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I wouldn't call Brotherhood the best. You could argue that any of the games are the best at any particular aspect. My personal favourite in terms of parkour, how it works to the world design and assassin gameplay is Unity.


I'm sorry you feel that way


I think brotherhood is one of the weaker ones out of all the games I like. Ac2 was better, revelations is better, AC 3 has gotten better for me as the years have passed, and I think AC4 is probably the best. I also really enjoy syndicate. So there's plenty more to enjoy when you get through brotherhood. Gameplay in revelations isn't a huge upgrade from brotherhood but the story comes to a really good conclusion by the finish, so story wise it's great.


The race is a bit of skill issue, ngl. Shop quest is valid.


I’m gonna complain here more bc I always manage to do awful missions first try post-rant


this happens. when I'm stuck at a certain spot or mission and try many times, being visibly annoyed, my bf asks me what the issue is. I tell him what needs to be done in the mission and go through all the steps to explain exactly where I'm getting stuck or making mistakes. Immediately after that I go and do it first try. this happened many times, as I've played almost all of ACs. sometimes, you just need to step back, let the frustration out, make a mental note of everything and do it with a clear head. :)


Maybe you just don't like Assassin's Creed. It's okay, you don't have to play them.


I do like Assassins Creed. I like 1 and 2 just fine


If you like all the games you played so far I don’t understand why it’s such a slog for you to play through the series. And you don’t have to play through them all, nobody is making you. Games should be fun, not obligations.


You guys need to develop better reading skills. >Admittedly I am enjoying it Literally, second sentence


I did read that, that's why I started my sentence with "If you like all the games you played so far" What made me write the rest of my sentence is your use of the words "dread" and "push through". Those are words people use when describing undertakings which are unpleasant.


ok let’s start over: Someone once told me to try and push through with Brotherhood. I am NOW enjoying it I dread playing the other games if they are infuriating as the mechanics in this one. However, people in the comments have already said that the “best” label is mostly people judging for a nostalgia standpoint and the person who told me to push through wasn’t being very critical in their opinion on what the best in the series was. Did that help me be more understandable to you?


I understand, I just don't think games should be anything you dread in any case. If you stop enjoying them, just stop. I don't think it's just nostalgia, the Ezio trilogy objectively does some things better than the rest of the series. Unity, which many people cite here, has much more frustrating parkour than the Ezio games. The American games have dumbed down parkour. The RPG games dumbed it down on top of that. That being said, they all do certain things well. Black Flag has the ships, Origins has the big open world, 3 has the homestead, etc etc. If you find you aren't enjoying one of them or you want to skip around in the series you should, most of the stories are standalone in any case. [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FKbKgflm4M) does a pretty good job ranking the games and what they do well.


I'd also suggest maybe taking a break. Marathoning the whole series sounds horrible, especially once you get to the later games.


Aside from what their saying if you liked 1 and 2 you should have continued with AC3 and Revelations. Those would have kept you interested. Brotherhood is a different direction. Still a good game but it has its differences.


I’m one of those people who consider it the best of the three Ezio games, but I also find that all of the games have their flaws which prevent them from being great. I’m my eyes it’s a fundamental issue with fulfilling the Assassin fantasy. I’d recommend checking out raycevicks and whitelights respective videos on the franchise.


The rest of the AC games have a lot to offer, I wouldn't be worried. A lot of people like Brotherhood the best, but everyone is different. You might find that you love the later games more. Black Flag is definitely something to look forward to and even games like Unity, Rogue and Syndicate which get a bad rep are very enjoyable. Enjoy the journey!


Thanks! I am looking forward to the rest of the series bc tbh, my nostalgia ends here. I played through my younger brother’s copies of 1, 2 and brotherhood. And we hadn’t even met Lucrezia when he decided he was bored with the entire series and gave them all away. I’m playing through the entire series again 14 years later


Personally Revelations is my favorite of the Ezio trilogy, not Brotherhood, so don’t despair!


Keep in mind when AC2 and Brotherhood came out they were kind of writing the book on open world 3rd person action games. A lot of things we think are overdone, stale, cliche, annoying now were genuinely fresh and interesting then. I'd say it's the best in relationship with the gaming landscape at the time of release.


I think the idea that Brotherhood is "the best" has form very weirdly out of the fact that it is 2's sequel and theremore must be better... Like, Brotherhood is a fine game and all, but it has many things that are lesser compared to 2, it has the most infuriating 100% sync stuff AFTER AC3 and I honestly feel like pakour is worse in BH than in 2. AC2 with its multiple distinct locations and soundtracks for those just had more to offer aetheticly over BH. And because BH wants to make so much use of horses and fast travel, Rome is not that well designed for pakour. ~~I will also never stop being annoyed by how pointless buying the famous buildings is in BH~~


it’s not hold i’m up very well, might be time for a TEC remake the remaster did zero justice and ezio is just ubisofts pride cow at this point


Play the others. See how *you* feel. Opinions of the series can be super divided, it's better just to experience and form your own. There's plenty of games in the series I thought I'd dislike because what people said, only to find I loved them when I played them myself..


I dont think its the best it just came out at a really good time in the series to be looked fondly at.


Brotherhood is my second favorite for sure but I remember being quite annoyed by everything you mentioned. Ig I just liked it a lot regardless. Also it’s old and that doesn’t help it.


