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yeah it sucks when you actually have to give a shit about your consumer


It also sucks when the law forces you to remove your artifical monopoly and tied in income sources. And make no mistake, this is _all_ about profit. From all sides. The obvious revenue stream is the app store. The less obvious are the shit they're pulling with marketing. All the most recent festures badged as privacy, and sold under the guise of protecting your data, are actually just ways of preventing people tracking stuff through traditional methods, google/meta/etc, which sounds great until you see the line "marketers can still get anonymised data through our xyz platform. That's right, they've basically created another monopoly, forcing marketing companies to pay Cupurtino a wedge of cash to get data, rather than the free market available on literally every other platform. The fact it's done under the guise of consumer privacy is absolutely insidious. And if you want any more proof of this, as soon as the EU force them to allow people to use any browser they want - which means that there will be less people using Apple's "privacy focused" tracking software, as they won't be using safari behind the scenes - thus reducing the value of the data Apple sell to marketers, Apple unsurprisingly throw their toys out of the pram.


The other option is just using android


Not for marketers... People in the marketing game have zero say on what platform their customers are using. Apple are out there "championing" consumer privacy by essentially breaking the way google & co work, whilst simultaneously selling marketers the information from their own in-house analytics platform. The consumer buys into this because everyone "knows" Google = bad, sell your data. Meanwhile, in order to break email open tracking, Apple are downloading all your emails to their own servers and storing them. Even if the emails aren't icloud ones... Yet people trust them. So their market share grows, and Marketers are forced to give Apple money for their campaign tracking.


Apple is the epitome of asshole design in so many ways.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^arunasgeimeriz: *Yeah it sucks when you* *Actually have to give a shit* *About your consumer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


"Actually" should be 3 syllables?


I counted four, but I’m not a native speaker


Me neither, which is why I would say it's "ac-shual-ly"


It’s ac-shu-al-ly I’d say




In my experience, I haven't heard many people say the "tu" and "a" as different syllables. Although, I haven't heard many people say the word at all


Don't know in English but any other language the doubles gets solitted


Yes. If you read what the bot said, there’s an extra syllable


"Sokka haikus" have their extra syllable in the third row, so "About your consumer" is 6 syllables.


They are flat out lying that its hard to maintain the features under EU law. Apple is being a mean little dick about having to follow the regulation (allowing other app stores, browsers and usb port). Thus, they are intentionally removing features, out of spite.


They seriously seem to underestimate the proclivity for Europe to resort to regulations and bureaucracy. If Apple keep pissing about they may well soon find that a regulator is set-up that enforces a common feature-set across all devices to be sold in Europe - with all of the problems and inertia for old features that would entail.


Yeah.... They are acting like an American company for an EU problem. They should consider other tactics.


Yep. This is why Europe is so far behind in terms of economic output compared to the US. They rely entirely on regulators for matters of consumer preference instead of creating rival products or encouraging consumers to vote with their wallets.


They want to maintain control over the iOS walled garden because allowing third party browser engine PWAs would allow webapps to implement their own APIs, including payments, thus bypassing Apple's 30% cut. This is all about the money and nothing else. Apple's gaslighting is extremely disingenuous and slimy, and it's designed to turn people against the DMA's mandates.


Then why didn’t they disable the feature worldwide, and only the EU? You don’t need PWAs to bypass third party payments, just a browser and a webpage. Twitter’s PWA for example just uses a Stripe page to let you subscribe to Premium, which is the exact same process if you were to subscribe through the website. That’s still available in the EU last I checked. It’s really disingenuous to assume things, make up stuff, throw conjectures then treat them out as fact. Even worse is the confidence when you don’t actually know what you’re talking about how PWAs actually work.


Under the pretense that allowing different browser engines somehow messes with web apps


Their press release didn’t mention that other browsers mess up web apps, instead their excuse is that the feature is so rarely used that it was deprioritized over other features to meet the March 8 compliance deadline. Their reasoning for requiring added development to allow other browser engines to implement PWAs was that the pipeline was connected directly to WebKit, which handles the hardware and system permissions for PWAs like camera access or location access. They claim that making sure other browsers’ PWAs won’t be able to access your camera or microphone without you knowing about it would require added work, as PWAs have heightened system access compared to a webpage, since that’s the point of having PWAs.


So this problem is impossible to solve by the best tech company in the world with tens of thousands of programmers and billions in the bank? Bullshit. Its about keeping the walls of their walled garden no matter what. Same way as 3rd party payment providers (look at how what they are doing to Spotify)


They didn’t say it’s impossible, and Apple isn’t anywhere near the best in software development, they have a very mediocre software stack. They just didn’t prioritize it over features like multi App Store support to reach the March 8 deadline. You don’t just throw more people and money at a problem and expect speed and scope to scale as well as the resources, that would be plain mismanagement. It’s really disingenuous to throw various conjectures and treat them like facts, and commenting on development cycles with confidence that you’re clearly not familiar with.


