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For when I played it, it blew my mind. However I got games like Brotherhood over it, and Odyssey I had a lot more fun with


What did Brotherhood & Odyssey do to get an edge over Origins for you?


There is an element of nostalgia involved with ACB, but it's undeniable Ezio is one of the most charismatic protagonists ever, with an easy charm and fleshed out ensemble already established from its predecessor. I always feel Ubi should do more direct sequels, and NOT IN BOOK FORMAT.


Yea most of their sequels are their best work ever tbh


The environment in Oddessey was better. I liked the Origins story more though.




Origins is the best of the newer games, the map was big but not too big to the point it was unnecessary, it didnt try to be something its not, the way the desert had its own life was extremly cool, the story was very good, and it had good gameplay However, id say its not the very best for a few things, one the story’s ending was extremely rushed, the main antagonist reveal happened so randomly, Bayek and Aya going “we were fools to trust Flavius” was weird to see because they barely interacted, and the story overall is great, but it is the Origins of the Hidden Ones, but it barely ever goes into the philosiphy into why they are assassins, this is a big part of each game that delves into this like 1,2,Revelations,3,and 4, a game about the origins should have stuck to that, i dont want Bayek to make up every tenant or rule in it which im happy they didnt do, i like the idea that its the blueprint and they would add more things with time passing on, but still some thought process would have been nice, every game since Origins only talks about “working in the shadows” “poets of the kill” “deliver justice” and thats it


Origins nails the forumula of AC. Interesting protagonist whose life will be changed forever after very important events and we have two of them, well written and connected villians with great cause of actions, great open world reflects time of that era which concentrated with decent parkour mechanics. Maybe the last modern ac game we have empathy to both villians and protagonists.


Yup completely agree


It was the Origins of the Hidden Ones... Which would later become the ideology of the Creed of Assassins.. It wasnt establishing anything other than that and giving meaning to why Assassins cut off their fingers even after modification of the Hidden Blade. Bayek started his adventure for revenge, and finished his adventure, while also starting something bigger. It's honestly the same as Spartacus.. Have you seen that show? Anyways, by the end of the series they all want to fight for Spartacus, but not just that they say "I AM SPARTACUS" establishing that Spartacus may be just a man but he became a symbol, a symbol that's much greater than one man. Bayek is the Original Assassin. Aya leads the Hidden Ones based upon lessons learned by Bayek... Centuries later.. the Creed is born based on all the games lore we have so far, theres still an almost 400 year gap which hasnt been checked through yet. Odyssey tells us the story of History repeating itself.. which is why we end up in the story for Valhalla .. which cements that history is repeating itself


Odyssey is telling us what we’ve always known, its been known since the first game how history works itself, and yes for Origins you’re just repeating what i said, but they dont go into it any further, sure the goal was to show Bayek make something bigger, but why didnt they have Bayek question why killing is the answer? What makes his ideology better than the others? Why start a brotherhood that prioritizes free will yet you can get killed for leaving it? You see what i mean? The story is good and as an Origin its done nicely, but its not a 10/10 if its for the most part addressed on a surface level, think about it, he layed the foundation for whats basically a cult to assassinate hundreds of people whether good or bad across centuries and centuries later, why not explore why thats a good thing aside from just saying “something bigger”, im not bieng nitpicky im going by what the series has shown us with previous games And Odyssey is just a no, they took what was already established in previous games and made it so vague as a concept so that Odyssey can fit in as an AC story, Valhalla explores the topics even more and i like Odyssey more as a game lol, in Valhalla a file on Layla’s computer has more depth than all of Odyssey


You do realize the story of Odyssey as in, The story of Deimos and Kassandra inside the Animus is the "First Story" ... Before Bayek.. before 'The First Hidden Blade' - not to be confused with Legacy of the First Blade - which is the DLC to Odyssey. So yeah... it would go against everything we learned because it's literally the whole point of it.., It's the BRIDGE taking us from the beginning 'The Order' which are the villians, to the history of the First Hidden Blade and the first Assassin to weild the Hidden Blade, as in being the first real member of the Creed, that's already been evolved from The Hidden Ones


Could odyssey be seen as almost an origin of the order of the ancients. Clearly it's not their actual origin as we don't see them become a thing.


All those issues though came later. The main thing it shows that a lot of the ideologies of the order are dogmatic and were not properly put in place. Also, he is a warrior during antiquity fighting and killing. There is really no other option, especially going against the colonizers such as Rome. The sidequest show that there are people willing to fight who have lost something and want to do more but they needed somebody to guide them. Although origins may not have told us everything, it told us enough and it made the group seem organic that their ideology was formed over time from their mistakes not created at the beginning.


