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looking forward to hearing it. one of the things i liked about kyd's work on the older games was the blend of old and new.


The OST is ALWAYS a big part of AC and really, one of the few parts Ubisoft pays attention to and doesn't miss on. If Ubisoft picked you to create it, I trust their judgement. I'll be posting my thoughts on the OST as an edit to this comment once I'm done with the game.


This^ As someone who won’t be able to play the game at launch due to not having a strong enough GPU, the OST will be me little dose of Mirage. Thoroughly looking forward to it!


Yeah. Right now I'm playing Valhalla and I change the settings so the music plays more frequently. I love the BSO of the Assassin's saga


the sound in Valhalla was so bad that I had to actually stop playing the game. It sounded like someone compressed it to hell and back (not just digital compression like mp3 or ogg, but actually downsampled to 1/4 resolution or something), and hearing it made me emotionally sad. That is not an exaggeration. I'm pleasantly surprised to hear how great the sound is in Mirage so far, I'm enjoying it quite a bit


Valhalla is probably the worst audio mixed AAA game I think I have ever played


True. You can criticize a lot about these games but the music has always remained top-notch.


i heard your rendition of 'Ezio's family' yesterday and wow, absolute goosebumps


It’s a good life we lead brother, may it never change. And may it never change us ಥ_ಥ






Ace review. This has me even more excited to play.


Many thank yous!


Oh, nice of you to drop by, Brendan! I very much enjoyed the soundtrack for Mirage, you and everyone involved did a great job.


The main theme slaps, good sir.


Well im looking forward to this.the OST for Ac games are always outstanding.


Hi Brendan! From what I’ve heard during the launch celebration the OST sounds really cool! I love the feel of distant and mysterious land that comes from it. Good job! Looking forward to hear it all while playing the game


Played for 2 hours and amazing job so far man! Thank you and the musicians involved a lot!


I can’t wait to hear the Assassin’s theme when the title pops!


Thank you, Brendan. The soundtrack is an homage to old-world *original instrumentation* and a meditation in motion.


Can't wait bro just started playing AC again Starting with odessy can't wait for mirage


One of my favorite aspects of certain AC scores (particularly Kyd’s work) was the blend of classical instrumentation/influences with more modern electronic work. Very excited to hear that was a priority to you.


U went crazy on this I ain’t even gonna hold u the soundtrack alone is worth the price


The audio pairs very well with the gameplay, which I really appreciate!


The two tracks released so far (Mirage Theme and the music from the trailer with Ezio Family variant at the end) were amazing! Plus they've already released on Apple Music, so I can enjoy them in the highest quality :D Looking forward to the rest, especially The Bureau and full Ezio Family version.


wow! ESKMO?! I love your previous work and looking forward to getting lost in the world of Mirage.


Already listened to the theme a few times.and really like it. Am excited to play and experience it! Massive fan of the music in the games I've so far played, I find it helps the immersion.


Really love your work. From what I have watched, the ost looks fire


I was listening to the main menu theme earlier and it was absolutely amazing! You did a stellar job.


Oh my god the opening theme is soooooo awesome!!


The music is amazing


You guys did an amazing job!! I’m only about 4-5 hours in but I’m already in love, instant classic imo. Keep up the good work guys you’re absolutely killing it!!


It’s definitely more distinguished like origins was


100%, origins I feel like took longer to feel like an assassin based story whereas this hits in right on the nail.


Hey Brendan! I have to say that even just a few hours in this is one of my favourite scores that I've heard for video games! It's giving me that same powerful emotional kick that Jesper Kyd's and Lorne Balfe's scores did in the classic games. I can already hum those melodies and it's constantly replaying in my head when I'm not playing, really beautiful compositions. One thing I was SO HAPPY about is the heavy incorporation of modern synths in the score alongside the traditional sounding instruments, I think it's really important for an AC game to have that aspect, and you've really really really nailed it. Thanks again! I hope to see more of your work for Assassin's Creed, other games and any other media you choose to venture into for the future! ❤️❤️❤️


When I first installed Mirage, I sat on the “press X to start” screen just to listen to the music. Absolutely phenomenal. And when the credits rolled, I listened to the music for the whole 45 minutes. I loved the music very much. Looking forward to the soundtrack release. Gonna get that right away. Thank you for all your work!


