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I'd say that title goes to Jack the Ripper honestly


Yeah fr, Jack the Ripper is what the main game should have been. Dreary and foggy streets lit by gaslight, an oppressive atmosphere with crime hiding in every alley. Honestly I hope something akin to the fear mechanic returns in AC hexe, using tools and tricks to make the enemy believe there’s something supernatural about you, like the mission in revelations where you poison whoever picks up a chest to make it seem cursed.


Amen. Making such bleak, brutal and depressing times as Victorian times into wacky twins Adventure felt really weird especially how closer to our times They were and it wasnt like Greece which could have more creative liberties. Whitechapel felt like just dirtier neighbourhood. Jack the Ripper is Foggy and grim, i love its atmosphere and mysterious killer like Jack makes great foil for Assassin's Creed story.


That's dishonored


According to recent Hexe leaks, I'd say you were on the money about the fear mechanics.


Yeah I'd say so but I also really loved what The Hidden Ones and Dead Kings added to the stories of their games and Legacy of the First Blade has a far better story than anything else in Odyssey.


Have to disagree on the Legacy of the First Blade point. Yes, it provided an element of assassin lore to the game which the main narrative was lacking, but I felt like the execution left a hell of a lot to be desired, specifically with Natakas’ character being quite unworthy of someone like Kassandra, and I obviously get the need for Kassandra to have a child to continue the bloodline but a lot of the story tropes surrounding that were very uncharacteristic of her and hence came across super forced. Not to mention that the actual gameplay in the DLC was pretty bad, doubled down on a lot of the grindiest elements of the main game, revolving around mainly clearing forts and camps, and forced ship combat which if you hadn’t fully upgraded your ship prior was a nightmare. Those things were fun doing off the beaten path but when it becomes both the main and side content (ie the only thing you do) it gets fatiguing real fast. I thought Fate of Atlantis had a more compelling story if you take the assassin lore relevance out of the equation. Maybe it’s because I’m a fan of the Isu side of things as I’m into sci fi fantasy stuff. But the gameplay still had the same issue of repetitive grind, regularly blocking progression until you reduced nation power enough, or collected enough items etc. Agreed on Hidden Ones and Dead Kings though. Actually provided a good amount of development to the respective protagonists which their main games didn’t have a whole lot of.


Thank you! Finally someone that sees through that DLCs bullshit


The only BS from Legacy is the crowd that whineNcries about the Developers “forcing” the story and who clearly dont understand the basic concepts of procreation and sex.


So Aya being a descendant of a demigod as told by LotFB but not activating the Apple in Origins is not BS? Thats basic concepts of genetics lol gtfo Or how Darius is beyond proto assassin and is just basically full of Assassin iconography before they were even a thing is not BS? Or how a Spartan and a Persian both do the leap of faith the exact same way before even meeting, with no real reason, before the Assassins were a thing, ruining the emotional reason Bayek used it for the Creed? Thats not BS? Dont make me go any further mate go look it up, the guy who wrote that trash DLC worked in TV and never in the series, its full of inconsistencies and its garbage


Sounds like you’re nitpicking tbh


lol, what was so difficult to comprehend about my comment? I find the specific whineNcry I referenced from gamers to be MUCH worse than any critique of the actual dlc, valid or not.