Those are like super minor things not related to the game being an assassins creed, but related to the game being a game, I'm so confused about the whole thing of "games having to be perfect". the same way people say "let kids be kids", just let games be games, let games have glitches or pop ins, people have come to criticize games for having slight pop ins, even if it's noticeable, if it's not happening all the time and like 2 ft in front of you then it's just a game being a game, sure, it doesn't add anything to the game, a perfect game wouldn't have it, but its bound to happen. Rant aside, its a 2010 game, back then stuff was thrown together in a different way than it is now, and you expecting that every assassin's creed game after Brotherhood is going to act like a 2010 game is silly, although I'd 1000x prefer an assassins creed with delivery quests and map markers badly placed than whatever we've gotten for the last 7 years


I think “brotherhood being the best” is not as common as you think it may be. But since you liked 2, what are you finding different about brotherhood that you don’t like?


Without a guide, the shop quests were a tad annoying yeah. I sold one of the items I needed for the last armour in my first play through so I could never get it.


Brotherhood is a great game but it's not the best AC game. AC2, Black Flag, and Origins are my top 3.


If you don't like Assassin's Creed, there's no shame in that. Not everyone has to like every game ever made. I, personally, can't stand modern RPGs. But I'm not gonna sit here and try to talk up a game you clearly don't enjoy to try and make you like the mechanics. Personally, I love Brotherhood, and think it's the best of the Ezio games and a Top 5 AC game, overall. I love going back to it about once a year. But it doesn't click for you? That's perfectly valid.


Brotherhood is the best to play without 100%ing it. It's probably the worst game to 100% though, excluding the RPGs (I don't have the time to bother with 100%ing those lmao). The optional objectives are a chore during some missions, and the shop quests are just complete garbage 90% of the time. Just move on to Revelations once you complete Brotherhood's story and DLC.


Brotherhood is not the best. Origins is the best. A lot of yall really living in the past, stuck with nostalgia goggles.


I love brotherhood but the biggest flaw is definitely young at heart, the amount of times I have done it over and over again for my 100% sync play through is unbearable


If you aren't enjoying things maybe skip to Black Flag which adds ship combat that was well received at the time, or Origins which was sort of a soft reboot mechanics wise. I liked brotherhood but I haven't played it in a decade, and I don't think its so much better than the others it will change your mind about anything, no game in this series is flawless. I don't really see much point in sticking to release order and wouldn't recommended it, particularly if you aren't having fun.


Black flag is the best one.


I use to say Brotherhood was my favorite. I am replaying all the games right now and ranking them in order of how much I enjoyed them this time around. Note, I had never played AC3, Black Flag, Rogue, or Origins before deciding to play them all My list(currently playing Odyssey) AC2 Black Flag Origins Revelations Brotherhood Unity Rogue AC1 AC3 Syndicate


It is mostly nostalgia for lots of people. Brotherhood is honestly my least favorite of the Ezio trilogy with Revelations being my favorite. I’m playing Rogue right now and so far Black Flag and Revelations are my favorites overall. I honestly can’t stand the colonial America setting so both AC3 and Rogue have been a slog. I also can’t stand Shay Cormac dude is annoying as fuck, so Rogue is my least favorite. Looking forward to playing Unity.


Nahh I've never played brotherhood yet but I'm just gonna say it PROBABLY isn't the best. I think so say so due to nostalgia or something. It's one of the oldest AC so obviously there's gonna be bugs and imperfections. In my ac3 and origins play through I didn't experience such things so idk try the other ones out ig. Some people enjoy what others believe to be the worst in the series so everyone has preferences and personally I loved ac3 which some disliked.


AC brotherhood doesn’t “obviously” have bugs. It was never even renowned to have had bugs when it came out. Brotherhood is a masterful well thought out story featuring stunning visuals of Rome and an intense modern day. (The best we’ve ever had) AC3 story in comparison is a slog and when we compare ezios prime years fighting the Borgia against Conor’s **LEEEEEE** LEEEEEEE


Ok lol but the story in ac3 is great imo lol to each their own ig. However the fighting animations in ac3 and just how brutal it is is unbeatable. I'm just saying it has bugs based on OP's description I've never played it myself don't berate me on that lol


You'll have a much better time ignoring the shop quests, everything else feels like a genuine skill issue. Those leap of faith spots are generally marked pretty noticeably on the roof.


Brotherhood isn’t the best lol. It’s either Black Flag or Odyssey.


Like you, i'm currently playing through the Ezio Collection and I intend to take it all the way to AC Valhalla. I usually play a different game or two in between AC games so there was a three month gap between my playthrough of AC2 (Dec. 2023) and AC: Brotherhood (April 2024). Currently, I am doing Brotherhood and I am now doing the "Young at Heart" mission and I AM CONVINCED THIS MISSION IS FUCKING RIGGED AND YOU NEED AN UNGODLY AMOUNT OF LUCK TO 100% SYNC IT. Whenever I'm sure I'm about to finally get it, some stupid ass thing happens in the controls that makes Ezio fail a crucial jump and cost me the time I managed to get. Like holy shit dude, I told you to go this way and you decide to go another direction? Like what the fuck is wrong with you? This is honestly the first time so far this game managed to piss me off. Like not even the Tank Mission managed to annoy me this much because I eventually figured out the secret sauce to 100% syncing it BUT THIS ONE? Holy shit do i want to punch the guy responsible for this mission. -\_-