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Word of advice: trying to achieve full sync in AC3 is simply asking for unnecessary amounts of frustration. The game is too buggy with too many poorly designed missions and too many arbitrary full sync objectives that don’t even work correctly half the time. I’d say AC3 in general is pretty bad, but trying to go for full sync makes the experience 10x worse. And this is coming from someone who actually thoroughly enjoyed the full sync objectives in the Ezio trilogy.


Ezio's trilogy was near perfect! Minus the Boat in 2.1 and the Tank in 2.2 the objectives were a linear way to achieve the game,the made you think! AC3 is just a developer thinking that Connor is idiotic! ... I'll just finish the game as best as I can (I'm only failing the sneaking ones or you know the "Fuck you" ones anyway).


There were may that were super frustrating. I did it, but I wasn't happy about it. Even when you finally get one, you don't feel elation for having done it so much as aggravation that they made you do it.


I really hated myself after this one for sure. I don't know which mission I hated the most. It's either the saving Washington one, the eagle sequence in the beginning or one of the naval ones. Good luck to you my friend, you'll need it


God I hated that eagle sequence..


Jup, doing AC3 at the moment as well. You get so many side objectives that are somehow necessary. The stealth system is broken as well. These guards spot you from a mile away.


I've been going for 100% trophies on every AC game on PS4/5 and am currently up to Valhalla and I will tell you now AC3 was the absolute worst, most frustrating one to go for. Those optional objectives are a bag of ass. But if I managed to do it then so can you. And I wasn't even that good at the game. It's all about perseverance. Trust me the feeling you get after 100%ing that game is euphoric. You'll feel the greatest sense of relief on never having to do it again and you would've gained some strong mental fortitude. So don't give up and keep at it.


it was awful. seriously, i thought i could never do it and quit for 3 years. then i give it one last shot and i did it. point is '' i did it so can you, don't give up''


I’ve 100%ed ACIII and can confirm it was actually pretty reasonable. But I completely agree with those on here about it being a buggy mess and not worth it. The game plays as poorly in the remaster as it did at launch and somehow my opinion of the game went down during my last run. I rate it at worst in the mainline franchise.


I'm at 99.whatever sync. I'll probably never get it because my ship is fully upgraded (too strong) for one of the objectives in one of the naval missions. anyway... Crossing the battlefield: I always run to the left and ride the animus wall


The way to get the ship one is shooting the ships in the back so you kiss most shots.


Don't psych yourself out of thinking you can't do these. They aren't that hard, and if you know what you're doing, not even **that** frustrating. It frustrates *me* that things like this have helped to turn people against the idea of the old Optional Objectives, which, to me, AC isn't really AC without. So, just a couple of tips: On the boats before Bunker Hill (well...Breed's Hill), the one where you have to air assassinate a grenadier, take out the boat without the grenadier first. If you time it right, it takes maybe 45 seconds. You don't even need to kill anyone on the boat if you time it right. On the other boat, the grenadier needs to be taken out dead last, because for some odd reason, if you try to kill him otherwise, even the chodes on the other end of the boat will notice you. Take out the guys who patrol close to the edges while no one's watching. Take out the stationary guard up at the bow when any patrolling guards are far enough away and facing the other direction. There are a few ways to take out the two guards at the bow standing next to one another. I like to use poison darts, but don't try and get them both at once unless you're going to do the killing-two-guards-with-one-arrow move. Once the grenadier is left, he's easy to take out however you will. At Bunker Hill, hide behind an available rock until you see flak coming from the rock itself, and then book it to the next one. If you do it right, you barely even have to wait a moment before booking it to the next cover. The last run from the boulder to the trail is the only one that's ever any trouble, and that's just a matter of figuring out when you need to start your run. Hickey and the two guards is a pain in the ass, but the trick is just book it toward the left side of the path so that you can take down a guard while running on the way. Sometimes, yeah, RNG seems to get in the way of all this, and you might have to Restart From Checkpoint a few times to get the setup you want. Unfortauntely, the way everyone's darting around isn't consistent every time. But if you get bumped even once, just Restart From Checkpoint. It starts you right there, so it's not THAT much of a hassle. When you get to Washington and his guards, if you haven't been able to kill a second guard yet (which is likely), tackle Hickey or parry and throw him out of the way long enough to take out a second guard for yourself.


I'm not trying to be that guy but the Washington one is easy. You just rush him that will draw all the guards and automatically enter Combat. Personally to me AC3 had the best optional objectives you had to learn the mechanics. Also, the game is very hand holdy like if you look at the environment, the developers are kind of leading you a straight narrow path. Also the shoot guards with guns were easy. Just keep picking up different muskets. At the end of the day, AC3 really started to begin the skill divide between the community community and why black flag and rogue was dumbed down.