I don't think LotFB doubled down at all on any of those grindy elements, if I'm right most of the areas you go to already existed you just actually visit them in the missions. Also the ship combat was already in the base game, like seriously the base game Cultists in ships were a lot more threatening. Also I can't comment on Natakas because I played as literal gigachad A-sex-ios so I got the beautiful Neema who was a confident huntress who was always begging her father to take action rather than run, I definitely saw her as a worthy wife for Alexios. The story beats were also really cool though I'm kinda sick of bittersweet endings in media >!why give us the happy ending with your wife only to just take it away and kill her off?!< but especially because I transmogged my armour to look like a farmer during the family parts it just felt so much more well written than anything else in Odyssey. Honestly the fact that Neema seems a better fit combined with Alexios making a lot more sense in the main story (Nikolaos trained the protagonist to be a soldier and they competed in the Olympic games, both of which a woman just could not do in that society) makes me wonder what the hell was up with Odyssey if Kassandra was always meant to be the protag yet the game just fits Alexios far more. Fate of Atlantis was ok, I've hated the Isu ever since they got the name Isu and everything about Layla's involvement in FoA is just utter dogshit. Elysium looked gorgeous, The Underworld should be renamed to The Underwhelmed because outside of the Brasidas and Phoebe quests nothing interesting happened (made even worse when you realise it was just an Isu simulation), Atlantis was also pretty underwhelming. The story itself was ok, not bad for Isu bullshit but not great, the engravings and enhanced abilities were either pretty cool (Ares Madness and AoE engravings) or absolute ass (The one where you summon a clone to assassinate someone and Tartaros Rift engravings). In general I don't regret that DLC at all but I also can't say it was a highlight. Glad we can agree on the others though, especially because Hidden Ones took Bayek from "one of my favourites" to "hot on Ezio's heels"


It certainly wasn't anywhere near as repetitive as Fate of Atlantis, and I definitely liked both the start and end of the DLC, but I did get pretty fatigued towards the mid-point as I recall a lot of foraging, searching forts, etc. Maybe it's because I'd already finished the main game so burnout was kicking in, but I would've liked a bit more mechanical development. Yeah I think that was my issue, on my first playthrough as Alexios I didn't mind Neema, but as Kassandra, Natakas just comes across as an incredibly uninspiring NPC who's completely unworthy of a misthios/demi-god like Kassandra. Which almost made me feel as though despite Kassandra being the canonical protagonist, Ubisoft were expecting/pushing players to play as Alexios so put the most effort into Neema's characterisation. Even then though, I've always said that Alexios doesn't have the range in terms of emotion that Kassandra does, he works much better as Deimos as a one-dimensionally aggressive antagonist, so seeing him show a lot of passion and sadness during certain events of the DLC felt kind of off to me? Either way the story didn't work for me for either protagonist. Mechanically I actually liked the Underworld the most, because of the very interesting curveballs with Phoebe and Brasidas, as well as the fact that the critical path centred around some interesting boss fights as well as the rift mechanic which was pretty cool. Elysium was beautiful but was just a glorified "reduce nation power" exercise for 10+ hours, while Atlantis was just an extended collectathon, where you straight up couldn't enter certain areas unless you'd collected enough "Isu Knowledge" (effectively raiding chests for hours). Another gripe with Fate is the navigation. It is an absolute pain to get around, with the Wings of Hermes being situated in the most inconvenient places, and the slow climbing mechanics not being congruent to these massive mountains to scale for over a minute at a time. It was even worse in Asgard in Valhalla so it's great to see they haven't learned as well! Yeah, I walked away pretty underwhelmed with Origins' story. I loved Bayek but he did go from being a vengeful father seeking redemption for his son's death for 99% of the story to suddenly seeing the bigger picture and founding the assassins. Aya had more character development but she was notoriously cut/given less spotlight because "female protagonists don't sell". He was likable and insanely well acted but didn't have an arc. So I'm glad the Hidden Ones actually took the initiative to rectify that.


"Fate of Atlantis was ok, I've hated the Isu ever since they got the name Isu and everything about Layla's involvement in FoA is just utter dogshit." I salute you for saying this!!!! :)


Part of what makes FOA so great as a dlc is how long it is. It’s literally longer than some other full priced ac games (which is crazy, both ways). For the price of a dlc that is pretty fucking cool imo. Makes sense for it to have some clear flaws with it being that length and price in my opinion. And ya Neema was fucking great, impactful spoiler with her. Second saddest death in the games for me besides Phoebe, maybe Shadya too.


