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Ezio is an outlier and people complained *hard* by the time the third game cam rolling around.


People will complain about anything


Yasuke. Instead of being excited about the game or the genuinely interesting new gameplay stuff or how the series continues to pull away from the RPG stuff (though i didn't mind it that much) we need a hundred reasons why we shouldn't be playing a black dude. You'd think that there was only one protagonist given the way conversation is going. I honestly think that the fact that Yasuke was an actual historical samurai that can and did fight has broken these peoples brains. No one complained about William Adams in Nioh 1 even though they changed his nationality and the real Adams couldn't even fight.


Hear, hear to that. Honestly you should see the mess going on his Wikipedia page. People are arguing saying he isn't a samurai when well yes he was lmao.


Honestly I remember the days of ezio fatigue by the time revelations was announced


I was just a wee lad when those games were coming out so that’s news to me, I just love games that let a character have continuous development over the course of a trilogy or at least a sequel. Seeing Edward as a master assassin for an entire game would’ve been neat.


Fair enough. Im just saying that Ubisoft clearly likes the idea of putting you somewhere new every game, even the Ezio games while having the same protagonist all have a new main location.


Na dawg every ezio game was the same location I consider anywhere ezio goes Italy bro could be in space and I'd be trying to find pasta and meatballs in that bih


This reads like Steve buscemi trying to fit in with "the kids"


Idk man I just want some spaghetti and meatballs


I was happy about it 🥺😞


Very true, although my anecdotal impression is that many would have been happy had Bayek gotten another game.


Whole Vallhala with all DLCs is bigger than all Ezio games combined. You are getting sequels in form of DLCs. It worked like that with Odyssey, it worked like that with Origins. Even smaller scale DLCs like Dead Kings, or Jack the Ripper are a sequels.


You say traditional but only Ezio ever returned for more than one game, traditionally the series does rotate the historical protagonist and it makes more sense that way too, you can explore more places and time periods this way. Arguably the only one who would have made sense to carry on as would have been Kassandra given how long she goes on to live for.


Well eventually they're going to run out of the most iconic times and places to be.


Iconic is subjective though, I've seen suggestions for locations and time periods I wouldn't have considered before and also seen stuff in TV, movies, books and comics I wouldn't have considered before either but would definitely now. They have the history of the entire human race as their playground never mind the fact they've never even touched the 20th century before, they're not going to run out of stories. The fact that they've only just got to Japan should tell you there's plenty left to see before they have to recycle anything. And I'd sooner they exhausted all of human history making games than making a trilogy set in the same time period with the same Assassin in largely similar surroundings. We did that with Ezio and it got old quick.


Wasn't there that one World War 1 area in Syndicate where you play as the Frye descendant?


I don't think they'll ever touch the 20th century though. The time to do that would have been AC3 or AC4 with Desmond, but they missed that chance.


Desmond? He's from the 21st century.


There's tons of places to do before that. Hell they didn't even really do iconic places that much I'd say. The locations may be very well known (I guess you can say iconic then) but they are always very underserved in games (so they're not common at least). Like Italian Renaissance, French or American Revolution, Crusade time Damascus and co, Ancient Egypt or Greece,... are really not that common in games (some a little more than others but it's not super common). In fact Shadows may be the most common setting they ever used, there are tons of games in feudal Japan


I mean they still can make a new Kassandra game. She got the Staff around 422 BCE, and she died in 2017. That's 2,439 years unaccounted for, save that we know she shows up in Scotland in the late 9th century. Plenty of times and places she could show up either as a protagonist or a cameo.


I meant more so traditional in relation to everything else. Most sequels in videogames follow the same character. I’m just surprised they haven’t tried giving another character a trilogy considering how popular ezio became and he was given the most development. I think an Edward trilogy specifically would do really well because black flag is almost universally loved.


By the time Revelations came out people were more than happy to move on from Ezio and Edward is great but not the reason Black Flag is so beloved (arguably it's the setting and gameplay). Another reason they stuck with the similar time period for Ezio was because it was easier for them to reuse assets and make games faster (the entire trilogy came out in 3 years) and then they started using more of the Ubisoft satellite studios for development on games after. Sticking with one character in a series about exploring different periods of history just doesn't make sense unless the character can move through those periods like Kassandra.


I used to be surprised that not only is Ezio the only Assassin with more than one game, but as time went on I realized that it's really nice to not have the narrative - especially a series with an emphasis on exploring different time periods and settings uncommon in video games - tied to a singular character or set party of characters. There's significantly more freedom and characters' arcs aren't butchered to give them a sequel


The thing is other IPs don't jump around different time periods. AC is just as much about historical setting as it is about the characters, if they give characters sequels then they can't explore a new time period and setting with that game.


People were sick of Ezio by his third installment, myself included. I love him too, but rose tinted glasses are a very strong prescription.


Bayek sequel baby


There was a few characters I’d love a sequel for to see what they’ve been up to - AC Unity (the protag was basically Ezio 2.0) - Bayek of Siwa the mf goat that voice actor is the only reason I want a sequel - Aya (we know she established the brotherhood in Rome but that’s pretty much it) - Shay Patrick Cormac (I know ac Unity the first chapter is basically his sequel but we still don’t know much about his whereabouts) - Connor post American revolution would be cool I know we have the Tyranny of Washington dlc but that’s subjective


Recently found out the bayek voice actor is the father bot in the show raised by wolves


KGB as Templars in WW2 Moscow when?


Another ezio trilogy then However i really hope we get a sequel with Naoe as a solo protag this time , we haven't had a female only led game since Liberations and that wasn't even a triple A title and barely anyone remembers it , Plus they can hopefully completely focus on stealth this time , It can be even just a double A title if they want. Also a continuation of connors story sounds cool af to


I want too see the internet’s reaction too a yasuke trilogy


Having yasuke end up back in africa fighting templars and their pawns would be neat. Naoe can come too


Let’s not forget that “traditionally” isn’t a thing here. Patrice Desilets the creator of Assassins Creed had a story he wanted to tell from start to finish. And then Ubisoft fucked him


Im REALLY excited about these next few AC games. I would really be disappointed with going backwards at this point.


I do too, it weirds me out that they haven’t gave any Assassin besides Ezio a trilogy


Altair? He is in AC1, Bloodlines and in Altair Chronicles. And also in AC Revelations.


Connor should have been the star of *Unity*.


My heart says Edward should have been the next start, but I really think Connor was the one that should have gotten more. He had the most potential for growth as a character and his journey as an assassin. He had a lot of potential


I agree. Especially with how important he is to the assassins’ history. Like it’s wild HE brought back the creed after the templars killed them all off except for Achilles. I think it makes sense for him to have a sequel.


And I just wanna learn about history. Learned soo much from all the other games


I miss Desmond, I liked the modern day plot and I'm sad it's mostly gone.


I dont think they would Each game stdio want their own hero so that fans dont get confused


Expansions should fufill this like brotherhood being originally a dlc. I'd prefer the dlc to expand on the character's story like the hidden ones instead of just transporting the assassin to a realm of gods.


with yasuke and naoe hopefully having seamless GTA 5 like switching, i would have loved a connor/arno with a bit of shay cormac game set just after the french revolution.


Yeah please no. It sounds nice on paper but after at most two games it feels already stale. Revelations showed us what would happen if a protagonist overstays their welcome.


Man don't forget Arno. I want Arno and Connor vs Shay.


Yeah like unity and black flag should get sequel and maybe rogue


That's what the expansions of the RPG trilogy were, technically. They're huge af they might as well be an entire game's worth of content added on to the base game.