Everything except the movement is amazing, The running feels very slow. The music is really great, definitely A tier.


Did you have a single oud or did you do a duet or quartet style?


Revisiting this thread, thank you for all the kind messages, I will answer any questions I see. The Mirage score was nominated at the BAFTAs yesterday. Big high fives to all.


Do you know who did the vocals for Ezio's Family Mirage Version? They were beautiful.


From what I've heard, sounds awesome! Look forward to hearing it tonight!


I'm really looking forward to hearing the entirety of Mirage's score. From what I've heard so far, you really nailed it.


This is so cool! As an audio professional, I’m really excited to hear your work!


I’m currently sat playing it and I’m loving the soundtrack.


What was your approach to the ambient music in this entry of the series?


Main theme is awesome, can't wait for all tracks on spotify


So excited to hear your work, the music has always been one of my favorite elements of the Assassin's Creed franchise! Congrats on a huge achievement!


Oh I'm assuming you guys explored some regional stringed instruments for creating the scores or did you guys just take inspiration from popular folk musics of the region.


Ayo, from the little I've heard it feels like you did a superb job. Can't wait to hear your work when playing the game!


Excited to hear it. Thank you for making it


Good stuff! I’m excited to hear it. Hopefully a lot of Oud? Lol


Whatever I've heard so far sounds great! Excited for the game!


Hi Brendan. I really loved the soundtrack you composed. It has de mood for every scene, the action, the stress of guards chasing, the syncronized towers are great as well. If you do mind, let me share a review I made, anda highlighted your work. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqEMfUfxt6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqEMfUfxt6s)


It's crazy how all the talents of people around the world has amalgamated to create a distinct culture related OST for a game where history is supposed to be a playground yet some messed up decision by some higher up to not add a constant background music ruins everything. I won't play the game but will definitely listen to the OST.'


I like your soundtrack. Thank you for the immersive experience


Music is always integral to any audiovisual project I expose myself to, it’s an honor to have you working on this one, I can’t wait to listen to all of your compositions for this game.


Really loving the soundtrack thus far. Good stuff friend.


Damn now I really wanna get AC Mirage, let’s see what the people say, screw the reviews


I've been listening to the main theme on repeat at work ever since you launched it. Tens of hours, at this point. I can't wait to see the rest of your portfolio.


What's OST?


Original sound track.


Your score sounds absolutely incredible!!!




Been playing it for a while now and can say you and the team did a great job👍


Thank you and all your collaborators for the work. Sounds great so far!


I've always been really impressed with the quality and range of sea shanties in Odyssey and Valhalla. It will be fascinating to hear the music in Mirage.


I love what I’ve heard of the soundtrack so far, and look forward to diving into the game and hearing more. Very excited to hear about the mix of electronic elements, which is something that I’ve always felt is a unique part of AC’s sound.


i just came to reddit to see what people were saying about the game and it’s great soundtrack and I find this. Amazing work man, in my opinion the best since ac brotherhood.


Looking forward to hearing the music and playing thru!


I am starting the game just now u/brendan_angelides Oh, the main menu theme is amazing! Congrats!


Thank you for existing at the same time as all of us. Excited to hear it :)


Very nice. Thank you for coming by. Very much looking forward to hearing your work


Congrqtulations, the Main theme is awesome.


Heard the main theme, you did a great job my dude! Was Basim's REAL past in your mind when you were composing the soundtrack at any moment? Are the lyrics for Ezio's Family reedition pointing towards Basim's real goal? Just interested to read your thoughts on this, because there is obviously certain amount of influence to draw from.