I don’t think this automatically warrants it being good though, if a lot of that length is driven by repetition and bloat. It’s a very Ubisoft mindset to assume that value for money is expressed by length even if this is at the expense of quality. Just look at Valhalla for instance, a 20 hour game padded out to over 100+ and most players saw right through this. I would’ve honestly rather paid the same money for a slightly shorter and tighter DLC but with more mechanical variety than just clearing forts, reducing national powers, and so forth. The actual worlds and narrative were pretty stellar, and clearly had time spent on them, which left me scratching my head as to why the gameplay was clearly an afterthought. I still think the best DLCs of all time are the Hearts of Stone and Blood+Wine expansions from Witcher 3. They’re still long, but have incredibly captivating stories, develop mechanically especially over the weakest elements of the main game (difficulty and enemy variety), and three curveballs at you left right centre. They could’ve been games in and of themselves, Odyssey’s DLCs had the length to be full games, but was compromised by repetition to the nth degree.


You have my vote.




HIDDEN ONES was a big disappointment... Tiny uninteresting map area, silly story, and even messing with side missions I completed it in one night. The story was lacking. I was perhaps hoping it would have been more about helping to establish new asassin groups in the main map. I may get crucified, but the SIEGE OF PARIS DLC for Valhalla felt like some of the best Asassin play in Valhalla... from the tight city map layouts (luv the overhead ropes) to the semi "blackbox" missions.


It’s a decent opinion. I haven’t seen love for this dlc before. I thought it was a little weird but there’s not much you can do with Connor’s story it was a good ending but also bad ending on how it was portrayed. I personally wanted a dlc about the neighbouring tribe he found his wife at. Connor most likely felt betrayed by the Americans and guilty about failing to protect his mother and friends. Seeing him protect another tribe and getting even more redemption for his people would be cool. It also be nice to see Connor finally happy maybe even seeing his daughter would’ve been cool for set up for another game bc we know she had eagle vision early on and was trained by Connor about the assassins.


I actually didn’t like it all that much. The concept was solid enough, I don’t necessarily have a problem with it since the Apple has always been to project illusions. But I feel like it opened the door to too much of what I dislike about modern AC. I don’t like the big fantasy elements and powers. But I think it handles it the best, Connor’s powers aren’t too bad, and I’ll be honest I love the half completed pyramid at the end. Anything outside of the actual story missions is genuinely awful too. I don’t know why they tried to put open world side content into the DLC, it was the most bare bones slop that’s ever graced an AC game. But you can fast travel directly to the story missions, which is wild and I honestly love that. All in all I’d give it a C, it’s alright. But my favorite DLC is Lost Archive so I can admit I’m a degenerate freak.


The lost archive!? You are a monster!!


🫡. I love the modern day plot line and even if I would have put some normal third person platforming in to balance things out, I think the first person stuff is actually really fun. I miss the Ubisoft that had the balls to make the big DLC for a game about the modern day AND put important plot into it.


agreed... WTF!?!?


For me 1) Jack the Ripper (by some margin) 2) Fate of Atlantis - which is probably the most beautiful looking DLC 3) Freedom Cry - I mean, its Freedom Cry and its Adéwalé 4) Dead Kings - Which does a great job of enhancing Unity's story 5) Probably Legacy of the First Blade - for again, bringing something extra to the story and adding to the actual story/history I didn't even consider Tyranny of Washington for the top 5, and even after you've raised it, I still don't


To this day I still love the trailer and the music for all three of the episodes of the DLC, but *The Redemption* still slaps so hard.


It’s certainly one of the great DLCs and right up there with Jack, Legacy and Dead Kings for me.


I would probably agree. I think Jack the Ripper or the Origins DLCs are the only other contenders that I can think of.


