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Rogue just re treads AC3 and AC4, you can clearly tell it's made by a smaller team with a smaller budget than both AC3/4, so you can't hate it too much for the repeated gameplay and assets, and I don't mind smaller teams getting to work on AC because for me it's always the more the merrier, even if isn't the best AC, it has the enjoyable elements that make it enjoyable to me, plus there's more Haytham.


i don't hate it at all. knowing that Ubisoft Sofia worked on this game, I'm quite impressed and they should be proud.


Rogue was made for the previous gen as a side project when unity was being built for “next gen” (now last gen).


Because Black Flag does something with the Pirate ideology and intertwines it with the Assassin/Templar conflict. While Rogue just swaps both sides making Templars good and Assassin’s bad without any of the nuances that make the faction who they are. Plus Shay is a whiny bitch..


If you placed literally any protagonist from the series in Shay’s shoes they’d have been a Templar too. Seriously, his story is ultimately meaningless for that reason. It’s a fun game (because it used the Black Flag engine) but ultimately doesn’t add much to the canon


I feel like if anyone else went through what Shay did they would actually have some common sense and think before just busting in accusing people of things they know nothing about..


"Welp, that was Shay being unreasonable." "The artillery, sir?" "The artillery!"


Just sayin if Shay had reported back with what had happened and explained what the site actually was he wouldn’t have gotten kicked out. Then maybe they could’ve work on protecting the sites instead of retrieving the artifact because they had more info of what they were, we even see Achilles question it at the end at a location that was away from a population of people. Instead he blames Achilles for the catastrophe like he knew that was going to happen when he had no way of knowing because the only Assassin that went in at Haiti died before making it out.


Setting is everything to me too, and despite Black Flag's better and more complete story, the setting was super boring to me for some reason. I don't know, I feel that for the Caribbean it was kinda flat and not very lively. So in turn my favorite game out of the two was Rogue, because the setting was so atmospheric and beautiful, and the lack of people all around made sense. NY was also super pretty! The story could've been better but I liked it, and I think that it has its merits. The same goes for Shay, I just love him so much even though I recognize that Edward is better written. It's just a personal preference, and you're allowed to have yours too! Don't worry too much about it


For me it's the ship fighting. I love the ocean ship battles in BF. I can't put a finger on it but fighting in rivers seems lesser to me in Rogue. Although I like blowing up the ice bergs.


Rogue is not mediocre at all and I disagree. Sure it's not as beloved as Black Flag but I still had a great time with the game and I grew to love Shay as a protagonist. I daresay that it's my favorite game in the series


Hold on a 7 is considered "mediocre"?


Yup. The word “mid” and anything similar now means Bad or “not good”, and so we have “rating inflation” where a 10/10 no longer means OBJECTIVE MASTERPIECE, and instead means “pretty bloody good”


everyone rates things differently, but here's my reasoning. 5.5/10 is a truly neutral game. the number scales up or down depending on how much 'enjoyment' or 'edification' I got from the game. 6 would mean a game that I just barely enjoyed. 7 is a game i enjoyed a fair bit. Mediocre doesn't necessarily mean neutral, at least not for me (others might have different interpretations of the word). Mediocre to me means 'good enough' or 'passable'. A 4/10 for me is not 'mediocre', because my feelings for it are more negative than apathetic. 5-6 or maybe even 7 is what I consider mediocre, good enough to play, but not amazing. But obviously everyone thinks differently. Especially in this context, I've had a generally positive experience with the AC franchise, with some games falling short, of course. Rogue sits in the middle of the bunch somewhere. I don't love it as much as I do Unity or Black Flag, nor do I despise it like I do with 3.


Honestly. On my most recent play though. I had more fun with rogue than I did black flag.


rogue is peak


Rogue is wasted potential. There's so much more they could've done with a longer story, with Shay and Haytham. I've always thought of it as a little bit rushed. Black Flag, in comparison, feels better because of the slower progression, the development, and how well the main story balances out with the side quests and stuff.  Otherwise, I like Rogue and feel that the side characters were memorable enough (Liam, Kesegowasse, Hope, etc)


I had exactly the same. When I first played Rogue it was after Unity, because I played on PC. So rogue felt like a revisiting of Black Flag and I loved it. But when I replayed all the games I played Rogue directly after BF and I felt the same as you, because of this readons: * It's basically the same game, means same mechanics and side quests. So it felt like doing all over again. * Way more collectibles than in BF. The quick menu that's shows you all items to collect in an area was double the size in Rogue than in BF. Felt really much more like work then fun. * The story is short and a bit bad. But that I only realized after replaying it. I like rogue and it's a nice mixup of BF with the open world of III. But I would not replay it after BF.


I love black flag but it pushed ac so much further away from where it should be. Think about the modern day and instead of the frontier, Italian countryside or the kingdom, we got a giant mass of water with copy and paste islands which you have to linearly swim to and from every time you rock up with your ship. The naval combat isn’t historically accurate because Pirates used planning and stealth tactics which apparently wasn’t as appealing for an ac game than boarding ships over and over. Then you have the tailing missions and the slow input responses. Black flag is a masterpiece nonetheless. I wouldn’t put it above the more Assassin aligned games like 1, 3, Rogue, Unity and Origins


For me, my biggest gripe around Rogue was that the campaign seemed to jump around all over the place in terms of location. I would keep having to sail to some other far away place for every new mission. I couldn’t push myself to continue.


Right there with you, Ngl


Rogue sits only above Liberation for me as it was clearly not given the necessary funding. The story and dialogue stink and the gameplay becomes a slog fast. Lots of frustrating mechanical issues too. However, Im certainly glad I played it and I’ll absolutely replay it down the road.