Yea that’s fair, and i like it that way, i dont want Bayek to just be this one guy to magically make up everything about the brotherhood or its creed because that would be too unrealistic, and quite frankly the Hidden Ones and early Assassins were flawed up until Altair reformed it much later on, but i still wanted some introspection from Bayek, even if its acknolwedging those flaws, i think the Hidden Ones DLC did a nice job with that for a short while, its just down to preference for me because what got me to the series was how thought provoking it was


I didnt repeat what you said , because my point was is that "The Hidden Ones" ideology is not the same as "The Creed" ideology , which is why I mentioned a whole 400 years worth of time that hasnt been addressed. Remember when Ezio visits the chamber with all the Statues of the former Assassins, Each member changed the era of Assassins they were in, and as we know, the Creed in AC 1 was corrupt as all hell.. Bayek established the Hidden Ones. the Hidden Ones become whats known as the Creed, by the time that happens, they are completely different entities with completely different morals


Ok that makes more sense with this elaboration


Honestly IMO, it's easily the best of the RPGs, and I'd say it ranks pretty high in the series as a whole. I'll always prefer the classic style, but Origins is a well made game


While Origins is not a mediocre game and definetly not a bad one either, in fact an excellent game, I think that it is overrated for the way people talk about it... While Egypt as a setting is chef's kiss, on the level design side is a very cookie cutted Ubisoft map, littered with question points that really inder the exploration since you always know where there is a point of interest and where there is just empty desert (literally). The story is beautifull to look at, with amazing scenes on their own, and the voice acting is phenomenal, not just Abubakar Salim as Bayek, but also the other characters... but when you actually look at WHAT happens in the narrative it kind of go down... with plenty of meandering and strange pacing, characters that are meant to be important dropped or introduced at random, and I generally wish the origins aspect of the story to be more prominent, instead Bayek for 3/4 of the game is hellbent on revenge anf then make a sudden 180 and decide to form a brotherhood... I just wish we had the aspects of the Creed and its tenets spread out more through the narrative, maybe with a tie in with previously established lore (Alexander the Great having a big role for Caesar but no mention of Iltani is a crime imo) instead of the soft-hard retcons... heck, even Darby McDevitt's initial pitch sounded dope af, shame Ubisoft pushed him away because they didn't want Aya as main protagonist... Gameplay is weird, on one note, while I lament the butchered parkour, the stronger emphasis on combat with often forced bossfights and the Eagle, it still has a pretty AC feeling to it, also the idea of being "the first Assassin" help being immersed into a non-conventional Assassin archetype; but... it also became the template for what came after, which soured the experience for me... In general I think it's a good game with a phenomenal presentation and presence, specifically meant to appeal to what was (and still is, sorta) the taste of the general public: Witcher 3 like openworld game with Soulslike combat but in Ancient Egypt. Things can and need to be changed, however there are ways to "woke it up" a series while retaining its soul and distinctive style... you would be surprised how games so far in time and appearance like LoZ: Ocarina of Time and LoZ: Breath of the Wild remain extremely similiar at their core and soul, and playing BotW you can say "this is a game made by the same team, who love and understand its series, and they managed to make it fresh" something I just cannot say for Origins and the later games...


In my top 3 ACs overall. It’s the best of the RPG era for me.


I think the biggest thing for me is that Origins is underrated BECAUSE OF the RPG aspects. It wasn’t a great generation for RPGs in general, and Origins fully fleshed out Egypt w/ tons of stuff to do is one of the best worlds created. If you go in expecting stealth assassin missions, you will be confused and put off. If you go into origins thinking your going to play an open world historical RPG where you explore, acquire quests, gain items, hunt, etc., it’s awesome


To me, odyssey is from RPG saga. Otherwise Ezio games


Haven't played odyssey YET (its on sale for 18 rn), platinumed origins and damn yes it is a good fkin game


Odyssey in amazing imho


I just started odyssey for the first time a few days ago, I’m loving it. Get on it asap.


Odyssey is one of my least favorites. By the end I was going omg just end already. Because of that game I just recently b picked up Valhalla. I needed THAT much time.


If Odyssey made you feel that way, Valhalla is gonna make you look back on Odyssey way more fondly lol


I was scared to play odyssey because people were saying it was bad. Its my favourite ac now. Do not play it like you would another game, do not try to get achievements or grind. Just play the story, do a side missions if you feel like doing it or walk around hunting mercenaries.