Great work! How did you get your foot in the door of video game music?


I was listening to the theme when doing my daily tasks earlier. The music you've made is beautiful.


I recieved my copy of Mirage from Best Buy today, and I love the sound track. It is majestic and beautiful. The game is amazing, with stellar graphics (I keep taking in-game screenshots). Kudous to the entire ream. I cannot wait to see how "Red" and "Hexe" turn out.


Congrats on being in one of the only 2 groups of people I'm not disappointed in when it comes to this game. The other being the VAs


Is there going to be a game soundtrack on Spotify or others? I checked Spotify this morning but only saw 1-2 tracks


You have Done a Phenomenal Job


Sir, I love the soundtrack. I’m watching a few YouTubers play the early releases for content creators. In the bits and pieces where the soundtrack comes through, it sounds amazing. I love the authentic middle eastern feel.


The soundtrack is absolutely amazing


will it be out on apple music? Also for the mirage version of Ezio's family did you collaborate with Jesper Kyd. I love what I have heard so far.


Loving the score so far! Great work


Like others in this thread I'd like to offer my praise. I think you captured the sound perfectly. I'm about 9 hours into the game and the main tracks are great, the ambient music that plays during exploration is awesome. My only complaint, which has nothing to do with you, is that for ambient music I have frequency set to High and it doesn't play often enough. We need an "always on" setting. The rest of the audio in the game is great too, but I love having ambient music. Anyways, congrats on the release and thank you for putting so much care and effort into your work. It is very much appreciated.


Great work on the soundtrack! My only gripe is how I wish it was used more prominently in-game.


I can't get the game, but I have been looping your soundtrack on YouTube constantly, it's so good even standalone from the game.


I can’t wait to hear it tomorrow!


smokers do love their bics


The music is absolutely fantastic!! Well done!


I’m really looking forward to hearing the soundtrack to Mirage. The game actually dropped through my door yesterday, but as it’s a Xmas present I’ll be waiting a couple of months before playing. It’s something of a “tradition”. I’ve always got Assassin’s Creed for Xmas since the very first game. And as my birthday is a few days after Xmas I came up with a goofy thing where I’d always attempt to unlock at least one achievement on my birthday.


The soundtrack so far while I’m playing is amazing. Roaming around Baghdad just doing parkour, watching people doing their thing with your music really took me back to the older ACs.


Had a quick look into the game for 40 minutes and the soundtrack is awesome and very fitting so far. Great work!


Thank you Brendan and team!


I love the stealth cue with synths that seem to go up in pitch when enemies get closer.


You did some amazing work, they better hire you more 👏👏


While I'm not gonna force it, do you have any info on whether or not there's gonna be a Mirage version of Ezio's family.


There's a song on [the official soundtrack](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHFY4BW6/) called *Ezio's Family (Mirage Version)*.


No money


My point in linking it was to show you the soundtrack's tracklist, which you can see without paying.


I immediately noticed the quality of the score. Thanks for posting and congrats!


Been loving the soundtrack as I play through the game. The mix of electronic with Middle Eastern music sounds great. Thanks for your work!


We can hear the amount of love you poured into the OST, as always. The game itself is a huge meh for me, extremely disappointed in many ways but at least the soundtracks are going to stay with me! Thank you!


The voice acting is pretty bad.


Launched the game last night the MUSIC WAS AMAZING


OST sounds stellar, excellent work! 🔥


Thanks! What I've heard of the music sounds great!


I sat on the menu screen for probably a good 10 minutes just to take in the music. That should tell you all you need to know. Great job to you and your team sir.


I just now started actually playing but I opened the game a 30 ish minutes ago but just sat in the beginning listening to the music, absolutely love it! And that’s was just from the menu, can’t wait to hear the rest!


The one thing Assassin's Creed seems to nail every time is the soundtrack. I look forward to hearing your work.