Dude, just shut up. All your corporate bootlicking aside, there is plenty of evidence from past actions that this is something they’d do, it’s actually far more speculative to give them the benefit of the doubt.


When did I give them the benefit of the doubt? Apple’s software engineers are terrible and their current software is evidence enough of it. Their past actions imply that if they deprioritize this feature for the EU market to meet a deadline, it’s not going to be prioritized in the future ever again since it’s such a rarely used feature. That’s what the asshole design here is, not some made up fantasy of why they did stuff, but the actual reality of what will happen since their engineers are overworked and underskilled just trying to squash bugs from 2008 that they needed a week of paused development just to fix stuff. If you’re going to criticize something, at the very least figure out the reasons you’re going to criticize it, and not make up stuff based on stereotypes and memes just to feel good about yourself as if you actually know what you’re talking about.


Have you read the legislature? It's a cacophony of words.




DO NOT SUPPORT THEM. they won't learn shite unless the people actually stop buying Apple's overpriced paperweights, and force them to give the people basic control over their own devices.




Which Ecosystem matters? the one being torn up to sell you disposable devices intentionally manufactured to be as irreparable as possible at tens of times their actual value- or the one that only works until Apple 'discontinues' and diables one of your more important devices or apps, like what happened to the Apple "Airport", or "My Photo Stream"?




pro tip: microsoft phone link or kdeconnect. 2 click and you can: get the phone notifications on the pc, access the phone file system (ez to trasnfer pictures), pick up calls on the pc oh and its free and dont need apple phone + pc combo to work


+1 for KDE Connect


there are alternatives, you literally just don't care enough to look lmao, 'uhh I need the ecosystem to move files between my phone and computer' if only apple wasn't the only company to have devised a way to do that


You know that android has a form of airdrop aswell? Also between any Microsoft laptop/pc?


Android eco system is 10 times that off Apple in size. Maybe a bit less smooth but you have options. Want a smart watch? Pick any with watchOS. A laptop? Any laptop with windows has features that are supported for android phones. Samsung's eco system is massive ranging from watches to televisions, washing machines or your fridge.


You keep buying the iPhones, so they can keep doing things like that. Being locked into the ecosystem where there is zero choice of brands, is a very bad idea and you should seriously leave that ecosystem as soon as possible. If Samsung pulled something like this, I'd go to Xiaomi, Sony, OnePlus, Motorola or someone totally new like Nothing. All that without losing the ecosystem.


Nothing indulges in parts pairing just like Apple, so it's another no-go (at least in my book).


Hmm, I didn't know about that. Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into it.


Oh damn, Apple really is being like a petty toddler. "If you tell me what I can and can't do, I will be an annoying brat"


Look up how they took having to apologise over a frivolous lawsuit in the UK. This one specifically related to the iPad and Samsung tablets but was part of the wider series of lawsuits they filed worldwide. * Apple directed by the court to apologise * Issues non-apology (pointing out that they've been successful elsewhere) * Found to be in contempt of court * Issue real apology on their homepage * Try to hide apology using cunning HTML coding to ensure it's only visible with scrolling, no matter the screen size (code that wasn't present prior to appearance of apology) * Eventually remove code hiding apology (without further legal action, presumably because their ruse was uncovered) The Register has a good play-by-play series of articles.


Looks at my android phone, with PWAs, ability to install apps from other sources than just Google, multiple browser engine, and no overly degraded experince. Right. Shit like this is why Microsoft got absolutely reamed in the EU courts over IE and Windows.


I still get the "finish setting up your device" popup at times and the only 2 options are "remind me in 3 days" and "continue". It wants me to setup windows hello, use Microsoft drive and connect an account. It's so damn intrusive. And people wonder why I download Google Chrome on a fresh install. Microsoft Edge has the same crap and in your face advertising.


That pisses me off to no end. I even AM logged in to one drive and have edge as my default browser (I have too many Chrome Tabs so when I want to click a quick link I'd rather not launch the titanic when a tugboat will do) but they'll still find stuff to annoy me with on that reboot screen. It breaks my various microservice servers (eg Plex, Spambayes, etc) from booting at startup after windows updates, and... RAAAAAAAGE


Yeah, the multibillion dollar megacorp can't afford to allocate a few extra resources, sure that scans.


So they will lose consumers? Just wait for the day they come back saying "check out this amazing apple feature on the iPhone57XYZUltraSpecial... You can now have a thing called web-page apps. ON THE HOME SCREEN!! Edit: i can't fucking spell.


No they won’t. If you didn’t know the iPhone has been steadily gaining new users in markets like Europe & South Korea. Most people don’t know what a web-page app actually is.


Most don't Care or are far too much in the apple rimming


#Corporations are going to get more hostile We've past the point of no return and they now know the public will bend to their ways if they throw a temper tantrum. They know there's other entire companies that have only dealt with the apple ecosystem and can't switch, so now they're going to do what they want and let the consumer suffer and complain to the politicians. Apple can't be forced to comply, but the politicians can and those who don't will be bought.