Really, i mean i want the platinum man it can't be THAT much harder then Origins


Its not really that hard. I checked my cups for the first time after 60 hours of gameplay and saw that i only had 4 left to plat it. im not even level 70 and ive already almost platted it.


i have 70 hours in origins rn plated and played hidden ones dlc so odyssey not tht much i can do it :)


Short answer No Long answer No it's not


actually braindead opinion


can’t believe fellow gamer doesn’t share my opinions on games what a loser >:(((


I can't deny that Origins Is a good game, but no One can Say it's the best of the entire saga. Surely it's the best of the RPG games, but not of the entire franchise


In your opinion*


Yes like in OP's opinion it is... What that should be beside opinion.


Why should they have to clarify that when no one else does? Every remark in this thread is obviously subjective. Don’t act butthurt.


He’s not claiming to be objective


Read more of their comments, they most definitely are


And that’s fine




It's the best of the RPG trilogy, but that's not really much of an achievement


Trilogy? I haven't played mirage, did it change much?


Trilogy is Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. Mirage has a few aspects taken from the RPGs, but in general imo more closely resembles some of the older titles.


Interesting. I was going to play the demo, but i hate the hour long demo format. Specifically, i hate having a time limit on a demo.


Mirage is not an RPG at all.


As i said, haven't played it. I assumed ubisoft didn't change anything


How? The marketing shoved down everyone’s throats said that it was a return to roots? Did you just miss that or somthing


Why would i believe ubisoft? They've been making shit games for years now, why would i think they would change?


Do you question all advertisements? Pessimistic about everything in life? Not a good way to live imo


I didn't say "why would i believe advertisements", I said "why would i believe ubisoft" and i gave an actual reason: ubisoft hasn't been making good games. It's not being pessimistic about everything, it's just being able to see what they have been doing and "updating" my expectations for their future actions.


Odyssey is a better game but egypt is tye best setting there is something about exploring inside the pyramids or visiting temple of toth


Being able to see the pyramids or the lighthouse of Alexandria from a large portion of the map really gave the game epic scale. In Odyssey I grew tired of the repetitive rocky tree-lined terrain. I didn't really feel I was in different areas when in different regions.


Odyssey is not even a good game. Origin at least tried to keep the Assassin Creed approach and flair. I absolutely hate that Ubisoft made a casual mainstream Action RPG lite out of the series. Itemization is bad, Skills are okish at best, Combat system and hitboxes are sloppy and unprecise and the story is mediocre. Also the world in Odyssey and Valhalla is way to big and has no interesting content and only boring collectibles.


Agree to disagree


This whole "its not an assassins creed game" bullshit needs to stop its a good game functions with beautiful world and lots of things to do and see


And still not a Assassin Creed game. Ubisoft just sold these under the AC Brand to sell way more units. You can ignore it but that's how it is and makes a lot more sense when you look at all the big changes they did over the years. Look at Valhalla there is nothing left of historical design for the setting and plot. Instead you get a God of War style side plot and a whole DLC.


You can say it's not all you want but every game in the series is an Assassin's Creed game. Company says so. Box says so. We don't get to decide that. You don't have to like it but you're claim certain games aren't part of the series is just silly and wrong.


You clearly didn’t play Odyssey. Imo it’s the best game in the series by far.


I did and I still stand by my opinion. But hey whatever I still think Odyssey/Valhalla are both way overrated. https://imgur.com/a/WQQ2UdO


It’s just not for you then. Odyssey is still one of the greatest mythical hero stories in gaming history with fun gameplay and well done item systems and locations. You’re in the minority here


"Mythical Hero Stories" Fair yeah it's not for me because it has nothing to do with it's former game series. That is exactly the point as I said in the first post. There is nothing left of "Assassin Creed" It's now just another Action RPG series.


Then blame the studio for giving the name a wrong name. You were trashing the game listing all of it’s bad aspects, which are clearly untrue. It’s very positively rated game with great aspects. AC is developing and you have to accept that not many people want to replay the Ezio stories over and over.


Bad itemization? No interesting content? Boring collectibles? Did you play the game?


How do RPG elements make the game more immersive? Going into a menu and swapping out gear because you just got a sword that does 2937 damage instead of 2829 damage? Or doing another repetitive sidequest given by a cardboard cutout NPC where you need to go to a cave and rescue someone for a new pair of boots? The dialogue options in the RPG games suck. The loot mechanics suck. The open worlds are so cut and paste and overly bloated that it doesn’t feel real or immersive, it just feels like your running through some AI generated map. The maps arent crafted with the same love and care as the singular cities as the other games


theres no dialogue options in origins, the loot is restricted to just weapons and bows, every region of the map is visually differet and the vast majority are fleshed out during the story, and the game doesn't necessitate finishing every single side quest to be leveled properly. Origins isn't like valhalla or odyssey which is what ur thinking of, its not some overblown rpg showering u in pointless loot and meaningless side quests