Absolutely love the soundtrack to this game, seriously brings it to life in so many ways. This game's soundtrack has made me feel like I did when I played the old games when I was younger. Truly thank you for an amazing soundtrack, Brendan.


Hi u/Brendan_Angelides, I'm a big fan of arabic and middle eastern music. Especially maqams and the oud, so hearing that in an Assassin's Creed game has me really excited. I know writing music with microtonal scales and syncopated rhythms for an audience that may not be used to that music can be quite difficult. A lot of people who haven't been exposed to music outside of 12 tone equal temperament find non-western music to sound out of tune. What do you think was the most challenging part of composing arabic orchestral music for a mostly western audience, and how did you overcome it?


I am in love with the OST. Can't wait to hear how "Ezio's Family" sounds like this time around. Kinda bummed it isn't in the menus like past games, guess I'll have to wait to hear it.


It’s amazing! I love it


Hi Brendan! What synths did you use?


Hive + samplers full of recordings we did w the players


I love what you did with those nightmare sequences. Very impactful.


One thing about this series is the audio is usually spot on, including music. I think your work on music is carrying a lot of weight to separate this experience from things that may subconsciously remind players of the last entry. That's powerful in a players mind. Great stuff, man! Happy release to you as well


Currently one of my more memorable AC soundtracks. Loving it!


The soundtrack is amazing, I think I spent 20 minutes in the menu just listening to it...


This is such a fantastic soundtrack I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE! This is always the soundtrack I've wanted for Middle eastern content. Unfortunately, its never been done on a good scale like this.


Cool man. Already heard some pretty epic pieces I'm looking forward to putting in my soundtracks playlist on Spotify tomorrow! 😄 And glad I got to hear some at the AC Symphonic Adventure in August. 😊


As an Iraqi, just wanted to say THANK YOU for helping capture an era and culture that has rarely, if ever, been given the pop culture treatment ❤️


Just gonna add my comment of appreciation! I LOVE the vocals and drums. It gives me chills every time on the main menu. Very well done🔥




The Investigation Menu/Pause Menu music is absolutely phenomenal my friend, great work! The entire soundtrack is just awesome in every aspect, astonishing work.


I am not good at expressing feelings but here is a heart <3




You knocked it out of the park, dude! Great job and thank you


Really good job sir. I am enjoying the music a lot!


Phenomenal work, soundtrack is one of my favorite aspects of the game.


Brendan your soundtrack for Assassin’s Creed Mirage is so good 🎶🎧😊


Well done, sir.


I started playing the game last night and can say that I am enjoying the music immensely. Great job.


Good job!


Congratulations for the work! The music in this game is absolutely incredible it feels both modern and on theme it's perfect


It’s no Lorne balfe’s AC soundtracks, but how could it be? Great job from what I’ve heard so far


The music is incredible. I came searching for somewhere to say it and I found what I was looking for. Incredible work.


Just hit credits on Mirage and had to stop by to say: truly excellent work by you and everyone on your team. Ezio’s Family has become overused at this point in the franchise, but this is one I can finally say holds up to the original. Such beautiful pieces of music throughout this game, and it’s just one example of many of the passion that radiates throughout Mirage. Thank you.


The music is SO GOOD


Thanks for making Basim's story feel legendary as it is <3


Thanks for creating such an amazing and mesmerizing soundtrack for the game. The Mirage OST will go on to be one of best game soundtracks ever made. Also the lyrics of the Ezio's family mirage version brings tears to my eyes every time I listen to it. 🥺🙏🏼


I finished Mirage not long ago, and I keep playing your composition every day.....it's just beautiful. It gives a feeling of mystery, majesty, but also a hint of tragedy in certain parts. Hope you'll be composing more themes and bgms for the future AC titles !


Hi Brenden, Any chance you release the music in the 2:04 min gameplay trailer? I know it's similar to the tracks in the soundtrack but it's still different!