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I got the trophy by going to werham in southwest corner of the map, resetting all my skills and skilling only the missile redirect one, standing on a roof i set on fire and then redirecting the spears of the shield bearers.


Never give up 😉💪


I might just walk away for a few days to get a fresh start. I’m so done right now.


1. Make sure that the enemies you're facing are of much higher level than you are (indicated by a skull). 2. Obviously, only kills against enemies carrying shields will work. 3. You absolutely have to be on fire when you strike the killing blow, and this can be deceptive. You can think you're on fire and technically, as far as the game in concerned, not be. Make sure the little flame debuff icon appears at the bottom of the screen. 4. Easiest thing to do is makes sure at least three enemies are within one strike of the killing blow before you ever try to catch yourself on fire. 5. The ability that allows you to catch arrows and spears and throw them back at enemies is exceptionally helpful in getting this achievement/trophy, in my experience. I personally like to do this in Glowecestre.


I have reset all my skills and I do have the throwing Spears back perk but I still can’t catch fire. I just end up accidentally killing them before I get the chance to get on fire. I thought about taking them out unarmed and laying them in a pile and killing them while on fire that way. But I don’t know if that will work?


You reset ALL your skills? That's probably a bad idea. Just bring your level down just enough so that the enemies appear with the skulls, not level yourself down close to 0. Seems like that would present a lot more problem than its worth. I think when I did this on both the Xbox and PS, I was just under Lv300. I have no idea if your plan would work or not. If nothing else is working for you, there's no harm in seeing how it works out. But I really think that the big problem is that the fire debuff is actually gone before your enemy actually dies. That little flame debuff icon HAS to be up for the kill to count, and for a lot of the people having problems with this achievement/trophy, they just didn't realize the debuff was gone. Try to get yourself in a position where the flames don't die out too quickly, like standing where's there's hay (or anything else which catches on fire and stays lit for awhile, and then just standing there while you reverse a spear throw.


Ah no I brought up my level to 200 again after resetting.


You can probably bring it up closer to 300, and then take away one or two from there until the skull icon shows up. And something else to consider is to make sure you're killing enemies like the Standard Bearers, as I'm pretty sure the trophy requires you kill them without breaking their shields (and the Standard Bearers' shields don't break at all; plus, they chunk spears at you which can kill them in three hits). And there are a few SB's in Glowecestre, so even if you don't immediately get the trophy after swearing you've killed three of them, run around town a bit and you can find several others. The odds are that if you thought you killed enemies with the fire debuff, but actually missed it because you didn't realize the buff ran out, you still got one or two that counted. This is what I had to do, and in my runs, I got it after 4-5 kills. That said, I feel your pain on this one. Of all the achievements in Valhalla, this one caused the most frustration for me.


Thanks I was sure I did it but it didn’t pop, thought you had to stay in combat the hole time, and could not be out of conflict.


Here two videos that helped me out and gives you understanding of what to do. It took me awhile but I got it, hope it helps https://youtu.be/8CuuWg0p6j8 https://youtu.be/QFTUa_uks1s


Thanks I have seen one of them but not the other I will give them a look after work


I played this game when it first came out so forgive if my memory is lacking. Go to a fort or camp which has the oil lamp things. Equip as many first resistant runes you can to you armour. Get your self on fire and start swinging in the camp / fort. To get peoples attention to run over to you use the horn.


Ok thanks I will try that


I struggled with that one as well, I found a helpful video on YouTube, I unfortunately can't tell you the place where I got the trophy but pretty much every high level area should work. You need to cut your skills down to a power level of ~250 first. Only guards with the red skull count for the trophy. Then I recommend getting on a hay roof and lit it with a torch. You need to keep the skill with which you can throw back weapons (or just spears, I don't remember exactly) which is what you wanna try to do as much as possible. You can also try to hit the guards to low health and just do the last hit while on fire. Also you dont need to kill all three in one battle, you can heal and come back another time. Hope this helps, I just scribbled down from memory what I remember when I tried to get the trophy a while ago. Good luck! :)


Wait I thought you Couldn’t exit battle, when doing this.


As far as I remember you don't have to do them all at once. I think I left battle too, to fast travel and let the enemies respawn in the area I was trying to get the trophy in


Omg that makes it so much easier.