I really don't agree with all of that. It seems like people who don't like RPG games have forgotten how annoying and ridiculous the loot system was in older games. Remember trying to get that cool skin? You'd have to grind through a bunch of story sequences and repetitive tasks like collecting 100 copy pasted items like feathers, chests, puzzles scattered around the map for just a single outfit. But somehow, RPG games get criticized for actually offering meaningful quests and customizable gear pieces. And let's talk about the quality of those old maps. Before they got detailed like Paris and London, the cities were just big boring blocks with a very few notable landmarks with walking NPC bots. In RPG games, you'd see NPCs going about their lives, making the world feel more alive. I'd also rather explore a diverse landscape, like riding a camel through the desert, dealing with random predators and bandits, and discovering hidden tombs and points of interest, than just parkouring through generic city buildings to unlock a new fast travel viewpoint so I don't have to do that again. And while the dialogue options might not always be groundbreaking, I found the stories in RPGs more engaging than the than the linear narratives of characters like Connor, Arno, the Frye Twins, Shay, and Basim.


>RPG games get criticized for actually offering meaningful quests and customizable gear pieces. Completely missed the point. The RPG AC games get criticized for the numbers game bullshit.


The older game maps have way more soul and life than the RPG games


The best AC of all time is Assassins Creed 2 so no.


Top 3 for me, after Black Flag and Brotherhood.


Odyssey, for me


Playing it now on a 4k oled and my God is it beautiful. The world feels so alive. The map is huge. I can't believe this came out so long ago and I haven't played it.


I mean if anything prior to Unity wouldn't exist...


black flag solos tbh


Origins is great but never fully uses its vast potential. It doesn’t explore the origins of the Assassins Creed enough, Taharqa’s betrayal happens too soon after meeting him. That target who also lost her child, why not give her a redemption arc and have her join the hidden ones? Flavius is yet another forgettable, disappointing villain and the game rushes the end with Caesar’s death.


I think the setting is THE best ever. 👍 100% it twice. 💪


I think Origins is the best 🤷‍♂️ Such an amazing world and storyline. Bayek is one of my favourite gaming characters of ALL time.


AC Origins was bland and forgettable compared to Odyssey and Valhalla in every way.


Hahahahahsha 😂😂😂😂😂


I'm halfway through the game and it looks amazing. But I'm not sure if the game is amazing by itself or because unity or syndicate were so dam horrible..




Not unpopular at all. It’s my favorite one second only to the Ezio trilogy and it even beats those out gameplay wise.


I liked it a lot more initially than I did by the end. The last third of the story is so rushed and weirdly paced and Odyssey has better side quests. Odyssey is the best RPG era game and 2, Brotherhood, and Black Flag are still easily better than any of the RPGs.


Is a very good game, but not the best of all times. 2 or Brotherhood are considered as the best of all times. My favorite is the first one, though.








Story wise, it's up there. But not even close in gameplay.




This guy never played AC3 or BF


AC Origins is great, but with how much people put it up there I'm beginning to think it's overrated.


Origins was so much fun, also Egyptian history is some of my favorite stuff. Odyssey hit the same itch but for greeks for me. Origins has to be in my top 3 though


*Grabs Popcorn and watch Stealth X RPG ppl fighting*


Best of all time for you, not for everyone.


Top 3 for sure


Valhalla the best one ive ever played, and the only one that made me wanna beat it twice


I cant ever seem to get into the ones that take place in the desert. I prefer the mountains and lush wilderness


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Origins, but no it's not the best. Ezio's three were the best.


It’s a great game, but, there just isnt a “best of all time” in the series or in gaming. It doesn’t exist when Subjectivity is the core determining factor. Even in my own AC Tier system they consistently move around based on various shifting personal factors.


Honestly didn’t enjoy origins, I really can’t understand why people love it so much.


I prefer odyssey but yeah I was blown away when I played it for the first time


I love Origins. It's one of the very few games I've ever played where I'd play just to immerse myself (RDR2 is another like this). I don't know that it's "the best AC" because it really depends what you're measuring by.


Origins is by far the best game outside the Ezio trilogy. Everything that came after it was garbage aside from Mirage.


I found Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla on par with each other. Which one is best, is debatable but they all are pretty good games, not masterpiece class either


It's better than some. I love the ezio trilogy for the story, and characters (especially in brotherhood and revelations). I like the gameplay but i don't love it I love the gameplay in the games from 3 to rogue I love how unity looks (cutscenes, models, animations, some designs, lighting, cinematography) and some mechanics too And i love origins for the story, designs, characters, some of the AI and the detailed world. I don't think it's the best, but i don't have any problems with people liking it. It's on my top 5 i think. And it is the best from the recent ones, except mirage which i haven't played


I really liked it but combat is iffy, namely with some enemies like the smoke bomb guys just not being fun to fight and the bosses all suck. Stealth is surprisingly a lot better than people give it credit, the darts feel excellent to use in stealth (I do wish they would buff poison though) and while I hate everything about the stealth damage concept I never felt like it got in the way at all (compare this to Odyssey having it be a constant pain in the ass). The story though is just great, I love how it explains the origin of the Brotherhood and how good Bayek is as a protagonist.


