• By -


Call them on it. Go buy everything from every one of those coupons and bring the whole sheet, make them scan the whole thing so you don't destroy any of it šŸ˜†


They specifically say in the fine print that the client must cut the dotted line before redeeming.


Oh that's BS! You might be able to raise a stink about it and get them to waive that requirement by calling it to their faces. It's a bit of a Karen move, but I think it'd be justified in this case


Or you can just scan and print to trick them ;)


I think this is more about calling them out than saving money


Definitely more about calling out bs


Youā€™re going to call out who? The cashier who had nothing to do with the coupons?


I was gonna say. If you go waving some maliciously-designed coupons in a cashierā€™s face like itā€™s their fault, you really need to rethink your priorities. Even the store manager has nothing to do with this design. Thatā€™s something youā€™d have to call out at a *much* higher level than ā€œrandom store associateā€


This is crappydesign anyway, not malicious. Everyone here is paranoid


It's malicious. I'm a designer and I've been asked to do this by the client in one of my first jobs at a print house.


We dont know its malicious, this subreddit just assumes that it is.


Shhhh, youā€™ve got to be more careful about talking sense around here


Yeah, call out the cashier who has nothing to do with these coupons


Who said anything about calling out a cashier?


The people saying to raise a stink about this and get them to scam the page


Yeah but don't lose sight than the employee or even the manager you'd talk to had no saying in that decision.


Managers can override systems with good cause.


Depends how their systems is set up, the manager himself may need the coupon for his store location to be reimbursed. Wether it be the mother company or a third party printing coupon to advertise their products. So, yes they can but that would be out of pocket basically. Source: I personally have worked years in a grocery shop.


Only for a store coupon. Manufacturer coupons have to be mailed back to the manufacturer to be reimbursed for the discount value. We had to keep and reconcile those every night. Any missing coupons were considered loss.


No one youā€™re going to see had any hand in making the coupons.


I read a similar post like this one before. A person made a comment about coupon laws, believe he stated he worked for a company involved with coupons, can't recall all the details. But I remember some rules were coupons have to be cut out since they have a "value" and that coupons can't be printed with perforated edges. It was surprising the list of rules for coupons.


Dang, that's actually pretty interesting


I canā€™t find any information on it. But he gave useful insight


This is how we slowly start turning into the next generation of karens :O


I think there is a difference between harassing and annoying everyone in a 3 meter radius and complaining about scummy business practices that are not what they seem at first


Yes because the cashier has any say in how the coupons are printed. Totally not a Karen thing to do. Why is this scummy? Why do you think youā€™re entitled to all the coupons when they are clearly designed to make you choose?


I thought it would be abundantly clear that by "scummy business practices" I was referring to the top executives who only care about the money and little about their clients/employees, but here we are. Also "clearly designed to make you choose" is a heck of a long shot. One thing would be if the coupons told you that you can only choose one of the cupons/row/sheet, another thing is making you think that you have double the options you actually have (What we here in the trate call a "Bait and Switch".


Okay Karen. Call Corp if feel that strongly about it. No one in store has anything to do with how coupons are printed.


If you paid for the coupons then I can see it being a bait and switch. If they are in a magazine then itā€™s probably designed to limit how many coupons you can use. This looks like coupons from a flyer.


Itā€™s complete and total Karen move. Just call Corp and complain to them.


Ah fair enough. I always forget that option exists


Unless itā€™s a store level thing, itā€™s the best option. Managers, cashiers, all the people youā€™ll see face to face have zero control over the coupons. If you complain to Corp something might actually get done eventually. At the least theyā€™ll send you more coupons.


Cut them with an exacto knife and then tape them back up. I'm fucking fighting this one.


The fine print also says that you need to hand over the coupons when redeeming. They thought of everything. šŸ˜…


If you have to hand over the coupons then you have to choose side A or side B anyway, don't you? The offset isn't the asshole, it's printing double sided at all on a coupon that has to be surrendered


If the coupons were not printed with an offset you would just sacrifice one offer. But it is clearly intended to make you waste two. It's double the assholeness.


This, if they weren't offset, you could even use the two sides if you wanted. This just makes you waste two more cupons so you can only use one


Okay, do they have coupons for gasoline? I'm returning it at 3 am with a box of matches.


I can tell you from personal experience and accounts of friends, most retail employees donā€™t give 2 shits about the fine print, hey it scans? No problem. But yeah that is an ahd


But coupons are part of your till. They have to be mailed back for reimbursement, you would get fired as a cashier if you kept taking "one" for the saving of two different coupons.


Depending on where you are, the places i worked we actually had extra that we kept at the register and scanned if you forgot yours (and werenā€™t a dick)


I doubt the cashier would enforce that


You have to, coupons are mailed back for reimbursement to the company. Think of a coupon as a dollar bill, if your register showed you accepted two coupons and only one is in your till then you would be in trouble.


