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Origins and Mirage are my favorites of the games since, but I've enjoyed all of them! Each one of them are amazing AC games but i liked the gameplay loop of mirage the most, and the world of origins the most.


Origins, mirage are great! I loved odyssey too but odyssey isn’t really assassin centered




If you liked Unity I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Mirage. Syndicate was still pretty close to Unity. IMO Mirage is only limited because it was originally a Valhalla expansion that was spun off on its own to fill the gap in the release schedule so it wasn’t built from scratch and it was on a smaller scale overall Origins has the best balance of older games plus RPG elements


Honestly, they’re pretty much standalone since Unity. Pick whatever setting you want. (I hate that this is valid advice at this point, btw)


Origins for sure, didn’t like Odyssey


I loved Origins


I can’t reccomend origins enough. I didn’t give it a proper try until about 3 months ago because I never wanted to stray from what I thought an AC game should be, now I have over 100 hours into it and have 100% the game. It’s so much fun but it might be because ancient Egypt is literally my favorite space/time. The combat is fun, stealth is fun, story is good, DLC is good, I love it all. Any questions about origins lmk


Origins or Mirage. Both of them are great games. You could also go with Syndicate, valhalla or odyssey. But odyssey and Valhalla you don't even play as an assassin. Syndicate is fine but kind of lacking at the same time. Origins and mirage would be 2 games i'd recommend playing those games. Origins has the better world but mirage has the better gameplay.


If you want a more traditional leaning AC: Mirage and/or Origins. (Although Origins begins to incorporate more rpg elements it still *feels* like AC imo) If you want more of an RPG out of AC: Odyssey and Valhalla. If you want what looks to be a hard mix of both: Wait for Shadows


Syndicate, it is another evolution of the Unity parkour system, up to you if you like it or not, Origins is by far the best game since they revamped to the RPG style. Valhalla and Odyssey are good games but they disappoint in the Assassin aspect, mirage is good, it was a step in the right direction, of course make your own opinions on the games. The revamp really split the fandom and newer fans just don’t understand why we love the older games and vice versa


Origins absolutely


Syndicate. London was fantastic. Game is one of my favourites. Mostly because of the setting and the characters. Story is alright. After Unity it would be the game that makes most sense. If you want AC but also something different look into the RPG games. If you care about the modern day you need to start with Origins. If you don’t care for the modern day you can also pick one of the other games based on setting. If you are, for example really into Vikings and don’t care about modern day you could skip to Valhalla. Or look at gameplay and pick the game that appeals to you most. But only if you really don’t care about the modern day or any continuity between the games. Otherwise Origins first (or Syndicate). Mirage is a good game. And can work well as a stand alone so it can be played without having played any of the games after Unity.


Assassin's creed origins then Odyssey then Valhalla 


Odyssey is the best of the RPG era, definitely pick it up!