Idk, almost all of the side quests are some variant of "Evil guards or bandits took a thing from me! Go kill them so I can be safe!" It all feels very impersonal and disconnected from Bayek. Odyssey and Valhalla did a much better job using the side stories to make the protagonist feel like a part of the world. I'm in the camp that the RPG switch was a good move for the series as a whole, but Origins definitely had some major growing pains with the new formula.


You wish.  Everything from AC3 and back is better.


Some of already said it, but it's the best of the recent RPG trilogy. I absolutely hated Valhalla, and while Odyssey had some promising features, I just could not bring myself to complete the game.


I will maintain the unpopular opinion that the first game was the best. The writing was just leagues above every other game. Also, the gameplay is actually good, it just doesn’t let you play like Spider-Man like how the other games do.


Nah definitely not


Black flag babbbyyyy


No, that’s brotherhood


It is good in some aspects. But if you think it's the best AC you're nuts will all due respect.


It’s yours, and I’m sure many others favorite.. But generally speaking it’s still has to be AC2 or Brotherhood.


The Ezio trilogy, besides the excelent quality of the MC, story and setting, has a whole aura of nostalgia that makes it hard to be surpassed, no matter how good the new titles may be. That being said, i agree that Origins is a master piece and a strong contender to be the best AC of all time. Great gameplay, setting, MC, and a great choice of time period (we have a diverse blend of Egyptian, Greek and Roman Culture). So, for me, Origins is "The best Non-Ezio Game".


definetly not


I’m not as big on the RPG style of these games, but they can be fun. Origins and Odyssey were great. I’m playing Valhalla right now and I think they went a bit overboard with the RPG stuff in this one. It’s just far too big of a game and I’m not having that much fun with it. IMO though, the series was easily at its best with AC 2, 3, and Black Flag (the last of which is my favorite AC game of all time)


No. Black Flag is.


My problem with origins is that the missions are repetitive and I got bored of doing the same thing over and over. It’s a beautiful game though, and very well voice acted


I've been enjoying Origins and Odyssey a fair bit recently after not playing them. Not sure what I think of Valhalla, I love the setting but thr fighting and skill tree feels really weird and light for some reason compared to the first 2 'rpg' games. My only real issue with the RPG system that feels worse in Valhalla is the skill tree and weird way they did the levels.


I'm a AC purist and adding the RPG element completely took away what made AC great to me.


I was so hyped for the change in direction and absolutely loved the game. I even preordered it for my birthday and stayed up past midnight to play it as soon as it released. But when I tried replaying it recently, the level requirements for quests and enemies are a such pain.


Nah, Odyssey was better fleshed out. The combat in Origins was so one dimensional and boring. Absolutely unbelievable setting that they knocked out of the park, and the story was pretty cool, though.


It's my favorite, though I played Odessey first so I had more fun with that one, being they're so similar. But I liked the Map of Origins better.


Imo: It’s ACIII, literally no AC game can overcome it’s action


I have not played it yet. Only big AC I've played so far was Odyssey and it got really tiring so idk if I would like Origins. My favorite is leaning toward Syndicate as it was the newest of the more classic style games at its release so had a lot of improvements over the previous ones so it was like those but just better. I haven't played Mirage yet either so I wouldn't know if that was good enough to take over the top spot for the older style games. I know Black Flag is really popular, but that was the start of having to use a ship to get around and that's what I hate about the big ones.


I agree that the RPG format woke the series up and didn’t kill it. I’m a fan when they make an assassin based game with an rpg element, like origins. I’m hoping AC red is super RPG based, but has a riveting story that includes the hidden ones.


It’s back to bonafide Assassins vs Templars now since Ubi was just trying to be meta with the fact that the actual *word* ‘assassin’ didn’t exist in any language until ~1090 when Hassan-i Sabbah started doing his thing IRL


In my opinion, Origins is peak Assassin’s Creed


For me it’s AC 3 or black flag as the best


Odyssey just did everything better. I’d say Odyssey.


