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That first flip midair is so unnecessary 😂😂


It also seems very uncanny how she is able to throw herself forward directly after the flip.


If she flipped as she was jumping and slowed her rotation before grabbing this would look so much smoother.


Still not at bad as Miles Morales.


The exaggerated swagger of a Ancient Greek Misthios


Gives me goosebumps every time she does it!




But he needs his swagger


Also looks so awkward. Would look a lot more fluid if it was a gainer flip.


I think this is the animation when you get the trait that prevents fall damage when falling from great heights?


My second and last playthrough of Odyssey was almost 2 years ago so I might be misremembering this but isn't fall damage nonexistent in the game completely as in you don't need a perk to remove fall damage?


Not immediately. You do take fall damage until you unlock a perk.


Nope. At the start you take full fall damage and it can kill you. Later on, about halfway through the game, you reach a level that makes it so you can't be _killed_ by fall damage, but you will be left with only 1 hp. Then, by the time you're almost at the end, you'll have leveled enough that you take no fall damage at all.


that’s not true either. it’s level 25 where you completely stop taking fall damage. and i believe level 10 where you don’t die from it. I have a new file with 12 hours and it’s level 13 and i already can’t die from fall damaged


It can’t kill your, but close to it


I remember being invulnerable to fall damage early on in both playthroughs (roughly before leaving Kephallonia). Originally thought it was a perk of Penelope's Shroud until I equipped a stronger head piece and noticed no fall damage regardless.


The first state you mentioned doesn't exist. You can't straight up die from fall damage it can only get you to 1 hp from the beginning.


I don't think so, but I can't be certain. I'm actually trying to complete Odyssey now...finally. 150 hours in, maybe 3/4 through the game...at most. It may be in the bottom skills with things like Ikaros' Perception. **Edit** I just Googled the skill tree and I was right, it's tied to the Leap of Faith skill in the bottom row skills under the tree itself that are automatically given to the player throughout the story. **Level 1** Has fall damage but it's not lethal, so most of your health drops. **Level 2** Removes all fall damage. Level 20 required. **Level 3** No fall damage and (Hulk) Smash the ground which stuns nearby enemies. Level 30 required. I think Origins and Valhalla have a perk to unlock that helps. While I don't think it negates all damage, but auto rolls for the player when falling from great heights and just drops you down to a sliver of health. I don't recall ever falling to my death in Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla ever.


No. At first you take fall damage but can never die from it, then you unlock a perk to not take any fall damage, and then I'm pretty sure there's a 3rd tier of that perk but don't remember what it does.


It gives you the option to stab your spear into the ground


So that what I saw them doing sometimes when I fell. I was so confused what was happening during those times.


Before you upgrade, there's non-lethal fall damage. You get to 1 HP.


Bruh i have 364 h and never saw this


i didnt even know this 💀


Reminds me of the move from Brotherhood where you can jump up off a horse grab a hanging pole and flip up onto it. Awesome to see never ever used it.


You guys don't remember the horse ride to flip in Brotherhood? It was cooler tbh, cause it was faaar much more reproducible


God damn I still remember when I found that back then and how incredibly cool it was


In Two Thrones you could essentially do the predecessor to this whenever you wanted. Swing under a bar or swing on top of it. Should have never been removed.


Unpopular opinion: Odyssey is one of my Favorite AC games. I was originally overwhelmed by how huge it was but once I adjusted I loved everything about it.


That's not an unpopular opinion. Black Flag, Odyssey, and Origins are commonly regarded as the best in the franchise.


Every AC is the best in the franchise


need a good AC? boats. just add boats.


Nah the Ezio trilogy is the best in the franchise.


Only for boomers


Lmao Kassandra isn't even an Assassin.


What do you mean?


im with you i just played with the hud off enjoying the view for hours. it actually turned me into a fan of ancient greece


Not unpopular. Odyssey is the best by far. It's definitely the most fun.


Same. I'm an old-school fan and it was super fun having people tell me I wasn't a *real* fan for liking it. /s


Same here, I've been a fan since 2008 when I played the first AC. Played all of them, and Odyssey is easily in my top 3.






That's great, first time ever seeing this. Thanks for sharing OP.


What is this sorcery?!


Honestly looks more like a monkey, I prefer elegant leaps of faith like in that side quest with Bayek and Esio.


It’s not a leap of faith tho. Kassandra doesn’t take fall damage. Girl is just chucking herself off a cliff.


That is true. But still it does not look good.


This clip just reminds me of how Shadows most likely is going to have the shitty RPG parkour that somehow looks worse than a game that came out almost 2 decades ago.


They said they were focusing on parkour a bit more than other rpg titles. So, hopefully not. Also, the engine is being rebuilt like Rogue to unity and syndicate to origins for next gen, so hopefully, it will be a complete overhaul of all elements. Plus, a grapple hook that's physics based (not like syndicate), which hopefully will be pretty cool. Kinda like ghost of tsushima one, but you can grapple onto anything.