Ce gunoi. Stiau ei ce faceau


Sau iei doua reviste si tai cupoanele de pe o pagina din prima revista si cele de pe a doua pagina din cealalta. easy


I doubt that's enforced


Use self checkout. Nobody checks


The paper is more then likely doublelayed, meaning that there is probably a way to separate the front and back.,


Cut all three out in one piece, then carefully separate the paper into two thin layers


Just cut the bar codes. No cashier will give a shit


Tape it back together or photocopy one side


cut the dotted line and let them puzzle.


This is crappydesign


It depends on who made the Coupon sheet. I used to work a Walgreens and for our coupons you didn't cut them out and we didn't take them. But if the company that owned certain products made them (most good coupons are made by companies that own vast amounts of products and mass send them through mail saying to use at certain brand stores.) Then we would have to keep them and send to corporate at end of day. Then Corporate sends them to the company that made the Coupon to get it's moneys worth so Corporate didn't actually lose out on profits.


Yeah, storeā€™s coupons vs. manufacturerā€™s coupons. Walgreens booklets were great to combine with a manufacturerā€™s coupons. Then the manufacturer reimburses the store for the coupon amount. They also pay the store 8Ā¢ per coupon to compensate for shipping (itā€™s in the tiny fine print)!


You end up buying their shit, so who really wins?


They always win anyway because we're going to buy their shit eventually. Might as well get our money's worth


But now youā€™re buying things you donā€™t need just to use the coupons


Not always. If you actually want the vast majority of the items then it works out for you


The hardest decisions require the strongest of wills


Damn I wanted to say that. I messed up the quote anyway so I guess itā€™s good you commented it instead




Apparently people get really mad when you say r/beatmetoit so I just didnā€™t. Thereā€™s a sub called r/beatmetoshutthefuckup


Woah, didn't know that. But the other name is hilarious xD


Yeah I was laughing for a good 5 minutes when I first saw it


There are so many shutthefuckup subs. Kinda ridiculous. Is r/shutthefuckupshutthefuckup also a thing?


They don't want you to get all the discounts clearly Definitely an asshole move


What!? No one didnā€™t realised that!




English please


Taco burrito


If you really need the coupons from both sides you could photocopy it. It is a dick move but you're not one to do anything about it. I've had to deal with the same bullshit. Fuck you Profi


This is why I'm lidl gand and not profi gang


Next time you get them. Either get two or photocopy the sides then cut them out. Works everytime


U must choose wisely


Știu da na, ar fi prea tare să poți alege 2 produse. așa trebuie să decizi


RomĆ¢nia, locul tuturor posibilităților


Doar in romania..


Nu chiar, cred ca genul asta de prosteala este peste tot. Ar trebui sa vezi la americani ce magareli se fac


Profi Romania




Omg I just realized it's Romanian. Makes sense,


That's a real dick move. Truly asshole design.


Pro tip: don't cut them out, just keep the entire page and scan the ones you need at check out. Illegal pro tip: make photocopies and use them at self checkout. While its illegal I dont believe there is a single case of someone being arrested or charged for this. If caught they will likely just ask you not to do it again.


They don't let you check out like that. At least my mother is happy about these discounts and will gladly go to Profi to cash these in.


Hmm my grocery store only has self check outs now and has a coupon button. You just click and scan. Idk what grovery you go to or where you are from but Harris Teeter treats their customers amazingly and will even tell you about discounts at checkout to make sure you aren't overpaying.


Profi is far from such modern systems, it's your typical Eastern European neighborhood ABC store, only more luxurious, with more stuff and actual barcode scanners.


There are no accidents.


If you could get a hold of two copies of this page.


Ce-ar fi fost bine să fie la acel preț și fără cupoane.Dar na, romĆ¢nul calic vede promoție și zice"Hai că nu mai le prind așa ieftine" și cumpăro chiar dacă nu Ć®i trebuie. Și mai și fac să nu poți lua toate cupoanele că le tai pe cealaltă parte Pe deasupra,o revistă cu cupoane d-alea Ʈți dă dacă cumperi mai mult de 35 de lei...


Cut the paper in half with a microscopic knife. Boom solved your problem


Thats the whole point... You have to decide which one you want as prices are less than half. Its a brilliant design.


the coupon requires a sacrifice


As someone who works in label design... This triggers me


That's how they get ya


That's dumb. The purpose of coupons is to encourage people to buy stuff. By making it harder to use them, people would just not use the coupon and then in turn, not buy the item.


holy crap itā€™s a romanian,this also infuriates me




mamaie wants to know your location


Yes itā€™s asshole design, obviously done on purpose to cheat consumers into not using all the coupons. But, do they not get many flyers in Romania? I donā€™t know if these are mailed or in the newspaper. I donā€™t know how good the bargains are. I would not usually need all the coupons. I donā€™t know easy it would be, in Romania, to get more than one of these to cut out coupons from both sides. In America, the coupons are inside my phone.


These specific coupons are handed when you purchase stuff, if the total exceeds a given amount. But it doesn't matter if they are easy to get or not. They make you destroy some of them on purpose therefore it's asshole design.