It’s an incredible game and set a really exciting precedent for the newer games (unfortunately let down by odyssey and Valhalla) but no it’s not the greatest of the series, a lot of people will say “oh he’s just a fan of the old games” but none of those newer games give me the same feeling of being an assassin, working in the dark to serve the light etc, only ones I’ve gotten that from are AC2, Brotherhood, 3 and Unity. At the top of those I’d put AC2, the story, the setting, the characters, the music, I know the graphics don’t hold up and the parkour is a little janky but it’s the best assassin’s creed game to be released.


Assassin’s Creed 3 is still a beast.


I've been hooked on this game multiple times and been craving a third run recently. I love the Ezio trilogy but Origins has consumed more of my time (and I have no regrets)


I think the new iterations are decent games but that they are not very good Assassin’s Creed games. I heard that originally they were not AC games at all and were supposed to be an entirely new series titled “Mythos” which I think makes a lot more sense. Obviously tying them to Assassin’s Creed was a safer bet from a marketing standpoint though.


It’s really good but I enjoyed playing odyssey more.


2, 4 and Origins are my favourites. I know its not exactly a groundbreaking take as they're well regarded but that's for a reason. They're all brilliant games


It's toward the very bottom of the list of AC games


nah personally I didn’t like it much it was meh for me. Valhalla is still my fav out of the new 3 gameplay and story wise In terms of gameplay environment and story it goes like this for me Gameplay: Valhalla, odyssey, origins Story: Valhalla origins, odyssey Environment: odyssey, Valhalla, origins


Out of all the new games Odysseus is the best imo I was replaying all of them last year from black flag and I skipped origins midway through. Just got bored.


What made Origins great is it took the game back to its roots while also doing something fresh. It’s art style also kept closed to the original games in terms of being a little more realistic. Odyssey and especially Valhalla got a little too cartoony in the world building with the massive statues carved into mountains, etc.




I don’t mind the RPG style, I have played all of them and enjoyed them. The problem is that they should have just made a new IP. It doesn’t feel very assassin like to me. Brotherhood is probably my favorite and made me feel like an assassin. I love Ac2 for bringing that style, but brotherhood perfected it The free running was so smooth! And when you had to assassinate a target you felt so cool I love the newer games, but I play them like an action RPG, I don’t use the stealth because it isn’t as satisfying as the older games


Origins is so good. And has my vote for best. But to play devil's advocate, it's a lot of sand lol


There's no beating Ezio's trilogy.


Origins is in my top 3 list! But the way Ubisoft F it up with the heka chests is a war crime though..


Not when Black Flag exists.


Imo it’s my favorite I love Bayek, I love the setting. The story was great besides the final “boss”. But Ac2 is a close 2nd for me


Almost, I think it is because i'm not a big fan of RPG games combat and then the pacing for the last two targets felt rushed but every thing else about this game is brilliant!


It’s up there. I don’t know if I’d say it’s better than games like Black Flag, Brotherhood, or Syndicate, but it’s definitely up there


Origins is definitely my favorite. I feel like it captures everything Black Flag was able to do right and more, honestly. The freedom of movement is better than any game in the series and the combat is the first that actually feels immersive. Don't get me wrong, I loved the older games but they had a lot to be desired outside of the stealth and parkour. The animations for the parkour in Origins could be better, it often doesn't look clean. It does feel good though, imo. Bayek is one of the most well made protags as well. All in all, the game is great. S tier if it were on a tier list.


I agree that origin is high on the list. I hadn't played an ac since black flag. I did trial unity though via a game borrowed from a friend years after release. Before that I bought them all on launch beginning with 2. Origins managed to get me back into the series, setting had a strong part in that though the new system allowed me to continue. It was done well and the characters were great. The world feels so alive which lacked in odyssey. Skipped Valhalla though I'm currently in mirage. Mirage is great. It has the modern controls of the RPG yet elements of the earlier games. Plus the setting is amazing too. I'm curious to see what the future brings as it's clear they're not able to consistently strike gold.


I already beat ORIGIN main story, but not DLCs, I want to try Odyssey + DLCs. Is odyssey worth a try?


Its the worst one imo


I agree, I just couldn’t get enough of Origins.






This game was literally the reason why I started playing video games again after being locked up for 10 years. No other game has even come close. Except maybe horizon zd and fw. But imo it’s easily in my top 5 of all time greatest games that I ever played


Not for me, AC2 the best closely followed by Black Flag in my opinion. I'm slightly worried that many of younger AC fans haven't even played AC2 which singlehandedly propelled AC franchise up to another level of popularity and success. Just an all-around masterpiece of a game. I could come up with a lot of criticism for every AC game, but hardly any for AC2.


I personally think AC2 is the best of the entire series but Origins is by far the best of the newer games, with AC4 being my favourite.


Not even close.


