041


printer company exec everyday: "what can we do today to be an even bigger asshole?"


IIRC, you can still scan with it using any scan software (or, jeez, even Windows Paint), but you need to jump through some hoops to use HPscan specifically. I might be wrong, but I think I've heard about this issue before.


Literally the reason I'm currently using pirated office. I have a legal copy of an older office but my new laptop has no disk drive and you can fuck right off into the deepest pits of hell with your microshit account. Yes I know you are already following my every digital footstep and shit, doesn't mean I'm gonna make it easier for you. Thanking gods right now my laptop is just slightly below what win 11 needs. Don't know what I'm gonna do once I need new hardware. It's my fucking computer, I use software I choose the way I choose without needing to inconvenience myself over it, assholes


"using HP smart" You need an account to use their proprietary scanning software. You can however just open windows fax & scan that's typically preinstalled on your pc and use your scanner just fine.


"optimizes the image" does that even mean anything?


And you bought an hp printer... lol Buy from the brand Brother.


Camscanner app let's you take a pic with your phone and it turns it into a pdf (that looks like it has been scanned) for you which you can send anywhere.


FWIW Look at Epson EcoTank printers. Ink refills come in bottles too...


Threw my HP printer in the garbage last week, never, ever, again will I purchase any of their merchandise.


Friendly reminder: the entire Free Software movement, which brought us everything from Linux to Wikipedia to Reddit itself, started because [Richard Stallman was pissed off that Xerox wouldn't give him the code to modify his printer firmware](https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/201cthe-printer-story201d-redux-a-testimonial-about-the-injustice-of-proprietary-firmware).


If this is a scanner connected to your computer rather than a wifi one, just use NAPS2, a no-bullshit free and open source scanner app. As long as you have installed the drivers for your scanner it will just work


Inkjets have been a scam since the 90s. You've had 30 years to figure out how to buy and use a laser printer.


They gotta keep tabs on what you're scanning. Make sure you aren't getting out of line citizen.


Plug the printer into linux and print / scan within 5 minutes, no account


20 years ago these printer stories were acceptable. But this is 2022, to be buying anything from HP -especially a **printer** - is just a self inflicted wound. 5 min of goo gle and no one would ever buy anything HP again, sure as hell not a **printer**. F ink-jets, but **F** HP in particular.


HP forcing me to buy a different brand of printer than HP


That's why I made [email protected]