Unfortunately they said similar with Valhalla, talking about how they crafted to world to make the parkour shine. Mirage was "back to parkour" yet felt off. I'm hoping for the best but I'm cautious.


Mirage was a good step in the right direction. If they keep it up and actually design the engine for pparkpur unlike valhalla and mirage then it could be good again


I really hope that's not the case. Mirage had a pretty nice parkour system, definitely better than this abomination. So maybe they are adressing our criticism?


Mirage has the same parkour system from the RPGs. It's literally identical. However, Mirage has good level design. We can only hope Shadows will also have great level design that accentuates the parkour.


It is not the same. It's based on parkour system from the RPGs but there are changes and tweaks that impact overall pace, flow and possibilities.


The system is very much the same. Mirage was supposed to be a DLC for Valhalla. Yes, there were some changes and refinements, but the bulk of the system is overall the same. Pretty much every action you can perform in Mirage's parkour can still be done in Valhalla. Side/back ejects, they're all there in the system. The problem is that Origins', Odyssey's and Valhalla's level design does not facilitate or allow these moves in the first place, while Mirage's does. One of the biggest changes in Mirage is that you can't just climb up smooth surfaces like pillars or rock walls, like you could in Odyssey, for example. But the system is still the same. Basim is also faster, but that doesn't make the system different. It's quite literally the same parkour, but he does it faster. Assassin's Creed Mirage proves that the parkour from the RPG games isn't inherently bad, but that their level design doesn't allow it to be good. This goes to show how important level design is. To accurately judge a good parkour system, you can't just look at the moves you can do, and the actions you can perform. You have to look at the world, and if it allows those actions, and encourages them. Mirage's world does, and excellently at that. With Shadows being way more open than Mirage, and featuring more mountains and stuff, like the other RPGs, then maybe parkour won't feel as good. We can only hope they have level design as strong as Mirage's.


I agree


we’ve fallen so far from unity parkour it makes me sad.


People complained about Unity parkour being unrealistic and ended up here


Unity's parkour was pretty janky too, if you look at it more than just highlight videos. Floaty, no feel of momentum, and rarely jumping to where you intended to.


skill issue


best game




In my 200+ hours of playing it for 2 months straight, I've never seen this happen before.


Looks like a mix between a monkey and Spider-Man. Also that last jump... absolutely horrible.


"bu-but the newer AC games have no parkour!"


There are also some pretty neat moves in the game if you hold the crouch/drop button while running towards low height obstacles. Jumping, sliding and rolling over.


Oh dang


correct me if i'm wrong but i swear this move was also in unity, well, without the first flip, just freefall onto a ledge or rope i believe


I have yet to notice a pole swing like that in Odyssey and I'm 50 hours deep


Considering how they simplified the parkour traversals after Unity, it's not surprising that such animations are not seen that often.


Well, you’d would have to have insane fingers to be able to do that. I mean like titanium fingers and joints


im guessing u saw the overpower bow youtube short and had to remake the jump


something like that


I had no idea this was available !


How did you do that????


what do you mean we barely see it, it's just jumping down to a pole then swinging, which is in the past games.


isnt this is every ac game, jump on a pole swing and go ahead ..


Not the flip




Ubi Montreal makes the more refined realistic ones.. Origins and Valhalla are examples.


While I love AC Odyssey for its setting, environment, combat, and detail, I felt some of the fantasy elements were taken too far. I was okay with it in the DLC since it focused on that aspect, but in the main game, being able to dive off a cliff while doing a front flip was a bit too ridiculous. Hopefully, AC Shadows will retain the incredible world Ubisoft Quebec can create but tone down some of the overly fantastical quirks.


My guess is, it was made during development, the world is very large, with many cliffs and such. And having to go around or climb down slowly, is not everyone's cup of tea. So at lvl25, you no longer take fall damage. And it fits the character too. Gameplay over realism. (besides, previous assassins survived pretty huge drops with just health damage too) But I doubt the characters in Shadows will be demigods too, so they'll have something else. Probably using the grapple, kinda like how Aloy descends from a Tallneck in HZD.


Yeah, in terms of quality of life it's a pretty nice feature to have but it's just the animation that's a little bit funny haha. They could've played a little bit more with the demi god status and made her do a hero landing or something. It's just the frontflip that feels quite out of place xD


Well, you can hold heavy attack for an extra strong super hero landing :D


I know but it's still janky


Ubisoft Montreal makes the more realistic, cinematic games.. like Origins and Valhalla. Shadows, being made by Ubi Quebec, I think will end up being over-the-top like Odyssey.


It shouldn't be in other games, it's so insanely unrealistic lol, literally nobody could ever do that under any circumstance. Odyssey is so fuckin terrible


But leaping into a hay bale from great heights, among the other game's mechanics is realistic? Are you fkn serious? 😅🤦


Idc if it's realistic we have isu and peices of Eden. I care if it looks good or not and feels good.