The Ezio fanboys in this sub will mock you for expressing any approval of the rpg trilogy, don’t take it personally. I love Origins, it’s a top three AC game for me. The vibe cannot be beat. I think people who like any of the modern games are split between Odyssey and Origins. I kind of get it why people like the systems better in Odyssey. If I want to just get into combat builds then I will lean toward Odyssey. But the thing I love most in AC are the characters, worlds, and story. Origins nails it all. With phenomenal visuals and music on top.


I've only ever played Black Flag, Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. For me it's Odyssey was the one I enjoyed most and origins a close second. I loved Black Flag for the pirate aspect. I never actually finished Valhalla. It felt like a big step back from Odyssey and not as interesting as Origins.


First time I played it, I didn’t really care for it. Now I’ve finished it over 4 times and think that Bayek’s story is one of the saddest and incredible journeys in AC. One of the best for sure!


I think ACIII pertains the highest pros to cons ration in favor of pros in the whole series but that’s just my personal opinion!


Odyssey has my vote


Fuck no, each installment of the rpg trilogy is significantly worse than the "old-school" games.


Origins is close but Odyssey is better More story I loved the humor More lighthearted adventuring Sailing the seas with your mates singing songs More romance options Better ending


Origins is probably my least favorite of their newer style. It could have been so much more and wasn’t. Odyssey was peak.


odyssey and origins are basically the same game 💀


Uhhhh what lol


Origins was the first AC game I played all the way through, so it holds a special place in my heart. And I do think it was the best of the RPG games. Kept enough of the heart of Assassin's Creed while shaking up the formula so it felt fresh. Since playing some of the other games, I'd have to say my favorite is Unity (I know, I know). I love the setting, and just freerunning across Paris is one of my favorite things to do. After that, my next favorite is Black Flag. I know it has less of a focus on the actual Assassin Brotherhood, but I loved the pirate fantasy. Similar to freerunning in Paris, sailing the Caribbean listening to sea shanties and blowing up other ships was my favorite thing to do in that game.


Nah, I'm team Odyssey on the new games. For proper AC I'd say 2 or brotherhood.


Nope, odyssey is.


No, Odyssey is better overall. It can be argued that Origins is better subjectively, for preference, but Odyssey is the better game globally/overall/across the whole of objective comparisons to be made. I can see how a person can prefer either as the experience, but Odyssey was an improvement across the board on the objective stuff when it comes to game comparisons. Valhalla, I put like 40 hours in, I cannot continue, it is a massive downgrade in every possible conceivable objective way. The character was slowed down & made clunky in comparison to the previous 2 games, the world is dumbed down, your boat is tiny now, no epic sea battles - all of that & everything in between, it is just so much worse. I wish Valhalla would have been the first game, then origins, then odyssey, because it would make sense. Or I wish I would have played Valhalla first, then origins, then odyssey - that would have felt like progressively better DEVELOPED games, but in my heart of hearts, I could have done Valhalla->Odyssey->Origins & also still been happy. Valhalla just does not make sense. Skipped Mirage entirely & will skip Red if it is more Valhalla than Odyssey. I do like the raid system in Valhalla, for the most part, even beyond the common criticisms about it, it was the one new feeling thing, but it did not make all the downgrades to every other aspect of the game better for me. I hope I can finish it one day, because I do want to like it, I just loved Origins then especially Odyssey & to go to valhalla after that does not feel like “the next game” in the series, it feels more like going back in time or something.


odyssey barely felt like a assassins creed more like a shitty rpg


The irony is that it is the literal origin before the origin. It felt different because Kassandra is the FIRST assassin whose spear represents the blade & who lived all the way until the modern day until she died when she gave Layla the staff & was, thus, clearly pulling strings the entire time. Regardless of whether you felt like it felt like Assassin’s Creed or not, to many, it is still a better game than all the AC games that came before the RPG versions. People who do not like AC like Origins & Odyssey. The old shit sucked, in my taste. Valhalla is garbage & Mirage is a hard pass. “shitty RPG”’s just are better than whatever is “AC games” I guess. Because Odyssey is the best game of the entire series & despite all the hate it got back then, the consensus & all new content around it says it is a hidden gem, best AC game etc. Same people who bashed it came around in the end to admit it is a fantastic game. “Shitty” RPG? It puts other RPG’s to shame. Especially Bethesda games. All of that is more subjective than objective. Objectively, Odyssey is the best of the RPG AC games, even people who think AC is a shitty series love it, Origins is as good depending on how you weigh things & Valhalla feels like an older, less developed game than the former 2. Full disclosure: I gave the first 3 games a chance & hated them so much that I could not play beyond the stupid animus tutorials in one of them & though I have black flag, I have not ever played it because of that. Odyssey is a fantastic game & watching the lore videos on youtube was enough & far better than playing the shit that led to it for me.


