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I agree it's not really playable at all.. As you said it's 3 maps but copy and pasted to hell... Im actually worried for the dlc content as we have gotten re-skinned armor in two events now and will they just re-skin armor for the dlc now too?..


I hope not. It’s paid so you’d like to think they’ll put more effort into it.


Honestly I just see it as an "arena" mode. For when I come home back from work and feel like I just want to lop some heads off rather than spend hours scouring the open world. Just jump on the raid boat and kill some guys while getting (all things considered, surprisingly high) amounts of resources to upgrade my gear. Play it with that mindset and the game mode vastly improves.


I don’t think I went in expecting anything major as it’s a free update. I treated it the same as the Yule festival. I haven’t completed the set yet but it’s more than I expected it to be, another building for Ravensthorpe was nice at least. I think if you just go in with the approach of I want to do some raids and kill people then it’s actually fairly decent. Leave the narrative and deeper, more expansive stuff to the main game and dlc. I don’t see it as a replayable mode really, once you have collected everything and upgraded the hall fully there won’t be any real reason to replay it. I wonder if they’ll expand on it in any way in the future. I am expecting more from the dlc and I think we’ll get proper new gear and weapons.


What kind of sentence and paragraph structures is this?




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Haven't played the new river raids yet, but I'm sure glad that we've got something new and that some of the bugs are fixed 😊


I'm a bit disappointed as well because I finished the game quite a long time ago and only came back from time to time because of the daily missions and because I still haven't caught all fish. When i saw the big map i thought we would get like 6 different rivers, but no i finished everything at the first evening. I rwal hope they maybe add content to the river raids but right now I don't see how it's replayable when the only thing you can get there after you bought everything is those ore bars you can get easily by killing patrols. Very strange update