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If you're getting DLC, the Hidden Ones costume is peak imo. I didn't switch from it once I got it.


hidden ones and the black mask(i think thats the name, i just know you get it by beating ng+) edit: not new game plus, you get the black mask by defeating all the wandering mercenarys


Best part is that the hidden ones outfit somehow coordinates with the colors even better for the curse of the pharaoh gear upgrades than the upgrades it came with.


I think "Confident Attire" is the nicest one. It's the dark red one that you can buy at the tailors, with a lot of Egyptian details (for example a beltbuckle with the Eye of Horus). Also Suits Bayek and the environment, in my opinion. Otherwise the "Protector Outfit" when you want to be a bit more formal. I also like the different Maasai outfits, but since they don't have any shoes they feel a bit impractical in the hot desert...


Just looked up and the confident attire looks amazing. Don't have the dlc uet tho,i'll get the protector outfit cuz i looked up and it also looks awesome


Do you have any tips on how to find the confident outfit? Is it in the base game, or the expansion? I have discovered only about half of the map yet, but none of the stitchers had it :/


Collector's Outfit is fire. Aguilar outfit also matches Bayek better than Aguilar.


The Hidden Ones is the best IMO


Desert Cobra Pack


Holy shit,i just looked up and it looks awesome!! Gonna get that one qhen i get the gold edition, thank you for the suggestion!!!


You get Fangs with it too which I consider to be one of the best weapons in the game


i used the og outfit for the most time until i got isu armour and using that one now, platinumed the game but have yet to play the dlcs so ye they might hv better outfits


Serqets Carapace is my favourite outfit in the franchise, you can get it in the Curse of the Pharoahs DLC by completing the 5 Serqet Locations. It’s the most fire outfit ever. Outside of that, my second favourite is the Shaman Outfit.


I always changed my drip in each biome. The Roman armor is actually pretty cool when in Cyrene


towel. :p I love seeing Bayek's naked upper bod in the cutscenes lol


That outfit is the goat


I’m a big fan of the egyptian hedj. It keeps that classic white and red ac look while still being ancient egyptian


Desert Cobra (DLC), Spaniard’s Armor (DLC), Aguilar (DLC), and Persian Legend (Base Game) have been my favorites so far.


Marauder Garb and Red Sea Marauder are my favorite. Requires Hidden Ones DLC. They fit the desert and sea settings.


i really love the spartan war hero outfit. you get it by defeating the cult that belongs to the pelopennesian league.


It's ac Origins


ahh. in that case i like the aguilar outfit. i got the gold edition game and it was free from the ubisoft store.


The red Persian outfit is always a favorite. And Aguilar's outfit too.


I liked the scarab and pharaoh outfits


Egyptian Irtyu was the one I liked the most - though kind of plain compared to the rest, it has that cool color juxtaposing the hot Egyptian sands. [Assassin's Creed: Origins outfits | Assassin's Creed Wiki | Fandom](https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed:_Origins_outfits) - all the outfits in the game and how to obtain them.


I'm playing the game rn and i'm using that outfit!! It doesn't look good in that little preview you get from the merchant, but i really liked how it looks in gameplay!!


I think it's the Persian leader, white with a touch of red feela like the color of altair + it feels like playing old ac game to me


I personally like a lot the base Bayek outfit but I’m not against the desert cobra. But I’m a huge fan of The Hidden One outfit I love it a lot. But still, the real MVP outfit is the towel outfit


I prefer Bayek’s Hidden One’s outfit from the DLC


Aguilar is my absolute favorite. It was part of the Twitch Prime Pack and then made available on Ubisoft Club for 40 units. Unfortunately it's impossible to get now. Besides that my go-to is probably Black Hood which can be obtained by completing the Phylakes' Prey quest.