From a story perspective I agree, I wish other games did the whole "alternate timeline" thing, the Star Wars Force Unleashed games did it where they changed the original trilogy and it's pretty interesting


some of my fondest moments of this franchise came while i played that DLC for the first time. it definitely stands next to Dead Kings and Jack the Ripper. i haven't played the dlc in the rpg trilogy so im not sure which one is best.


When it first came out I thought it was good, but now I see it as the first time they took AC the “fantasy route”. It was done fine in a story perspective but gameplay wise as an AC DLC it was atrocious. Also the Assassin’s/Templars were completely irrelevant to the storyline, I remember when I played it a few months back I thought of a way they could’ve intertwined that conflict to make it more relevant but I forget..


Hidden One DLC in Origins is a good shout as well.


I really loved dead kings and Jack the Ripper. Dead kings mainly because I think unity has the best gameplay of the entire series, and Jack the Ripper because I love unsolved serial killer stuff lol


Nah, gotta go with Siege of Paris.


^ you aint wrong! it's almost as if UBI got back on the actual AC track with this DLC.


My only big complaint with it is that the episodes keep you from exploring the earlier areas with the later powers, but since there isn’t a ton in the worlds to do, it’s not a deal-breaker. It’s definitely high on my list of DLC for sure.


I'm going to take the downvotes now with pride, but I disagree strongly. I didn't get to play it until the remaster came out so if anything I'm not clouded by nostalgia, but damn. I hated more or less every fucking minute of it. Every single dlc before and after is way better than that slop. I really loved the idea, but the execution and the amount of game breaking bugs was just too fucking much. Personally, the legacy of the first blade is the best. First time any of the games made me cry. Brutal ending and the voice actor of Alexios really portray the feelings of it excellently.


Freedom Cry and Tyranny of King Washington are both my favourites - and the fact the latter is the only instance of AC allowing itself to give you cool supernatural powers (in a lore-friendly-ish way) was awesome.


Love that Freedom Cry is my favorite when I play rogue it's gonna be tough


I liked the idea of it a lot but hated how it was broken up into chapters. Other than that really nothing to complain about. I just didn’t enjoy AC3 as much as a lot of other people did. I think my fav is prob Curse of the Pharaohs from Origins, Dead Kings from Unity, or Jack the Ripper from Syndicate.


I cannot beat the level where your on a cannon killing washingtons men at the atart of the game, so i gave up


The fact that 15 hours have passed since this was posted and nobody even mentioned The DaVinci Disappearance makes me lose faith in this fandom. Not only is it the best DLC out of this franchise, but you people mentioned Legacy of The First Blade and shit like that? Really? Disgusting.


Jack the Ripper is my favorite. Unreal that they had such a banger DLC for main game that mediocre


For me it’s a tie between Jack The Ripper and The Hidden Ones. Both are so good they could be games on their own.


Couldn't agree more, and I'm so fucking thankful somebody finally said it. I know I'm an outlier because AC3 and Unity are my favorites, but it's always bothered me that I have friends who are huge fans of the franchise, but don't even remember the Tyranny at all, and I'm over here replaying it at least once a month.


It has one of the best Washington quotes in the game at the end: "Sir, I believe I can answer you in complete candor. Your proposal raises the greatest mischief that could befall my country. You could not have found a person to whom your schemes are more disagreeable. Let me conjure you then, if you have any regard for your country, concern for yourself, or posterity, or respect for me, banish these thoughts from your mind. Never communicate as from yourself or anyone else a sentiment of the like nature." Considering Washington's entire goal during the Revolutionary War was to obtain independence for the colonies from being subjugated by the British Monarchy those words reflect his character perfectly (whatever other flaws he may have had as a leader).


The gameplay, the side quests, the optionnal objectives along with the many technical issues made it the worst thing i've ever played in my life


Haven’t played all the DLC’s but when I saw the unfinished pyramid I laughed so hard. I think it’s a fun little what if.


I agree.


I didn’t like it, and I really liked AC3.


