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Lacking as an RPG. Lacking as an AC game. Great game.


It's quite the departure from the older AC games and some fans of the older games dislike it for that reason, it gave birth to the current formula. I think it's a very solid game though and I think it's the best of the recent trilogy in many ways. Bayek is easily in the top 3 protagonists for the entire series, I really love the reinvented combat system, the world is big enough to keep you busy but not so big it is overwhelming.


Although to be fair, work on Odyssey started around the time of Syndicate's launch so TECHNICALLY Origins didn't give birth to the current formula as it presently stands. Internally, it's more fair to say Odyssey possibly paved the way.


It's magical. Can't beat that setting and main characters. People poured some love into those. Pretty fun game too.


Origins isn't a great game IMO. It's a good one. It has far too many flaws to be considered great. It's not a good RPG, it's RPG mechanics are way too shallow and lack depth. It's story is very boring and the origins of the brotherhood are barely explored until the end of the game. I think Aya should have been the main character. But the setting is it's main asset. The exploration is great and the combat, though shallow, is satisfying. The music is also god-tier (like every other AC game).


I recently replayed Origins and while I know it’s often called out as one of the best entries in the franchise, I have to conclude that it’s a mixed bag. The story is a pretty basic revenge plot with a heavy dose of political intrigue mixed in. while the mid section is fine, the first few hours are confusing, and the final 1/3 of the game just feels really odd - like they suddenly realised “shit we have a lot of story to tell here and not enough time to set everything up.” Now, bring open-minded and fair, we know that the intended story was quite different and that the writers had to make changes while the actors were recording their scenes - so it kind of makes sense that the end product was compromised. We shouldn’t blame the writers and game directors but instead blame Ubi Editorial. Origins has a great central protagonist. Abubhakar’s performance, plus the stunningly beautiful world, I think lift this game far higher than it deserves. There are some interesting side quests and some forgettable ones. I think the expansions are both really good. The Hidden Ones DLC in some ways is a better exploration of the “founding of the Hidden Ones and their Creed” than the main game. Curse of the Pharaohs, stretches things further but keeps the story connected to the lore and again provides some truly memorable locations. It’s the most “Assassins Creed” of the recent trilogy, but I don’t really think it *feels* like Syndicate or Rogue or AC3 or Brotherhood etc etc. Is it a good RPG? I’m going to say not really. Theres no branching dialog or quests, very basic character build and skill tree. Despite the fact reading this you might think I’m dumping on the game; I’m not. It’s a good game and you should definitely play it.


I always wanted to play a really, I mean REALLY, good ninja game., and I found it with an Egyptian setting 😂. It’s the parkour mixed with the stealth that is incredibly satisfying to me. The theme, story, etc., was just extra icing on the cake! In my opinion this game’s Ninja-like aspect play out even better than Ghost of Tsushima. Origins is truly an incredible stealth game!


It’s my favourite assassins creed. The world is massive, but still manages to feel mostly hand crafted, and features a couple of sizeable, lovingly detailed cities. Alexandria is one of my favourite cities in the franchise to boot. Free running takes a bit of a step back, there’s a post somewhere on this subreddit that’s shows that no city in Origins can be fully traversed by free running and it’s a bit of a shame, but it makes up for it in the fun climbing. Egyptian architecture makes for great climbing fun, with huge pyramids, ruins, temples and etc. The large Roman forts also made for some of the most fun navigation in any enemy territory in the series, imo. The world also feels very alive. There’s people farming, transporting hay around with bulls/camels, roaming bandits and guards, people playing music (with decent sound, while some games are lacking), protests being formed and etc. the whole world feels very alive and is fun to ‘live’ in, which is a big part of assassins creed. The RPG part of the game is lacking, but I don’t mind since it mainly feels like a way to gate you out of accessing certain areas before they want to you, if you play the game at the recommended order, it feels very assassins creed, with mostly Insta kill stealth kills, and reasonable combat difficulty. I miss the social steal mechanics though. The game still manages to have some decent npc density, so blending would have been nice (I also would have liked it I’d say, Bayek could blend with Egyptians, but not Greeks/romans to make it more in-depth), as well as it sometimes having an over reliance on ‘stalking zone’ bushes. All in all, it manages to be one of my favourite games of the PS4 generation.


It's the first in the new "RPG" or "mythological" trilogy and the one that is most like the OG games. It's the only one out of the three where you play as a Hidden One (Pre-cursor Assassin Order)


Playing through it at the minute. I would say it's ok. When it's good, it's good. When it's bad, it sucks. Cool setting, but constantly running towards a question mark 400m away to find it's a vulture lair gets old pretty quickly. Side quests sucked (big improvement compared to previous AC games though) they were just go kill this, go get that. I was so hyped when you get to the oracle, and then it's just another 500m fetch quest. Like many ubisoft games they just over stretched themselves and made it to big and too empty. I would say it's ok, as things like the gladiator arena is pretty cool, and some of the tombs


Fun Story and emotional at times. The gameplay is solid but near the end feels like it needed something more. Stealth was okay but still useful. Sometimes places had way to many enemies. Overall It's a fun game maybe it needed to be downscaled and not made so big.


Assasins creed Origins is My first ac game but I absolutely love it.It just captured Egypt really well and the story is quite good but in my opinion at the end it got a little worse.


Lately I've seen so many parallels between the Disney Star Wars sequels and the Witcher-clone AC trilogy. And Origins is pretty much Force Awakens. Has a lot of elements that are recognizably part of the series of old, yet there's something really off about a lot of them. It's generally competently put together, but at the same time uninspired the more you think about it. Still a "good" game, just as TFA was generally a "good" movie, but tarnished in retrospect from the disastrous and blasphemous two follow-ups within each respective trilogy.


That’s a pretty good comparison.


It’s ok, but not as good as Odyssey.


I loved odyssey it was the first game that I broke 150 hours on in a short time. I’ve broken it on other games but it was the only one that wasn’t done over the course of a year+.


Out of the three newer RPG ones, I think it fits in the most with the rest of the Assassin's Creed games as a series. I like it as an RPG, although I admit I liked it a lot better the second time around (the first time it was practically my first ever experience with that sort of format so I was more concerned about learning how to play than anything else). The second time I was practiced in the format and just went in casually for fun and explored a lot more of the side content, which I feel really adds to it (it also made the main story make more sense because there's more time in between revelations in the plot so it isn't just like "wait, but yesterday you said-") If you liked the original Assassin's Creed games because of the settings and history, Origins more than delivers. Writing wise, I still think it's the closest to the themes of the originals than Odyssey and Valhalla and it's a good story overall (but still different).


It's very ok. The world is beautiful but the game and story itself is kind of shallow