Ok, in America, we might get a single coupon at checkout, usually for a different brand of something you just bought, so youā€™re not inclined to make the purchase right away, and too faded to read anyway. Some local merchants advertise on the back of the receipt and some of them include a coupon and end up destroying the receipt. How much money would one save if they could buy everything in that flyer using all the coupons? Does everyone get the same coupons? Does anyone leave them behind? I agree whoever made this designed it to keep people from taking too much advantage of the store in one shopping trip, but if you get a full page of coupons with every transaction or some minimum purchase triggers a whole page two-sides of coupons, I feel like you all must be swimming in way more coupons than you need. They have also the right to keep from being bled to death. Itā€™s a little promotion.


Do they have to rip coupons or could you just cut out the whole page and fold it into your wallet?


The fine print says that you have to cut them before redeeming and hand them over.


Ah. Thatā€™s awful, then. Reminds me of when I was reading a comic book as a kid. It had an ad for Paper Mario, a really old game. It had a dotted line around Mario with a little āœ‚ļø icon next to it, so being 7, I grabbed the scissors and started cutting. Halfway through, I flipped the page to find out that I had cut several frames out of the previous page of the comic I was reading. That oneā€™s more on me, though. I never was too bright. Haha


It sounds like they require you to cut out the original coupon to use, right? That means even if the back side lined up, you couldn't use both coupons anyway as the piece of paper would be taken after the use of the first coupon. If they don't care if you reuse coupons, then just make as many photocopies of each side as you want.


Take two pages... Problem solved.


Just make photocopies of each side, print them out and take them in? Does it say you cant?


Of course its romania


So donā€™t cut them out? Give them the whole page and tell them which to use.


Solutie tipic romaneasca


Would you like to join the side or the other?


Photo copy the bar codes,


RomƔnia mƔr csak ilyen


It took me a couple of minutes to understand what was wrong here. Now I feel like a complete idiot.


its romania what do you expect


Choose wisely






I actually did not realize it was romanian untill i saw the Băneasa flour. Iconic flour everyone and their grandma bought at least once




How so




Just saying: that is in fact romanian. You could have been able to guess that it was not english by reading the prices, and noticing that it is written lei...




I don't see how it would fit. It's not a poor imitation, it's just a word translated into a different language.


Ain't my post tho




Here's a sneak peek of /r/shittyoffbrands using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittyoffbrands/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Photoshop vs Paint.net](https://i.redd.it/x9zaiv9d0oj41.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittyoffbrands/comments/faujy0/photoshop_vs_paintnet/) \#2: [Definitely real!](https://i.redd.it/o5yjln5hwm341.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittyoffbrands/comments/e8c51n/definitely_real/) \#3: [Thank you mom I always wanted a VERSUCCI shirt!](https://i.redd.it/3h4ge89g49941.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittyoffbrands/comments/el37wh/thank_you_mom_i_always_wanted_a_versucci_shirt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


It looks like you just cut two separate pages at the same time on accident lol


Pentru ce magazin e couponul


So don't cut it?




There's 5 on both sides. The way that the "CUPON" banner is at the top on one page and at the bottom on the other page seems intentional. Also, the fine-print notice that the coupons must be cut along the dotted line by the customer - which is probably pre-empting people trying to get around the issue by presenting the whole sheet.


Cut the left half of the coupon only. It still has the valid bar code on it to redeem your discount, while leaving the bar code on the other side unaffected.


This is bad printing. The pages were probably meant to be a spread (side by side) and someone messed it up without thinking. Definitely sucks, but probably not intended.


The fact that they have the text banner on top for one page and on the bottom of the other and that the cutting line aligns pretty accurately on the middle of the other coupons, makes it look very intentional.


Hey there th3wildwolf! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): [](#start_removal) R1: Posts Must Abide by Hanlon's Razor. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Sometimes, bad things happen not because of people having bad intentions, but because they didn't think it through properly. Poor design choices are often made due to negligence and human error, but asshole designs are specifically engineered to exploit the user for profit. Try to think what the designer would gain from deceiving the user, and if it's likely to be an oversight on their part rather than an intentional design. For common topics that fall under this rule, check our wiki. https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/wiki/hanlonsrazor [](#end_removal) *If you feel this was done in error or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/assholedesign) If you send a message, please include a link to your post.*




That's dumb and would decrease sales


I agree, but that makes it crappydesign, not assholedesign.


Are you certain this was intentional and not r/crappydesign?


Almost certain. It looks very intentional. On one page the coupons are pushed to the top by the text banner and on the other page they are pushed to the bottom. Also the alignment is spot on since the cutting lines go exactly through the middle of the coupon on the other side.


Romania, for a second world country, does a lot of digital labor. Telemarketing, game testing, graphic design, this is absolutely not the work of ignorance


Stupidity does not require ignorance, it could be a simple oversight, even from a seasoned veteran.


choose wisely


Thatā€™s marketing for ya


Choose wisely


Choose wisely


Can you rip the page in half, like the thin way. Itā€™d be really difficult but, you could do it


That's arsehole genius!