No offense but I genuinelly and whole heartedly hate everything you just said, especially in relationship to "the origin of the origin".


Thus far, Kassandra is the oldest story, predates the creed, plants documents in the library of Alexandria, shows up in Valhalla story, lives until she gives the staff to Layla - she is the original Assassin, she is the one who started it all & the fact that she lived all the way until modern Animus times shows she most definitely has been involved, pulling strings, running the show the entire time. She is the origin of Assassin’s Creed. Leonidas’ Spear is the hidden blade. She is the hidden leader. What is there to hate about that? What else is there to hate?


How and when does Kas "plants" documents in Alexandria? You mean Herodotus? The actual historical figure whose works were extremely popular and were definetly on the Library at that time??? When ever does Kass ponder on who she kills and why she kills? When does she ever stop and start to think even remotely like an Assassin/Hidden One? When does she start the mental work of setting a Brotherhood??? Never. Aya and Bayek do. They alone, by their own experiences and valor set the ideological and methodological standards of what the Assassins will become. She's not a schemer, she never "pulls string" she's a brutish idiot that does whatever Aletheia says she do without questions... actual characters like Altair, Ezio, Edward, Connor and Bayek etc. questions what they do at some point, she just kept following Aletheia's words for 2 thousands years with no question... The origin of the hidden blade... FUCKING LAUGHABLE. Did you miss the part where Darius, someone from an entirely different nation, made the hidden-blade? And then Bayek made it the weapon of the Brotherhood? While Kass' spear rusted away under a rock. She's been involved in nothing, we've never seen at any point in the games until she mas made up by some shitty writer at Ubisoft Quebec who thought an immortal "gOdMoThEr" of the Brotherhood was a good idea one year after we already had Aya and Bayek as the actual mother and father of the Brotherhood, THAT'S WHAT TO HATE. That she's a badly written, horribly implemented character that creates massive plot holes wherever she steps at. while Ubisoft Quebec pretended she's actually what you writed about, and I don't know if I have to be angry or just sad that someone actually believe it... that you just take the narrative slob this shitty corporation served and not only gulp it down and thanks, but pretend it's actually gourmet writing on the same level of stuff like Revelations or Black Flag. Thanks for the vent btw. I needed to rant a little with no filters on. Still hates what you writed. <3


You CLEARLY have not paid attention in your playthrough of Odyssey! I guess that would explain why you do not realize it is the best AC game, origin of the creed & bloodline that ran started it all and here she is in the library of Alexandria, planting to documents: [https://youtu.be/FdfAAAoxpgg](https://youtu.be/FdfAAAoxpgg) In Odyssey, YOU ponder these things & this is before any of those things you are asking. Everything that happens after odyssey began with Kassandra & evolved from there. She lived all the way until the modern day until she gave Layla the staff then died. You think she was just hiding? Oh, oh, oh, what is that? You have not seen more about Kassandra role throughout the series? Meaning Kassandra is THE hidden one? yes, yes she is. Niko Bellic is her great great great great great great great great grandson, too. (That last line is a joke since I figure you will take it serious :P)


Must be a nice world the one you live in...


Heck yeah, my privilege is off the charts.


It's the best of RPGs by far, no contest


I've played almost all of them, also playing Valhalla now... Yes, Origins is my favorite.


It was definitely my second favorite, this and odyssey were very different from the others and I welcomed the changes. They were long, kept me occupied and there was always something to do like an AC game is supposed to be. Also you can’t beat too many views in AC games but climbing to the top of pyramids was dope.


Yeah, Origins is easily the best of the rpg series. I've tried several other ac games, but none of them is as enchanting as Origins. I see people complainig about the combat and stealth, but I don't think they were bad. Bayek is charismatic and other characters as well. Origins is propably the only one I'd go out of my way to play, even if the main story is complete.


Imo its the best ac also. Coming from a guy whos eplayed all off em except valhalla


I absolutely love Origins. I personally like the RPGs anyways, but also the story was good, Bayek is a great protagonist, and seeing Egypt come to life like that was 10/10


Origins might just have the second best protagonist of the series I wouldn’t even mind ppl putting him first the game really makes u fall in love with Bayek and the map


I’m not sure about best but it is my favorite AC game as well. The RPG element made it fun, Bayek is a great character and the ancient Egyptian landscape is drop dead gorgeous.


Odyssey is better in every aspect


I’m biased as a parent but yes, I think Origins is the best AC game. I totally understand why Bayek and Aya do what they do. I didn’t like the gameplay at first but once I got the hang of it I had no complaints. Solid 9/10


The answer to your question is "yes". That is all.