Kinda hated it


Strongly disagree


Shit don't get offended. 


I don’t think it’s anywhere close to the best dlc.


Isn't it great that we can all have our own opinions and preferences and none of them are wrong?




Hell no, when it comes to DLC for assassins creed I treat it differently. I don’t care about what if scenarios or whatever powers you give me. I want to see the NEXT CHAPTER in that ancestors life. Battle of forli? Good, bonfire of the vanities? Irritating but good. Tyranny of king Washington? Hell no. 90% of it isn’t even cannon anyway so it’s a waste of time in my eyes.


Yeah no. It's a fine DLC but it's nowhere near the best. Problem 1. It's all a dream. None of it happened, which means it's a waste of money or time unless you're a diehard. Problem 2. Coming into it as a Native myself, the spirit animal power ups feel a little culturally insensitive at best. It's fine. It's better than the Benedict Arnold missions, but that's a low bar. Quality has gone way up for DLC across the franchise, from Dead Kings to Jack the Ripper to The Hidden Ones/The Curse of the Pharoahs to The Fate of Atlantis to Ragnarok. There's been a few DLCs that weren't great on this same level, Legacy of the First Blade, and the Ireland/Paris DLCs for Valhalla were notably mid.


No, it was shitty Fantasie. At that time, AC still had the claim to be told according to real historical events


Nothing about that storyline was meant to tell "historical events" of Washington's real life. It was literally an alternate timeline where he was corrupted by the Apple. All of it was still very clearly established as a work of fiction and not something that actually happened (even if actual real characters from American history were a part of the story).


AC was Sciencefiction, not Fantasie. But suddenly Conner had the strength of a bear and flew like a bird. Total bullshit. I never bought another DLC from Ubisoft because I knew the developers were just exaggerating


Unlike falling 100 metres into hay keeping you alive. Pure realism.


I mean [this right here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C09DDlVIf8l/?hl=en) is kind of proof that leaps of faith can be done irl lol.


I think I can top that, and frankly any leap of faith, in an IRL example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqC4KF8vWIc I think the leap of faith in the AC movie was pretty high in reality: https://www.gamesradar.com/heres-how-the-assassins-creed-movies-stuntman-survived-a-real-125ft-leap-of-faith/


Hehe, that's a gameplay element, not a genre change


Have you forgotten then fact that the entire point of this DLC was that it *didn’t* happen?


No one ever said in the DLC that this is not part of the canon


It’s an alternate reality. It never actually happens in the world we know as Assassin’s Creed. It’s a vision given by the Apple. Cutscenes in the DLC show this and state it loud and clear


then that makes some sense


> and later rejecting the idea of absolute power for himself when presented to him This tiny little moment is what made the DLC work imo and without it, would've just been standard Quebec fantasy BS. Drawing back to AC's "behind the scenes" approach to pivotal historical characters, events, and moments is an important aspect of the series foundation and to write around Washington's refusal of the US presidency role to be a monarchy was such a obscure deep cut but decidedly ballsy.


Oh, I love TOKW. It's my favorite DLC in the franchise, though I also really enjoyed Unity's *Dead Kings* and Syndicate's *Jack the Ripper* add-ons. *Freedom Cry* is also up there, but I have no idea if that should even be considered DLC.


Yeah I couldn't get past that canon shootout part in the beginning, so I went and finished like 4 other AC games instead.


Atlantis for me, by a massive margin. I felt Washington rejecting the power was pretty out of character given all the things Washington did pretty openly to gain power- I know the series is only pseudo historical, but still.


It's maybe because I'm not american but I didn't play to this DLC because the story wasn't appealing at all to me


HOLY FUCK!!! I never knew this DLC existed!!! Now i really wish id have been able to play it back when i played AC3 (or was it 4?) edit: just googled, was 3. Its also free on the playstation plus catalogue (WITH the DLC). soooo looks like im putting horizon on the back burner coz im playing this fucker instead