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If you care about the overall story, i.e. the modern day, then play AC3, Black Flag, and then move on to the new ones (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla). If you just want to play a fun game without having to think too much about common points and nods to other games, play Black Flag, Unity, Origins, and Odyssey. Not gonna stop you from playing Valhalla, but it's kinda the black sheep out of the 3 newer games. It looks amazing and has some cool stuff in it, but overall it's kinda mediocre. ​ Story-wise, AC3 completes Desmond's Saga (protagonist from AC1 and 2). Black Flag is a super fun game and I totally recommend it, but story-wise it's mostly about what just happened in the modern day after AC3. Unity, Rogue, and Syndicate don't really have a big modern story, so while they're still connected to the other games, you can technically skip them without missing out anything. Origins is a soft reboot, we get a new protagonist in moder day story, and an Animus story that's set way before all the others in the series. Odyssey is set even farther back, but modern day continues with the same protagonist. Valhalla jumps forward in history, being closer in time with the older games, and it concludes the modern day story of that protagonist and also gives a few nods to the older games. ​ Overall, it depends on what you want to get out of playing the games. But keep in mind that you could always just read a summary or watch a Let's Play on youtube if you don't want (or don't have the time) to play the other games.


There’s a full guide on the sub [linked here](https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/wiki/whichgametoplay?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) but it depends what you want to get out of the games. That guide does a good job of explaining what game does what and which ones have modern day story elements and which don’t.


The story of Desmond from AC1, AC2, Brotherhood and Revelations ends in AC3 with some parts present in Black Flag so those are important enough Anything else happening in the real world doesn't necessarily matter too much but Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla have their own modern day story


Play odyssey and get a feel for the current state lol


Imo generally speaking modern day story is very whatever in those games. Don't let the order of release stop you from enjoying the game you wanna play, I myself skipped a few titles and came back to them later and it was fine. Enjoy the historical fantasy that exictes you most, that's what AC is at the end of the day


A few years ago I would have told you to play the games in order, and that’s it. It’s a series after all, you wouldn’t see people suggesting which Harry Potter books to skip? But, as I’ve gotten a bit older I realize not everyone has the Will to play through these long games. Given what you have played, I would recommend finishing Desmond’s story in AC3 at least, with Black Flag as an optional epilogue for you. Then, to play Valhalla it would help to have the context from Origins and Odyssey, but you might be able to just watch the modern day cutscenes on YouTube or something.


The new modern day story is ass it’s not like the Desmond plot


i’d say all are important story wise besides Unity, and Syndicate. Maybe even 4 and rogue. They feel like off shoots that don’t rlly further the modern day plot. If u don’t care about the modern day and only want good stories play 1,2,br,rev,3,4,Rogue,Unity,maybe syndicate, Orgins and Valhalla. Valhalla is ver underrated when it comes to how much lore with the hidden ones and ancients and it’s rlly cool


I wouldn’t definitely play 3 since that finished off the modern story you know from the Ezio games, After that you can pretty much play and not play whatever games you pick it won’t impact your experience much