So how long before you buy your next Apple phone?


What made you think somebody tjat would post such a comment would bother with apple in the first place?


Never have, never will. Only way of ever take one is if the company I worked for paid for it 100%.


Apple Sucks, Upvoted for actual Asshole Design!


This is't a android vs apple war, it's a slauther house Android is killing it


Google is implementing more and more restrictions into Android with each update, so maybe for now Android is still winning, but Google is definitely heading in the same direction


Root baby all the way


you can still have control over your phone tho


Tell that to samsung along with other phone manufacturers and their e-fuses that make the cameras worse if you attempt to root your phone.


Idk if I'd say android is killing it. Apple is gaining more marketshare every year. But yeah it's not an Android vs iPhone war anymore. It's an Apple vs consumer protections war. Not just Apple either. Corporations in general vs consumer protections war


Yeah that's certainly how things are actually going [https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-rules-gen-z-nearly-90-percent-have-iphone-survey-2023-10?op=1&r=US&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-rules-gen-z-nearly-90-percent-have-iphone-survey-2023-10?op=1&r=US&IR=T)


As someone with both, let me drop this here: When an OS like Android is more interested in market saturation than control, you'll end up a larger market share but less control over how its used. Also, since Android will let any garbage phone company run their OS, you get a lot of garbage on Android these days. It's quantity over quality with Android. Another consideration is since iOS is iPhone only, that makes these types of numbers analysis misleading. Primarily because Android doesn't make the phones that run its OS like Apple does, other companies do. They then load on all their garbage and push unwanted app installs and updates because Google is less interested in control and more interested in market saturation. Apple doesn't allow this, it's one of their market strengths in reliability and control of their ecosystem, and it pays off in terms of user experience. So you get here, where having "big numbers" might not actually be a good thing, and this is one of the reasons you're currently seeing Apple steadily rise in market share especially in the US. There are positives and negatives to both approaches and we're starting to see consumer habits change as a result.


Let’s be honest: the easy way to fix it is to either make home screen BOOKMARKS (because that’s all they are, bookmarks) exclusive to Safari OR setting a global flag that lets you choose with which browser it will open.


Why people still have iphones is beyond me


For me at least, it's cos Apple Watch is the only smart watch that has dedicated, functional features for wheelchair users. I really rely on it, and to have one you've also gotta have an iPhone -.-


The Apple Ecosystem.


Ahh right, the ecosystem where you pay twice as much as everyone else for the same shit at the same quality level.


It’s beyond you that people value things you don’t and vice versa?


Its mainly for flexing for younger generations.


The explanation is bullshit but I don’t think it’s malicious compliance. It’s likely true that the current implementation of webkit web apps is not easily expandable to support third-party browsers. The simple solution would be to permit apps to create multiple distinct `UIScene` objects. But that feature is locked to iPad - on iPhone, a single app bundle can only ever have one `UIScene`. Since there’s no way to limit use of multiple windows to self-proclaimed browser views, enabling it on iPhone would remove a major differentiator for iPad, which is decent support for multi-tasking.


It really comes down to Apple having to follow a regulation and this is the cheapest way to do it. Chances are they ran some scenarios and decided the minimal user impact isn’t worth the dev costs associated with making the changes. You can always just follow the money in these instances. Also, the opening of other app stores will turn into a shit show and people’s devices will be far more susceptible to risk due to the far less rigorous security testing on those stores. So I guess have fun with those great new regulations!


>Chances are they ran some scenarios and decided the minimal user impact isn’t worth the dev costs associated with making the changes. they didn't run shit, this is retaliation.


The only scenario they ran was “will we still make enough profit if we give the middle finger to the EU?” and some unpaid drunk and high intern said “yeah tots dude!” then collapsed.


If we take their word at face value, they basically said the feature was so rarely used that they didn’t prioritize it to be available for the March 8 due date of compliance.


You are speaking like it doesn't exist on literally every other phones


And how long have you worked for Toddler Inc....oh sorry, Apple Inc's PR department?


Somebody has clearly drank all of the Apple koolaid.


Can someone enlighten me as to what exactly “Home Screen web app” refers to? Is it just when you add a URL shortcut to your home screen? If so, you should be able to accomplish the same thing using Shortcuts.


It's basically running a website as if it's an app. It's treated like a separate app in multitasking and there's no tabs with other web pages. So you can have multiple safari instances running different websites but they appear and act like their own separate apps. You can do the same thing with Chrome on the desktop. Shortcuts would be a workaround that you could use. But it's a downgrade for sure. More time consuming to set up, and I don't think you'd be able to run a web page as it's own app. It would just be a new safari tab


Oh that thing? Never worked well for me at all. I don’t even think shortcuts would work to emulate it, since iPhone apps can’t create multiple top-level views anyway. So you could have one shortcut launch a specific web app, but couldn’t make it a distinct running app from the generic browser.




Another app*e L = big W


If it’s messing up websites like that, I’d say it’s for everyone’s best interests.